Walt Warriors

Oh Jim so sorry that you have to have surgery, but lets hope this does the trick! You are a tough warrior and can get through this and bounce like tigger out of the other side :) Let us know what day you go in so we can throw some positive thoughts your way. Glad you got to the space centre and enjoyed it so much.

Amanda :worship: for 5:30am repeats! You are amazing.

Me I was going to whine, but ater seeing what Jim's going through I'm going to shut up! I have been out, for 1.5 miles each time and with it being slow my IT Band flares up.... but I have been out. :goodvibes Trying to build energy up after losing weight (and muscle booooo). Will get there :thumbsup2
We had a 10k for sunday, hubby will still run and I will cheer enthusiastically now :hyper:
I'm so sorry you need surgery Jim. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you!

Kate - I get up at 5:30am every day for work so don't be quite so impressed! :rotfl2: Hope the IT band feels better.

Good Morning Warriors,

Jim~ good luck with the surgery, I'm hoping everything goes as planned and your back at it asap
DrMom~ I'm an early riser but have a real problem getting out to run much before 7am at home, when I'm in Fl at my Dad's I try to get out before 6 and only make it a couple of times a week. Thankfully it cooled off here yesterday
Kate~ take care, I'm hoping your workouts get better and better

As for me, it's boot camp week at XFit class so they have really been kicking out behinds! I ran this morning and plan to get another run in tomorrow after dropping DH at the Airport for a 6:20 flight. Then it's back to Florida, cause Dad is having some issues.

Have a great run (or ride) everyone!
Oooooh it's been a while!

Jim- how are you? Have you had surgery yet? If so I really hope you're doing ok!

Amanda- 5.30AM every day! GASP! I struggled with the odd 6am start in the past! You are amazing!

Pam- hope your dad's doing ok and boot camp week was brilliant! You know it's been good if no matter how hard you try, you simply can't walk!

Jeremy how's your biking mission going? Closer to that 50km goal?

John- what obscene workouts have you been clocking up lately ;) he he!

Me- taking it slowly but managed 3 miles this morning. Really need to get going with the W&D training plan but I know not to push it just yet. Our weather over here has been lovely (think our prime minister stole it from somewhere else!). Perfect for welcoming our new little prince/ future king! Disclaimer: I quite like the royal family! Think they're cute and they mostly bring nice things for our country!

Keep strong and warrior on!
Hi ALL :wave2:, been a while.....

Jim-sorry about the situation, hope things are a bit better. Decided not to do IM 70.3 FL next year but will do Gator 70.3 on same day. Figure once done for Haines City, that's enough. Will be waiting for it to return to WDW, if ever.

Amanda-good job, when you're used to 0530 it's not a biggie, is it? Up here at 0350 the latest every day so when Marathon Weekend comes around I have no problem at all.

Pam-just hoping things are better for you also. You just loved BC, right???

Kate-:thumbsup2:thumbsup2, good to take it slow and avoid a mishap. You'll be fine for W&D :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2-weather, Royals and Tour de France winner.

Jeremy-bet you're knocking out the miles.

AFM-physical recovery is good but still not much of a voice back. Dr. said 2 to 3 months but I also read that could be 1 year. 118 mile memorial ride yesterday for a bicycling friend who was killed a year ago. Walked 5K with Kathy this AM and had a Police copter circling overhead the entire time with streets blocked off by Police cars. Something was up. Got to the County Pool for 2000 yards swimming. Knees are feeling better so the serious speed walking/jogging will begin this week for IMFL. A little more than 3 months away.

Stay healthy and safe.

McFlurry John
Good Monday Morning To My Warrior Buddies!.................

Yes, I am still here.

I see where everyone is rockin' out as always..:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Kate - A Kidney Stone? Please. That's something I should have to worry about, not young chicks like you...... I HAVE read on the internet (so it must be true...) that too much afternoon tea & crumpets and pints of ale HAVE been connected to kidney stones, soooooooooo.......................... Time to give up those horrible vices! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

John - Awesome effort on the bike. Someday............. The Gator 70.3 is the same day as Haines City next year? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.............:scratchin

Amanda - Nice work with the 0530 workouts. That's way before my wakeup time, but I'm going to try to shake things up a bit here soon, and I am going to try and find some local early morning "bootcamp" workouts nearby. Maybe I CAN do something other than be in a coma at that hour.

AFM - I am now 12 days post surgery. I was under the knife about 2 1/2 hours. I remember being looking around the operating room as I was being wheeled in, feeling the bed lower & the anesthesiologist saying "You're in my world now......" (we had been cracking a couple jokes back and forth while waiting prior....) and then waking up with a high flow O2 mask on my face and my back hurting like CRAZY!!! One injection later and I was very happy for the rest of the day. ;) I actually got to go home that evening which made me very happy.

The Dr. said that he was able to accomplish everything that he wanted to, including drilling, scraping, shaving, removing scar tissue and putting a little bit of (but not TOO much) titanium hardware in my lumbar spine. Recovery has been pretty good so far. Some ups and downs, both mentally and physically, but on the whole, not too bad. I have been able to avoid the prescribed, "put a horse to sleep" painkillers, and have dabbled a little bit in the muscle relaxers when my back got really tight and stiff for a couple of days........

The down side - I have not been able to do a thing since. No-Thing. Just some walking and no lifting over 10 lbs. That's less than my cats weigh!! Get my first follow-up this Thursday, so hopefully I'll be able to start doing something then..............:):)

Jim-I'm hoping everything goes well from now on.

I am Gator 70.3ing again because we park our motorhome in the campground and Kathy volunteers. Might not be as prestigious as IM 70.3 FL but more relaxing and lots less crowded. I think I'll have my hands WAY FULL at IMFL since there's almost 100 just in my age group and it's one mass start.

McFlurry John
Hi all - I hadn't realized it had been this long since I'd checked it.

Kate - Sorry to hear about the IT band acting up. After the troubles I had last year, you're probably better taking the hit in your training now and getting healthy.

Jim - Good to hear the surgery went well. Your one comment about the injection reminds me of something that happened to my brother-in-law. He had something happen but they gave him a shot. They asked him if he was still hurting. He said half dazes "Yea, but I don't care".

John - good luck training for 70.3.

Me - This month has had it's ups and downs. So far this months I've biked nearly 150 miles, last month was 112, but I had 3 rides cut short with broken spokes. On the first one I broke 2 spokes, 50 miles later I broke a third spoke, the last week after about 25 miles I broke a 4th spoke. All of them in the back on the drive side. After this most recent spoke, he rebuilt that entire side of the tire, figuring whatever caused the first 2 to break had weakened the rest of on that side. I'm considering signing up for my first official scheduled ride in September. A local festival offers a choice of 62, 50, 36 and 25 mile rides. I'm thinking about signing up for one of the shorter 2. I've done 30 miles so far but with a couple of breaks.

On the running front, my mileage is down from last month, we had a couple of hot weeks where it was easier to bike than run. Total fitness time is up month over month.

Otherwise things are going fairly well. My weight loss has slowed dramatically, but I expected that after 2 great big months and starting to slowly taper off of the weight loss meds.
Jeremy-glad things are better. BTW, if another spoke breaks it could indicate a bad hub so ask for a new wheel.
John - Just an FYI, the Florida 70.3 site says it is a wave start........

JimB-70.3 is a wave start but IMFL in November is one big 2,500+ mass start after the pro M&W go. Kathy got some videos on the net and what a sea of humanity. My swim plan is to stay wide and away so I don't get beat-up like I did at Haines City in May. I was a floating snail during the swim which is not a good thing.
Oh it's lovely to see a flurry of activity on here :thumbsup2

Jim Glad the surgeon was happy with the operation and achieved what he had hoped to. I hope you're being a well behaved patient and not getting too stressed with the limited activity. Fingers crossed it will be worth it and I'll be thinking of you at your follow up on Thursday! Of the three food/drink groups crumpets would by my downfall tee hee, if only the cause was that clear!

John glad your recovery is going well. How emotional for you though taking part in a memorial race. Was it sad or uplifting, or a bit of both actually? The image of you as a swimming snail made me laugh, sorry! You need to cover yourself in bubble wrap to keep you safe... I think that would be completely race legal :lmao:

Jeremy i had no idea bikes broke that often! That's really frustrating for you. Love that you have a record of mileage per month. It makes sense I guess that weight loss has slowed a little, keep being massively proud of yourself for all that your achieving.

Me another 5k this morning which felt a little easier and no ITB problems so hopefully it's loosening off a little. Still in a lot of pain if I sit for too long or after I eat, but running doesn't seem to be a problem- I'll take that for now and will check it out with doctor next week because it doesn't really make sense :rolleyes: Possible that i landed awkwardly on my back when I passed out :crazy2: Anyway, I will be very excited to pop on here when the training plan begins :yay::yay::yay::yay:
Good Morning All,

It is good to see some activity on this thread!

Jim~ I hope you're continuing to improve as the surgeon expects. I hope you get to "do something" soon.

John~ Good Luck on the 70.3 I hope you can avoid the dangerous swimming (the mass start of swimming really worries me on a tri)

Johde~ I'm shocked by the breakage of spokes on the bike as well, but glad you have someone that knows more and can help with the repairs. (I admit I don't have a lot of experience with bikes so my shockedness is uninformed.)

Kate~ glad the ITB is behaving for your runs at least, I hope you get a good answer on what to do from the Dr. next week.

As for me: I'm still in Bonita Springs (FL) with my Dad. He's been in the hospital basically since I got here. The good news is they are finally trying to find out why. I've gotten in a few runs early in the AM (before spending the day at Hosp with Dad.) Although last week wasn't good because of early morning rains and a blood donation so I'm doing a "restart" again this week. I got 4 slow miles in yesterday and hope to get about 4.5 tomorrow maybe a bit faster, but with the humidity it may not be much faster.

Have a good week
Got back from my first post-surgery Dr's visit today.

Overall thing are going pretty well. The PA said my nerves exiting the spinal column were really crunched down tight by bone/ligaments and the were very (& still are somewhat) irritated. Hopefully as time goes on..............

I am cleared to WALK as much & as fast as I want, but noooooooooo runnnnnnniiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said it would probably be 3 months (U. G. H.) before I am cleared to run.

I can swim in 2 weeks (delayed just for more healing of the incision) but she said to hold off biking until my next follow up in 4 weeks. LIGHT lifting at the gym, but no deadlifts/squats silliness like that. And to start stretching.

So, overall, not bad. Looks like I will be WALKING the ToT with my Lovely Luscious Bride, but at least I'll be there. Hopefully running by the W & D.

So that's my story & I'm sticking to it.

John - I looked up the Gator Tri, but the logistics just don't work for me, so it looks like I'll (Hopefully) be aiming at Haines City again this year. And try to do a few shorter ones if I can.

Jim- sounding very positive.

Pam- hope things smooth out for your dad. I got 10K in yesterday early and yup, hot+humid=slow! Thought about jumping in our pool when I finished just to dry off :rotfl2:

Kate- we don't need no more Warriors with stinking back troubles. Good luck at Dr.
Pam really sorry they're being slow with your dad. Hope you get some answers soon and that the humidity eases off for you. So impressed you're still getting some runs in though despite everything!

Jim :woohoo: for the good news from Dr and walking the TOT with DW will be a wonderful aim and great experience I'm sure. You make sure you follow directions!!!!! Or else! I'm hoping the pain is a little less for you too :headache:

John thanks for the luck, are you having a happy week?

Me popped to the gym yesterday for a run and did 5 miles at a bit of a plod but still it was done and felt OK. Meant to go outside this morning, but after a rubbish sleep I have to admit I bailed (ashamed glance as I waddle away). I promise I'll be out in the morning! :rolleyes1
Hi all

It's been a while since I've posted. Hopefully everyone is going well. AFM- After another broken spoke, they warrantied out the entire wheel. After all this, I decided to have them apply the value of the wheel towards a wheel with more and heavier spokes. It may be a bit of overkill, but breaking spokes that often was no fun.
Jeremy- glad they changed the wheel for you. I don't know anything about bikes but that sounded annoying! Let us know how the new one works, fingers crossed it'll be ok now!

Me- been away for a week to fuerteventura (canary islands) to a brilliant active hotel. Nothing beats doing yoga, spinning, aerobics etc in front of the beach! Feel a bit sad about heading back to the gym now I'm home! It was a beautiful dose of sunshine though and both myself and hubby realised we could never be Robin Hood...archery is hard!!!!!

How's everyone else doing? Injury progress reports please!
Kate - That does sound like a nice vacation.

On the "injury" front, the knees are doing fairly well. I'm still not pushing the running very hard. The bike still isn't fixed yet, because of a mix up the first order got canceled and they needed to reorder. It seems my store ordered it, but the main store saw the order and thought they didn't need it, not knowing it was a special order, and canceled the order. At this point, it has been reordered.

ETA: It came in today after me original post. I haven't tried it out yet. He ended up ordering a 36 spoke wheel with 12 gauge spokes. Those had better not break. It was an extra $5 after the credit for the warranty wheel.
Happy Friday Warrioirs!

It has been a bit since I've been here.........

Still recovering from surgery. Have had some setbacks in the last couple of weeks which I'm still dealing with. Nothing REALLY major, but it has/is causing some reasonably moderate discomfort (Translate: hurts a lot.......). Hopefully it will not slow my return to the real world. Planning on a return to work in 3 weeks..............hopefully.

Still can't run. Can walk ........ some. Upright biking ......... some and swimming is allowed. Light weights in the gym. And, unfortunately I have found out that there are a lot of things around the house I should not be (have been) doing. Payback is a b**** and my karma is not happy, buuuuuuuut in the long term I'm really optimistic. During my (unscheduled ) appointment last week the surgeon had a talk with (at) me about "balance". Something about "45 miles of walking in the first 10 days after your last appointment was probably not the best thing......."

But, I wax on way too long about me. Johde - keep cranking on the bike and take care of the knees!!

Kate - Sounds like a great holiday (or as we colonists say Vay-Cay-Shun!). Hopefully we'll see each other at the W&D..............

Rock on Warriors!!


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