Walkers Wanna Compare Notes??

My new hobby has even gotten my husband hooked. He is signed up for the ToT 13K, the City of Oaks half-marathon in November, and the Donald in January. He doesn't post, but I'm going to get him a WISH shirt to wear. He's even slower than I am, so he definitely needs all the encouragement he can get. I'm hoping that spectators will cheer on any WISH shirt they see even if they don't know the person. So if you see a chubby little old guy you don't know it's probably my husband! I'm really very proud of him because in the beginning he was so reluctant to begin training...now he's finally got the bug.

My DH has done a couple of events with me, the CDC and DL last year, and we are doing the CDC again this August. He is also doing Donald next January, he will be by himself because I am doing the full. I know that he will get plenty of support from the WISH team. Even though we don't train together I think it is neat that we have been able to collect some cool bling together.

One of the reasons I didn't do Goofy this year is because I had so much fun cheering for the half last year! We cheered for everyone, but those in WISH shirts got extra special treatment. Your DH will get plenty of encouragement along the way.
Dave I love this thread. I keep wanting to put jogging into my workouts but I don't finish that much quicker when I add a bit of jogging and I am more worn out. I do still have alot of weight to lose 15 - 25 pds before my 1/2 and at least 10 before ToT so I am trying to keep my workouts pretty intense.

I unfortunately have any advise as I am a newbie, only 2 events under my belt but I appreciate all your advise and input.

OhMom please come to the weekly thread and just start chatting, it is hard to get to know everyone but it really does come...just even come by and tell us about your training we are all in this together and are a great support system.

Maggie & ohMom, I have a hard time posting on the training threads also. But I figure, I check them daily to see what every one else has posted, training they've done, challenges they face. I figure that from time to time, I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. I don't try to keep up or reply to everything, but I do try to reference things that helped me (so the people know I appreciate it!) or ask questions. I know it keeps me motivated knowing I need/want to have something to report as far as training goes. Does that make sense?
Maggie & ohMom, I have a hard time posting on the training threads also. But I figure, I check them daily to see what every one else has posted, training they've done, challenges they face. I figure that from time to time, I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. I don't try to keep up or reply to everything, but I do try to reference things that helped me (so the people know I appreciate it!) or ask questions. I know it keeps me motivated knowing I need/want to have something to report as far as training goes. Does that make sense?

Thanks, westcliffemom! That's a great suggestion! Like the others, I, too, always felt if I just threw in a post here and there on the training thread I was somehow intruding -- no way I can read and respond to everyone with the minimal time I get on our computer at home (as my husband says, "There's a reason it's called a personal computer") -- My teens usually get the lion's share of time on it. :)

I'm going to take your recommendation and start visiting again, though.

And, jeanneg, I can defintiely vouch for the fact that there are WISHers cheering all WISH shirts along everywhere. No one knew me, yet it seemed everytime I rounded a bend in the Disney races, there were a bunch of friendly WISHers cheering me along -- and at my pace, they had been there cheering a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time! :rotfl:
Hey you guys...don't be intimidated by the "big dogs". Every one of our WISH racing team is so supportive of all of us. Even those of us who compete at slower paces. I spend a lot of time on the weekly thread and it's AMAZING how much you learn from them! Plus there are so many really sweet people. It's great comraderie, even if I can't spell it. ;)

Wendy - I was one of those crazies jumping up and down waving a huge WISH sign, dressed all in lime green, shouting out to you in January, and we hadn't even met yet! :banana: There is NO WAY you would ever be intruding on the weekly thread. Please! You've done more marathons then almost everyone combined! :faint:
well with such a gracious warm invitation how could i turn it down ::yes::

how cool for those of you whose DH have joined forces on the walking trail. my DH has been a weight-lifter kind of guy, when i trained for my first 1/2 i remember telling him i had my longest walk yet, i think 7 or 8 miles that week and he said "can't i just drive you?" LOL

today i'm going out for a 5-6 miler, the only way to get this mojo back is to hit the trail
My friend Jeanne (Jeanneg) told me to check out this new thread for walkers. She is the one who got me involved in walking for a marathon. We did our first half in Allentown in April and since we did so well, somehow she convinced me to go for the Mickey in Jan instead of doing Donald as we orginally planned. I am doing another half in Baltimore in Oct and the ToT. DH and I were already in WDW so just extended our vacation by 2 days to do the ToT. DH is also doing the ToT. He will just be a WISH cheerer for the half and full in Jan. He has started going to the rail trail with me on Sat when I do my long walks and he is able to do 8 miles in the required time limit for the ToT so he decided to try doing an event. He will just be a WISH cheerer for the half and full in Jan.

I have pretty much maintained doing 20-23 miles per week since May alternating my LW between 8-11 miles except the week I took off for my shin injury. The half marathon falls on the week that I would be doing 14 miles on my marathon training schedule that I am using. So I am more or less just using that as training. My questions for those experience walkers is should I do a half training schedule leading up to the half or just maintain my current schedule until I start the full training in Sept. I am already way ahead of what a half starts at. My concern since I had that shin injury is am I doing to much. Here is my current training schedule:

Sat LW 8-11 miles
Sun off
Mon 4-5 miles, stretch
Tues strength training
Wed 4-5 miles
Thurs 2-4 miles, strenth training, stretch
Fri off

Any suggestions are welcomed.

I do post at times on the weekly thread and everyone is very helpful there also. I do like this the idea of our own thread to get our questions answered specific to walking. Sometimes the other thread moves so fast that I have trouble going back and finding the answer.

Dave--- I read your report from the Senior Games what a terrific job you did and you are very speedy. The PA Keystone Games our in my hometown this month. I will have to check the schedule and see if I can get to some of the events.

Nancy, thanks for joining in on the walking thread. You asked several things so I'll try to give my thoughts on each. Remember though we are all an experiment of one so we react differently to training.

Your shin splints are a right of passage into distance walking. The shin muscles are long and thin, tiny in comparasion to the other leg muscles so they are going to protest most untill they get strong enough to keep up.

Your training schedule looks good. Erica and I try to stay in half marathon shape all the time so we can just go do one anytime we want, just like another long walk. Then we just have to ramp up a little for a few months to get in shape to do a marathon comfortablely. You could do a marathon right now and get through it but you would be sore for a week after.

Walking is a very good way to keep in shape and it's a sport by it's self. To many people look at walking as just something to do to get in shape for running. I have personally found that walking is a better sport for me. Running which I did for about 30 years was an adventure of either being in shape or injured. For a long term healthy lifestyle I would recommend walking to anyone. You can get faster as a walker just as you can get faster as a runner.

The fact that walking takes longer is a plus also. As John Bingham says, "I get sad when I reach the halfway point because I realize the fun is half over".
A marathon is fun, we have a lot more memories than a runner who gets it done in 3 or 4 hours.

That's for the comment about my Senior Olympic adventure. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to experience that. It has been a life long dream to compete with the elite athletes and be treated like I belonged there. I'm giving it another shot in 4 years when the games are in Huston.

And, jeanneg, I can defintiely vouch for the fact that there are WISHers cheering all WISH shirts along everywhere. No one knew me, yet it seemed everytime I rounded a bend in the Disney races, there were a bunch of friendly WISHers cheering me along -- and at my pace, they had been there cheering a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time! :rotfl:

Wendy: I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Cheering does alot to keep you motivated. When Nancy and I did the Allentown half, there was a switchback that was probably about 2 miles in each direction. When we were going, all the runners were on their way back and they were SO supportive. Then when we made the turn, there was no one to cheer us on the way back except the street cleaners! It definitely was a downer. Since both hubby and daughter are doing the Donald, I will be doing the cheering on Saturday and hoping to be cheered on Sunday. I probably won't be able to see my daughter at the finale though.......she should be finishing at just about the same time hubby passes by the Poly and he'll need the support more than she will.

Nancy: so happy to see you over here.

Today I did what I thought was a 5 mile walk with my neighbor who has a Garmin. Turns out it's only 4.27 miles so maybe my pedometer is not so far off. I kept thinking it was underestimating, but it's actually more accurate than I thought. According to the Garmin, we had an overall pace of 14:23 but I was REALLY hauling a**! It was hilly golf-course terrain which made it even tougher. My neighbor, who's a runner, had never done the golf course before and when we finished she graciously said, "I hope I didn't slow you down." So I reply huffing and puffing,"Oh no, it was fine"........and then I went inside and literally collapsed!:eek:
I just heard from a friend that the prediction is that by 2012, 75% of the american population will be overweight.

Walking is a wonderful, maybe the very best way to get and maintain a strong healthy body.

The difference in an overweight person and a strong healthy athlete is a committment. Make that committment and begin your journey. It will not be easy but the reward is well worth the effort.

The best gift we can give to our future generations is setting a good example.

Hi Dave and fellow walkers

My daughter Miranda 1979 sent me to this thread. My husband and I have been walking since January (end of January) gearing up for the ½ marathon. We are up to 5 miles in an hour so I think we’re doing ok. I wonder at times if I’ll make it to the 13.1 miles but I continue to train with that thought in mind. I seem to do good on the first 2 miles, sluggish on the 3rd and then fine on the 4th and great on the 5th.

I am working on cutting down my time for the 5 miles and then will proceed to 5.5 and then 6 by the end of August. BUT working full time and trying to enjoy my life is difficult when it takes up a lot of time to train. I am dedicated since it is a goal to strive for and my clothes are looking better on me.

My goals are to train Sat & Sun, Tues, Weds, Thursday. But life and appointments get in the way some of those days. Taking Mon & Friday off. Monday I’m beat and Friday is date night J

Geez, I don’t want to be swept!

Hi Dave and fellow walkers

My daughter Miranda 1979 sent me to this thread. My husband and I have been walking since January (end of January) gearing up for the ½ marathon. We are up to 5 miles in an hour so I think we’re doing ok. I wonder at times if I’ll make it to the 13.1 miles but I continue to train with that thought in mind. I seem to do good on the first 2 miles, sluggish on the 3rd and then fine on the 4th and great on the 5th.

Geez, I don’t want to be swept!


Denise, 5 miles in an hour walking is awesome. You needn't worry about getting swept. 5 miles in an hour is 12 min per mile. If you back it off to 13 min per mile you will do a half right at 3 hours.

I do my training walks at 12:30 to 13:30 per mile. I also try to get at least one hill in there to build strength. I train 5 days a week and occassionally I'll do a speed day, usually a local race of 2 miles to 5K.

You have an excellent routine going and you will continue to get better.

Dave--- Thanks for the all the information.

I can't get over how speedy some of you are. I can do a 14 minute mile but can only maintain that pace for a mile or two. I am mostly happy with my 14:30 pace for the long distance. I just want to finish the full marathon and not get swept up by the sweepers.

YOWSA! 5 miles an hour is super fast for walking....I think you might even be faster than some runners! At that pace, you have no need to fear the sweepers. I'm like Nancy......I can go faster for the short haul, but like to be between 14.5 and 15 for the long treks. In fact that's how I've been training: super fast for the 2 milers, moderately fast for the 4 milers and then a more reasonable pace for the distance walks. I try to do a long walk once a week and then 2 or 3 short ones. Some of the short ones are over very hilly terrain, so that's good for training.
YOWSA! 5 miles an hour is super fast for walking....I think you might even be faster than some runners! At that pace, you have no need to fear the sweepers. I'm like Nancy......I can go faster for the short haul, but like to be between 14.5 and 15 for the long treks. In fact that's how I've been training: super fast for the 2 milers, moderately fast for the 4 milers and then a more reasonable pace for the distance walks. I try to do a long walk once a week and then 2 or 3 short ones. Some of the short ones are over very hilly terrain, so that's good for training.

I'm glad to hear that a lot of you are training on hills. I think that is important for building strength and stamina. I firmly believe also that you get a more well rounded workout when you do the ups and downs as well as the flat roads.

A workout that I love is one where you vary speed:

Start slow to warm-up then get progressively faster till you are really feeling the pace. Then back off till it's comfortable and alternate hard pace with comfortable pace. Then the last quarter mile really turn up the speed and try to keep it fast to the finish. Do this workout with a few hills thrown in and you have a complete workout.

Walk slow and normal for a few minutes till you are breathing easy again. n The do some light stretching and your done.

When we are at Disney for ToT if anyones interested we can do some group morning training walks around the boardwalk.

Dave, I would absolutely love that -- but I'm only there Friday, Saturday, and leaving Sunday morning. (I get paid by the hour with no paid vacation -- so this has got to be a quick trip for me. Gotta save up for the Goofy trip!)
Dave, I would absolutely love that -- but I'm only there Friday, Saturday, and leaving Sunday morning. (I get paid by the hour with no paid vacation -- so this has got to be a quick trip for me. Gotta save up for the Goofy trip!)

I feel your pain Wendy. We really need a new couch, but then we would want to spend more time on it. That would be pretty counter productive.

We do have new Kittens though.:upsidedow

I feel your pain Wendy. We really need a new couch, but then we would want to spend more time on it. That would be pretty counter productive.

We do have new Kittens though.:upsidedow


We might be up for some walks at BW.

New kitties! We have 2 older Siamese cats, Good luck!

You all have great paces and don't have to worry about getting swept. I am planning around 15:30 for my Goofy paces. I was able to by accident(don't know how it happened) to do 13:30 pace for the 5K & 15K on back to backs at the Minnie in May. Fastest walking since both Achilles surgeries. I did walk the WDW marathon in 96 in 5:09:)
I feel your pain Wendy. We really need a new couch, but then we would want to spend more time on it. That would be pretty counter productive.

We do have new Kittens though.:upsidedow


Dave, I checked with my brother the veterinarian and he concurred: kittens do not make good couches. They just don't hold up to the weight very well and they tend to move around way too much. You might try something larger, like a cow, though I understand there are certain issues with having them indoors. ;)


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