Ultimate Disney Proposal! **VIDEO LINK ADDED!!!!!!!!**

I found it weird that my boyfriend didnt want to get married there he had been there a few times before me and even got to go to the disney academy for a work thing but he never stayed at wdw as a proper vacation so maybe it was just more magical that time. We hope to get married at the wedding pavilion and then have dinner at narcosees then we are either going to go off and have a dessert party or go to see the cirque du soleil show if we can fit it all in. and we will stay at grand floridian throughout. We are not getting married for a few years though we live in scotland so need lots of time to save and let our families save to come over with us.
I found it weird that my boyfriend didnt want to get married there he had been there a few times before me and even got to go to the disney academy for a work thing but he never stayed at wdw as a proper vacation so maybe it was just more magical that time.

Yeah I definitely think you have to "experience" WDW as a proper vacation, it just isn't the same when you stay off property. We did that once and it was awful. Congrats on your Disney wedding, it sounds lovely and perfect! The only times I stayed at the Grand Floridian was when Chevrolet sent my dad there for free as a perk through his job. Actually the first 4 times we went to Disney was for free. If it hadn't have been for that, we probably never would have gone because my parents never had much money. Now we LOVE going..it is like our second home, and the place where I grew up. :love: I'm obsessed with the GF, we'd stay there on our honeymoon if we could, but we simply can't afford it, so we'll probably stay at Wilderness Lodge if they offer the free dining plan, or Port Orleans French Quarter if they don't.
Yeah I definitely think you have to "experience" WDW as a proper vacation, it just isn't the same when you stay off property. We did that once and it was awful. Congrats on your Disney wedding, it sounds lovely and perfect! The only times I stayed at the Grand Floridian was when Chevrolet sent my dad there for free as a perk through his job. Actually the first 4 times we went to Disney was for free. If it hadn't have been for that, we probably never would have gone because my parents never had much money. Now we LOVE going..it is like our second home, and the place where I grew up. :love: I'm obsessed with the GF, we'd stay there on our honeymoon if we could, but we simply can't afford it, so we'll probably stay at Wilderness Lodge if they offer the free dining plan, or Port Orleans French Quarter if they don't.

Yeah we never had much money while I was younger as I have three sisters, My first trip to Disney wasn't until I was 19 and that was with my fiance and we did not stay at wdw we only stayed at GF this time cause we won £2000 towards our last vacation (about $3500 dollars - I think) and we have just sold our first home and made a really really good profit on it thats why we are able to do the wedding over there but still need to give our families time to save. Although doing it over there should work out less expensive than doing it here hopefully as I only intend on inviting immediate family here but if I had it at home I would feel I would need to invite my whole family and it is quite large.

I hope you have a wonderful wedding and a magical disney honeymoon.
Aww....I loved reading about your proposal!

I got engaged last September at Disney too! It's a great place to get engaged at!
Where? How? When? We got engaged Saturday, September 23. Sorry I'm nosy. :)

I'm glad you are nosy....I like sharing my proposal story :)

We got engaged on Thursday, September 21st. We were in Epcot, in the France pavilion. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie, and I wanted to get my picture taken with Belle and the Beast, like I do every year when we go there. I had made some sort of comment on how I would love to get a picture of Belle and The Beast, and have Aurora in the picture too. And then I said something about how I was bummed because there wasn't a photopass photographer there doing pictures. Oh, yeah, and I should mention, that we were with his son and his mom and step dad were there too, but not with us at the moment, they got to the park later than us. He called them to see where they were at and was stalling so they could catch up with us to see the proposal. So we were just waiting and he told me he was going to go ask the attendent with Aurora if there was going to be a photopass photographer out. He really was just going to ask if Aurora could come over because he was going to propose to me. She told him no, they don't like to let characters pose together like that or something. So he was fine with that, at lease he had my 2 favorite characters, so that was good with him. Then a minute later handler came over and pulled him aside. I started to follow him, but they both told me to stay in line to hold our spot. Turns out the handler said that since it was a special occasion, she was going to allow it, to wait a moment to let the line die down and she would let them know what was going on and bring Aurora over. So he came back over, told me that he had arranged a special picture for me, the picture I had wanted with the 2 princesses and the Beast, but we had to wait a minute and they would bring Aurora over. So, a minute later, the handler and Aurora come walking over, the handler goes to tell Belle what was going on, and also his mom and step dad finally made it over to where we were at. We walk up to get our picture taken, and Roy positioned me in front of the Beast, with Belle on one side and Aurora on the other side. He was standing in front of me, and he turned around to his mom and his son and said "Are you ready?" and as he turned back around I see the box in his hand and he is going down on one knee. I put my hand up on my mouth, started crying right away and he asked me to marry him. The Princesses were so excited, and Belle even thanked us for letting them be a part of our special moment.

And here are the pictures from our big moment....from both our camera and his mom's camera:






And because I love the characters, I still had to get my posed shot with them, even with my make up running down my face from crying!

I put my hand up on my mouth, started crying right away and he asked me to marry him. The Princesses were so excited, and Belle even thanked us for letting them be a part of our special moment.

Oh what a great story, thanks for sharing! I wonder why Princesses can't do pictures together??? What is that all about???

I'm such a dummy, I should have posted a picture of my proposal. But for some reason it won't let me! Stupid computer.
OP- your story brought tears to my eyes-- that is truly a magical proposal and you both will forever have disney engraved in your hearts. Im touched-- Congratulations!!:hug:
WOW... What an AMAZING Story... I got all teary... CONGRATULATIONS.... And I wish you and your Disney Prince all the best:cool1:
Everyone's stories are making me cry!!!!!

I had a Disney proposal too. :) DH surprised me with a trip to WDW for my birthday and Christmas. I had no clue he had alterior motives. Not even an inkling. We were at MVMCP on 12/16/03 and as usual, I was in Disney commando mode. He had never been there before and I had 3 days to make him fall in love with Disney! ;) He kept going on and on about seeing the castle. I kept blowing him off with a "yeah, yeah, we'll get there." Finally, we were (power) walking to Tomorrowland from Fantasyland and he grabbed me and told me not to move. I was standing right behind the castle and for the life of me couldn't figure out what he was doing. He had run to give the CM working under the castle our video camera so he could have the whole thing on tape. It was the perfect proposal and we have it on tape so that we can show everyone. :) They actually edited at the begining of my wedding video with "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" playing in the background. I cry every time!!!

And the best part is, ever since he was 18 and his brother's friend proposed at the castle, he knew that's where he wanted to propose, even though he had never been there. He said when he met me and learned how much I loved Disneyworld, he figured it had to be fate. :)
Okay, I can share mine, but I don't think it's quite as magical as some of these other amazing stories! :goodvibes

From my perspective:
We spent New Years Eve in Epcot. We got there about 7 AM and went straight to Soarin', then to Test Track, then back to The Living Seas. We walked around (And ate our way through) World Showcase, stopping at France at the bakery and lots of other places.

After getting margaritas at Mexico we sat for a little while before heading over to Character connection. Dave has a Disney Visa so we stopped at the private character greeting for Disney Visa members, and once we walked in (private!) Mickey and Pluto were there!!! It was amazing to be with just the two of them and us... and we got lots of photos. Right afterwards we went over to Character Connection and met with Mickey (again), Pluto (again!), Minnie, Goofy, Chip and Dale. We still had about an hour and a half to kill before our Coral Reef reservations!

We walked over to Journey into the Imagination, and rode it, still needing to kill around 45 minutes or so. We sat in The Living Seas for a while, watched a Diver come down, met with the Manatees, and people watched for a while. We ended up walking over to Coral Reef just a bit early. I had Dave check in for our reservations while I went to the bathroom. Dave went in afterwards and we both took our fanny packs off and got seated immediately.

For those of you who don't know what Coral Reef Restaurant is like, it's surrounded by giant aquariums. The tables go right up to the tank! It's very romantic and very neat. I had been saying all day that my day would be made if only we could get a table right next to the tank. Right next to the tank we sat! I was so excited!

The fish were amazing. A big old sea turtle came down! There were sharks and lots of other things that were just too neat. We placed our orders and our salads came down. When I looked back into the tank, the neatest thing happened! There was a diver in there! He waved and he posed for pictures a little bit then he came over to our table. He brought something out from behind his back. It was a sign!!

He pointed to me and then placed the sign against the window. It said "Elizabeth, I love you."

Then he turned the sign around. I started to cry. The rest of the sign said "Will you marry me? Love, Dave"

I looked to my right and there was Dave, on his knee with an engagement ring! He took my hand and said "Elizabeth I love you more than anything. Will you marry me?"

Of course I said yes! The entire restaurant began to cheer and clap, taking pictures while the diver started to throw rocks in the air for celebration! Dave put the ring on my finger and the rest shall be history!

From his perspective:
The first thing I did was pick out the perfect ring. I knew she liked princess cut diamonds the best and didn't want a solitaire. After getting advice from everyone at the jewelry store I chose the ring. After about a week I picked up the ring and in a couple days had her mom keep the ring for me.

The next thing was to decide how I was going to propose and when. I already knew we were going to Disney, what place would be more perfect. Then I thought that there would be no better time than New Years Eve. The only part left was the how. I had heard a rumor about divers with signs at the Coral Reef Restaurant. I knew how much we were both looking forward to eating there and decided it was the perfect place.

I contacted Disney and was put in touch with the Manager of the Coral Reef Restaurant. Over the months leading up to the trip we emailed each other putting in place the plans for the diver, the sign, a special menu with pictures of us in it, and a way to get it on video. Finally it was time to head to Disney with the ring in hand.

I don't remember a lot about that day. I was nervous all day, not because I thought Liz may say no, but because I'm a very shy person and I was about to propose in the middle of a restaurant at Walt Disney World with all eyes on me.

We were seated next to the aquarium and Liz sat down next to the aquarium, not by the aisle. I convinced her to move to the seat across from mine. Then, Liz started taking pictues of everything in the aquarium. I was pulled aside and told that the diver was on his way, more nervous yet. I kept looking for the diver and finally the moment arrived. The diver showed the first side of the sign and slid out of my chair and got down on one knee. I saw the moment of realization on her face as she knew what was coming. She looked back towards me, I knew everyone was watching but I just focused on the love of my life and asked her to marry me. As expected, she said yes. I could finally breathe easier.

The rest of our dinner, we were the toast of the restaurant. We brought in the New year, newly engaged and on the road to getting married.

And the video (though I'm sure many of you have seen it already!):
And the best part is, ever since he was 18 and his brother's friend proposed at the castle, he knew that's where he wanted to propose, even though he had never been there. He said when he met me and learned how much I loved Disneyworld, he figured it had to be fate. :)

Oh my gosh - what a romantic! You and Liz are both very lucky ladies!!
Mine is not quite as romantic as all of your's are but...One night towards the end of our vacation last year in March ,my at the time boyfriend and I were watching wishes. (My little sister was with us and we didn't want her knowing until my mom knew and we knew she would tell if she knew) We were watching wishes when heart fireworks started going off. He leaned over to me and asked me to marry him and now we are planning a wedding for this December 7 and then a day later going on our Disneymoon. BTW we told me mom and sister the next day and they were both excited! My mom even bought me some Disney wedding stuff and didn't tell me for a couple weeks after the fact.
My fiance didn't propose at Disney, but it was pretty incredible all the same, and hearing all these stories makes me want to share.

See, in addition to Disney, I really love dolphins. We had already discussed marriage, and I knew he was probably going to be asking sometime soon, because I knew he had ordered my ring. I had found the setting I liked, because I happened to find a setting that was two dolphins facing each other, with the setting for the stone in between them. Dolphin engagement rings aren't easy to find, and it's even harder to find ones that have matching wedding bands, which this one does. He picked out the diamond, though, and did an incredible job.

Anyway, he had asked me to go to dinner after work on that Friday, and asked me to dress up somewhat. Well, that alone made me somewhat suspicious. Since he knew it would, and figured I would be suspecting him to propose that night, he knew he needed to do something to surprise me. So, he told me he wanted to take me to the aquarium (I have an annual membership) and then to Legal Seafood to eat, which is one of my favorite restaurants there by the aquarium. He figured I would assume he was going to ask me at dinner, and he was right.

When we got to the aquarium, we were met by someone who helps run things there, and she led up back to where the dolphins are, and we went "backstage". He had arranged for a private training session with the trainers and the dolphins for us. I got to touch and rub down one of the dolphins, and give it several commands. Then, the trainer had me give the dolphin a command to make some noises, and asked if I had any idea if they were communicating when they did that, and if so, what they might be saying. I said I thought they probably were communicating, but that I had no idea what they might be saying.

She then asked my fiance if he had any idea what they might be saying. He evidently had gotten so engrossed in watching me and how happy I was that he forgot that was his cue, so he just told her no, he didn't have any idea. She asked if he was sure he didn't have any idea, and evidently the woman who had walked us down there nudged him at that point (I didn't see her, because I was watching the dolphin! :) ), and that's when he said "OH! Well, I think they're telling me to ask you if you'll marry me." And he held out the ring.

And I have to forgive him for not going down on one knee - given where we were, he would have gotten his suit soaking wet. :laughing: He caught me completely off-guard, even though I probably should have expected it. It took me a minute to recover, then I gave him a huge hug and said yes - though I don't think anyone but him could hear that. I was crying, and the trainers asked if that was a yes. I nodded, and they had all the dolphins in the pools jumping, tail-walking, slapping the water, and stuff like that. :cloud9:

It really was perfect!

Plust they took pictures and video of all of it for us.
Wow! You have all brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face! Your stories are wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

Good Luck and Congratulations to you all!
Girl, You gave me goosebumps....How nice is that...I need my boyfriend to read that lol...Happy engagement:yay:


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