Ultimate Disney Proposal! **VIDEO LINK ADDED!!!!!!!!**

Im so jealous!!!!!!!!!!! My pain in the butt couldnt keep it quiet and told me he got the ring and asked at first chance. I think I am going to tell him to make it up to me during the next visit to the World!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a beautiful proposal, OP (all of them, actually, lol). What a wonderful memory for you to have.

My DF proposed at WDW last July and we'll be married in August. I wrote a trip report (link in my siggy) but the proposal is the last part, so here's that excerpt only....

.......We now have to either go find a spot for Spectro or decide to skip it. We decide since it's our last night here to give Domenic the power to decide. He says rides, of course. So we head over to Pooh and ride on that again. Once out of there, we head towards Toon Town. In March, Domenic was to short for Goofy's Barnstormer, but this time we're thinking he might be ok. We'd not gotten on it earlier today, but this time there's no line at all. They measure him and we're good to go

I still have to hold my arm around him because he's so darn tiny, he'd have been all over that car.

He enjoys it, and says he liked it when we got off. After that it's time to head over to the bridge to watch Wishes. Craig wants to watch it from the bridge this time, rather than Main Street, as we'd done on Sunday night. I really like Main Street, but I go with the flow and we settle on a spot to the right of the castle, just before Tomorrowland.

Craig says he has to use the bathroom and heads off. Domenic and I save our spot for the fireworks and sit down and relax. Craig comes back and we're standing up waiting for Tinkerbell to fly down. All of a sudden, he turns to me and pulls something from his pocket. He hands it to Domenic, and says "Here, Domenic. Can you give Mommy this special souvenir?" At which point, he hands a ring box to Domenic (who I am holding....in the dark....on a bridge) and says "Will you ask her if we can be a family?" and gets down on one knee and asks us to marry him I say "YES!" and then we both scrambled to keep Domenic, who was about to take the ring out of the box, from dropping it off the bridge and losing it forever

It was the most wonderful (and classic) moment ever!! I honestly have no idea if anyone around us even noticed, because it was dark and he was so quiet about it (and was only on his knee a split second). And sadly, we never asked anyone to take any pictures of us right after, but I did get some shots of our post-engagement fireworks

After the fireworks, which I honestly barely remember now, lol, we had intended to head back to the room. But we were too excited at this point. So we ask Domenic if he wants to watch Spectro or go on rides. He wants to go back to Goofy's Barnstormer. Our engagement was celebrated by 4 consecutive rounds of my son's new favorite ride But we had a BLAST. Craig and I are jibber-jabbering about the engagement (apparently that morning, he'd been asked to see what was in the ring box at security Thankfully Domenic and I had entered first and weren't right there watching!!) and Domenic's taking advantage and getting "just one more" ride out of us about 3 times over Finally we say enough and head out of Toon Town.

I'm sad because I didn't want to leave anyway, and now I just want to move in to WDW We head to the jeweler on Main Street on our way out because the ring is about 4 sizes too big I am desperate for a ring guard to be able to wear it. They don't have one, but now I'm a little less sad about heading home tomorrow, because I know that we can stop at a jeweler there and get one! We try calling Craig's folks and they are not answering, so we can't tell them. My mom had called during the fireworks but I hadn't heard. I see the message, and call her back, but refrain from telling her. I'm going to see her tomorrow afternoon and I want to tell her in person.

We head back to the room and Craig and I are of course, still yammering about the whole deal. We were already concocting a guest list, I think He tells me that the ring was in the safe.....until Tuesday morning, when I'd gone into it PRE-shower He said it was right there (remember, it was 6am, dark, and my contacts weren't in yet...oh...and the ring box was dark blue) in the corner of the safe. He'd scrambled to grab it out of the safe when I'd gone into the bathroom and hid it under Domenic's bed, where it stayed until we left for MK Wednesday morning

Oh yeah...and the reason it was 4 sizes too big, was because he'd gone with some suggestion about how to size a ring by using a twist tie and wrapping it around the finger and then measuring against some size guide. He'd done it while I was sleeping one night. I think that technique needs some work

We finish packing and finally get to sleep for a few hours to grab our flight home the next morning, dreaming of our next trip back here as a family

I guess I probably should've just linked the start of it in the trip report, since all of the smilies and pictures that are in there didn't copy :rolleyes:

For anyone not wanting to go back and read it....Domenic is my 4 yo DS, who DF has played father figure to for the past 2 years. He's wonderful with him and I couldn't ask for anything better than what I have right now :love:

Like the OP, we can't afford a WDW wedding, but we're bringing Disney to our wedding here at home (followed by a WDW honeymoon, of course ;) )

We'll be married August 11th and head to WDW on August 12th :yay:
I got engaged this past New Years at Disney. DBF and I used to travel to Disney each year together with our families (since we were in Grade one) and I have always wanted to get married there. He planned a pin hunt for me. We started at Downtown Disney after eating lunch at Earl of Sandwich. He gave me my first clue and I had to figure out where in Disney to go. The first clue was, "What is the most expensive property in Monopoly?" So I had to take the bus to the Boardwalk. When I got there he gave me a Boardwalk pin and my next clue. There were 23 stops in total (one for each year we had known each other.) I had to go to each place and there I got a pin and my next clue. We went all over the place! The hunt took about 7 hours. The last stop was AKL. This is the place that we stayed alone together for the first time. He gave me the engagement Mickey and Minnie pin and then pulled out the ring. We were out looking at the savannah. Then we had dinner at Boma (our favourite!) and went back to the hotel very happy but very tired!!! It was a perfect way for us to get engaged! We will be getting married at the WP with a dinner at the Napa Room on Jan. 2nd.
I just had to tell the op. My family is so tired of hearing me tell the story of your engagement they have threatened not to let me talk any more. lol

BTW ladies, if I give you my DH email address could you give it to your df/dh and they can tell my dh how it is supposed to be done. ;)
Saw your post about my siggie and wanted to check your story out...

First of all congrats and I have to say what an awesome story you two will always have to tell. If its even possible to OD on pixie dust, you sure came close ("I need 200cc's of Busch Gardens to bring her down off this high, STAT!"). We were actually at disney just before your story for our "pre-honeymoon" a few weeks before our wedding. I highly suggest it. All the stress of getting all your ducks in a row adds up real fast and makes it the perfect time to go to disney, come back, get married, then go somewhere again. We went to Sandals in Jamaica for an all-inclusive week. It was great. DW (DF at the time) didnt at first see the magic of disney but now is already talking about going back this fall, watching all the disney marathon of programming that was on the travel channel this weekend, making shopping plans and deciding what new eateries to try.
That is very romantic.

My fiance also proposed to me in Disney in Sept. It was our first trip to Disney and I had wanted to go there my entire life because I love Disney. So the day he did it we spent the day at the Magic Kingdom just going on all the rides and such. He took me out for supper Tony's Town Plaza seeing as Lady and the Tramp is one of the most romantic movies of all time. Then that night he wanted to watch the fireworks in the Rose garden right next to the castle. So we watched wishes in there and it was nice because it wasn't too crowded there were only about 3 other couples nearby. It was beautiful the castle was right there and the fireworks we going off right behind the castle it was so magical. Then Tinker Bell (I am obsessed with Tinker Bell lol) flew right over us and then he handed my a Pink rose(my fave color) which he had picked from the rose garden(I don't think he was supposed to but that's ok lol) and then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him while the fireworks were in the background. It was so exciting and of course I said yes and it was nice because no one seemed to notice so it was almost private which was perfect. It was the best proposal ever and of course he knew I had always dreamed about being proposed to during the fireworks outside the castle but of course I figured that would never so I was amazed when it actually happenned!! I would aldo love to have a wedding there but of course it is expensive and most of our friends and family wouldn't be there so we are going to go back for our honeymoon which I know will be amazing! And I am keeping a little of Disney in our wedding as well. When we were in Disney we bought an adorable cake topper of Mickey and Minnie.
DW (DF at the time) didnt at first see the magic of disney but now is already talking about going back this fall, watching all the disney marathon of programming that was on the travel channel this weekend, making shopping plans and deciding what new eateries to try.

Hey, a guy who digs Disney! All right! My DF LIKES Disney, like the cartoons he grew up with, but he doesn't it LOVE it as much as I do. He actually refused to go to WDW on our honeymoon before he and my parents conspired to get him down there to propose. He thought it was all kiddie and NOT for adults (probably because he had never really been there). Then after he experienced the "Disney Magic," he totally changed his tune.

I wish *I* had the Travel Channel!!!!
My DF proposed to me at disney in dec 06. He knew that i was expecting a proposal so he kept trying to convince me that we could not afford to get married yet, anything to keep me guessing. While we were at the GF i pointed out the WP and said how much i would love to get married there. He just brushed it off and we walked on the beach. He then started to get really nervous and started to make his little speech and then he went down on one knee! I of course said yes and was so happy. I honestly can not remember much of what he said. He had a speech planned out but forgot it all. I am really happy he asked me at the GF because i am not one for attention so this made it perfect! princess:
Hi all! We got engaged last March 13 of 2006. We were on a trip with his mother and before we went he told me he had planned a night out for just the two of us so we could have some alone time. That night, he told me to get ready and we were going to go out to eat and drive over there. As we walked downstairs, he told me he had actually hired a taxi to take us over there. So we were waiting and a taxi pulled up, and as I started to walk over there, a limo pulled up right behind, and I was told I was getting in the wrong car! The limo was gorgeous inside, and it took us over to the Swan for we could eat dinner at Palios. Afterwards we went out back since there is a really pretty courtyard area back there. Then, the fireworks from Epcot went off as we were standing over a bridge. That is when he got down on one knee and proposed. I was so excited! (even though I had my suspiscions he was going to propose). Afterwards I called my parents and sister, who of course already knew and said they had already started planning my wedding. His mother and grandmother knew too, and they were very excited when we returned. I spent the rest of the trip planning my wedding, and we are returning to Disney to stay at the Poly August 6th for our Disneymoon!
I haven't proposed to my wife of 31 years "the right way" yet. I plan to this June though. The first time I proposed to her was on the telephone while I was in the military, and she has always brought that up. She absolutely loves Mary Poppins, in fact last June when she met Mary Poppins at the picture area, she actually cried, what a great picture that was! I have been trying to think of memorable ways to propose the "right way." I was thinking about having our teenage daughter go ahead of us when we find Mary Poppins and explain what we'd like to do. I even bought a Disney Pin of Mickey propsing to Minnie on 1 knee for Mary Poppins to give her. I would then propose "the right way" on 1 bended knee. I am just wondering if the Character CM's can do that without first going through Disney. I hope so because to keep the secret from her would be just about impossible if I had to make big plans ahead of time.

I am just wondering if the Character CM's can do that without first going through Disney. I hope so because to keep the secret from her would be just about impossible if I had to make big plans ahead of time.

I don't think you should have any trouble. Most of them are willing to participate in stuff like that, provided you don't ask them to do anything too out of the ordinary. Hope it works out!!!!
My hunnie propsed to me on March 4, 2007. It was absolutly amazing, and it was the last thing I had expected.
He went with me and my parents to WDW for my spring break, and he hadn't been since he was 5. We had talked off and on about getting engaged or what not, but i wasn't expecting it anytime soon. It was rather ironic b/c my roommate and I were talking about it before I left, the she bet I got a ring while I was at the world. Ok I have to back up to paint the picture. In january DF called me from work one day and said if you could eat anywhere in disney for you and I where would you pick, and of course I said CRT, and I am completly about princesses, so I said when do you want to go, and I'll call and make reservations, and he said no I'll take care of everything. A couple weeks later he called and said would you want your parents to go with us, and I said sure that's fine, they've never been for dinner before why not. Well in the meantime I had been looking on here of all the people getting engaged, and telling him about it and always saying if I can't get married there I have to atleast get engaged there... and he'd say yea yea, maybe when we go about with Cole (his 9 month nephew) in a couple years. So I said ok I'll be done with school by then. So we get to Disney and i was talking about how amazing it would be to get engaged at disney, and DF had asked me if I could get one thing from disney what would it be, and I said a glass slipper, but I don't even think they have them, and he said if I find one I will get it for you. On Saturday we were on the monorail in the front going to MK, and were talking about getting engaged, and he looks at me very seriously and says I hope you're not expecting it, b/c money is tight, and it's just not going to happen right now, little did I know what was coming. The ring was in my room in the safe, they had put it in there when I was in the shower, and then took it out to take to dinner while my mom called me in the bathroom to fix her hair. Sunday DF acted wired all day. He was alot more ansie then usual, and always looking at what time it was. We had reservation at CRT for 7:45, but had to be there at 7:30. On the way to the castle, he was practically running down mainstreet, and my dad was right behind him. I was gettin so mad b/c it was only 7:00, and I was trying to get him to stop and take pictures and what not. Then we were looking in the store in the castle, and found slippers, and was showing df and was like they have them!!!! and he said ok we'll stop on the way out. so we went to dinner, and the whole time I had been saying I hope we get a window seat, so we could see the fireworks really well. When they took us into the dinning room there was a table at the window they were cleaning, and one already sat in the middle of the room. We started walking towards that table, and I was a little bummed, then we walked by it and just turned about to DF and grinned from ear to ear, and he just laughed. We sat down and everything was normal, then Df got up and said he had to go to the restroom. Well he was goe for about 10 mins, and the whole time my mom is saying I hope he isn't sick, I hope he hasn't gotten sick , b/c several people at home had had the flu, me being so out of it thought she was crazy. This is when he was giving the ring to the manager. he came back and was wet with sweat, so it was really starting to bother me. Then dinner came and the fairy godmother did her show and asked about honeymooners, newly engaged, or anniversary, so I still thought he might be throwing me off but I figured if he was going to it would be then, and there was nothing, I didn't think about thing else about it. After we finished dinner, we gave our desert order and was expecting it. then our serving came from behind me and sat a white covered platter infront of me, and said you prince has a special order for you. then he removed the cover, and there was a glass slipper on a bed of pink baby rose petals, with a pink baby rose in the center of it with the ring on it. The slipper was engraved will you be my princess on one side and our names on the other with the date on the inside. I was so excited!!! The desert we got was a special desert of a white chocolate slipper with chocolate mouse, and a piece of shortbread cake with fresh fruit, and my plate said will you marry me, and his had question marks. I couldn't even eat it. the best part was right as he put the ring on my finger, the fireworks started going off so many of our pictures have the firworks in them. The photopass photographer took about 40 pictures, and they were all fabulous. We stayed at disney until 2 that night for EMH and still couldn't sleep. My cheeks were hurting for the rest of the week, and I couldn't think about anything else. It was fantastic. We went to city hall to see if they had buttonor just engaged, and they didn't, but the guy in there took just married button and mine said just about to be married and his said almost just married. It was so funny, and very special. So we are having a disney themed wedding and having a disneymoon and disney cruise.We are so excited! And is definetly an unforgetable story.
then our serving came from behind me and sat a white covered platter infront of me, and said you prince has a special order for you. then he removed the cover, and there was a glass slipper on a bed of pink baby rose petals, with a pink baby rose in the center of it with the ring on it. The slipper was engraved will you be my princess on one side and our names on the other with the date on the inside. I was so excited!!!

What a great story!!! Congratulations!!! Tell your DF that he done good!!! If my DF hadn't proposed to me they way he did, my dream proposal would have been yours!! I absolutely love the little glass slippers, I'm thinking about getting one when we go down there for our honeymoon. And we made dinner reservations at CRT too!! :woohoo:
She absolutely loves Mary Poppins, in fact last June when she met Mary Poppins at the picture area, she actually cried, what a great picture that was!

Oh my gosh - that picture just about made *me* cry! Your wife sounds like a sweet person, and you are very dear for wanting to surprise her with another proposal! :goodvibes
Hi everyone,
I was just enjoying reading all the lovely engagement stories! Mine is similar, but with a twist.
I am Australian, and worked as a Cast Member for Disney Store Australia before they closed over here, and so have been a bit of a Disney fan for a long time, especially of Cinderella and Ariel.
Anyway, my boyfriend Andrew and I travelled through Europe and the Middle East in December 2005, for about 6 weeks. I was still at university, but we saved up, and with a lovely present from my parents for my 21st, we have enough money to stay for a week at Disneyland Paris.
On one of the busiest days in a park I have EVER seen, we slowly walked back towards Sleeping Beauty's castle - it was freezing as it was late at night, but I wanted to ride the Carousel, and it had been too busy all day. Honestly, I was getting cranky, as the crowds were really starting to bother me, and we come from a really hot climate, and so was not used to being in -10Celcius! Anyway, Andrew says he just needs to sit down for a moment and retie his shoe, and there is this tiny alcove right at the base of the castle amongst all the fairy lights. I sit down and start to watch all the people walking by as the park closes. All of a sudden I turn around, and there is Andrew on bended knee before me, among all the fairy lights at the base of a castle, proposing! The ring took my breath away, but I had enough left to squeak 'yes'. We found a passer-by to take our photo, which looks lovely as we both look so incredibly happy.
Andrew then took me down to Main Street, and bought me a castle snowglobe, so that
'no matter how far we go, we will always have 'our' castle with us!' I had no idea he was so romantic!!!

That story is so important to me, I hope you all enjoyed it. About 3 months after we returned from that holiday, Andrew was diagnosed with cancer, at only 22. He spent the rest of 2006 in hospital battling it.
He is much better now, and is in remission, and we are headed your way [WDW] in 3 weeks for a Las Vegas/WDW/Disney Cruise Line vacation!!!!
What a beautiful proposal story! Mine was much more private. I knew he was going to propose to me in WDW as he had been acting weird about a week before we left and he knew I wanted to be proposed to at Disney more than anything. We were going for 11 days but I knew he would do it within the first couple of days because it would kill him to hold on to that ring.

Well 9 days came and went and I was getting panicky wondering if he had changed his mind or had never intended on doing it in the first place. We had the day all to ourselves and were staying at POR at this point in the trip. I asked him what he wanted to do that day and he kept saying he wanted to go back to the Poly one last time which I thought was strange because we had just spent 4 days there but I figured maybe he just really liked the resort.

We get to the Poly at about 7:00 p.m. and I aksed him what he wanted to do. He told me walk along the beach. So we started walking and I thought he was going to pass out because he was breathing like he had just ran a marathon.

We get out to Sunset Point and there isn't another soul in sight. It was the most beautiful place in the world with all of the lights from the GF, Contemporary, and MK reflecting off of the water. We stood there in silence for a few minutes before he said "Well, there's another reason I brought you out here."

He turns to face me and says "You make me so happy...." then he starts to choke up and tears come to his eyes and a flock of butterflies are in my stomach. I could tell he wanted to say more but he blurts out "Will you..." then his brain registers that he hasn't gotten down on one knee so he quickly drops and finishes the "Marry me?" I laugh and say "Of course!" He then starts laughing and says "I had so much more I wanted to say!". We laughed and cried and walked towards the monorail and I enjoyed every second that went so quickly by.
Andrew then took me down to Main Street, and bought me a castle snowglobe, so that
'no matter how far we go, we will always have 'our' castle with us!' I had no idea he was so romantic!!!

That story is so important to me, I hope you all enjoyed it. About 3 months after we returned from that holiday, Andrew was diagnosed with cancer, at only 22. He spent the rest of 2006 in hospital battling it.
He is much better now, and is in remission, and we are headed your way [WDW] in 3 weeks for a Las Vegas/WDW/Disney Cruise Line vacation!!!!

OH!!!!!!!!! How romantic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hear it for Romantic Guys named "Andrew" LOL (that's my fiance's name). I hope your DF stays HEALTHY and you both can live happily ever after.....CONGRATS!!!!
OK, so, I don't think I can top any of those, but here is my WDW proposal story. I finally talked my boyfriend (I can't call him a Disney BF yet because at this point he had never been before) into going to WDW with me in September of 06. (I have been going to WDW every year at least once and sometimes twice since I was 5 years old. I have been to Disneyland once, and I have even gotten to visit Disneyland Paris. So, I am a Disneyfreak as stated in my username ;) Needless to say, it is very important to me that the man I am going to live with for the rest of my life is ready, willing, and able to visit WDW with me each year and love it almost as much as I do.)
We flew down to WDW from Illinois on September 29th 2006. We arrived at POR for our weeklong stay and decided to take it easy the first day and headed off to DD for a dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and shopping. (A little background...I had the idea before we left that my honey would ask me to marry him, but before we left he told me that he really wanted to aske me while we were there, but he didn't have the kind of money to get me the ring I deserved. He said that he would make it up to me and make the proposal when it happened "magical". He told me this on more than one occassion stating that he really didn't want me to spoil our first trip to WDW together being disappointed the whole time...he really had me going!)
The next day was Saturday and any Disney veteran knows that you don't go to the MK on a Saturday. My honey kept saying over and over how he wanted to start our trip out at the MK. I finally talked him into going to EPCOT for the Food and Wine Festival for the day with the stipulation that we would head to the MK for Spectromagic and Wishes that evening (yuck! I knew it would be so crowded but he was really excited so I gave in). We ate our way around the countries and left two hours before SpectroMagic to get to Main Street and get a good spot before it got too crowded and it was a good thing we did because we got there just in time to get my favorite spot (I like to sit in front of the Confectionary so that while all the festivities are going on I can smell the sugar wafting out onto MS). We sat down and cuddled a bit and people watched until the parade began. I loved watching my honey's face light up as he watched this amazing parade for the first time. At the end of the light parade we got up and followed the parade down MS and got off the path to end up in the rose garden next to the castle (it is a tradition of mine to watch the fireworks from the rose garden). There was a Disney photographer taking pictures for the photopass in the garden in front of the illuminated castle. We stood in line for our turn to get our pics taken. We got a few and took a spot in the garden for the festivities. Tinker Bell flew and the fireworks began. My honey wrapped his arms around me tight and held me through the whole show kissing me softly on the forhead every so often. After Wishes ended I grabbed his hand and said, Ok so what do you want to do now...and I went on to list like ten things because it was now extra magic hours in the MK. He just sat there staring at the sky. Then, the Disney photographer that took our pictures earlier came over to us and said that the pictures he took earlier may have been out of focus and asked us to come back to pose again. We went back to the spot in front of the castle. I sat my bags down and joined my honey for the pictures. Just after the photographer snapped the first shot Brad got down on one knee and began his speech. It was so cute. He said that we had been best friends forever and shoud have seen it forever ago and how he knew for sure that he couldn't spend one more minute not knowing that we would be together forever and how I completed him...he fumbled over his words. I was balling at this point :sad1: as my true Disney dream was finally coming true. Brad began to cry with me and choked up and forgot his whole speech. He quickly ended his speech and asked will you be my princess for the rest of our lives? I was crying so hard at this point I couldn't even choke out a yes, so I nodded instead. By this time a crowd had formed and they were all yelling, "What did she say?". My honey shouted yes and they erupted into applause. He slid the ring on my finger (a gorgeous three stone princess cut in white gold) and wrapped my tightly in his arms for the best kiss I have ever had in my life. And the best part...it was all captured by the Disney photopass photographer. (I found out later that my honey had not planned this at all...he didn't ask the photographer to stage the question to lure me back for the proposal or anything like that...it was just a bit of pixie dust...the magical kind...that made the photographer have to take the pictures again and the fact that he remembered that it was us out of all of those people and we just happened to still be standing there because Brad couldn't figure out exactly how he wanted to propose...all part of what makes the fairy tale magic come true.)pixiedust:
To all those non-believers out there.....I have two words for you. Just believe. Do this and the Disney magic will come to you.
We are living proof. DF and I are getting married October 1st, 2006 at the WP and having our reception during Illuminations at EPCOT on the French Terrace.


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