Walkers Wanna Compare Notes??

Welcome Melody.

Dave---I so agree about the WISH group being so friendly to everyone no matter if you are a runner, jogger, wogger, or walker everyone is accepted. The important part is you are out there doing some form of exercise and maintaining a healthly lifestyle.

Did 4.5 miles last night on the TM along with stretch class. I hated to do the TM since it was so nice outside. But stretch class was first and I knew if I went home to do my walk it wouldn't get done. Plus I could read more of my book by doing the TM.

Hi Mellody!!!! WELCOME!!!! You will never meet a more supportive, friendly group anywhere. Glad to have you with us.

Nancy WTG on getting in the 4.5M on the TM. I like the option of my TM but I get so bored on there, I am going to have to start trying to watch a movie or something while I am on it.

WWDaveYikes, I figured if you could finish a marathon regardless of how you crossed the finish line you where a marathoner. I have read a few negitive comments on a runningroom website that I go to once and a while, that us walkers slow down the runners etc. I figure I am very curtious and try to stay far to the side to be out of there way. During the Minnie I thought it was funny, I started the same time as this one lady, she jogged then walked etc. I walked the entire way and she only beat me at the end when she ran to the finish line and I walked across.

WWDave again;) I am sure I read that you use the "legal" race walker form. Can I ask you a question about that. Does it give you alot of hip pain???

Yikes, I am just so far behind on the posts.....:confused3 I promise to get better.!!!!

Hi Mellody!!!! WELCOME!!!! You will never meet a more supportive, friendly group anywhere. Glad to have you with us.

Nancy WTG on getting in the 4.5M on the TM. I like the option of my TM but I get so bored on there, I am going to have to start trying to watch a movie or something while I am on it.

WWDaveYikes, I figured if you could finish a marathon regardless of how you crossed the finish line you where a marathoner.

WWDave again;) I am sure I read that you use the "legal" race walker form. Can I ask you a question about that. Does it give you alot of hip pain???

Yikes, I am just so far behind on the posts.....:confused3 I promise to get better.!!!!


Kim yes you are a marathoner as long as you get across the finishline under your own power.

Actually there is no hip pain at all. Some walkers have an exagerated hip movement, most racewalkers don't have that much. It's the really fast and limber ones that have a lot of motion. Even the really fast ones at the Senior Games didn't have that much. If you look at runners most have a unique style of their own. Same with walkers.

The places I get sore are the calves and sometimes the sides of my thighs, were the ITBs are. But a good rolling with the rolling pin and some massage works wonders. Of course my achillies is usually sore when I first get up.

Nancy, WTG on the treadmill. That 4.5 on the tread beast is like 8 on the road.

Thanks Dave, I have seen the race walkers and wow what power out of those legs. It must be the hip sway that to me looks like it would be painful but again, if that is your techinic then I am sure there are exercises to help.
Over on the Running Forums even a lot of the beginning runners think walkers are a lower lifeform. I once posted a question on Runners World Forum, "If you walk a marathon, are you a marathoner". Most of the responses were that you weren't. Even if a walker who comes in ahead of some runners you are sill not a marathoner.

I personally think that we are entering a new era in exercise thinking and the WISH slogan is cutting edge. Walking is the exercise of the new age.


Dave- I think it's sad that people can't understand that walking or doing any kind of activity is commendable. Just because it isn't what you "do" doesn't mean that it's anything less of an accomplishment. This kind of mentality contributes to obesity (the nearing 75% of the us!), as people get an all or nothing attitude, instead of just doing what you can do.

Mellody- Welcome!
Dave- I think it's sad that people can't understand that walking or doing any kind of activity is commendable. Just because it isn't what you "do" doesn't mean that it's anything less of an accomplishment. This kind of mentality contributes to obesity (the nearing 75% of the us!), as people get an all or nothing attitude, instead of just doing what you can do.

Mellody- Welcome!

Yep, well said. I stopped caring what people like that think. They are usually the ones who are back on the couch, with the jumbo bag chips, in less than a year. They have such high ideals about what being an athlete means and can never even live up to their on inflated standard.

Funny years ago (13+) I was really angry and needed to breathe. It was January in NH and about 20 degrees and I went out for a walk. I really was ticked so I went for an hour. Came back and felt better. Next day problem was still nagging so I went out again and again and again. Finally after 3 months of daily walking I had walked off 35 pounds.

Years later I was deeply depressed, Dr said I needed to be feeling bad 3 months before she could give me medication. My husband said I needed to walk, off we went every night so I could have some alone time and vent. Puff, I felt much better – nice that someone cared enough for me to MAKE me do that.

Now at age 53 I still need to lose weight, I needed an incentive to move (Donald 08) and want to look good in my clothes. Last night I power-walked 6 miles at the track – the most I’ve ever done in one night and today I don’t feel too sore. I’m starting to think I can really do this! Time was about 82-90 min. Of course the track is a lot easier than the road so I’m sure the road will be a slower time. Working on getting that done to see how I’m really doing.

Walking is the least expensive exercise and the least hard on the body and while I haven’t lost a whole lot of weight, I have lost inches! The clothes are looking better and I feel great.

Everyone keep it up, we’re doing great.

Denise, thank you so much for sharing. I didn't start getting back into shape till I turned fifty and figured it was now or never. I had let my self go and figured I would just work all the hours I could and prepare to sit on the porch when I retired. But I realized I missed the exercising and the races. I had been active untill I retired at 43 then let my fitness fade away.

I'm glad you have made a decision to begin again, and with your awesome support team and the WISH team I know you will be successful. Can't wait to meet you guys at the 08 events.

I have a question for the walkers.

DOes your training program go by milage or time??? I am following a training program I got from a friend who is a runner and it is based on milage. However, I have been investigating some other plans and except for the LW they are all measured by time.

Just curious what you are all doing.

I have a question for the walkers.

DOes your training program go by milage or time??? I am following a training program I got from a friend who is a runner and it is based on milage. However, I have been investigating some other plans and except for the LW they are all measured by time.

Just curious what you are all doing.


Kim, most of my races are 3 miles or less. So the distance I do at least 3 days a week is 4 miles. I will vary the speed during the walk but this gives me more endurance for the racing distances. The other 2 days are usually 6 to 10 miles depending on how close we are getting to a marathon. as the marathon gets closer we ramp up to 15 to 20 miles for the long walk.

I like doing miles better than time, because that way I know how much I did during the week. With time you can only guess at the miles.

As long as you are getting out there doing it, the out come is pretty much the same though. So what ever you are most comfortable with is the correct answer.


I am using Hal Higdon's walking a half marathon training program. I just googled to find one. It is based on minutes except the LW. Also, I sub the "stroll" days for yoga.


I am using Hal Higdon's walking a half marathon training program. I just googled to find one. It is based on minutes except the LW. Also, I sub the "stroll" days for yoga.


Thanks for the reminder Maggie, I need to stretch.

Thanks Dave and Maggie.

I do like the milage thing as I know how far I have gone.

Got my 4K in on the TM last night, I really prefer getting outside but just wasn't in the cards last night.

Have a great day

Thanks Dave and Maggie.

I do like the milage thing as I know how far I have gone.

Got my 4K in on the TM last night, I really prefer getting outside but just wasn't in the cards last night.

Have a great day


Good morning Kim, this might sound dumb, I have a talent for sounding dumb anyway. Do the Treadmills in Canada read distance in Ks, instead of miles?

I'm headed out for a 4 miler on the hills. I have that race on Saturday so It will be at a moderate pace.

Have an amazing day y'all.

Good morning Dave!!!

Nope not a dumb question, they are all in miles but can be converted to KMS. We haven't bothered, just left it in the miles. I do the conversions myself as when I map out my outside walking I have to use the car and it only measures in KMS.

I was surprised at the Minnie that even though it was a 15K the markers are in miles.....I don't like miles they are alot longer then KMS...:lmao

Enjoy your hills today

My turn again for a question, if you do your hills on the TM what incline do you use?? I am suppose to do hills as well today but want to use the TM.

Nancy, WTG on the treadmill. That 4.5 on the tread beast is like 8 on the road.


I'm curious as to why you said this.

I'm so glad to see other walkers posting over here.

Kim--- I find it hard to do a steep incline on the TM as I feel that I am going to fall off the back. I usually have to hold on when doing a steep incline which I know you aren't suppose to do. I do try to do at least a 1/4 mile on an incline each mile and vary the incline. Will be interested in Dave's response.

Yesterday did 60 minute strength/pump class and 3 miles on the elipical.


Kim, I never use the incline, the treadmill is hard enouth without it. I walk the first mile at 4 mph to warm up then the second at 4.5 then do some quarters at 5 mpm. Then I do a couple of quarters at 6 mph, with a quarter at 4 mph to recove from each. Once in a while I'll bump it to 8 mph and keep it up for about a minute then back off.

Nancy, for me the treadmill is much harder because you can't let your mind wander as easily as you can out side. You zone to much on the treadmill and you will sail off the back end. Most people think walkers are nutty anyway, that would clinch it.

Yes I'm over joyed we have other walkers posting.

I got in 4 miles on the hills this morning. My calves and shins were sore for a couple of miles but after I got warm it was nice. I stretched in the hot tub after. Total time was 52:56, with the las mile in 12:34. I was keeping it moderate since I'm racing on sat.

Thanks all for the incline answers. I just don't know if I am ready to concour the hills around my house just yet, they are pretty big....or at least to me they are:eek:

I agree, my TM workouts are always harder then the ones outside. I easily get bored ont the TM.

It is so nice to have people to come and chat with, share ideas with.

I think I am going to start my training in miles....at least when I am on the course I won't have to ask Robert how far we still have to go......:rotfl: .......sorry inside joke with Robert and I.....how am I suppose to know how far 3/10th of a mile are:lmao:

Kim, I'll tell you how I pick a training route.

1. Safety, I want a route that is reasonably safe from cars, dogs and things to trip over.

2. I look for a route with hills. ( I used to get winded easily on hills so to correct that weakness I train regularly on them).

3. Difficulty, I look for routes that are as difficult or more so than anything I could run into in a local race. If I'm dying at the end I want it to be because of the effort not because I was unprepared for the terrain.

4. A track is wonderful for speed work because you can turn your brain off and let your body just do. You know where to start and stop and when you can rest.



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