W.I.S.H. Support! in the Creative Community Livingroom

I'm in.

I have to lose weight this year - for health reasons and for my daughter's wedding. My plan is to use my elliptical machine 5X weekly, cut back on portions, cut back on sugar, and try to eliminate those nightly/afternoon snacks.

So far, I've done great w/ the elliptical and am up to 30 min. each time (I started at about 10 min). My method has been to get up in the am, get a bottle of water and head straight to the machine. It works for me. The portions are easy, it's the snacking that I struggle with, especially in the afternoon at work. I'm bringing healthier snacks so at least it's in the right direction. And, I've added daily vitamins that I actually take daily!

I tried the weight smart and didn't notice anything?

My first goal is to lose 10 lbs then I'll reavaluate!
Ok, My suggestion to everyone is to throw away all your scales! I did this several years ago and it really worked! I still have no clue how much I weigh! I don't focus on numbers at all, I just focus on how I feel and the size clothing I am in! It works for me. I have lost an entire person this way! My doctor is the only person who knows what I weighed before and now and all in between! I have absolutly no desire to know. I also cut out the bread and pasta from my diet. This helped a lot!!!! The pounds came off quickly! Not too quickly, but it really worked! I have Thryoid problems and so it is very, very difficult for me to lose weight, so these little things helped me! Someone who is healthy and doesn't have these problems could actually lose the weight much quicker than I did! I actually went from a size 5X (Huge) to a now size 16! AND the size 16 is starting to get loose on me! I just started at a gym to tone the FLABS and yes, I take a vitamin every day, I take a caltrate with extra calcium. No fat except salad dressing in your salads!!!! No butter!!!!! Stop eating those low calorie foods and stuff with sweetners in them! Start eating natural fruits and Veggies that are good for you. Eat the real foods. Just limit your portion size. All that crap in your body isn't good for you! Causes headaches and other problems. Trust me, I actually lost all the weight and lowered my blood pressure and lowered my cholesterol! My doctor was so impressed! Stop eating McDonalds Hamburgers for 4 weeks and then try one! You will spit it out! They taste so gross! It's amazing! The only food I eat at McDonalds now is the salads! Stop drinking soda! You will be amazed with how good you feel in 2 weeks afterwards!

OK enough for now!
Good Luck! I just have to keep going to the gym!!!! Keep me motivated!!!!!

Good morning! I didn't do so badly this past weekend--DH & I actually exercised both days. Just the meal at my mom's Saturday night was bad, as far as calories go. I have been doing pretty well with staying on my points. I've had a stomach virus for the past 2 days, so I haven't exercised or really done anything, but yesterday I was able to eat my normal stuff. I weigh in this morning (in a little bit), so I'll let you know!

I hope everyone has a great day! :cheer2:
I missed my weigh in day yesterday, so I did it today...lost 1lb :confused3 That isn't really losing for me though, so I have to step up the exercise. Hopefully next week will be down again, and I'll feel like I really started...
I weighed in, and I am down 4 pounds. Now, part of that is probably water, since my fun female thing was last week, but still, the scale registered 4 pounds lost. Here's the bad thing, though. That means the exercise/eating less thing is working, so I have to keep doing it. ;)
I weighed in, and I am down 4 pounds. Now, part of that is probably water, since my fun female thing was last week, but still, the scale registered 4 pounds lost. Here's the bad thing, though. That means the exercise/eating less thing is working, so I have to keep doing it. ;)

LOL Got to love when Aunt Flo comes to visit.
Yep, hate her. Due to her lingering (for the 14th day) and to some stuff at work, it was a craptacular day (to steal from my dear friend KAMommy). DH took me out to eat tonight, and I had a bbq chkn sandwich and fries. Not good on the old WISH plan. However, I told DH that I had already weighed in today, so all I had to do was work really hard to make sure the same 4 pounds were off next Wednesday, plus another one hopefully! :)
Yep, hate her. Due to her lingering (for the 14th day) and to some stuff at work, it was a craptacular day (to steal from my dear friend KAMommy). DH took me out to eat tonight, and I had a bbq chkn sandwich and fries. Not good on the old WISH plan. However, I told DH that I had already weighed in today, so all I had to do was work really hard to make sure the same 4 pounds were off next Wednesday, plus another one hopefully! :)

14 DAYS!! Ummm, that's actually 2 craptacular weeks if you ask me...

Yeah for Dh...points for him for being thoughtful!

Hope tomorrow you are feeling better, and BBQ and fries isn't so bad really. Now fess up about all the chocolate too :rotfl2:
No chocolate for me today. Wait, that's not true. I ate one of those Weight Watchers Chocolate Cakes (the little 1 point ones). I LOVE those things!!! I even love them when I'm not trying to diet!! What can I say? I'm easy to please when it comes to chocolate!! ;)
OK so I've had a craptacular day.
I only walked 1.5 miles. I thought the green was 2 miles but it didn't take that long so I knew something was up. I drove around the streets it's near, think a big loop, and it was only 1.5 UGH so I need to walk 2 laps there or 10 laps around the soccer field.
And I have done non stop eating all day! We had McDonalds for lunch. It was awful!!! That will never happen again. I haven't eaten there in about 4 weeks, it was gross.

Back on track for tomorrow! I will still do my crunches tonight though.
And I have done non stop eating all day! We had McDonalds for lunch. It was awful!!! That will never happen again. I haven't eaten there in about 4 weeks, it was gross.

I told you it would be gross!!!! :rotfl2: Eat their salads! They aren't bad! Just don't get the fried chicken! Get the grilled chicken!
I haven't gotten on my eliptical machine since my students came back but I have done a lot more walking. I have walked a minimum of 3 miles a day at school. I need to work on doing some outside exercise but cutting down on snacking has helped a bit I am done 1 and 1/2 pounds from the beginning of the month.

I told you it would be gross!!!! :rotfl2: Eat their salads! They aren't bad! Just don't get the fried chicken! Get the grilled chicken!

I was going to get a grilled chicken sandwich, hold the mayo, but I just rambled off a double cheeseburger mighty kids meal. My usual. Blech!!! Even the coke didn't taste good. I used to be a soda hound but we haven't bought soda in about 2 years. We sometimes get it when we eat out but most of the time I get water.

I guess that will kick me into gear tomorrow, of course as I write this I'm eating some rocky road ice cream. Why not finish the day out with a bang?! LOL

BTW have you ever eaten at Ri~Ra in Providence? It's an Irish Pub near the train station.
I'm in too!

I lost 14 pounds between Oct 1 and Thanksgiving and managed to keep them off over the holidays.

Now I need to get busy again. I am taking lunches to work as always, but will not order out when others suggest it except for special, special occasions. I am going to put that money away for new clothes that I will need come spring!:cool1:
Okay I didn't get on my eliptical machine this weekend but I did go Ice Skating last night for about an hour. Saturday I just went shopping so I walked a couple of miles. DH drops me off somewhere and then I shop and walk back to meet him.
I did very poorly this weekend. I hate it when we have a long weekend because I don't do very well. Plus it rained on and off all weekend. I'm going to try to at least do my stairs today. Rain again and the kids are home but DH has to work. I need to keep them out of his hair.
Mind if I join in, ladies? This place feels like much more of a home to me than the WISH site does. Who better to commiserate with than fellow scap addicts like myself? :rotfl:

I need to lose a lot...I want to lose a lot...but I have zero motivation. At least that's what my pattern over the past 15 days tells me. I was all gung-ho to start this healthy pattern of exercising and doing WW once 2007 began. I'll do great for a day...or two...and then just completely stop. No rhyme or reason. It's just more fun to DIS with a Dr. Pepper than to walk on the treadmill with a bottle of water. :teeth:

It really hit me yesterday when I was doing a marathon scrap of DH & I's solo Disney trip. There were only 3 pictures of me, and only one of the two of us together. I look awful...I felt lousy (and that wasn't just the herniated disc talking), and I desperately don't want to feel the same way when we take our vacations this year.

I'm looking forward to checking in here. Good luck to everyone! :wizard:
Mind if I join in, ladies? This place feels like much more of a home to me than the WISH site does. Who better to commiserate with than fellow scap addicts like myself? :rotfl:

I need to lose a lot...I want to lose a lot...but I have zero motivation. At least that's what my pattern over the past 15 days tells me. I was all gung-ho to start this healthy pattern of exercising and doing WW once 2007 began. I'll do great for a day...or two...and then just completely stop. No rhyme or reason. It's just more fun to DIS with a Dr. Pepper than to walk on the treadmill with a bottle of water. :teeth:

It really hit me yesterday when I was doing a marathon scrap of DH & I's solo Disney trip. There were only 3 pictures of me, and only one of the two of us together. I look awful...I felt lousy (and that wasn't just the herniated disc talking), and I desperately don't want to feel the same way when we take our vacations this year.

I'm looking forward to checking in here. Good luck to everyone! :wizard:

I know how you feel. I have a picture of me and the mayor of Main Street, which is my horrid picture! That is my motivation for weight loss. I think I'm going to blow it up and glue it to the fridge and pantry door. Maybe even the treadmill.
The reason why we started this thread was to motivate each other. Set goals, etc. My goal is no scrap stuff until I walk. I have to pay before I play.
I love this thread. I feel more inspired every time I check in. :yay:

I haven't had a great weekend, but I wasn't horrible. DH and I allowed ourselves a mini-cheat day today. We have been eaten fruit and salads for two weeks straight - today we got a sandwich.

You all know that I think scales are evil, but I know my pants are looser - hopefully a size soon but not yet. I do have one bad thing to report, though. This eating healthy thing...well, I haven't had to take a Nexium since I started...why bad, because it is proof that this good food works! Yuck. Why can't Ben and Jerry's be what I need to keep my stomach in line????:confused3
This eating healthy thing...well, I haven't had to take a Nexium since I started...why bad, because it is proof that this good food works! Yuck. Why can't Ben and Jerry's be what I need to keep my stomach in line????:confused3

Don't we all wish that!!


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