To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Well, I think I jinxed myself by wishing you a calm wind day. It was crazy windy for our run this morning. The worst was the steep hill we climb at the end of the route that was straight into a headwind. I just kept telling myself it was good training. ;) Hope yours was better!

Well that went down as the strangest run I've ever been a part of...

-Light snow all day
-Wind was about 15-20mph
-Ice pelleting at the beginning of the run. I couldn't even look upwards comfortably without being pelleted in the face.
-Then the sun came out and started to melt the snow on the road.
-Then shoes got soaked in puddles.
-Then clouds came out and wind picked up and turned the puddles to ice.
-Then the roads were covered in robins (the birds) because presumably they didn't want to be in ice covered trees.
-Then I saw an accident between two cars (no worries everyone was fine). Likely caused by the ice...
-Then a neighborhood kid was climbing the back of a basketball hoop because he got his football stuck in a frozen net. Stopped and helped him out so that he didn't hurt himself. I'm not even sure what he was thinking of trying. Remember it's not just a basketball hoop pole, it's a pole covered in ice?!?!?!
-Then a huge F-350 truck starts to pass me from behind and low-and-behold a baby is driving with hands on the wheel. REMEMBER ICE, LIKE EVERYWHERE?!?!?! That's when I just said to myself, what the heck is going on out here!!!

Needless to say I hit 0/9 paces, but that's alright because I was given a very memorable run. :tiptoe:
Big news! Well big from a physiological standpoint. I've discussed previously ( how a resting heart rate can be used to generate an estimated VO2max. And while a VO2max value is not the end-all be-all, it does give a generally good indication of where your performance can fall at a given distance. So in early January my estimated VO2max was 56 (with a resting heart rate of 51) based on these calculators:

That initially setup my performance profile as such:

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 9.07.06 AM.png

The typical marathon zone is where most performances fall for a given VO2max (between 60-70% VO2max). The more you improve other areas of running (nutrition, running efficiency, etc.) the higher %VO2max value you can reach. If you are able to maximize (very rare) all aspects of running you can get into the red zone (Elite). For me, my current training goal (3:26 marathon) is a 72% VO2max so not too far from typical and well inside my capabilities. However, my ultimate goal of sub-3 sits at 83% VO2max (way into the Elite zone that would make it near impossible without maximization). Now in early January, I discussed how typically VO2max can be improved, but it's generally limited to about a 20% improvement. Since I had already seen a jump from 45 up to 56, I relegated myself to the belief that I would likely not see much more of an increase.

Well, I decided to do another resting heart rate test because my paces have been comfortable and my weight has dropped a little since in early January. It is now 45! When I put that into the calculators, surprise, I've got a shiny new estimated VO2max of 64!!!! That means my table now looks like this:

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 9.03.54 AM.png

My training goal time is now a very reachable 68% and my ultimate goal of sub-3 is a mere 74%!!!! That now gives me the indication (after all it is an estimate and not actual lab data) that a sub-3 is definitely within my physiological capabilities. This is a huge moment. This means that if I can just keep on the path I'm on that a sub-3 is a definite possibility in the not so distant future!

Well that went down as the strangest run I've ever been a part of...

-Light snow all day
-Wind was about 15-20mph
-Ice pelleting at the beginning of the run. I couldn't even look upwards comfortably without being pelleted in the face.
-Then the sun came out and started to melt the snow on the road.
-Then shoes got soaked in puddles.
-Then clouds came out and wind picked up and turned the puddles to ice.
-Then the roads were covered in robins (the birds) because presumably they didn't want to be in ice covered trees.
-Then I saw an accident between two cars (no worries everyone was fine). Likely caused by the ice...
-Then a neighborhood kid was climbing the back of a basketball hoop because he got his football stuck in a frozen net. Stopped and helped him out so that he didn't hurt himself. I'm not even sure what he was thinking of trying. Remember it's not just a basketball hoop pole, it's a pole covered in ice?!?!?!
-Then a huge F-350 truck starts to pass me from behind and low-and-behold a baby is driving with hands on the wheel. REMEMBER ICE, LIKE EVERYWHERE?!?!?! That's when I just said to myself, what the heck is going on out here!!!

Needless to say I hit 0/9 paces, but that's alright because I was given a very memorable run. :tiptoe:

Ok...ummmm...are you sure this was an actual run...that you didn't just sleep in and dream this? Or did you just zone out so much that you started hallucinating? That is a strange run I would say! Hope your shoes dried out okay before you need them again.
VO2max above 60 - ahh, it's good to be young. Great job!

Thanks! Gotta get it as high as I can now because we both know inevitably it's just going to come down with age.

Ok...ummmm...are you sure this was an actual run...that you didn't just sleep in and dream this? Or did you just zone out so much that you started hallucinating? That is a strange run I would say! Hope your shoes dried out okay before you need them again.

Haha, yea I'm sure I was there. Can't be sure it wasn't an episode of the Twilight Zone though. Thankfully, I have 7 (6 training + 1 race) pairs of shoes in rotation (those in particular weren't scheduled again until 2 weeks later so no worries)!
39 Days to Go (And so the simulation begins)

The simulation of running a marathon is starting to occur during each run. What was once an easy run only a week ago is now becoming more and more like the real event. Let's see how the week went...

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

3/23/16 - W - Medicine Ball Workout (MBW)
3/24/16 - R - 1.5 miles @ 9:42 min/mile + 9 miles @ 7:52 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:16 min/mile (0/9) *SOG + ICE + WIND
3/25/16 - F - 6 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (3/6)
3/26/16 - Sat - 10 miles @ 8:53 min/mile (10/10) + MBW
3/27/16 - Sun - 11 miles @ 8:33 min/mile (10/11)
3/28/16 - M - 8 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (8/8)
3/29/16 - T - 1.5 miles @ 9:49 min/mile + 3 x 2 miles @ 7:42 min/mile with 800m RI @ 9:40 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:57 min/mile (3/3)

Total mileage = 57 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 34/47 (72%)

Thursday was as I said earlier, one of the strangest runs I've ever been apart of. Beyond all of the strangeness, I was comfortable with missing on every pace because of the weather difficulties. Some days just aren't doable.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday all came and went without an issue. But it seemed like each of the runs effort level were right at where I would expect them to be.

Tuesday was a very realistic simulation of the end of the marathon. I felt very close to having nothing left pretty much the whole run.

RIP orange triumph saucony shoes. They served me well over the last 500 miles, but it became clear after Monday's run that they're dead. Thanks for all of the help.

Next weekend is another 17 mile run and the peak of the strength segment (2 x 3 miles). Hard to believe but this is a signal that the training plan is actually starting to reach its peak. Strength segment peaks this week, long run peaks in 2 weeks, and tempo peaks in 4 weeks. Almost time...
Last edited:
March Training Report

Running Mileage - 245.6 miles (NEW PR!)
Time - 35:52:00 (4th most)
Average Pace - 8:46 min/mile

Running Mileage - 114.8 miles (Appears to have been a new PR at the time)
Time - 17:36:00 (Appears to have been a new PR at the time)
Average Pace - 9:16 min/mile

Always like to see where I was last year to where I am now. Remember I'm training for the same race, the Wisconsin Marathon in May, both years. Clearly a huge jump in mileage and time spent training. What seems incredible to me is that I actually feel fresher most days now then I did then. Some of it is attributable to being healthier, but I also think some of it has to do with slowing the paces down and completing days of active recovery running. As of right now, I'd say I'll be in position to lower my time from last year (4:58) by as much as 100 minutes (3:18). Incredible what can happen in a year's time. The proof will come on race day, but I am very confident. I almost wish the race were sooner.
March Training Report

Running Mileage - 245.6 miles (NEW PR!)
Time - 35:52:00 (4th most)
Average Pace - 8:46 min/mile

Running Mileage - 114.8 miles (Appears to have been a new PR at the time)
Time - 17:36:00 (Appears to have been a new PR at the time)
Average Pace - 9:16 min/mile

Always like to see where I was last year to where I am now. Remember I'm training for the same race, the Wisconsin Marathon in May, both years. Clearly a huge jump in mileage and time spent training. What seems incredible to me is that I actually feel fresher most days now then I did then. Some of it is attributable to being healthier, but I also think some of it has to do with slowing the paces down and completing days of active recovery running. As of right now, I'd say I'll be in position to lower my time from last year (4:58) by as much as 100 minutes (3:18). Incredible what can happen in a year's time. The proof will come on race day, but I am very confident. I almost wish the race were sooner.

I'm in awe. I did 102.6 miles and 15:08:13 this month, which are records for me. Congrats on your new record.
I'm in awe. I did 102.6 miles and 15:08:13 this month, which are records for me. Congrats on your new record.

Thanks! Think of it this way. I was in my 3rd year of running with serious intentions and those were my totals for March in 2015. You recently started running with serious intentions this year. So in actuality you're way ahead of where I was at the same point in our careers. If you keep on the same upwards trends, it goes to show how much improvement you can expect in your racing times.
32 Days to Go (Dogs Days of Spring, No wait Winter, No wait Summer, No wait Spring... Ok, I'm officially confused, which season is this???)

Some extremely bizarre weather this week. It's really getting hard to know which season we're actually in. Some days it feels like spring, then summer, then winter. It's making it tough to adjust to any specific weather condition. Let's see how the week went...

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

3/30/16 - W - Medicine Ball Workout (MBW)
3/31/16 - R - 1.5 miles @ 9:28 min/mile + 9 miles @ 7:52 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (7/9)
4/1/16 - F - 7 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (4/7)
4/2/16 - Sat - 8 miles @ 8:53 min/mile (6/8)
4/3/16 - Sun - 17 miles @ 8:33 min/mile (13/17)
4/4/16 - M - 6 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (4/6)
4/5/16 - T - 1.5 miles @ 9:47 min/mile + 2 x 3 miles @ 7:42 min/mile with 800m RI @ 9:40 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 10:08 min/mile (2/2)

Total mileage = 60 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 36/49 (72%)

Thursday was about as good as it gets. The pace was slightly slower than desired, then at desired, and then finished with faster than desired. A good simulation run of how I would like to run my race.

Friday went as expected, maybe a bit too fast, but about what I expected out of a slow run this close to marathon day.

Saturday the goal was to get out there before the wind started. Looked at the weather Friday night, and decided that the run had to be at 6:30am to avoid the strong winds (+30mph). Woke up at 4:30am to eat breakfast and then after I was mid-eating I was like, oh maybe I should check the weather. Well darn, now the wind was suppose to start closer to 6:30am, and what the what?!?! is that snow?!?!? Yep, there it was a snow storm starting around 6:30am. Oh well, I tried avoiding the weather but "you never know what race day will bring". The run went fine, took it a little slower than normal, but overall it was good. Well, I thought the weather was bad for my run (20 degree WC + WIND + some SNOW), but later it was VERY WINDY and VERY SNOWY, but later it was VERY WINDY and 77! Yep, it was snowing and 20 WC in the morning and then 77 in the afternoon. A friend went running that evening and when she left it was 57, when she finished 2.5 hrs later it was 22. Just a crazy weather day.

Sunday the goal was to get out there before the wind started. Huh, that sounds familiar. I just wasn't looking forward to 17 miles in heavy winds. So now it was wake up at 4:00am and start running at 6:00am. The 2nd of the 17 mile max runs of the training cycle. The last was two weeks ago and went really well. Thankfully, this one went the same. Nice comfortable and everything I could hope for in a max run. The last mile felt comfortable and was naturally picking up the pace (probably excitement to almost being done).

Monday was up and down in pacing, but overall what I would expect an easy run to feel like at this point.

Tuesday was the peak of the Strength runs (2 x 3 miles). As a reminder, this is a simulation to the end of the marathon. You've got nothing left and you just need to dig deep and sprint to the end. Simply put this is how my effort based pacing felt (1st 3 mile segment - 23:19 and 2nd 3 mile segment - 23:18). Yep, only one second difference over the course of 3 miles in two separate segments. Feeling good about it.

I can see the proverbial training cycle finish line. The Strength segment is now on the down swing. Only one more 17 mile max run left. The peak of the Tempo runs start not this week but the next. I'm starting to get fatigued from the constant training, but that's alright because that's the point. Crazy to think I'm only 32 days away.
32 Days to Go (Dogs Days of Spring, No wait Winter, No wait Summer, No wait Spring... Ok, I'm officially confused, which season is this???)

Some extremely bizarre weather this week. It's really getting hard to know which season we're actually in. Some days it feels like spring, then summer, then winter. It's making it tough to adjust to any specific weather condition. Let's see how the week went...

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

3/30/16 - W - Medicine Ball Workout (MBW)
3/31/16 - R - 1.5 miles @ 9:28 min/mile + 9 miles @ 7:52 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (7/9)
4/1/16 - F - 7 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (4/7)
4/2/16 - Sat - 8 miles @ 8:53 min/mile (6/8)
4/3/16 - Sun - 17 miles @ 8:33 min/mile (13/17)
4/4/16 - M - 6 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (4/6)
4/5/16 - T - 1.5 miles @ 9:47 min/mile + 2 x 3 miles @ 7:42 min/mile with 800m RI @ 9:40 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 10:08 min/mile (2/2)

Total mileage = 60 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 36/49 (72%)

Thursday was about as good as it gets. The pace was slightly slower than desired, then at desired, and then finished with faster than desired. A good simulation run of how I would like to run my race.

Friday went as expected, maybe a bit too fast, but about what I expected out of a slow run this close to marathon day.

Saturday the goal was to get out there before the wind started. Looked at the weather Friday night, and decided that the run had to be at 6:30am to avoid the strong winds (+30mph). Woke up at 4:30am to eat breakfast and then after I was mid-eating I was like, oh maybe I should check the weather. Well darn, now the wind was suppose to start closer to 6:30am, and what the what?!?! is that snow?!?!? Yep, there it was a snow storm starting around 6:30am. Oh well, I tried avoiding the weather but "you never know what race day will bring". The run went fine, took it a little slower than normal, but overall it was good. Well, I thought the weather was bad for my run (20 degree WC + WIND + some SNOW), but later it was VERY WINDY and VERY SNOWY, but later it was VERY WINDY and 77! Yep, it was snowing and 20 WC in the morning and then 77 in the afternoon. A friend went running that evening and when she left it was 57, when she finished 2.5 hrs later it was 22. Just a crazy weather day.

Sunday the goal was to get out there before the wind started. Huh, that sounds familiar. I just wasn't looking forward to 17 miles in heavy winds. So now it was wake up at 4:00am and start running at 6:00am. The 2nd of the 17 mile max runs of the training cycle. The last was two weeks ago and went really well. Thankfully, this one went the same. Nice comfortable and everything I could hope for in a max run. The last mile felt comfortable and was naturally picking up the pace (probably excitement to almost being done).

Monday was up and down in pacing, but overall what I would expect an easy run to feel like at this point.

Tuesday was the peak of the Strength runs (2 x 3 miles). As a reminder, this is a simulation to the end of the marathon. You've got nothing left and you just need to dig deep and sprint to the end. Simply put this is how my effort based pacing felt (1st 3 mile segment - 23:19 and 2nd 3 mile segment - 23:18). Yep, only one second difference over the course of 3 miles in two separate segments. Feeling good about it.

I can see the proverbial training cycle finish line. The Strength segment is now on the down swing. Only one more 17 mile max run left. The peak of the Tempo runs start not this week but the next. I'm starting to get fatigued from the constant training, but that's alright because that's the point. Crazy to think I'm only 32 days away.

Your weather this past weekend sounds very much like mine. It made for some very interesting running, that's for sure, even though I didn't run anywhere near as far as you.
Seriously what was with this weekend's weather? We are supposed to get rain today and then SNOW again (unhappy face!) Looks like you are running everyday except Wed...and it's Wed, so Happy Day Off??
@surfde22 @roxymama Right this weather has been nuts the last week up north. Looking at the 10 day forecast and things "look" like they're turning around. Fingers crossed.

Yea, Wednesday! These days I really could run 7 days a week, but I like having off on Wednesdays because then it allows me to spend more time home with GiGi and we try and plan her things on those days. Earlier this year it was swim lessons and later this summer dance class.
Congrats on your great improvement from 2015 to 2016. That's really impressive. And, I don't know VO2max from a hole in the wall, but a resting heart rate of 45 seems pretty great to me!
Congrats on your great improvement from 2015 to 2016. That's really impressive. And, I don't know VO2max from a hole in the wall, but a resting heart rate of 45 seems pretty great to me!

Thanks! It's been a fun and enlightening journey this last year. I wouldn't change the absolute disappoint I felt a year ago at this same race, because it was an eye opener to me that if I wanted to get where I wanted to be I needed to make more changes. More training and even more healthy eating. The benefits are starting to pay off and it's been rewarding to see such a dramatic change.

Yea, VO2max is just another good tool in the toolbox to figure out how to get better. Simply put its a measure of how much oxygen the body can use. The higher the number generally the more fit you are. But two people with the same VO2max may have widely different PRs based on a bevy of other tools in the toolbox.
25 Days to Go (I Lost It....)

The title explains it all. I've been on a bit of a down swing the last week. My body has been fatigued. The weather has been less than ideal. I've also been dealing with a right hip "uncomfortability" that I've never felt in the four years of running. Lastly, and most importantly I've lost "it" (that feeling I'm looking for at the peak of my running), but let's see how the week went...

Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

4/6/16 - W - Off
4/7/16 - R - 1.5 miles @ 9:42 min/mile + 9 miles @ 7:52 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:45 min/mile (8/9)
4/8/16 - F - 6 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (1/6)
4/9/16 - Sat - 10 miles @ 8:53 min/mile (6/10)
4/10/16 - Sun - 11 miles @ 8:33 min/mile (10/11)
4/11/16 - M - 8 miles @ 9:32 min/mile (7/8)
4/12/16 - T - 1.5 miles @ 9:34 min/mile + 3 x 2 miles @ 7:42 min/mile with 800m RI @ 9:30 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 10:03 min/mile (3/3)

Total mileage = 57 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 35/47 (74%)

The week prior to this cycle is when I first noticed a new uncomfortable feeling in my right hip. My right hip has always been weak. It was weak when I started running 4 years ago. A few years ago, it was interesting to hear when I got fitted for shoes that the store clerk could tell my right hip was weak. He even went as far as to ask me if I've ever suffered an injury to the hip. It's never been an issue before. But the week prior something different was happening. At first it was small and just barely there. Then as last week progressed it became more noticeable. I started to incorporate some hip stretching prior to running and post running to see if I could reduce the uncomfortable feeling. I also noticed that one of the pre running stretches I did made the feeling worse at the beginning of the running so I cut it out for now. Coming into this week this feeling was getting almost to the point of painful. So let's see how it went...

Wednesday I cut out the medicine ball routine because I couldn't comfortably do the moves.

Thursday - It was cold. It was windy. It wasn't feeling comfortable to run. This is when I first started to notice that I was losing "it". I still hit the paces, all things considered, but it wasn't as easy as it has been in the past few weeks.

Friday - Ugh. It was colder. It was windier. It was feeling even more uncomfortable to run. It even tried to freak snow on me (one minute nothing, then next near white out conditions). I made a conscious effort to ditch trying to run by pace and just try to run at an easy equivalent pace.

Saturday - UGGHH... It was colder (I mean 18?!?! Really?!?!)... It was windy (but not as windy, Hooray!). And still uncomfortable to run but seemingly getting better. The stretching seemed to start to make a difference and maybe just maybe this feeling was subsiding. Again, I made a conscious effort to not run by pace but by presumed easy equivalent pace. I could tell my body needed to be on the slower of the easier side the last two days.

Sunday - I looked at the weather Saturday night and said nope can't run Sunday morning. It was going to be colder, windier, etc. etc. I saw however that the afternoon was starting to turn around (warmer, slightly less wind). So, I decided to postpone the run until the afternoon. This isn't something I normally like to do, because I like to train in all conditions. But I could tell my motivation and overall running morale was dropping. I needed a personal boost. The wind was still there, but at least it was 41 out. The run went well, but I still didn't have it. It felt more difficult then this equivalent run had felt the last couple of weeks. I could tell I was missing that bounce. The best part was that the uncomfortable feeling was definitely feeling like it was getting better.

Monday - It was warmer. Still windy. Getting a theme for this week's cycle (lots of wind). This is the first time the effort matched the pace. It felt better. Less of the uncomfortable feeling and more of that bounce I'm looking for.

Tuesday - FINALLY. The weather has started to actually turn into spring. Mid-40s with little wind. It was a really nice running day. The hip isn't 100% but it's definitely the best it's felt in the last two weeks. I felt very comfortable running. I can tell after today that I'm likely back on the upswing. I hit the paces.

So to summarize the last week's cycle. Lots of wind. Might has well have been February or March out with some of the temps we were getting. Hip was feeling sore earlier in the week but is making a comeback. And lastly the "it" feeling is gone, but it seems like it's on its way back. The interesting thing about that "it" feeling is that I intentionally didn't do a half-marathon at 5-6 weeks out from my marathon to help not lose that "it" feeling when it came. Yet, I still lost it without the race. What this says to me on an n=1 experiment, that maybe me losing that feeling in all of the previous cycles might have had less to do about the half race and more about my body's natural rhythmic response to the training. My hope is that the "it" feeling will come back (don't worry I can feel it coming back within the next week or two).

Lastly, today was the last day to sign up for the Chicago Lottery for the marathon. I didn't enter my name. It was my hope to do it this year but it wasn't the right choice financially. I've decided I'll likely run Lakefront (in Milwaukee) in October again. Maybe, I'll try to enter Chicago next year.

Looking forward, this next cycle is a big one. The Tempo Thursday reaches its peak at 10 miles plus 3 miles warm-up. It's the last long run (17 miles on Sunday). It's also the peak of the mileage (63 miles) in a 7-day period (which will be a distance PR if everything goes well). Long update, but things appear to be looking up with only 25 days to go. I'm getting excited. At this point, my time is probably coming back a little towards my training pace (3:26), but we'll see as things get closer. Most of all I'm looking forward to the good weather (70s this weekend!!!). We can finally go outside again! I know Gigi (my daughter) is excited to be back outside again.
18 degrees...ugh! I thought it was bad around here but that is just not cool for "spring."
Sorry about the "it" feeling disappearing. Although I'm not at your level I can kind of understand what that means - not with running but with other athletic endeavors in my life and I can tell you that when it does come back it makes all the days missing it seem like nothing. Hoping your hip is ok too!

If you ever do decide to give Chicago a shot let me know and I'll hold up my bargain that I'll try to pass you some water or hand you a medal. And you know the Shamrock shuffle is always an option for experiencing the first few miles and the last...But don't be scared of the distance like I was :)
Thanks for the support! I know these things come and go, so I'm just hoping it comes back. I have a feeling it will based on experience.

I definitely might consider the Shamrock Shuffle Chicago. I'm likely to focus on speed in Spring 2017 so I would be looking for some races to do. Do you remember when registration opened and approximately how much it cost? I'd like to add it to my Excel watch list.

I'll take you up on that: See you at the Chicago Marathon in 2017, or 2018, or 2019???
Well I signed up when they allowed the first 8,000 people to sign up back in September of 2015. 9/18/15 to be exact. Something like "halfway to St. Patrick's Day" promotion.
And it was $40
My husband signed up 1/22/16 and it cost $50
I do not know what it cost closer but I know it filled maybe a week or so before the race. (maybe more?)
I want to run it again so try for that sub 50...dang 2 seconds got me.

Kind of pricey for an 8k, but it's Chicago and the swag is really nice. Good Nike tech shirt and medal and usually some kind of extra. 2015 was a buff, this year was sunglasses.

The Elite and A corral guys all had on singlets in the 35 degree weather so you would fit right in!


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