Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Thank You you know I never thought I was a cat person always been a dog person but having head cats because of my DD for the last 30 years I really miss having a cat which I find quite shocking I spent all last night looking for a rescue cat I actually found one that I kinda like the look of I’ve probably lost my mind and it’s just grief but I’m really considering getting a cat He looks just like my cat that I just lost same type of breed I placed an inquiry we’ll see I don’t know but I do know I really do miss having a cat I didn’t think I would but I do
My dog is not a snuggler but my cat always was and I think I really miss it Cats are just different from dogs one thing nice about cats you don’t have to take them outside when it’s -25° 🤣🤣
WDWEPCOT :grouphug:I am also so sorry about your cat. He is indeed having a ball with old friends. All of them are restored to health with God. Thinking extra of dear you and you know I agree always about summer!

From yesterday, plastic things:

Plastic wrap we use daily to cover appleasauce cups (grateful for these souflee cups from Smart and Final, too) and other things. Plastic spoons fit in here, too.

Plastic bags are sure handy of all kinds.

Definitely storage bins and plastic envelopes with the white string tie, too.

Sunday Freebie

A new day by God's Grace to grow, serve, praise, and live. Worship Him extra through online church.

One more day closer to being fully recovered God willing. Tomorrow will mark 6 weeks out of 8. This week ahead, I will be in touch again with the podiatrist to make a virtual and God exrra willing in person appointment. Getting stronger each day. Much less ibuprofen needy. Dad's help is still needed for me to get up from a chair. I am keeping in extrs prayer that should it be God's will, I am 100% healthy and walking normally in exactly 3 weeks which is dad's birthday.

Guideposts magazines are most enjoyable especially for quicker upbeat reading right now. I was able to get a great deal on a 3 year subscription price matched by them. PM me if you would enjoy reading an older issue :)
Thank You you know I never thought I was a cat person always been a dog person but having head cats because of my DD for the last 30 years I really miss having a cat which I find quite shocking I spent all last night looking for a rescue cat I actually found one that I kinda like the look of I’ve probably lost my mind and it’s just grief but I’m really considering getting a cat He looks just like my cat that I just lost same type of breed I placed an inquiry we’ll see I don’t know but I do know I really do miss having a cat I didn’t think I would but I do
My dog is not a snuggler but my cat always was and I think I really miss it Cats are just different from dogs one thing nice about cats you don’t have to take them outside when it’s -25° 🤣🤣
I’m so sorry about your cat. It’s so difficult when we lose our furry family members.
Sometimes freebies are more challenging than focused categories 😂 simply because there are so many options.

1. Smart phones/tablets-While they certainly have their downsides, they also provide tremendous benefits in our lives. From the FaceTime I just had with my parents who are currently docked in the Virgin Islands to the photo texts from the kids for my grocery shopping, that phone is a wonder.

2. Local access to the top cancer center- As I approach another 6 month follow up, I’m reminded of how lucky I am that I am a relatively short drive to MD Anderson. Each time I set foot in their facilities, I am around people who had to fly or make lengthy road trips for their care. Obviously grateful for the care (not the bills though) that they’re able to provide, but it’s nice just being able to drive home afterwards.

3. Employment- I can’t really go into details, but always grateful to be gainfully employed and hope it stays that way.
Freebie day!

Sunshine- I just spend 9 days in New Orleans and Florida but had to come home to Maine to see some sun! NOT that I'm complaining... it was 60-75degrees down south when we were there, but overcast/drizzly every day!

DD/SIL took such good care of our home while we were gone. They handled the "no hot water" situation, dealt with the tree guys who came to remove the large trees that fell a few weeks ago in a storm, and met with the insurance adjustor. I came home to a house that had been cleaned, a stocked refrigerator, and a happy family!

I guess I am glad that the semester is starting. I am hoping to retire sometime in the fall of 2025 (I could retire now but my mortgage and HELOC don't agree), so every week of classes is a week closer to retiring. I'm just tired already, before any of it has even begun.
Today's Topic (Sun, 1/14) - any 3 things you're thankful for

1. Sorry Cowboy fans, but I’m thankful Dallas lost. They’ve been my least favorite team forever.

2. I’m thankful to be able to move to Florida this summer. Exciting and a little terrifying all at the same time.

3. Always thankful for my husband and kids. Not sure where I would be without them.
Good chilly morning (-10 degrees 🥶)

I’m narrowing it down to recent people….

#1 - Mark Wahlberg - He’s very involved with his Catholic faith and us Catholics are grateful for that. It’s nice for many people to see celebrities practice their faith and he always says…..Stay Prayed Up!

#2 - Barack Obama - I’m very grateful for Obamacare which allows kids to stay on their parents insurance until 26yrs old.

#3 - The man/coach that owns my DD20’s past travel program - He’s made a difference in so many young girls lives. Regardless if he helped them play in college or not (some didn’t want to play in college), he brought out the best in them and taught them how to work hard, play hard and to dig deep within yourself to bring out your best you.
Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn what a wonderful legacy they have left us after they left the White House. Prayers for him who is still in Hospice.

Mother Teresa who showed the world that everyone matters.

On his day, Dr Martin Luther King Jr who gave everyone hope that things could get better. I remember watching TV in the 1950’s and seeing dogs get sent to harm people who had done nothing wrong.
Any 3: -
Blue sky today
Helpful YouTube videos
Butternut Squash Soup

People Who Make/Made a Difference: -
My (equivalent) 1st grade teacher. She just 'got' me and, looking back, I realize how rare that can be. And how valuable it is.
Walt D. His eye for detail. His care about the human experience. His creativity. We could do with Walt 2.0 now!
Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".

And, @PollyannaMom ,composer John Williams! ::yes:: And all the musicians who bring it to life.
Vet - my new vet who would get me in when my kitty was sick two weeks ago and again Friday when he became deathly ill and was so very compassionate to me in the whole process and hardly charged me anything ! So hard getting into a vet these days around here I called 10 before I found one I could get into as my vet of 40 yrs would not get me in - sadly the condition my poor kitty suffered from off and on for 10 yrs did him in ! I’m very grateful to the very kind vet who talked to me for over an hour to help me make the decision and helped me with the whole process. Such compassion! I told my kitty all our past pets some he knew were waiting fior. Him and he was going to have such a great time with them and to tell them all I said hi and I love them ! ❤️
I'm so sorry you lost your kitty. I'm glad you had such good support, though. 💜
I love all of your answers and agree with all especially Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa. I also thank each of you always for the faithful and kind difference you make!

Always first and foremost to me is my Savior Jesus!

Dad :)

Pastor L a dear church friend who has sure touched my life since God made us friends years ago.
1. Theodore Roosevelt- It’s worth noting that there isn’t just one person solely deserving of this credit, but Roosevelt was widely considered the conservation president and had a great deal of influence on the creation and preservation of our national parks and monuments. We have such a deep love and appreciation of these natural wonders and applaud everyone involved that has worked to protect them. These early figures like Roosevelt and Rockefeller knew these places would be vulnerable if not fully protected and we’re forever grateful.

2. Walt Disney- While there are many humans that could go in this list, some for possibly far greater contributions, there’s something to be said for the therapeutic nature of Walt’s creations.

3. DD15’s Current Travel Ball Coach- She’s someone who has literally lived the dream and just does so much for her girls to help each of them pursue their own dreams. The growth in play is amazing, but it’s so much more. When a suicide rocked the softball community, she sat the girls down and had a long talk about her own struggles and experiences. She made sure they knew that she was always there if they needed to talk because she understands how much this game can impact you off the field. She recently talked with me over lunch about things to watch for as DD gets into her first high school season (to help keep her on track with school and regular life). We also know this care extends beyond the team. We were watching an Athletes Unlimited game on ESPN over the summer and one of the players being interviewed gave a shout out thank you to DDs coach for her support. It’s just so inspiring to see someone who gives back so much for the sport she loves and ultimately knowing your child is in good hands.
My inspiration is the men & women who volunteer to join the services and fight for our country they are true inspiration each and every everyone of them

The men and women who fought behind the scenes during World War II against some of the most evil the world may ever know true inspirations most of these people the world never will know about but they put their lives on the line to save others

The volunteers be a doctors nurses or other professionals who go to areas of disasters to help assist others in times in need again true heroes

Our police and fire men and women every day they put their lives on the line for our welfare protection

All of these people are inspirations they’re just not always recognize as such
I work for a charity with the wounded and injured veterans the VA can only do so much and it’s so sad how our veterans are treated these young men & women have severe injuries that last them the rest of their lives they have often lost limbs have traumatic brain injuries and fancy lifetime of surgeries and problems it is just not a one and done thing as a age these problems these problems cause other problems and all these problems impact their livelihood and their families many people think because the war is over that nothing more needs to be done but nothing further could be from the truth So I think my true inspiration my true heroes are the men and women in our Armed Services both active and retired may God Bless Them All !
Please keep them in mind when you do your yearly donations if you are looking for a charity to donate to I’m not saying you to donate to mine ( that would be nice!) but I can suggest several for you to consider
Thank You !!!


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