TR - Shuttergirl does Castles, Kilts, Craic and Croissants - Photos up to Day 10

Yay! The first live update!

It's always such a long drawn-out process for us Aussies to get anywhere. But it's always worth it in the end :thumbsup2 I agree that it is really cruel to have to walk through the top end of the plane on the way to our own just barely adequate seats. Actually I thought the cruellest of the lot was on my BA flight when I passed the business section and thought 'wow they have a really nice economy section!'. Then got to my section and realised I'd been walking through premium economy...

Anyway, I digress. Congrats on getting some sleep on the 14 hour sector - always helps the flight to go that little bit faster.

Your apartment looks amazing! And sounds like such a great spot too. Sounds like a lovely dinner for your first night - too bad you were all a little tired to take it in properly.

Hope the jetlag gods are kind to you and you all get into a normal routine nice and quickly :goodvibes
Whoops missed the second update :blush:

The cab tour sounds like the perfect way to get acquainted with your surroundings!

I didn't know there was a specific time of year you had to go for Buckingham Palace, must keep that in mind for when I eventually get to London. And that the guards have a winter uniform - the usual red coat with fluffy hat looks wintery to me!

Dinner sounds a bit too fancy for me too! But it sounds like you all enjoyed it, and bonus that it was on the house :woohoo:
Loving the updates Lisa, I'm like Zanzibar, the restaurant sounded a bit too sophisticated for us, but what a wonderful treat for you and your family :thumbsup2. Great to hear that the supermarket shopping was cheap, I love walking around them in other countries, and it's always a bonus when there are good prices as well.
Ooh - we love a shuttergirl TR!!!

Was there any problems fitting five of you in the cab? either for the tour or your ride home after the restaurant ?

Apartment looks so cute!!
ooh, loving the TR. following along with baited breath for your updates, as it is a pipe dream for us to travel to the UK and europe. so glad you're having a fabulous time :)

can't wait to hear about the next update :)
Loving it here too! Sounds very cold to me, or is that normal weather over here for this time of year?

Your flat looks and sounds perfect. Good location too. And that tour sounds like an excellent idea for the start of a trip.
Sounds like a fabulous first couple of days.

I feel for you with the 1.30am wake up. It's hard for that first night or two, until your body clock adjusts.

Had a chuckle at the different pub names. The black cab tour sounds awesome!

Looking forward to the next installment.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter and that the weather warms up for you a little :beach:
Great to hear that you arrived OK. Loving the apartment that your in. Nothing better than a good old English Pub meal !
Thanks for the updates! Sounds like you're having a great time in Ye Old England. Look forward to more.

Happy Easter!

Yes it's all going well, :thumbsup2

:wave2: sounds like your are having a great time.
Snow flurrys, Buckingham palace:cloud9:
I know what you mean about Nandos went the with 3 of us nearly :faint: at the price
Thanks for updating :)

Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about Nandos

Yay! The first live update!

It's always such a long drawn-out process for us Aussies to get anywhere. But it's always worth it in the end :thumbsup2 I agree that it is really cruel to have to walk through the top end of the plane on the way to our own just barely adequate seats. Actually I thought the cruellest of the lot was on my BA flight when I passed the business section and thought 'wow they have a really nice economy section!'. Then got to my section and realised I'd been walking through premium economy...

Anyway, I digress. Congrats on getting some sleep on the 14 hour sector - always helps the flight to go that little bit faster.

Your apartment looks amazing! And sounds like such a great spot too. Sounds like a lovely dinner for your first night - too bad you were all a little tired to take it in properly.

Hope the jetlag gods are kind to you and you all get into a normal routine nice and quickly :goodvibes

Oh man, that would've been disappointing for sure on the BA flight :rotfl:

Whoops missed the second update :blush:

The cab tour sounds like the perfect way to get acquainted with your surroundings!

I didn't know there was a specific time of year you had to go for Buckingham Palace, must keep that in mind for when I eventually get to London. And that the guards have a winter uniform - the usual red coat with fluffy hat looks wintery to me!

Dinner sounds a bit too fancy for me too! But it sounds like you all enjoyed it, and bonus that it was on the house :woohoo:

I think it's Sept & Oct when she is away in Edinburgh or wherever it is the Queen goes that they open up Buckingham Palace, otherwise you have to look through the gates unfortunately.

Dinner sounds fancy but the flavours were delish.

Loving the updates Lisa, I'm like Zanzibar, the restaurant sounded a bit too sophisticated for us, but what a wonderful treat for you and your family :thumbsup2. Great to hear that the supermarket shopping was cheap, I love walking around them in other countries, and it's always a bonus when there are good prices as well.

Yes we are not normally such sophisticated diners either, and I know the menu scared the children a little but it was all so wonderful.

A perfect way to start Easter Sunday.

Glad to be of service.

Loving this report!


Ooh - we love a shuttergirl TR!!!

Was there any problems fitting five of you in the cab? either for the tour or your ride home after the restaurant ?

Apartment looks so cute!!

Battymum, all of the cabs fit 5 easily and if it's a newer cab it can fit 6.

And she's off racing (the TR I mean)!:cool1: Yay !! :cheer2:

Start your engines :lmao:

ooh, loving the TR. following along with baited breath for your updates, as it is a pipe dream for us to travel to the UK and europe. so glad you're having a fabulous time :)

can't wait to hear about the next update :)

Hope I can make it worth your while reading, not feeling like I am writing this one well at all.

Loving it here too! Sounds very cold to me, or is that normal weather over here for this time of year?

Your flat looks and sounds perfect. Good location too. And that tour sounds like an excellent idea for the start of a trip.

It's really really cold actually but we came prepared and so it's not a problem. We actually got hit with a big snow storm last night on the way to the theatre, it was bucketing with snow but as soon as it fell it was gone and became water but was the thickest snow fall I have seen.

Sounds like a fabulous first couple of days.

I feel for you with the 1.30am wake up. It's hard for that first night or two, until your body clock adjusts.

Had a chuckle at the different pub names. The black cab tour sounds awesome!

Looking forward to the next installment.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter and that the weather warms up for you a little :beach:

Body clock has finally adjusted, surprised how many days it took but just to top it off last night was the end of daylight savings here :rotfl2:.

Great to hear that you arrived OK. Loving the apartment that your in. Nothing better than a good old English Pub meal !

I agree, english pub meals are the best

Cab ride sounds great, can't wait to hear more about your trip

Thanks Miss Red.
Day 3

Everyone was tired and slow to move this morning so I changed some plans around and decided we would go to St. Paul’s Cathedral for the morning. Tubed it over there quick smart and was again impressed with how easy it is to use.

Walking up towards the side of St. Paul’s Cathedral and seeing that impressive dome was wonderful. It is such an amazing building and I can see why so many people flock here every year to catch a glimpse. I was super sad to see you weren’t allowed to take photos inside because it really was breathtaking. We did the audio tour which with a family of 5 is always a comedy of errors because everyone’s tour is out of time with the next person and you end up doing more waiting around than touring lol. Sitting on pews under that unbelievable dome certainly is very humbling. I didn’t realise there are 2 domes in fact. The amazing paintings on the ceiling and tile work were something I have never seen before and doubt whether I will again, stunning. I’m still growling about not being able to take photos, you will just have to use google images to see what I mean if you haven’t been there.

Stupidly I suggested climbing to the whispering gallery. Well when I say climbing I felt sure we would jump in a lift but apparently that is only for the infirm. I thought about hunching my back and dragging my leg along behind me like a club foot but got the big old frown from DH so climb the stairs it was to be. Let me tell you, 259 stairs may not seem like alot but boy oh boy it was!!!!! I thought there was potential for a major heart attack or at the very least a mini stroke on the way up. I was envisaging how it would be possible for the ambulance folk to get a stretcher up to carry me down and all sorts of helicoptering me out through the dome scenarios as I dragged my sorry butt up those stairs.

Finally we were up the top and my chest was heaving so much I had to sit for a full 5 minutes just to feel normal again. Then DD suggested climbing the remaining 100 or so stairs, right up into the top of the dome but her suggestion was met with us all throwing “daggers” her way. I was thrilled we were all on the same page about that sorry idea. We tried to do the whispering across to each other but alas, no whispers could be heard. I did hear some other people’s. DH of course took the whole thing too far and was whispering things like “I’m coming to get you” and “I will kill you in your sleep”. I wonder if that is why that little girl ran shrieking out of the whispering gallery????? Perhaps she was the unlucky recipient of his whispers hahaha.

The climb down was easier but my legs were so jelly like by then it all seemed like hard hard work. We decided to tube it across town to the original Hard Rock Cafe. It was opened in 1971 and the story goes that Eric Clapton liked the place so much he asked the owner if he could put up a plaque over his favourite table so that whenever he came in he could sit there. The owner joke “how about you send me one of your guitars and I’ll put that up on the wall”. The next day a guitar arrived and they put it up on the wall as a laugh. About a week later another guitar arrived, this time from Pete Townsend of the Who with a note that said “mine’s as good as his, love Pete” and after that the guitars kept on coming and an amazing icon was born.

It was a lovely old place, very very rock and roll, same food as all the others and great service. There was also a gift shop attached next door and our waitress mentioned a rock museum or something of that nature that was free so over we wandered only to find that there “Vault”as it was called appeared to be closed which was a shame. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask about it so approached the cool rocker dude at the front door and asked if it would be opening. He said that it was closed and not open for just anyone to view these days but he said to hang on a minute and he would discuss with his boss. We waited around for a sec and then he came bouncing back all excited because he was allowed to take us down to the Vault. So here we were, trudging downstairs under the store, entering what used to be an old bank vault, being given a private tour of this little rock museum called the Vault. There were some seriously cool items down there, none of which were behind glass which freaked me out especially when DS knocked a guitar over. Yes, you heard me, he knocked a guitar over. I thought I might die right there on the spot but fortunately it wasn’t a famous one, it was one that belonged to the guy showing us around hahaha. Whew, I was worried about that bill arriving. The most valuable thing in the place were some handwritten John Lennon lyrics that were valued at around $250k. The whole experience was rather special and cool and we felt super blessed to get to take a look through. Another example of it always pays to ask.

After this brush with famous stuff we decided to walk to Harrods so we could check out where the rich people shop. By this time DH and DS’s heart wasn’t it in but we dragged them along, which was our first mistake haha. Let me tell you, they have alot of handbags at Harrods. I doubt whether any store in the world has so many. We found it hard to get away from the damn things, even changing floors only to find, yep you guessed it more handbags. Now I like handbags alot but even I was thinking, enough already. We did eventually find the cool food halls and we all really enjoyed having a wander through there. The food looked beautiful with an extra special mention having to go out to the meat section, wowsers.

The only reason I really wanted to go here was to buy the famous green Harrods bag hahaha but in the end I preferred a cooler hessian kind of bag so went with that instead. So you’ll see me soon striding around Canberra with my pretentious Harrods bag on my arm and you will compliment do you hear.

Pretty soon the boys were bored with it all so they headed home while MIL and I followed DD around Top Shop and a few other places, essentially we were just bag carriers and credit card carriers for the diva shopper lol. She wore me down and we got a few things but I wasn’t really feeling the Top Shop style I have to say. Mixed coloured patterns everywhere, it goes against all of my design sensibilities hahaha.

We learned on our cab tour yesterday about some apartments near Harrods that back onto Hyde Park where the penthouse sold last year for wait for it, $140mill. For a penthouse, wowsers. Actually we have been stunned at the cost of property here but to be fair the area our flat is in is apparently considered quite a good area. Most of the flats would be in the millions and judging by what we are seeing in the real estate agent windows along the main streets near us I haven’t seen anything for under 1.5 and that’s a 1 bedder and the dearest I’ve seen is $19mill. Seriously, who are the people that can afford this??? I know we are only a stones throw from where Kate and Will’s live but seriously, the extreme wealth that exists outside of my little suburban bubble is mind boggling.

The penthouse at the top of this building is the one I was talking about

Once home we had a homemade chicken carbonara in the flat and an early night again.

Highs – amazing St. Paul’s, the Vault at Hard Rock
Lows – no photos inside St. Paul’s
Temperature – high 5, low -1

Really enjoying your posts even though they are making me a tad homesick. I only lived in London for about 18 months, but I left a piece of my heart there.

Most of the affordable flats are out in zone 3 and beyond. However, even then, a studio flat can set you back more than a 3 bedroom home here in NZ. On the plus side, most wages are really good in London and the cost of living (groceries, internet, cellphone charges etc) is quite a bit cheaper than it is here. I remember getting a year long cellphone contract while I was there where I could pay my bills, send in my receipts, and then get refunded. The whole year (inc. the phone) cost me about the same as a couple of months here in NZ.
Day 4

We were up super early this morning and jumped on the train over to start our bus tour out into the English countryside. I was super excited for today because seeing outside of London, driving through little quaint villages etc was something I had always dreamed of doing.

Our guide was a funny character, knew everything, lots of amazing stories and not a second of the day was boring. I had booked us on a small mini bus tour of only 16 people which was much more intimate than if we hadve gone on a massive bus. Im really glad we paid a little more for this style of tour.
Now there is something you dont know about me, when on a tour I have this insane need, or call it a compulsion if you will lol, to be near the guide. I dont want to straggle along at the back of the group, I want to be up in the guides face, hearing every word and forming a little bond with said guide. DH thinks its hilarious and says it has something to do with my competitive nature to be first and my insane need to be liked. He could be right, but Ill never admit it. I warned MIL this was my touring style and to be ready to elbow anyone who got in our way haha.

First up we headed to Oxford and once there a local guide lady took over our little group. She was a boisterous thing and whilst I loved her for this, I pity the womans husband. She would be exhausting to be around for longer than 45 minutes haha.

Oxford was unbelievable. This history, the age of the buildings everything about it was wonderful. We felt like we were in the middle of a Harry Potter set and not surprisingly many scenes were actually filmed there. I found hearing about all of the traditions and pomp and ceremony really enjoyable. I didnt realise that the students have to wear their gowns to go and eat lol. How funny is that. They all ride bikes to get around and the whole place was so wonderful. Here I was thinking Harvard was the place to go but now Im obsessed with Oxford. Which of my kids do you think I will be able to convince to go there? Or more importantly which of them could get a scholarship so I dont have to pay haha.

Noone is allowed to walk on this grass, unless you come back to visit and are an old student but apparently they are all so awed by the "grass" they never do hahaha.

I would have loved staying in these beautiful dorms as a uni student, wow

After an amazing time in Oxford it was off to drive through the Cotswolds. What a stunningly beautiful area this is. All of the quaint villages were just as perfect and picturesque as I had imagined. We stopped in a town called Bibury which is often used in advertising for the Cotswolds and I can certainly see why. Google Arlington Row Cotswolds and you will see what I mean. Then it was on to visit Upper and Lower Slaughter (loving these names, so bloody funny) which were so quiet and pretty. I love all of the tiny laneways and roads. The great thing about being in the mini bus rather than a big coach bus was that we were able to go down all of these little winding twisting roads, looking at sweet little homes and landscape we otherwise wouldve missed.

Nothing like a pretty little quiet slaughter. Lol!

Sighing with amazement a lot, Shuttergirl.

The cold: you've got me knitting in prep for our northern hemisphere winter holiday lol!
Great descriptions of your days in the Old Dart. Love that you're getting out and about despite the cold weather.

Sounds like you're having an amazing trip with the family. Did that tour guide speak to them during the day at all; or was it only you? :rotfl:
All sounding wonderful so far :goodvibes

Good on you getting up all those stairs! I'm gonna go right ahead and tell you that if you want to go up the Arc de Triomphe or the tower at Notre Dame, you'll have a similar experience :rotfl:

How lucky to get into that little museum at the Hard Rock! You must have felt like celebrities getting your own little private tour :worship:

And your tour sounds amazing! I love your emerging friendship with the guide :lmao:


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