Walkers Wanna Compare Notes??

Good luck with your race Dave.


Thanks Nancy. This will be my first race with the FinishLine colors. If I do good they my sweeten the deal. The local FinishLine Mgr offered Erica and I racing clothes and good discounts on stuff we buy if we raced in Finishline shirts. It's a start.

Greetings everyone. Just back from a family trip to WDW this past week. Although I did not do any official training, lots of walking in the theme and water parks each day (with a couple of blisters to show for it). This includes carrying gear for 6 and occassionally a good size 5 year old. Overall, I think I'll count it as some type of training. I also managed to stay somewhat on track with the healthy eating (relatively speaking for WDW standards), staying below the 400 lbs. mark. I figure all the water and other liquids I drank while there will take a couple days to work their way out of the system. I plan to try to recover some this weekend and begin serious healthy eating and half marathon training Monday. If I'm lucky and win the lottery or something similar, maybe I'll even do the ToT. Off to catch up with the other threads.
Greetings everyone. Just back from a family trip to WDW this past week. Although I did not do any official training, lots of walking in the theme and water parks each day (with a couple of blisters to show for it). This includes carrying gear for 6 and occassionally a good size 5 year old. Overall, I think I'll count it as some type of training. I also managed to stay somewhat on track with the healthy eating (relatively speaking for WDW standards), staying below the 400 lbs. mark. I figure all the water and other liquids I drank while there will take a couple days to work their way out of the system. I plan to try to recover some this weekend and begin serious healthy eating and half marathon training Monday. If I'm lucky and win the lottery or something similar, maybe I'll even do the ToT. Off to catch up with the other threads.

Bill our WISH Walkers for the ToT are hence forth known as the "Raiders of the lost "YARC".

Yea Dude you need to be there.

Walk race is over, I was 3rd in 22:24. Pace 11:12 min per mile for the 2 miles.

This was not a judged race and 2nd place was doing some kind of a WOG he was like a hundred yards behind me at the half way turn around then a fewm minutes later he passed me. I thought he closed on me awefully quick, but it was a fun race so I didn't question it.

Last year my time for this race was 23:18 so I have emproved that much over the year.

The race was difficult because I train early in the morning and this was an evening race. But I put in the effort.

Bill our WISH Walkers for the ToT are hence forth known as the "Raiders of the lost "YARC".

Yea Dude you need to be there.


First, congrats on the race. I am glad you were able to enjoy it even with woggers closing on you fast. Also, congrats on the exam.

Second, I will be at ToT if I can get the money, but things are a little tight right now. Like I said, I am hoping for a big lottery payoff (I only play though when there is a big pot). I guess I could also hope that some unknown, distant relative passes away and leaves me something. If I can't be there in person, know that I'll be there in heart. But to earn an inaugrual medal as my first event just keeps pulling at me. Of course, I will only keep considering it if I don't have to play the role of one of the melting Nazis when the "YARC" is opened.
WTG Dave!!!!!!!

Our next event is this weekend, a 10K at the waterfront. Kinda excited about it. Just hope it isn't too hot.

Bill: I hope you can make it, it is going to be alot of fun. I am doing this trip on a budget as well. We are staying at Music and will have a rental car so if you are in that area and need a ride to and from the race you are more then welcome with DH and I.

First, congrats on the race. I am glad you were able to enjoy it even with woggers closing on you fast. Also, congrats on the exam.

Second, I will be at ToT if I can get the money, but things are a little tight right now. Like I said, I am hoping for a big lottery payoff (I only play though when there is a big pot). I guess I could also hope that some unknown, distant relative passes away and leaves me something. If I can't be there in person, know that I'll be there in heart. But to earn an inaugrual medal as my first event just keeps pulling at me. Of course, I will only keep considering it if I don't have to play the role of one of the melting Nazis when the "YARC" is opened.

I have been thinking about playing the lottery also. My life is on such a positive roll, I just might get lucky. If I won a big jackpot, more money than I could possibly ever spend we might just have to take an all expense paid cruise to Europe for the WISH team to tour the racing circut in the "Old Country". I don't have much family left so that is a very doable option. Think any of the team would be interested in that?

That might sound bad not wanting to spend the money for feeding the hungry or some such cause but I think the WISH message is worth spreading around. The health crisis we are facing in the civilized world is from our own inactivity and not from a lack of anything.

To progress as a walker requires three types of training:

Long Slow Distance (LSD)

Speed work: Pushing the pace for short distances, with rest between bursts of speed.

Tempo: Basicly varing the pace during the walk, like start slow then speed up, but under race pace, then at the end pick it up to race pace for just a bit.

I personally think there should be a fourth: the fun walk. At least once or twice a week do a walk that is pure pleasure. Keep the pace comfortable but brisk and either go with someone or go somewhere that's interesting to see. Like through town or around a lake or something. It's worth a bit of a drive to change your surroundings. I have found that I can get so caught up in these walks that I can turn in some really good times effortlessly.

Dave: congrats on your amazing success during the 2 mile race! Do you use the official "race-walk" technique? I like your 4 points for good walk training.....I have 1 and 2 mastered, but I once I get warmed up, I don't really alter my tempo much during the LWs. I'll have to try doing that.

I definitely like the idea of a fun walk though. We'll be at WDW for a family vacation in less than 3 weeks and I'll get lots of fun walking there. As someone previously mentioned, running around all the parks just trying to see and do everything is very good training. The best is when you've got only 5 minutes left on a fast pass and the attraction is clear across the other side of the park.

Nancy: great job on the training and congratulate Norm on his success also.
Good luck to Brian on his interview with Sports Authority.

I did a 3hour 35 minute walk on Saturday morning. My pedometer is totally shot (it registered .37 mile for the first 4 mile stretch), but judging by my pace, I'm assuming it was at least 14 miles. I used my new water bottle fanny pack and it made a world of difference. I filled it half way up with Gatorade and froze it. Then added water to the top just before I left. That meant I started out drinking mostly water and switched to mostly Gatorade later on. Plus it stayed fairly cool. I felt so good then when I got back to my street at about the 3hour25 min mark, I decided to add one more killer hill so I would have gone a full 3&1/2 hours. I think hydrating made all the difference. Afterward I felt very good....with the exception of my feet! They never hurt when I am walking, but shortly after I stop they get SOOO stiff that I end up limping the next 3 or 4 hours. Anybody have any suggestions to avoid this? I usually take an Alleve right after, but it doesn't kick in until much later.

nepatsfan73: the TofT event is going to be so awesome! You need to do whatever it takes and come join us.
Dave: congrats on your amazing success during the 2 mile race! Do you use the official "race-walk" technique? I like your 4 points for good walk training.....I have 1 and 2 mastered, but I once I get warmed up, I don't really alter my tempo much during the LWs. I'll have to try doing that.

nepatsfan73: the TofT event is going to be so awesome! You need to do whatever it takes and come join us.

Yes as a matter of personal pride every step in a race is with legal racewalking technique, even if it's a run race. On training walks I keep to the technique also.

Bill I bought a lottery ticket. If I'm a multi millionaire on wed night I'll hook you up. Read what I wrote on that subject on the weekly log.

Great job Dave on your race this past weekend. I also liked you walking tips.

nepatsfan73-- Glad you had a good time at WDW. All that park walking counts as XT.

Jeanne--- Good job on your LW for the week. I would think from your times that you did at least 14 miles if not longer. Where was your Garmin?
I have not tried any Gatorade just been using water. I might try those energy jelly bean things as I get into the longer walks. Impressive that you wait to take the aleve after, I have to take 3 advil before I start. Brian now has interviews with Sports Authority and a school district for an Assistant AD this week. Hopefully one of them will work for him.

Kim--- Good luck on your 10K this weekend.

Tonight will be a 4 mile walk and hopefully stretch class.

Dave: Maybe you can give us all a race-walking tutorial. at the T of T. I've tried to follow the instructions that are on the internet and I feel like I'm walking like a wooden soldier!

Nancy: good luck to Brian on both interviews......hopefully he'll end up with choices.

My Garmin hasn't arrived yet. I only ordered it on Thursday or Friday of last week, so it will probably come today or tomorrow.

I asked my 2 kids if they would like WISH shirts. DD(23) is doing the Goofy and DS(22) is doing the Mickey. (his first marathon event ever). I figured it would be nice to have people cheer them on throughout the course. Both had basically the same response: that one dork in the family was enough!:sad2: I suppose at their ages, it's a typical reply. At least I know that when I run out of steam, there will be support on the sidelines. I'm tempted to get them bright neon green t-shirts that say "I could have had a WISH shirt....but I was too cool!" :rolleyes1
I asked my 2 kids if they would like WISH shirts. DD(23) is doing the Goofy and DS(22) is doing the Mickey. (his first marathon event ever). I figured it would be nice to have people cheer them on throughout the course. Both had basically the same response: that one dork in the family was enough!:sad2: I suppose at their ages, it's a typical reply. At least I know that when I run out of steam, there will be support on the sidelines. I'm tempted to get them bright neon green t-shirts that say "I could have had a WISH shirt....but I was too cool!" :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: Why does that not surprise me that they didn't want the WISH shirts. Remember Jen told Brian when they grow up they don't want to be like us. I would even chip in to help pay for the neon green shirts for them with that logo.

Dave: Maybe you can give us all a race-walking tutorial. at the T of T. I've tried to follow the instructions that are on the internet and I feel like I'm walking like a wooden soldier!

I asked my 2 kids if they would like WISH shirts. DD(23) is doing the Goofy and DS(22) is doing the Mickey. (his first marathon event ever). I figured it would be nice to have people cheer them on throughout the course. Both had basically the same response: that one dork in the family was enough!:sad2: I suppose at their ages, it's a typical reply. At least I know that when I run out of steam, there will be support on the sidelines. I'm tempted to get them bright neon green t-shirts that say "I could have had a WISH shirt....but I was too cool!" :rolleyes1

I love that idea of shirts for the kids. I'm quite proud of mine, I thought I had the coolest shirt at the Senior Olympics. Several people even asked if they could take a picture of my shirt.

I felt very stiff at first when I started racewalking. Yes I would be glad to help anyone learn. Getting my arm swing more to the back instead of the front helped. Realizing what your body is doing helps also so you can concentrate on each part.

Your feet need to be leaving a straight line of foot prints. The act of swinging your foot to land in a straight line in front of you instead of to the sides is where the little bit of hip motion comes in. You walk from the hips and butt instead of the knees like a runner or power walker does.

Don't tell anyone but race walkers have the best developed butts and hips of any athletes. Within a few months you will notice that your glutes and thighs are hard and developed. Your abs and obliques are used more also because of supporting the glutes and hips.

When you walk stand straight like you are riding a horse and just letting your body relax and move. Keep your tummy relaxed but tucked in and held firm. When you get the hang of it a 13 min mile is very doable for a marathon distance. You will find that a 15 min mile is about your easy warm-up speed.

One of the things I have discovered about racewalking is I have to warm-up with regular walking/power walking till I feel warmed and loose. Then the motion feels natural, before that I have that, as you discribed, "Wooden Feeling".

Sorry about getting so long winded there but I love talking about the sport that I've come to love and that still amazes me.

Here I am Dave, decided to go ahead jump in just to see what's going on over here. Sounds like a good group of folks. Thanks for inviting me.:)

Here I am Dave, decided to go ahead jump in just to see what's going on over here. Sounds like a good group of folks. Thanks for inviting me.:)


Mellody I'm so glad you desided to join us. This group rocks. This is a thread where wakers can talk about walking or anything else you want to. The weekly thread is where everyone logs their days activities or nonactivity.

Please introduce yourself to the group. I promise you will love it here.

WISH stands for "We are inspired to stay healthy". It's a family forum also with several couples and mother daughter ect...

What kind of water bottle fanny pack did you get? I'm in the market for a new one. Thanks!

It's called Access by Ultimate Direction. It is a smallish fanny pack (big enough for keys, ipod, etc.) and comes with a water bottle that has a top that is similar to a baby's bottle so you don't have to bother with unscrewing the lid off. I got it from Running Warehouse and used the WISH discount (WISHD). I think it was 17.99 before the discount. I think it's a 20 oz. bottle which is not too large or heavy. Of course you can always use a bottle of your own since the holder is mesh and has quite a bit of give.

Welcome, Mellody! :cheer2:
It's called Access by Ultimate Direction. It is a smallish fanny pack (big enough for keys, ipod, etc.) and comes with a water bottle that has a top that is similar to a baby's bottle so you don't have to bother with unscrewing the lid off. I got it from Running Warehouse and used the WISH discount (WISHD). I think it was 17.99 before the discount. I think it's a 20 oz. bottle which is not too large or heavy. Of course you can always use a bottle of your own since the holder is mesh and has quite a bit of give.

Welcome, Mellody! :cheer2:

Thanks, I'll check it out today!
Saturday at the race I was talking to one of my fellow Senior Olympian racewalkers, who had come up from Tenn, to race with me. We were watching a bunch of the young runners going up to the starting line for their race and most were bare chested. He made the comment that it was funny we finally get abs from all our hard training but no one would want to see us without a shirt.

One of the cool thing about the WISH site is that walkers and runners and woggers all get along. Over on the Running Forums even a lot of the beginning runners think walkers are a lower lifeform. I once posted a question on Runners World Forum, "If you walk a marathon, are you a marathoner". Most of the responses were that you weren't. Even if a walker who comes in ahead of some runners you are sill not a marathoner.

I personally think that we are entering a new era in exercise thinking and the WISH slogan is cutting edge. Walking is the exercise of the new age.

That running warehouse is great. I was sent there my the Mizuno shoe co. they have the best prices on my Wave Revolvers, only thing is they only get one in my size 9.5 every month.

Have a great workout today y'all.



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