Uplifting COVID News

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Heard on the radio this morning that with demand falling short of supply, our governor and the premier of Ontario are planning to start allowing Canadian essential workers who commute across the border to get vaccinated here in Michigan rather than continuing to wait their turn on the other side of the river. I hope that's good news for our neighbors to the east and can take us one small step closer to getting the border reopened, if not for tourism then at least for families separated by the closure.
I hope we can book appt.s right away!

In my county the plan is to start taking appointments and walk-ins for 12 to 15yos the day after the approval and accompanying guidance becomes available. I just asked our public health director about it yesterday, because we're coming down to the wire on being able to get DD12 both doses before we leave for Alaska in mid-June, and I was happy to hear that if approval comes on Monday, they expect to start vaccinating tweens & teens by Wednesday.
"Please wear a mask! Do it for the World please...


Ok! We want everyone vaccinated! Starting tomorrow, until we reach 70% of total population anyone that comes with vaccine papers,that proves that has been vaccinated will get $50 gift certificate for any of
restaurants in the

A tweet from Chef Jose Andres...

Dang, this is only for people getting shots from today til the nation hits 70%, but it's for anyone in the nation. If you're coming to DC, his restaurants are the best, and $50 is $50:).
In my county the plan is to start taking appointments and walk-ins for 12 to 15yos the day after the approval and accompanying guidance becomes available. I just asked our public health director about it yesterday, because we're coming down to the wire on being able to get DD12 both doses before we leave for Alaska in mid-June, and I was happy to hear that if approval comes on Monday, they expect to start vaccinating tweens & teens by Wednesday.

I could be wrong, but I thought I read that the FDA is meeting on Wednesday to discuss the approval of Pfizer for 12-15 year olds. If they approve it, it should become available almost immediately in areas that are prepared to start vaccinating children. Based on what I read, be prepared to start booking appointments on Wednesday! Or in your case, be prepared to get your walk-up appointment on Thursday! Fingers crossed!!!
We have been in school five days a week since last August. We have not lost a year of school like so many others. We have amazing teachers to thank!! Personally, I have not been wearing a mask outside since the pandemic began but have always done so inside. (Grocery) Did not go out to eat until we had our vaccines. Labor day weekend off for a trip to see son, aunt and uncle, cousins, best friend, and siblings. Just like so many others, I have missed them. I think the hugs may be a little longer than normal!! Looking forward to all the graduation parties too.
We have been in school five days a week since last August. We have not lost a year of school like so many others. We have amazing teachers to thank!! Personally, I have not been wearing a mask outside since the pandemic began but have always done so inside. (Grocery) Did not go out to eat until we had our vaccines. Labor day weekend off for a trip to see son, aunt and uncle, cousins, best friend, and siblings. Just like so many others, I have missed them. I think the hugs may be a little longer than normal!! Looking forward to all the graduation parties too.

Not to doubt you at but where do you live??
Not to doubt you at but where do you live??
Not far from northern Ohio waterparks, Lake Erie Islands and Ceder Point Amusement Park.
North central Ohio between Toledo and Cleveland. Amazing educators in our district have been fantastic throughout.

A lot of kids haven't lost a year of school. Tons of schools across the country that have been back full in person 5 days a week. The shocking part for many is that there are even many districts that have been the whole year with no masks, little social distancing and have been fine.
A lot of kids haven't lost a year of school. Tons of schools across the country that have been back full in person 5 days a week. The shocking part for many is that there are even many districts that have been the whole year with no masks, little social distancing and have been fine.

They probably think that they have been fine. A recent study out of Omaha tested waste water coming from schools. They found the rate positive cases among students was 6-10 times higher than what was being reported. Children are more likely to have asymptomatic cases or mild symptoms, and parents still tend to send their kids to school with mild symptoms. For example, I had a student this week who wouldn't keep his mask up over his nose. I called his mom and talked to her. She said he's probably struggling because he's had a cold all week, and his nose is stuffed up. FFS, why are people sending their kids to school with a cold right now? We had two positive cases in that student's cohort last week. It's very frustrating people don't take it seriously, and this student probably won't get tested. We'll never know what he had.

The problem is when students bring it home to their families. I've had MULTIPLE students who have had grandfathers die this year due to COVID. Additionally, one of my students lives alone with her grandmother, and the grandmother was hospitalized for a month with COVID. We scrambled to get her looked after. Another student's grandfather almost died from COVID and got the convalescent plasma and ended up surviving. Months later, he's still not well. He comes to school sometimes to get the kids, he can barely walk (just shuffles), and he still has a gnarly cough. This student (his grandchild) is one who struggles to wear his mask properly. He never tested positive for COVID-19 himself, but his twin did. They'll never know for sure if it's the kids who brought it home to the grandparents, but it definitely seems likely at least some of the cases came from school and were just never identified in the kids.

Study from Omaha: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/study-shows-covid-19-case-rates-schools-higher/story?id=77193309
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A lot of kids haven't lost a year of school. Tons of schools across the country that have been back full in person 5 days a week. The shocking part for many is that there are even many districts that have been the whole year with no masks, little social distancing and have been fine.
COVID-19 vaccines for children 12 and up will be available in the Phoenix area as soon as next Thursday.
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Just finished booking my kids' 2 sets of COVID shots! I feel like I won the lottery and this has turned out to be the best Mother's Day gift ever. I don't care about breakfast in bed or flowers or any of that. DH, kids, & I are so relieved and excited.
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