Weight Loss 2009

Hi folks... we just got back yesterday afternoon from WDW. Had a blast I would deffinatly recommend Animal Kingdom Lodge. The weather was great but it rained the day we left for home so perfect timing. while I was away I blew my diet all to heck..sad2: so much in fact I am affraid to stand on the scale to see just how far off the wagon I fell. I'm serious I just don't want to be let down right now so will not get on it for now. I will take some time to get my eating back in order maybe a week and hope by then I will stand on the thing. I tried to keep my morning walk going and realy loved the walk around Downtown Disney from SSR it was very warm and loved every step. We stayed for the first 4 days at SSR and then the last 4 at AKL.
I suppose I can only blame myself and the meal plan Disney offers :guilty:. The food was first class and I could not resist the dinner menu's. Anyways hope to get back on track real soon and start making some dates to set some benchmark losses. first date I suppose will be the holiday weekend in May I hope to loose 10 pounds so should start right away. Then maybe July 01st kick off to summer hopefully another 5 pounds by then. and then another 10 to 15 by my 43rd Bday in middle of August. Anyways just had to vent my dissapointment and will try to keep going. I guess its a life changing decission I have to make to meet my goal of better weight management and health. just before leaving on vacation a co worker was at the "Y" and collapsed in the middle of the floor, an off duty paramedic was there and started CPR right away and had to use the defibulators they had there to re start his heart. It worked and he later found out a tripple by pass was needed. he was only 44 yrs with two young children and was he ever lucky. So if that is not a wake up call for all of us I don't know what is. Thks for listening everyone and great work on your losses. You all are helping me right now with this thank alot. :)
pkitty..... Welcome back. The main thing is that you had a great trip.:cool1: I am leaving tomorrow for WDW and I am worried that I will do the same thing to myself. As of yesterday I am down 11 lbs:banana:
Crazy about your co-worker. Hope he does well with his surgery:flower3:
I thought I'd come on here & see how everyone is doing. It's been awhile since I've been on here as I am pregnant. So I guess I will not continue to lose weight w/ you ladies.
I'm glad to see everyone is doing so well. What is everyones running totals now?
Hi Everyone!! I know that I's been awhile since I've been on here. Have been very busy, and as a result the diet went sideways on me. Made the decision a couple of weeks ago to get very serious about the weightloss, as I want to lose the weight and get it over with, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I've lost a total of 14 lbs since Jan (lost 16lbs in Jan, but gained 12 of it back on our trip to the mouse:mad::mad:). Am finally on track to lose the remainder of the weight, despite going out to dinner the next 3 days (intending on being very careful about my calorie intake). Have a great day everyone!

Well I have read every post in this thread.
I would love to join in.
My name is Katherine, I have been a WW for 8 years -2 years
I am a slow loser. It took me 3 1/2years to lose 50lbs.
Then I got pregnant, gained 60.
Since DS was born I have only lost 30lbs.
I just can't seem to get back on the program fully.
I have 30lbs. to lose, would love to lose 40.
Disneymama that cleanse thing sounds horrible,sorry.
I like my food and like it to taste good. I couldn't do that.
All the power to you though.:thumbsup2
Weight loss is not a diet it is a lifestyle change otherwise you just gain it all back, or at least that is what I have been taught.
I wanted to speed up my weight loss, as we are going to WDW and a cruise in May.
Last year my mom went on this cleansing weight loss program.
She lost 60 lbs. and cut her insuln in half as she is a diabetic.
She now follows their maintenance program and has kept the weight off.
So since I had not lost anything since Jan nor gained anything I decide I would try this program.
I am still attending my WW on Wednesdays.
In the first 5 days I lost 1.6lbs.:yay:
Here's hoping for more next week.:)
Welcome Katscradle:goodvibes

I completely agree that weight loss is not a diet but a life style change.
I realize that my cleanse seems very drastic but trust me when I tell you and everyone that I have been eating some of the best tasting food. Things that I would have never bought or done has made a wonderful change in our kitchen. Plus we can eat as much as we want. My husband and I are past the eight weeks and done the cleanse but both have decided to keep to it on the most part. We still start our day off with the lemon water and fresh veggie juice. Still keeping to the no sugar and many of the other rules. I have had some off days but have still managed to loose 11lbs, while my DH who has stuck to it and got back into running has lost almost 30lbs, and he feels great. Now that our crazy snow and ice is off the roads I can get back into power walking.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do. Loosing weight is not an easy thing.:wave:
Welcome Katscradle:goodvibes

I completely agree that weight loss is not a diet but a life style change.
I realize that my cleanse seems very drastic but trust me when I tell you and everyone that I have been eating some of the best tasting food. Things that I would have never bought or done has made a wonderful change in our kitchen. Plus we can eat as much as we want. My husband and I are past the eight weeks and done the cleanse but both have decided to keep to it on the most part. We still start our day off with the lemon water and fresh veggie juice. Still keeping to the no sugar and many of the other rules. I have had some off days but have still managed to loose 11lbs, while my DH who has stuck to it and got back into running has lost almost 30lbs, and he feels great. Now that our crazy snow and ice is off the roads I can get back into power walking.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do. Loosing weight is not an easy thing.:wave:

Thanks, you and I have something else in common power walking is something I loved to do when I was in better shape. When the weather gets a little nicer I will be starting that as well. The weight loss plan I have decided to join and do is the same one my mother was successful at.
It's called Isagenix and is a total body cleanse.
Good morning all! I thought I would put in an appearance on this thread after being MIA for a long while! We went to WDW over the March break and I was actually quite pleased at the variety of choices in the park. I was able to eat relatively healthily and of course did oodles of walking! I am down a total of 12 lbs since getting serious about my weight loss in mid-Feb or so. SLowly but surely wins the race! My brother passed away in January at age 50 of a heart attack so now I am more determined than ever to GET HEALTHY!!
I thought I'd come on here & see how everyone is doing. It's been awhile since I've been on here as I am pregnant. So I guess I will not continue to lose weight w/ you ladies.
I'm glad to see everyone is doing so well. What is everyones running totals now?

:flower3:Candielips, CONGRATS!!! :dance3:That is so exciting!!!!

I'm catching up on posts - we had so much fun at WDW and now it's to back to real life. :rotfl2:

Back to WW this week & I'll report back after WI, might be up a bit :rolleyes:
even after all the walking!! :rotfl:
Congratulations, Candielips!!!! How exciting for you and your family!!!!

I'm still plodding along at weight watchers but have hit one of the dreaded plateaus ... down 18.6 lbs since starting in January, but no real change for the month of March. :mad:

After Easter this weekend, I'm going back to my Week 1 book and will try to re-start and be very strict about eating only my basic points without dipping into the 35 "bonus" points to see if I can break through this.

Good luck to everyone trying hard! Hopefully the good weather will be more condusive to exercising ...

Congratulations, Candielips!!!! How exciting for you and your family!!!!

I'm still plodding along at weight watchers but have hit one of the dreaded plateaus ... down 18.6 lbs since starting in January, but no real change for the month of March. :mad:

After Easter this weekend, I'm going back to my Week 1 book and will try to re-start and be very strict about eating only my basic points without dipping into the 35 "bonus" points to see if I can break through this.

Good luck to everyone trying hard! Hopefully the good weather will be more condusive to exercising ...


Hey I totally understand your plateau as I have been a WW for quite a few years. I have been at one of those plateaus for most of this year.
So almost 2 weeks ago I started a total body cleanse called Isagenix.
Well it's working lost 1.6lbs. in the first 5 days, weighed in this week and I lost another 3.2 lbs. I am just so happy about this. I feel great! I am using both WW and isagenix together as they are both about a lifestyle change.
I'm still plodding along at weight watchers but have hit one of the dreaded plateaus ... down 18.6 lbs since starting in January, but no real change for the month of March.
That is a lot of weight to lose since Jan, great job! thanks guys it's going to be so crazy going to WDW 30 wks pregnant, but we'll manage. Lots of ice cream for the mama.

I officially put my WW on hold so once the baby comes back I go to WW. I lost a lot of weight w/ their nursing mothers program, so I'm hoping I can do as well this time too.
Well today is my weigh in day. :thumbsup2
I tried to be good this week what with easter and all the chocolate.
I did have some chocolate.
Went to the gym 4 times this week.
Burned a total of 3570 calories.
So hopefully that will show when I get on the scales.
Wish me luck!
I will post when I get home tonight and let everyone know how I did. :thumbsup2
Well today is my weigh in day. :thumbsup2
I tried to be good this week what with easter and all the chocolate.
I did have some chocolate.
Went to the gym 4 times this week.
Burned a total of 3570 calories.
So hopefully that will show when I get on the scales.
Wish me luck!
I will post when I get home tonight and let everyone know how I did. :thumbsup2

Previously posted: Good luck!!

How did it go?

As for me, heading back to WW for WI next week as I didn't go THIS week can you say avoidance!.. haven't been since our trip :rolleyes:so we'll see :rotfl2:
Previously posted: Good luck!!

How did it go?

As for me, heading back to WW for WI next week as I didn't go THIS week can you say avoidance!.. haven't been since our trip :rolleyes:so we'll see :rotfl2:

Well it went great.
Lost another pound and a half this week. :yay:
Did my measurements on Friday.
In three weeks I have lost a total of 21 inches off my body and 3 inches off my waist. :yay::woohoo:
Avoidance will get you no where, young lady. :rotfl2:
Get back on track. :thumbsup2
My next weigh in is Wednesday. Will let you know how I do. :)
Well I had a junk food and take out restaurant weekend. Was a chaperon for my DD cheer team. Ate crap all weekend. I have gained 3lbs:headache:back.....Well I'm back on the wagon today.:thumbsup2
I want to lose 50 pounds by December! Prbably isn't going to happen but, I really want try....

I have just started the Basic Fat Burning /Detoux Soup diet from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital. It is used in their Cardiac Care Unit for overweight heart patients to lose weight before surgery.

The first week it claims you can lose anywhere from 10-17 pounds.

Has anyone tried this seven day diet plan? Wish me well!


I want to lose 50 pounds by December! Prbably isn't going to happen but, I really want try....

I have just started the Basic Fat Burning /Detoux Soup diet from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital. It is used in their Cardiac Care Unit for overweight heart patients to lose weight before surgery.

The first week it claims you can lose anywhere from 10-17 pounds.

Has anyone tried this seven day diet plan? Wish me well!



Hi Charleyann :wave:

I was interested in this diet, but did some research first and this is what I found on a recent blog :

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital (where the diet supposedly originated) have even issued a press release saying that they have nothing to do with it and that they do not consider it to be healthy or safe:


I have lost 30 pounds since January and what I have done is watch what I eat and try to make healthy choices,count calories and make sure I excercise at least 15 mins per day, plus take a 45min walk with the dog after supper each evening and don't eat after 7pm.

It's not easy, I like the bad food the same as anyone else, but I want to become healthier and that is what "holds me back" from splurging.

I still want to lose another 10-15lbs but I know the last few pounds are always the hardest.

If you give the diet a try, keep us posted with the results :thumbsup2

Take Care :goodvibes

iluvwesties (aka Carol)


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