VMK - Things that make you smile

A nice thing I saw in VMK was when a girl went up to everyone and said hi to each of them.
To me that was sweet.:goodvibes :goodvibes
VMK Smiles :)

The people here on the Disboards that do nice things for others who just don't have as much or don't quite know all the ins-and-outs.

When somebody actually in VMK takes the time to take a new VMKer around to find hidden Mickey's, etc. (I have done that and I enjoyed it)

Seeing kids respond as "I am sorry, that is against VMK values" when somebody is doing something they shouldn't.

Fantasyland Courtyard. :)
Not sure how I managed to play against NO OPPONENTS, but wishing that I could catch this bug again!:laughing:

I love it when people are so nice and giving to new players.:)
Woot! Looks like my kinda game :laughing:

oh my, lol. i never heard of that happening before. lucky you! :thumbsup2 that is a moment that would make me smile too, actually i'd do more than smile... :lmao:

~Pirateears pirate:
A few Safety Issues on VMK that haven't been addressed :laughing:

Look out for falling logs!


Don't play with fire! Your feet might get burnt


I always get a laugh out of VMK's little quirks :goodvibes
Meeting kind people in the game who are willing to help out. I've met some nice people who were willing to answer my questions when I needed some help. And a few people have been kind enough to just give my DD an item when she was talking to them.
lol that is so cute, it sounds like something i'd do! :blush: i like the feeling i get when i show the new guests around, it's like i'm their hero :hug: but it's even more awesome when i get curious and kind hearted people to help me with my work. and of course we throw in a little line dancing when the guests stop flowing in lol :woohoo: it's all fun and i know it keeps the new players entertained! :dance3: (i just think we need more jokes and more singers like the Troy and Gabriella that came in the other day to sing to the guests lol)

~ Pirateears pirate:
What makes my happy is when a friend in vmk gives me a "happy" emote :)and when i just recently went gator trap.in with two of my diser friends and when people ask what LGMH means.:rotfl:
I was in the Fireworks lobby and VMK_Shorty was in there. He said first person to say the magic word wins a prize and started giving clues. When he said "he owns a vmk shop" I said Shrunken Ned and won a Typhoon Lagoon pin! Okay, so I already have like eight but it was still cool!



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