Using DDP knowing you won't get value?

I can't control myself. I had to do it - I found a dining calculator - asked how many snacks per person per day (2 adults) - I did two, one for breakfast and one for whatever, or food/wine, etc. How many appetizers, I put one as we will split it. Two mugs because we would get those anyways, like them at home too. Then it just asked what counter service and table service we would pick each day. I know how we eat, we both tend to end up ordering the more expensive dishes wherever we go unfortunately! I know pretty much where we are going so I entered those and here are the results, looks as if I will be paying an overage of $65.82 ish (we will probably tip higher). I can live with that :) :

Using Disney Dining Plan
$1419.10 (Additional Cost: $65.82)
Quick Service Entitlements Remaining: 0
Table Service Entitlements Remaining: 0

This dining plan would cost $1211.94 and covers the following amounts:
  • Entrees & Drinks: $724.94
  • Appetizers: $0.00
  • Desserts: $184.60
  • Snacks: $141.48
  • Refillable Mugs: $35.98
  • Taxes: $59.12
You would need to pay for these amounts out of pocket:
  • Entrees & Drinks: $0.00
  • Appetizers: $85.23
  • Desserts: $0.00
  • Snacks: $0.00
  • Refillable Mugs: $0.00
  • Tips: $121.93
  • Taxes: $0.00
Well, some here will call you all kinds of names for being willing to accept that. If you tend to order expensive, I can tell you from experience that you would go over what the dining calculator tells you, likely by more than that $62. We typically go almost $200 over the number the calculator gives for a week with 3 Disney adults.
You dont get it. You think it is all about dollars and cents, and you insist on removing the personal "quirks" of the people involved. I am that person who cannot get past the prices. One meal? Yes, I can order whatever I want and not think about the cost of each item. A week of dining? Not in this lifetime can I look at a steak that costs $42 and give myself permission to order it. I will order the pork chop or the chicken. I can afford whatever I want, and I know that, but I just cannot bring myself to do that. A gift card? That is money to me. What is a perfect solution for most people is not a viable method for me. I spent too many years pinching pennies to make sure my family had what they needed and wanted to just allow myself to be free and easy spending money. I know at home I cook lean meats all year long, and I hate to cook beef, but I like it. I am generally going to order it if I know I have already allocated the funds. I won't if I did not do so. I love Starbucks venti beverages with 4 shots extra. I am as cheap as they come, so these are a treat for me. I know I will talk myself out of that 2 pump mocha latte, extra shots if I had to whip put my Starbucks gift card, but a snack credit that I allocated $5 for, and now my snack is really $8? Yay for me! Yes, I prepaid my trip when I add a DDP, but I did so with a motive. I get a lovely sense of accomplishment when I bargain hunt at home, stretch my food dollar and still manage plentiful healthy food for my family. I do not want to vacation with that mindset though, but some peopl just cannot turn it off. So I don't. I look at menus, make dining plans, and run a sheet that shows what I speculate my family will order, the same way I know where they like to stay, and how they want to tour.

I am pretty stinkin' lucky. My family is grown, I am married to a man who thinks the best things in life involve indulging his family's and we both save for a vacation experience that not only is fun for all of us, but that takes into consideration the sensitivities of all of us. We are pretty darn good at managing money, and we did nto get to the stage we enjoy now becuase we blithely made decisions that were "feel good". WE really do know what we are doing.
This is it 100% and he will never get it, or admit that he does.
Well, some here will call you all kinds of names for being willing to accept that. If you tend to order expensive, I can tell you from experience that you would go over what the dining calculator tells you, likely by more than that $62. We typically go almost $200 over the number the calculator gives for a week with 3 Disney adults.

Stick and stones and all that jazz...Boathouse I personally wouldn't come out ahead as they have a burger I want (but maybe the lobster roll...yum), but Micky will more than make up for it with what he wants to order. It just happens that way, the more interesting dishes usually end up being the more expensive ones. Not always, but usually. :)
Stick and stones and all that jazz...Boathouse I personally wouldn't come out ahead as they have a burger I want, but Micky will more than make up for it with what he wants to order. It just happens that way, the more interesting dishes usually end up being the more expensive ones. Not always, but usually. :)
Yes, and I have a 13 year old who likes the interesting stuff, always has. She loves good escargot, calamari, octopus, a nice steak, African and Indian spice pallates, etc. when you multiply that times 3 of us, it adds up.
Sometimes DDP saves me money (most trips in fact). I do keep all my receipts and monitor. So sorry that I don't have year old receipts to show you now so you will believe it but we have been to Disney 8 times for a week on DDP. 6 of those times we came out ahead. We have done several shorter trips as well. Occasionally we loose less than $100.(usually much less, on the order of maybe $20) I find the piece of mind worth the occasional loss. I never said everyone would or that everyone should.

You plan your dining in advance using spreadsheets, but can produce no evidence of them. You save money sometimes (or is it most times?) but you don't do the plan to save money. You do it to give yourself peace of mind so you don't have to think about the money you're spending....but then you go through the trouble to to save all your receipts, methodically add them all up and check to see if you made or lost money...even though it's not about the money. Yes, perfectly rational behavior. o_O
Yes, and I have a 13 year old who likes the interesting stuff, always has. She loves good escargot, calamari, octopus, a nice steak, African and Indian spice pallates, etc. when you multiply that times 3 of us, it adds up.

MY DGD likes steak, and the two little ones we brought orders teh steak and scallop option at Narcoossees, and the steak on CRT menu. At that time you could order the combo and their dinners were 77 apiece. They loved the dinner, and whiel we would have let them order it if that was what they wanted, there was a lot of satisfaction that we made a good decison whe we paid about 34 per kid per day.

My DGD has a pretty nice palate as well. My DH loves knowing the child is enjoying her meals.
You plan your dining in advance using spreadsheets, but can produce no evidence of them. You save money sometimes (or is it most times?) but you don't do the plan to save money. You do it to give yourself peace of mind so you don't have to think about the money you're spending....but then you go through the trouble to to save all your receipts, methodically add them all up and check to see if you made or lost money...even though it's not about the money. Yes, perfectly rational behavior. o_O
Keep going, it's actually becoming entertaining, theater of the absurd. Can't wait to see what you will say about someone next.

Eta, you are confused again. I never said I used spreadsheets, that was someone else entirely. I hate them.(spreadsheets, not people who use them)
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MY DGD likes steak, and the two little ones we brought orders teh steak and scallop option at Narcoossees, and the steak on CRT menu. At that time you could order the combo and their dinners were 77 apiece. They loved the dinner, and whiel we would have let them order it if that was what they wanted, there was a lot of satisfaction that we made a good decison whe we paid about 34 per kid per day.

My DGD has a pretty nice palate as well. My DH loves knowing the child is enjoying her meals.
That would be my kid, and lobster where she can get it.
You plan your dining in advance using spreadsheets, but can produce no evidence of them.

Just because someone doesn't want to share their plans with you does not mean they haven't done the math. I had shared the plans for the first half of our trip, where we would basically break even with the regular plan. However, after taking another look, and determining we could use an AP discount at a couple of places, I decided to not get the plan for that portion of the trip. We will still buy the mugs btw because we actually use them.

So, here is the summary for our second half (ball park prices plus tax). We will be on the deluxe plan for four nights with 2 adults and 2 children on the plan. We have family joining us for two days, so the meals for those two days will be shared with an additional 3 adults and 1 child, except we will pay OOP for the children at The Boathouse or they will just share what we are ordering. All other days the meals are for 2 adults and 1 child. I have also included the mugs since the others that are joining us will not have park tickets and we will all be spending those two days at the resort.

I actually try estimate on the low side for those meals that are not AYCTE even though we lean towards the more expensive items. For example the adult meal at the Boathouse is at $65 plus tax. Looking at the menu, and the fact that we tend to order steak, lobster, apps and at least some deserts, this will be higher. We also have two credits left over that will end up being used for CS at some point but I did not include it.

Ohana $83.07
Yak & Yeti $90.53
Beaches and Cream (7) $165.08
The Boathouse (5) $346.13
Cape May (7) $198.09
Whispering Canyon (7) $265.00
Chef Mickey $105.44
Cape May $112.89
Captains Grill $79.88
Mugs $72.38
Snacks $136.32
Total $1,654.79
Dining Plan Cost $1,129.52
Savings $525.27

I understand that we have a very specific situation, but the fact is that that we have family that lives within a couple hours of Disney and join us for a few days nearly ever trip. We have also traveled with other family and been in two rooms that has allowed us to do something similar.

The main point is, I do the math for every trip based on where we plan to eat and then determine what dining plan if any works for that trip.
Eta, you are confused again. I never said I used spreadsheets, that was someone else entirely. I hate them.(spreadsheets, not people who use them)

Ah, so none of your approach is rational. Gotcha. Sorry about that.

The main point is, I do the math for every trip based on where we plan to eat and then determine what dining plan if any works for that trip.

See eeyoreandtink, that's rational.
Gift cards are not an option.

I used the dining calculator and it comes out just a little behind. So that doesn't bother me so much.

I guess what I am saying is, who has used the dining plan without obsessively trying to optimize it? Going to the most expensive places, getting the most expensive item. Doing character lunch/dinner instead of breakfast. Etc.
We have. I like the idea of being able to pre-pay for the food and not worrying about running out of money or having to nickle and dime myself worry about sticking to a set item on the menu....
Just to be clear, we do not obsess about maximizing the plan. We do not like CS, we typically spend half days at the parks, and dining is a big part of our trips. Our kids consider Ohana, Chef Mickeys, and Hoop Dee Doo as important to our Disney trips as 7DMT or BTMRR. I also have "disney adults" who would prefer a filet, crab legs, or lobster to chicken nuggets any day.

The dining plan certainly is not for everyone, but there is definitely those who will either come close to even, and like the option of knowing the cost up front, or save on the plan.

I don't think anyone is saying to get a dining plan knowing you will spend hundreds of dollars more than you have to, but when the costs are about even, why should it be so controversial?
We have. I like the idea of being able to pre-pay for the food and not worrying about running out of money or having to nickle and dime myself worry about sticking to a set item on the menu....

If Disney doubled the price of the plan, but kept the OOP prices the same, would you still get the plan? All the reasons you listed would still be true.


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