Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Central Air Conditioning - I believe the credit for modern air conditioning goes to Carrier. While it's not very common for us to be cold like this, we keep reminding ourselves that we could easily start seeing some 90 degree temps by March and are reminded of all of the triple digit heat we had this past summer.

Automobiles - While it's now rare that I have to go in to the office, I still do a lot of driving. I feel trapped if I don't have the automotive means to get from point A to point B. Some post apocalyptic movies and shows have prompted discussions about a return to beasts of burden and how I'd be a mess if I were forced to ride horses. Long fear...the 3 hour ride I took to get over said fear was a one and done sort of thing.

Home electrical system- I think a lot of us feel like we've shifted to the Little House on the Prairie time period when the power goes out. It's fine for a little while and not so bad if you've opted into a situation (like a rustic vacation cabin) where you know you'll be without. It's not so great when you're without for a longer period of time. We had a hurricane come through when DD17 was 2 and I was nearly 8 months pregnant with DD15. We were without power for over 3 weeks and you just don't realize how much we rely on electricity until you're without for a while. Generators are an OK short term solution, but it's tough to get more gas if the stations are also without power.
(Wed, 1/17) - 3 inventions you're grateful for

Television - I'm a couch potato at heart!

Treadmill, lol. The weather doesn't always cooperate and I need to counter my tv sitting time with a bit of jogging, walking.

Indoor plumbing as already mentioned. This gal does not camp. My idea of roughing it is a Holiday Inn Express!
Good Morning!

#1 - The automatic start on my car, and the car app that also allows me to start my car - I use it every day.

#2 - The warm baseball style hat that also covers my ears - I have it in black & grey. I bought them on Amazon

#3 - My Mammoth Crocs - I’ve mentioned them before because I love them that much
NOT EvER grateful for cold weather with that being said….

Space heaters I have hundreds of them through everywhere pointed right at me all the time

Blankets I have hundreds of them stashed everywhere so I can wrap up in them

My gas fireplace one of the best features of my house it runs almost nonstop the gas company loves me

My furnace God forbid it should ever break I’ve been in the house when it’s cold and the furnace broke I was looking for a hotel

You noticed I didn’t mention more clothes I have tons of them and I wear tons of them and I don’t feel like they help because honestly I bundle up like Nuka the north and I’m still cold 🥶

When is summer coming?? Because I’ve had enough of this and I’m about to go hunt down mother nature and slap her for sending us all this cold fronts nothing personal to you Canadians I love you but please stop sharing your weather with me I would like to make relations with our Mexican friends so they can share their weather with us it’s much more hospitable to me just saying
Blessing extra of God that I have a safe shelter of faith, warm food, clothing, blankets, and love. Of course that my dad does too. By His added Grace, I pray, I get to in whatevef tiny way called pass this onto another. Help feed His lambs and clothe His sheep. ALL which I know is His dream for us all.

Goes without saying my hot chocolate and Campbells Chicken Broth taste extra welcoming right now.

Going with WDWEPCOT to say Summer to come. Every season as with each day is a blessing from God to me. I just lol much prefer warmer weather :)
1. Heated car gadgets - I hate driving with gloves. A heated steering wheel is the gadget I never knew I needed. We also had a "memorable" ski trip where my old vehicle's heat went out and the heated driver's seat was the only thing warm for a chunk of the ride. My current vehicle has heated seats for everyone, so I feel like we're more prepared if we're ever in the mountains again and the main heat goes out. The drink heater/cooler isn't too shabby either.

2. Furry boots - It's not normally crazy cold here, but with sports, we spend a lot of time outside. Those 40s-50s can feel pretty miserable when you're out in it for hours on end. So, the boot collection gets a decent workout in the winter/spring months.

3. The dog - She gets extra snuggly when it's cold out. It's just another layer of warmth.
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Today's Topic (Thu, 1/18) - 3 things you're grateful when it's cold out

I'm grateful that cold has a new meaning for me (in NC, rarely below freezing). That said, my 3 are:

I'm grateful for a brand-new HVAC so I don't have to worry about being cold in winter or hot in summer.

I'm grateful for our gas fireplace that looks so beautiful at night with all the lights off yet not overwhelmingly hot.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to try out new soup and stew recipes. I love warm & cozy winter foods.
Another vote for heated car everything !!! If it can be heated I’ve got that option !!
Funny story my other car the heated seats were malfunctioning so they heated to like you know melt you and I didn’t complain for the longest time because I thought it felt so good!!! I thought finally a heated seat that warms up enough!!! And then I found out it was a malfunction and they weren’t supposed to get that like dang can’t you just leave it? They’re like no it will set the car on fire and I’m like but yay more warm👍🤣🤣🤣
You guys and your cars are so funny! We downsized to one car since I retired. My last car was a 2014 Nissan Altima and it didn't have heated anything nor remote start, lol. Our current car is a Prius. I don't think heated seats or steering is an option in a Prius, but I only have to fill up about once per month.


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