We’re going to the Tire Factory

We got back from Alaska late Saturday night...well actually early Sunday morning. Yesterday was the start of laundry and catching up on sleep. Yes we pretty much slept half the day...after i got unpacked and laundry going I took and Extremely long nap.

It's good to be home...I guess..

We had an AMAZING time. One of the best family vacations ever.

Now if you follow me on facebook you may have seen we did have a few bumps...kind of major bumps in my opinion, but they were fixed. nothing health wise or anything like that, but lets just say I am just about to write a letter to NCL and let them know how these bumps were handled and how they SHOULD be handled.

I have started on a few pictures, but I spent the day on the phone or with emails today catching up on work. I hope to get a TR started by the end of the week if I can get everything else caught up.
I finally got around to reading the last of your trip. Busier than I want doing my TR which is moving at :snail: pace.

Castaway Bay does look really small but just what kids love. Your experience with the beds and neighbors sounds all too familiar. What do people think? :confused3

Hope you also had a great Alaskan cruise!!!!

I didn't even know you had another one going.. I'll have to get over there when I get some extra time and catch up.
Welcome back. Looking forward to hearing about this trip. Your pics on FB are great.

Jill in CO
Welcome back Jen! Your FB pics looked amazing and it looked like you had a great time. I really can't wait to read all about it. Bat Signal please when you get started.
Didn't realize you'd started a new TR, but am here now... well, at least as long as I can be until school starts in a few weeks. :) Thanks for friending me on FB, too!! It'll be fun to see you there, too.
Welcome back, Jen! I followed along on FB, but am very interested in the "whole" story. Can't wait for your TR, but I DO understand that you need to catch up on other things, like sleep, first. :wave2:
Welcome back.


Thanks. I rather still be sailing!!!

Welcome back. Looking forward to hearing about this trip. Your pics on FB are great.

Jill in CO

Thanks. We did have a fabulous time.

Welcome back Jen! Your FB pics looked amazing and it looked like you had a great time. I really can't wait to read all about it. Bat Signal please when you get started.

We had such a great time and Skip wants to go back, so that tells you something right there.

Didn't realize you'd started a new TR, but am here now... well, at least as long as I can be until school starts in a few weeks. :) Thanks for friending me on FB, too!! It'll be fun to see you there, too.

I just kind of did it on a whim a few weeks ago. I figured since I edited all the pictures why not post them too.
I have a few work things to do yet today and then I hope to get more pictures done so I can get started soon.

Welcome back, Jen! I followed along on FB, but am very interested in the "whole" story. Can't wait for your TR, but I DO understand that you need to catch up on other things, like sleep, first. :wave2:

Yes, I think I am still on Alaskan time...even though I never felt like it there. I have been sleeping in very late fore me each day since I have been home. And I am ready for a nap too. LOL.
I have an email out already and got a response that the higher ups may take 10 days to respond. Ugh!
I decided before I get going on your new trip report I should get caught up on the old one!

LOL on the scenic route through Amish Country. Did you stop and do any shopping? You probably should have, just to prove your point. :p

The theming at Castaway Bay really looks awesome. I'd probably love that wave pool.

I can see a place like that having a lot more big groups, and I can see the issues that might come with that.

I can sure sympathize with the loud thumping sound issue! There must be something in the bass that just carries. That was the issue we had at POR our first night.

I imagine the girls slept like logs and had an awesome time though. Glad you got to have a nice weekend getaway!
I decided before I get going on your new trip report I should get caught up on the old one!

LOL! Probably a good idea!

LOL on the scenic route through Amish Country. Did you stop and do any shopping? You probably should have, just to prove your point. :p

I should have! Though we really were on the outskirts but I am sure I could've found something.

The theming at Castaway Bay really looks awesome. I'd probably love that wave pool.

They really had nice theming to the place, it was just pretty small.

I can see a place like that having a lot more big groups, and I can see the issues that might come with that.

Yes, I can't imagine how busy it would be over spring break or other big travel times.

I can sure sympathize with the loud thumping sound issue! There must be something in the bass that just carries. That was the issue we had at POR our first night.

It was the worse thing about the whole trip. It just amazes me how people have no respect. But they were probably young and never even thought it would bother old folgies like us.

I imagine the girls slept like logs and had an awesome time though. Glad you got to have a nice weekend getaway!

Claire said she didn't but I heard her snoring so she got some sleep at least. LOL
Finished! That house was so cool I would love to go there. I just love old estates. Sorry you had such lousy neighbors at the hotel at the least the girls had a good time and you got a little getaway. Now I'm off to Alaska maybe some day I will catch up with you!:laughing:
Finished! That house was so cool I would love to go there. I just love old estates. Sorry you had such lousy neighbors at the hotel at the least the girls had a good time and you got a little getaway. Now I'm off to Alaska maybe some day I will catch up with you!:laughing:

It was a neat house. I always dream what it would be like to live in a house like that.


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