We’re going to the Tire Factory

The house is just stunning. Its amazing that people really lived that way.

Jill in CO
Oooh! Oooh! You were over in my neck of the woods! I had no idea you lived in Ohio.

We're Stan Hywet members. It's a great place.

I can answer one of the things you weren't sure about. The little window that goes between the Master Bedroom and the Great Room is called the chaperone's window. Mrs. Seiberling could watch the kids in the Great Room from above. When the Seiberlings were building the house, they went to England to find furnishings and ideas. Mrs. Seiberling visited a manor that was being torn down and fell in love with the woodwork in one of the rooms. She purchased the entire room and had it shipped back to the US. Now, the bedroom and house were already laid out, so the architect had to make the purchased room fit. He managed to get everything in, but had to place the small window on an interior wall.
Hi Jen,

No, I've never been there, but have heard of it. Many of the Cleveland news stations have been there for stories and such over the years. So i've seen pictures and footage and such, but not as extensive as yours. i love their showers! They were so clever with the side mount, and i love the enclosed one!

Where exactly was your hotel? I'm looking at a Country Inn & Suites up that way, and wondered if it's the same one. (Cuyahoga Falls?) We're going to Blossom Music Center for the Labor day weekend concert. The Cleveland Orchestra is doing the music of John Williams - the composer for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and lots of other great movie series. My son (age 10) said "you had me at Star Wars". :) There's also fireworks after, but getting out of that venue is a NIGHTMARE, and then an almost 2 hour drive home, no thanks! We're getting a hotel that night!
There's also fireworks after, but getting out of that venue is a NIGHTMARE, and then an almost 2 hour drive home, no thanks! We're getting a hotel that night!

As someone who does 4-5 orchestra concerts a summer at Blossom, I can say that leaving from orchestra is much easier than leaving any other concert. That said, there are a couple hotels at the Steels Corners/Rt 8 interchange that would be nice. They're technically in Stow, so you might also try searching that way.
The house is just stunning. Its amazing that people really lived that way.

Jill in CO

It really is amazing. I could get used to being rich.

Oooh! Oooh! You were over in my neck of the woods! I had no idea you lived in Ohio.

We're Stan Hywet members. It's a great place.

I can answer one of the things you weren't sure about. The little window that goes between the Master Bedroom and the Great Room is called the chaperone's window. Mrs. Seiberling could watch the kids in the Great Room from above. When the Seiberlings were building the house, they went to England to find furnishings and ideas. Mrs. Seiberling visited a manor that was being torn down and fell in love with the woodwork in one of the rooms. She purchased the entire room and had it shipped back to the US. Now, the bedroom and house were already laid out, so the architect had to make the purchased room fit. He managed to get everything in, but had to place the small window on an interior wall.

Some of that I do remember from the tour now that you say that. It was interesting and we got sooooo much info on the house while there. I would love to go back again.

I live on the other side of Ohio...not too far from Toledo. When we go to town...thats the one we go to. LOL.

Hi Jen,

No, I've never been there, but have heard of it. Many of the Cleveland news stations have been there for stories and such over the years. So i've seen pictures and footage and such, but not as extensive as yours. i love their showers! They were so clever with the side mount, and i love the enclosed one!

Where exactly was your hotel? I'm looking at a Country Inn & Suites up that way, and wondered if it's the same one. (Cuyahoga Falls?) We're going to Blossom Music Center for the Labor day weekend concert. The Cleveland Orchestra is doing the music of John Williams - the composer for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and lots of other great movie series. My son (age 10) said "you had me at Star Wars". :) There's also fireworks after, but getting out of that venue is a NIGHTMARE, and then an almost 2 hour drive home, no thanks! We're getting a hotel that night!

I think it was this one and I believe the site even lists the Blossom.

1420 Main St
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Some of that I do remember from the tour now that you say that. It was interesting and we got sooooo much info on the house while there. I would love to go back again.

If you come back sometime, do the Nooks and Crannies tour. It takes you to the areas you didn't see on the regular tour. It's really neat and well worth the price.

I thought it was funny how you said that it doesn't feel like Ohio when you get to the hills. We feel the same way when we get to the flat part of the state! Might as well be in Indiana. :D
If you come back sometime, do the Nooks and Crannies tour. It takes you to the areas you didn't see on the regular tour. It's really neat and well worth the price.

I read about that tour in the brochure and it sounds neat. I would love to do it.

I thought it was funny how you said that it doesn't feel like Ohio when you get to the hills. We feel the same way when we get to the flat part of the state! Might as well be in Indiana

LOL. We are not all that far from Indiana.
We walked around the back of the house. It was quite beautiful as well.

yard1 by Jennifer Dowling, on Flickr

I tried my hand at taking panoramic pictures of it using both my phone and my camera. Not the greatest, but still gives you an idea on how big it is.

stitched house by Jennifer Dowling, on Flickr

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The backyard and gardens were basically on a cliff of sorts. At one time the family owned most of the land in the area but it was sold off years later and some of it went to parks and some more went to house developments. I forget the amount that was originally owned but it was a massive amount and what was left was very small in comparison.

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At this point the girls were anxious to explore some of the paths that went through the gardens.

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Skip was just taking in the view.

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We had taken steps down and this door led to the basement under the house…or so I assume. I assume they could bring things to the house from here…or perhaps stored gardening equipment here as well.

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There were a lot of steps up and down all over.

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In this next picture you can see how it was only a few feet of actual dirt and then turned to rock.

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Originally we were only going to walk a bit and come back to Skip but we hadn’t realized how far the paths would take us and we kept going.

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This was still spring at the time we were there and I wonder how beautiful these gardens look in the summer with more flowers.

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We found the remnants of the old tennis court.

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By this time we had gone quite a ways from where Skip was. I thought about going back to tell him where we were but we soon saw him making his way down the path.

The girls were excited to see a few bridges and of course a highlight is to walk over them.

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If you look really hard in the next picture you can make out Skip come towards us.

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Over the bridge….wow that is fun! LOL!!!!

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Some ducks were playing.

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I read somewhere that this area is where they had a small boat dock and I think they may have actually swam here too when they were home in the summer.

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The grounds are really beautiful and it is nice that there are so many different things to look at.

We had taken steps down and this door led to the basement under the house…or so I assume. I assume they could bring things to the house from here…or perhaps stored gardening equipment here as well.

This is access to the cisterns. They are connected to the house via pipes.
Though we were told over and over this was mainly where they stayed in the winter, it was pretty evident with the tennis court (I have read at 1 time they actually had 2), and the little creek and then boat dock area, that they must’ve spent some summer days here as well.

Skip was checking out the tennis court. Along the path they did have signs about some of the areas and what they were.

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Once Skip caught up to us we moved around to the side of the house, which actually was much lower and had quite a bit of open yard. Again it was magnificent and this structure had some doors which appeared to have tunnels to the house.

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I believe this was called the Tea Houses. The Tea Houses overlooked the little lagoon area.

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We walked up and saw these birch trees, which I think was called Birch Tree Allee. Now it was spring so they weren’t very leafy yet, but I have seen pictures of them with leaves and it looks so neat! Heck I thought it looked neat now too.

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This path led back to the house.

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To the right of the tree alley was a green lawn known as the Bowling Lawn or North meadow. It had been used for recreations and originally had a croquet set, a bowling green, and an archery field. To the left of the alley it broke off to a Grape Arbor and we headed that way. I took a look at the distant views. Wow!!!!!!

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The grape arbor wasn’t very Grapey.

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Since they were traveling down the grape path I went back to the tree alley to get a few pictures with no one in my way.

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Off to the right of the grape arbor was the Great Garden.

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The girls were now done. It was quite warm out today…I think mid to high 80’s with a nice breeze and I thought it felt fabulous but Claire said it was way too hot. Every time the breeze would blow Haley said she was cold. LOL! I told them they were both crazy and ignored the complaints. They found a bird nest and had a seat.

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greenhouse by Jennifer Dowling, on Flickr

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The play garden is not part of the original estate as you can imagine. It has some engaging interactions inspired by the characteristics of the estate.

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A look back at the house.

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A lady came up to us and told us about the marble shoot and showed the girls where to find the marbles and off they went to try it out.

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The Great Hall is amazing, right down to the bear skin rug!

Do you have any idea what that standing screen is in shot 72? Or is it just artwork?

LOL on the hidden Mickey!

A flower arranging room? :rotfl2: I have no words.........

My favorite is the morning room. So bright and cheery.

The grounds are gorgeous. I love early spring with the daffodils and forsythia in bloom, but I bet it's amazing to see in the summer and fall as well.

That bird nest is so cool! I need one of those! ;)
Those are some gorgeous gardens, Jen. I cannot even imagine what it must look like if everything is in full bloom. Thanks for sharing.
Your pictures are wonderful as usual. Loved the tree alley ones with the girls walking. The gardens look lovely and make me want to plan a trip there.
The Great Hall is amazing, right down to the bear skin rug!

Do you have any idea what that standing screen is in shot 72? Or is it just artwork?

LOL on the hidden Mickey!

A flower arranging room? :rotfl2: I have no words.........

My favorite is the morning room. So bright and cheery.

The grounds are gorgeous. I love early spring with the daffodils and forsythia in bloom, but I bet it's amazing to see in the summer and fall as well.

That bird nest is so cool! I need one of those! ;)

OK, now it's been months and you know my memory doesn't even work for a day at times....but... I think the screen was where the server would stand to not be seen yet be there when needed because he/she could hear everything. Now I also think it was more for decoration with this family because they were ones who didn't "hide" the help. I could be wrong, but that is what I seem to remember.
Heck most people can't get a home office or even a dining room and they have a flower arranging room!
I would love to go back at different times of the year to check out all the flowers and landscaping.

Those are some gorgeous gardens, Jen. I cannot even imagine what it must look like if everything is in full bloom. Thanks for sharing.

I bet it is beautiful!!!

Your pictures are wonderful as usual. Loved the tree alley ones with the girls walking. The gardens look lovely and make me want to plan a trip there.

I really liked the tree alley as well.
This is the Party Courtyard just outside of the Corbin Conservatory. The courtyard can be reserved for parties.

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The Corbin Conservatory is a replication of the original complex used for fruit and flower growing. At one time the Estate also had a poultry barn and a poultry keepers house. I believe the building behind the play garden was built where they once stood. That building holds offices now.

We now had to use the restroom and there was one in the conservatory and a drinking fountain as well so we headed in there and then explored.

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Back outside.

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The girls were now getting more antsy. The water was not what they wanted…they wanted a real drink…and they wanted to swim. I then told them we couldn’t even check into our room till 4 PM so it was useless to head there early….I did not let them know that we could still use the waterpark before check in. LOL!!!

I also let them know that as exciting as the waterpark was for them…this house was for me. This was my waterpark.

We headed back towards the house through the Grape Arbor so that I could get some more pictures.

arbor by Jennifer Dowling, on Flickr

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And through the trees.

treepath by Jennifer Dowling, on Flickr

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Skip went off to find a place to sit. I know he was ready to go but he was very good about letting me have my time here to look around and explore.

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I explored more gardens.

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I wanted to try and get some better shots of the front of the house.

frontofhouse by Jennifer Dowling, on Flickr

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Um yeah…I took a lot and this only half of them.

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The girls found Skip and sat with him as I wanted to walk around the other side of the house for a bit since we never went that way. Now I would’ve loved to spend a lot more time here but I made it quick so I wouldn’t get so many complaints.

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This is where the Music room is in the house.

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More great pics. You definitely have a good eye for every detail. The pics of the flowers are beautiful.
It is amazing just how many different things and how many hidden treasures are in those grounds. I think I could happily spend all day there.

More great pics. You definitely have a good eye for every detail. The pics of the flowers are beautiful.

Thanks. I really just loved exploring the whole place.

It is amazing just how many different things and how many hidden treasures are in those grounds. I think I could happily spend all day there.


I could've spent much more time there.


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