To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Makes sense to me… unless you want to become a course measurer/certifier.

Lol, yea that might take it a bit too far... 8-)

Those are intense paces!

Agreed! They are short durations, so I'm sure they're possible. But they seem crazy to me.

Stopping by to leave some anti-illness voodoo. Hope it's mild and goes away soon!

:stir: <--------Anti-illness Voodoo mixing

Just doing my best to manage it, but it is a bummer to have it happen. Better now then later I guess. Just have to stay confident that all the training will still be there (and I'm fully aware based on my past experiences it is).
Well the good news is that the cold is on the downswing now and nearly over with. I had to make the decision to not run yesterday. When we were finally finished with the Christmas festivities it was a freezing rain outside. Since I felt I was soooo close to finally getting over the cold I decided the risk wasn't worth it of prolonging it. So with yesterday's day off from running it changes the schedule a tad:

Sun- Was 11 mile LR, now OFF
Mon- Was 6 mile easy, now 11 mile LR
Tues- OFF
Wed- 10 mile @ M TEMPO with 2 mi WU/CD
Thurs- 8 mile easy

I feel comfortable just moving the long run to today and then having tomorrow off before Wednesday's M Tempo run. The M Tempo run was moved up one day from my normal Thursday to accommodate one extra recovery day prior to the races starting (primarily being 10 days out from the Dopey HM). Lots of changes, but I feel they are sound choices.
Well the good news is that the cold is on the downswing now and nearly over with. I had to make the decision to not run yesterday. When we were finally finished with the Christmas festivities it was a freezing rain outside. Since I felt I was soooo close to finally getting over the cold I decided the risk wasn't worth it of prolonging it. So with yesterday's day off from running it changes the schedule a tad:

Sun- Was 11 mile LR, now OFF
Mon- Was 6 mile easy, now 11 mile LR
Tues- OFF
Wed- 10 mile @ M TEMPO with 2 mi WU/CD
Thurs- 8 mile easy

I feel comfortable just moving the long run to today and then having tomorrow off before Wednesday's M Tempo run. The M Tempo run was moved up one day from my normal Thursday to accommodate one extra recovery day prior to the races starting (primarily being 10 days out from the Dopey HM). Lots of changes, but I feel they are sound choices.

Today is a much better day for a long run. Even though I planned on treadmill until Dopey, I think I might run outside - no ice! So glad your cold has passed! I think I'm getting a cold, but I'm likely exhausted from Christmas prep and just imagining that.

P.S. My sister-in-law mentioned Lakefront Marathon last night at dinner. In my holiday enthusiasm, I committed to running it, but we'll see.
Today is a much better day for a long run. Even though I planned on treadmill until Dopey, I think I might run outside - no ice!

Agreed. Could actually try to hit paces, head up and ignore the road because of the lack of obstacles. A much more relaxed long run then the last couple.

So glad your cold has passed!

Thanks! It's definitely getting better. It didn't like running this morning, but I still fell pretty good. Just trying to regain that strength prior to Dopey, but I'm feeling confident.

I think I'm getting a cold, but I'm likely exhausted from Christmas prep and just imagining that.

Noooooo! Take care of yourself. Just keep trying to relax as much as possible and hopefully you can keep it at bay.

P.S. My sister-in-law mentioned Lakefront Marathon last night at dinner. In my holiday enthusiasm, I committed to running it, but we'll see.

EXCITING! ::yes:: So much for being done with marathons.... :D
9 Days to Go (Obstacles)


Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

12/21/16 - W - MBW light
12/22/16 - R - 2 miles @ 9:47 min/mile + 10 miles @ 7:33 min/mile + 2 miles @ 9:47 min/mile *Changed CD to 0.4 miles
12/23/16 - F - 5 miles @ 9:01 or slower min/mile
12/24/16 - Sat - 6 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile + MBW light
12/25/16 - Sun - OFF
12/26/16 - M - 11 miles @ 8:13 min/mile
12/27/16 - T - OFF

Total mileage = 34.4 miles
Number of intervals within pace = ?/? (?%) *I'd say 100% based on "effort"

This week was all about trying to balance multiple things at a time. Balance getting heat acclimation training, with getting sick, with the weather, with trying to get get healthier, with trying to maintain fitness gains, with trying to adjust the timing of the schedule for Dopey. Lots of balance and obstacles.

Thursday was heat acclimation training (HAT) #2 with a 14 mile run scheduled with 10 at marathon tempo. The actual windchill was 28, so hooray for "warm" weather. I dressed as if it were -15F out though for HAT. I was mildly sick with a sore throat for this run and forgot to charge my iPod for music. Given the sweat, the sickness, and no music I was pretty happy with the average pace being a 7:38 min/mile and near goal pace. Although, I cut the CD down to 0.4 miles because I was so sweaty and I didn't want to prolong or make the sickness any worse.

Friday was HAT #3. There was an active snowfall during the run of about 1-2 inches. The sickness had then progressed into a mild cold. So this run as scheduled was to be "easy" and I did just that between the sickness and snow. The average pace was a 10:10 min/mile. I cut the run short by 1 mile because the goal duration was 55 minutes and at 5 miles I was just about at 51 minutes, so I met the duration goal.

Saturday was HAT #4. No snow on the ground. Still sick. It was 33F out, but I dressed as if it were -15F. Sweated buckets. Pace was decent at an average 9:01 min/mile.

Sunday (Merry Christmas) was to be the last long run of 11 miles. Because I was sick I valued sleep over the run, so getting it done prior to Gigi waking up and opening presents was not an option anymore. The plan was to be home from my sister's by 5-6pm that night and I would do the run then. It was a nice christmas and G really liked her new "watch". Not quite the screaming "hooray" we were hoping for (I think she was too aware it was coming), but nonetheless she is excited. Got to see most of the family. I already got my Garmin 235 for christmas a few weeks ago, and got a few other running related items (columbia thermal, t-shirts) but nothing too crazy. Lots and lots of Disney gift cards though so I can do some damage at the rundisney expo if I choose to do so. However, on the ride home from my sister's it was raining outside (it was 34 degrees out so freezing rain). It didn't show signs of letting up. Between the freezing rain and 20-25 mph winds my wife and I decided it would be for the best to stay home and rest up. I felt I was sooooo close to breaking this cold and if I pushed it with a freezing rain run it might just restart the whole thing again. So no run on christmas for me.

Monday was a decision day. I didn't do the long run on Sunday as scheduled. I was to have off on Tuesday and do the last M Tempo on Wednesday. So technically Monday could have been a long run or the last strength run (6 x 1 mile). I originally had it scheduled as an easy day, because Sunday long run. But I was wondering whether I should get in one more fast paced workout with a total distance of ~10.5 miles, which was nearly the same as the long run at 11 miles. The same thing right? Well, I decided to go with the long run. I was coming off a cold, so the long run was the safer choice of the two. Let the muscles rest a bit more and not take the fast paced pounding. This also gave me the opportunity to wear my newer Zealot Iso shoes again with the plans that they will serve as marathon day plan B shoes if things aren't going my way (can't go slow in Kinvara 6, but I can in Zealot Iso). The run was good. It was HAT #5. WC was 35 with sustained wind of 25 mph and gusts of 45 mph. I dressed as if it were 15F. I sweated like crazy. Like I was dripping sweat from inside my clothes when I got home. But, I'm starting to feel more comfortable in the self made hot microclimate. I hit a solid 7:59 min/mile average pace with the wind and HAT. So I'm pretty happy with the results because I ran similar paces with similar HR to conditions that were much cooler then during this run.

Tuesday is off. As the schedule shifts by one day accommodate the 10 day taper window for the HM. I'm not concerned about benefits/recovery for the 5k/10k so much, but I'll need my strength for the HM/M. So this meant move the off day from Wed to Tues and the M Tempo from Thurs to Wed. It also happens to be Steph's Birthday too! So conveniently I have the day off from running to go celebrate with her, her friends, and Gigi! :cake:

Only one real training run left on Wednesday! This training cycle has taken a bit of a hit here at the end, but overall I'm still feeling really confident. Whatever happens happens. And no matter what I know I'll have a good time.

With that it means it's almost time to pack and get ready for Disney!

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Just taking a peek at Marathon Weekend 10-day forecast and....

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The humidity sure looks like a downward trend on Thursday (1/5) afternoon/evening. Could the humidity break just in time???

All things considered though a T+D of 120 for the 5k is pretty normal.

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Your HAT training is a great idea. Not sure if I'd be committed enough to activity make my run not as pleasant, but very smart. I hope the humidity breaks for marathon weekend. Though I'm going to be there that same weekend just for fun, and I'm hoping for as warm as it can be. I guess I'll just start wishing for mornings for you runners, but then nice and warm starting at 10:00? (or what time is it safe to wish for super warm weather? ;) )
Your HAT training is a great idea.


Not sure if I'd be committed enough to activity make my run not as pleasant, but very smart.

The way I see it I have two choices. I can suffer during training or I can suffer during the races. Since I spend soooooo much time training for these races, then I might as well suffer through some tough HAT runs to make the races feel just a tiny bit better.

I hope the humidity breaks for marathon weekend.

Agreed. Humidity and sun is the worst!

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Well the trend is holding as Friday as predicted is showing a reduction in dew point and temp. Down to a T+D of 106 which is pretty darn close to ideal (80 to 100). Although, there is an upswing there at the end of Friday. We shall see...

Though I'm going to be there that same weekend just for fun, and I'm hoping for as warm as it can be.

Yea, I know. My wife says the same thing. Cold mornings with nice hot days ready for pool weather. Family vacation and all I'm rooting for it all!

I guess I'll just start wishing for mornings for you runners, but then nice and warm starting at 10:00? (or what time is it safe to wish for super warm weather? ;) )

My predicted finishing time of day for each race is 6:21, 6:11, 7:14, and 8:59AM. So pretty darn early for me. But the people you should really be concerned with are those in later corrals with slower times. They've got the later morning temps/humidity and that's just an extra layer of tough for them. So for the sakes of them (especially marathon day) I hope the cold/clouds stays present until later.
Awesome you're bringing the prediction contest print out with you, makes me feel like I'm there. By the way, I'm so jealous of you all and the camaraderie and fun you'll be having - but not jealous of racing 48.6 miles in 4 days, not even considering the humidity!
Awesome you're bringing the prediction contest print out with you, makes me feel like I'm there.

Absolutely! Full disclosure my planned post-race procedure will be: drink chocolate milk, eat PB banana oatmeal protein bar, and then look at predictions for that race. I'm super excited to see how it turns out. Plus, @roxymama has graciously offered her help manning the spreadsheet while I'm gone. Should be a nice quick number punch in for her and then she'll upload the results for the day on this journal. Here's a peek at the instructions for her (WHICH I SWEAR LOOK WAY HARDER THAN IT IS!). You know me being verbose and all......::yes::

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By the way, I'm so jealous of you all and the camaraderie and fun you'll be having

I'm excited to meet people. I put together the DIS sheet last year for marathon weekend and it worked and it didn't. I didn't feel like people were able to find each other well. So this year we've got pre-race meeting spots and a green ribbon on our bib to help find each other.

but not jealous of racing 48.6 miles in 4 days, not even considering the humidity!

Oh, pish-posh! That is definitely the fun part! :car:
Awesome you're bringing the prediction contest print out with you, makes me feel like I'm there. By the way, I'm so jealous of you all and the camaraderie and fun you'll be having - but not jealous of racing 48.6 miles in 4 days, not even considering the humidity!
I think I agree with dis or dat on this one. Granted, I still have no desire to run a full marathon let alone any sort of challenge that includes a full.
Absolutely! Full disclosure my planned post-race procedure will be: drink chocolate milk, eat PB banana oatmeal protein bar, and then look at predictions for that race. I'm super excited to see how it turns out. Plus, @roxymama has graciously offered her help manning the spreadsheet while I'm gone. Should be a nice quick number punch in for her and then she'll upload the results for the day on this journal. Here's a peek at the instructions for her (WHICH I SWEAR LOOK WAY HARDER THAN IT IS!). You know me being verbose and all......::yes::

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I'm excited to meet people. I put together the DIS sheet last year for marathon weekend and it worked and it didn't. I didn't feel like people were able to find each other well. So this year we've got pre-race meeting spots and a green ribbon on our bib to help find each other.

Oh, pish-posh! That is definitely the fun part! :car:

"upload with whatever text you desire" much power!!!!! (I kid, I kid)
Yeah, whenever you are ready with instructions just send them my way (you may be the alexander hamilton of spreadsheets...I'll make sure my printer has a full ream of paper to print out my "how to")
I'm back at work on 1/3 right when everyone will be having rundisney fun. At least I can do a few run related things for you all each day.

And you mentioned your spreadsheet last year. I did end up running into some people specifically because of their outfits and corrals listed, so it did work for me during the 5k. I didn't know people as well back then so I wasn't hunting for people like I probably will for my future races.
I have been trying your HAT on my treadmill runs ever since you suggested it on the running thread. When it was chilly out the room with my treadmill is about 50-60 degrees so I ran in capris or long running pants, sports bra, tank, then long sleeve running top or hoodie. On those days it worked out well, got pretty warm and sweated a lot. Sunday we had a warm front come in and it was 71 with thunderstorms Sunday and Monday. Well, I wasn't thinking and just dressed the same and about passed out from getting overheated! Then I was like, duh, it is hot and humid in here already, probably don't need to add the extra layers today. It was probably 80 in there when I started running! :eek:

But I think it's a good plan for getting ready for Florida! :thumbsup2
I think I agree with dis or dat on this one. Granted, I still have no desire to run a full marathon let alone any sort of challenge that includes a full.

Maybe you guys can do something similar with meet ups and the such at the Star Wars races too! I'm eager to put faces to people since we spend so much time conversing. Also, still time to make some race prediction guesses if you want in on that fun too. Contest closes today. Been trying to get my mom to make her guesses, but she still wants more data... Where does she get that from???

"upload with whatever text you desire" much power!!!!! (I kid, I kid)
Yeah, whenever you are ready with instructions just send them my way (you may be the alexander hamilton of spreadsheets...I'll make sure my printer has a full ream of paper to print out my "how to")
I'm back at work on 1/3 right when everyone will be having rundisney fun. At least I can do a few run related things for you all each day.

And you mentioned your spreadsheet last year. I did end up running into some people specifically because of their outfits and corrals listed, so it did work for me during the 5k. I didn't know people as well back then so I wasn't hunting for people like I probably will for my future races.

I figured you'd like that part of the instructions! :D Gotta have a little fun am I right?

Luckily, the instructions are only two pages and are just very repetitive.

I'm glad to hear that it worked out for you. It's a lot of work, but even if it only brings two people together it's worth it in my mind. I didn't find anyone last year. :sad1:

I have been trying your HAT on my treadmill runs ever since you suggested it on the running thread. When it was chilly out the room with my treadmill is about 50-60 degrees so I ran in capris or long running pants, sports bra, tank, then long sleeve running top or hoodie. On those days it worked out well, got pretty warm and sweated a lot. Sunday we had a warm front come in and it was 71 with thunderstorms Sunday and Monday. Well, I wasn't thinking and just dressed the same and about passed out from getting overheated! Then I was like, duh, it is hot and humid in here already, probably don't need to add the extra layers today. It was probably 80 in there when I started running! :eek:

But I think it's a good plan for getting ready for Florida! :thumbsup2

LOL! Yikes, yea.... if the temps are already crazy hot/humid no reason to add extra layers for HAT. Glad you were able to get through it though unscathed.

But fingers crossed it works well for me in Florida again, although preferably we just see some T+D of 100s and then we're all golden HAT or not.
It was 70 with 100% humidity and fog in central Florida at the start of my long run this morning. Not sure that fits into your ideal T+D very well. ;)

Nope, nope, nope! And it looks like a start time of 5:24am to boot, so not even getting away from it at race time either. Well, I guess it's why I'm doing the heat acclimation training to at least a tiny bit adjust now to hopefully dampen the effects of switching climates. I'll be interested to hear what you think about tomorrow morning since it shows a huge drop in temp and humidity (although it won't hold until the next week).

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As of right now, the forecast is still holding for races mornings to be around a T+D of 120-130. This is pretty average for this time of year in the Orlando area. So, not great and not horrible.
I was able to attend a meetup before the 2012 Wine & Dine 1/2. I really enjoyed meeting up with people I had conversed with here on the boards and it also helped me to keep my mind relaxed.


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