Timandlesley’s how to win a dream in 10 days 11/15 NEW PTR UP!! pg. 94 has link!!!

OMG this has been the day from hell!!! :scared1:
Poor Mickey did indeed fracture his hip after his fall, I can't believe it!!! We took him to our vet who did x rays and referred us to an orthopedic surgeon at an emergency clinic. All total between the surgery and what we paid today we are looking at $1700 !!!!:scared1: :scared1: :scared1:
But I love my puppy:love: and he's part of our family so we forked it over. Luckily we had it (a little in savings and had to clear out the money I had put aside for our escrow bill that's due in Feb. but I know I can get that back by then or apply our tax refund to it when that rolls around). CRAZY though. My poor baby. He was so out of it (they had him on a tranquilizer). They are doing the surgery to put the pins in to fix it today and will call us this evening to let us know how he is doing. Luke is still at school and has no idea and is going to be heartbroken. The hardest part is going to be the THREE weeks after surgery that he has to be confined to his crate, that is going to be TOUGH! But the 1700 will make us stick to it, that's for sure!Thanks fo ryour thoughts and prayers, keep em' comin and I'll let you know how it goes later on.
Poor Mickey and $1700 is so much! :eek: We've been there before with our dogs though and know how you can't put a price tag on them once they capture your hearts!
Poor critter. They become our family so quickly. Hopefully these 3 weeks will fly and he'll be out running around soon.
YIKES!!! That a big chunk of change
but I know you feel mickey is more
then worth it. Hope he will be fine and
the recouperation will go smoothly.
Here's some pixie dust for your newest
family member!!pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
Holy Cow!:scared1: I am sorry you guys and poor Mickey have to go through this! I hope everything works out and Mickey heals completely! I hope Luke and Lauren are handling it OK! :goodvibes Our thoughts are with you all!:grouphug:
oh, poor baby! i will keep you guys and mickey in my prayers. it's so heartbreaking to see a doggie in pain because you can't explain to them that it'll get better. :sad1: i totally understand about paying that for his surgery. my dogs mean so much to me - i'd pay anything to make them feel better if something happened to them. $1700 is hard to swallow but i'm sure he's worth it! i have a care credit card for emergency vet bills. you may want to check into that if you need anything further for him. if you pay off the charge in 3 months there's no interest. you can also use it for dental, vision, things that sometimes aren't covered with traditional insurance plans. i'm sure if you google "care credit" you can find the website for it.
For those of you who don't know what happened today I will explain (for those who already know, bear with me, the update is at the end of this email). This has been along 48 hours for our family.
Mickey fell down the stairs yesterday morning, we were told to observe him over night and we did and he was still limping this morning. We took him to our vet and she had to tranquilize him to do xrays. She xrayd him and said he had a fracture in his left hip. We were then referred to an emergency orthopedic surgeon at an emergency clinic. We went there this afternoon and he looked at the x rays and said he had to do surgery to put pins into place. total vet bills for the day = 1700 and poor Mickey our hearts were just broken.
Well........ I just got a call from the surgeon. I'm trying to relay this as best I can because of the medical lingo I don't understand and my emmotions but from what I can gather Mickey did well in the surgery, has woken up and did great with anesthesia. They put two pins in the fracture site. Something about when he fell he crushed the socket where the hip goes into and he had to make a judgement call to make it more stable and put pins to hold it into the socket which will not allow any gap there, he said this won't have any long term damage. The concerning part is that the bone that he put the pin into is very soft since he is a puppy and he is very concerned with them coming loose and then he'd need even more surgery. This is very frustrating to Tim and I because we thought the surgery would fix everything. We are now being told it will be a minimum of FOUR weeks of solitary confinement in his cage. We are only allowed to go in to feed him in his
cage and pick him up and carry him to the bathroom. The kids can't see him because they will get him too excited. We have to put his crate in an area of the house were we don't go and they told us to put a radio on to keep the noise level of the house away from him so he doesn't get excited. We go back in 2 weeks to make sure the pins are taking the way they are supposed to, if not, more surgery. PLEASE pray these pins will stay in place and that our baby will be alright. We are just so stressed about this right now and don't know how we will keep him still and happy in his cage for those 4 weeks and worry about what his personality will be once he is able to come out 4 weeks later.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers
Oh Lesley and family, I am so sorry to hear of your ordeal with Mickey. I pray that he heals properly, and that he learns to :love: his crate for the next four weeks. Oh that has got to be hard for a puppy, and for you to not be able to get him out and move around. Here is a big hug for all of you. :grouphug: Shadow and Trixie send their puppy pixiedust: to Mickey.
Oh, poor Mickey.:sad1: He is so blessed to have a family that loves him so much. Non the less that's a lot of money to have to fork over unexpectantly. :wizard: Wishing Mickey a quick recovery and no more surgeries.:goodvibes
Dang. Good thing you had that in savings. There's no way I would have that kind of money. I hope those pins work. That would be terrible to spend all of that money and have it not work. How hard to keep him in a cage for 4 weeks. That's like keeping a toddler in bed for that long. Insane!! But, you're right that you have no other choice BUT to do it because of the money you've spent and you want him to recover. So sorry this happened.
Oh poor Mickey... and all of you...i understand the stress you are all going through... I hope he heals correctly and there is no more surgery needed. I guess following Dr. orders may be a tough thing to do, but knowing how important it is to do this ... Time will pass, Have the kids draw him pictures...then they will feel like they are a part of his recovery...

In March our puppy was only with us about 2 weeks and he was running around like a crazy boy and ran into some thing and started screaming... if you ever heard a puppy yelp, it is like a baby screaming... My husband thank god was home... our puppys eye popped out of the socket... called the vet and she said they couldn't see us until 2pm it was 8am at the time... my DH said No sorry, I am bringing him now...When he got there, the Vet put him right into surgery... He told us we did the right thing..because chances of the eye being put back in is only within an hour of it happening, after that there is too much swelling...thank goodness he came out of surgery ok.. they sewed a button over where his eye was to hold in his stitches... We called him button eye for a few weeks.... After 3 weeks, he was tested and he can see...Here is a picture: Koda..


I am praying for your Mickey...
oh my goodness, Lesley, it does sound very stressful
without a doubt. I truly hope it all goes well for Mickey
and you guys. You seem to get hit with a lot of the
BIG stuff, like last yr when you got injured during the
dive, YIKES:scared1: No wonder you need your disney
adventures! Keep your chin up, things usually have a
way of working out....take a day at a time:wizard:
I will be thinking of your puppy and family. I thought the advice that billnag gave about the pictures was great. Thank god Mickey has a family like you. Think of all the love the kids will give him when he gets healthy!
Tim and Lesley,

We're so sorry to hear that Mickey ended up needing surgery. And the cost! I thought ours was bad at right around $1,000. But just like you, we would have spent whatever we needed to take care of our puppy. Sadie needed pins too but we didn't have to keep her confined like that. It was a couple weeks or so with no walks and a couple months of trying to keep her as inactive as possible. No playing with her BDF (best dog friend) across the street. That was the hardest part. We'll keep you in our prayers. Praying that the pins work and he won't need any further surgeries.

How are Luke and Lauren handling it? I know it was very tough for Abby and Sophie. But having to totally keep the kids away from him is going to be extremely difficult. We'll keep all of you in our prayers! Please keep up updated on how he's doing.

Ohhhh Lesley that is so sad. I hope that Mickey recovers and that this is it for him and surgery. Good luck with the kids and explaining this to them.

Thinking of you!

Lesley I 'm so sorry to hear about Mickey! When I saw your thread was updating I thought it was for your next trip.

A few years ago we spent a large sum of money on our cat. He was in the "hospital" and had stomach surgery. They really do become a part of your family and it hurts so much to see them in pain. KUP on his recovery.
Oh my gosh, Lesley! You, your family, and Mickey are all in my prayers...:hug: Hopefully he will heal quickly and without too much pain.


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