Third Wave is Here...

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Many people just hope this COVID thing will spontaneously disappear. We have so many people refusing the vaccine that overall, we may not reach enough herd immunity to get rid of this. If it is mandatory to have fluoride in water, polio vaccine in childhood, and many other things in this society, I think we should just it make it mandatory to everyone. My opinion is that if one refuses COVID vaccine, then that person should not be allowed public healthcare access, to use ER or ICU service when they get sick. Those anti-vaxers can have their "freedom" to avoid vaccine but please don't expect me as a taxpayer to fund their stupidity when they get intubated in ICU on breathing machine costing thousands of healthcare dollars per day.
Many people just hope this COVID thing will spontaneously disappear. We have so many people refusing the vaccine that overall, we may not reach enough herd immunity to get rid of this. If it is mandatory to have fluoride in water, polio vaccine in childhood, and many other things in this society, I think we should just it make it mandatory to everyone. My opinion is that if one refuses COVID vaccine, then that person should not be allowed public healthcare access, to use ER or ICU service when they get sick. Those anti-vaxers can have their "freedom" to avoid vaccine but please don't expect me as a taxpayer to fund their stupidity when they get intubated in ICU on breathing machine costing thousands of healthcare dollars per day.

1. It's not mandatory to have fluoride in all water - only certain places do it, and they do it for public health reasons. You aren't forced to live in an area that does it.

2. Polio vaccine isn't required. In fact, no vaccine is required in Canada. Now, certain business or entities can require them as a condition of attendance or employment, but again, you aren't forced to work or attend there.

3. Most of the people not getting vaccinated right now actually aren't anti-vaxxers. They're very much PRO-vaccine people who are legitimately concerned about a vaccine for which we are all guinea pigs. And then there are others like myself, who have been advised by their DOCTOR that they are not eligible for various medical reasons. The anti-vaxxers aren't the issue.
It disheartening for someone like me who is really eager to get the vaccine and get back to some version of normal life to see appointments going unused. I would not support another lockdown of any kind if people who could get the vaccine just didn’t. They would need to deal with those consequences.

BUT ( and this is a big but) vaccine hesitancy does not equal being an “anti Vaxxer” and people have the right to question what they are sticking in their arm and wait and weigh the decision until they feel safe. Do I like it ? No. Do I want people to hurry up and get the vaccine? Yes. Do I think I have the right to publicly shame someone who is worried and hesitant and trying to make decisions about their own health ? No.
I notice US cases are starting to trend back upwards as well. Do you think they will go into a full-blown fourth wave (like we're going into a 3rd wave) or will their accelerated vaccine campaign be able to keep it at bay?
Please let us in rural Ontario have your vaccines if GTA won't take them. I fought online for a vaccine for my 75+ yr old aunt on Monday. I got one for her but so many 75+ in Central/Eastern Ontario can't get their first shot for another week or so. Our 70+ won't open for weeks. We have 70+ with cancer, immune problems, Down Syndrome and other significant health issues. Everyone needs that shot. The local vaccine centre is only open from 10am-3pm because not enough vaccines. Moderna only here. We'll take everything we can get. I understand the need to flood the GTA with vaccines because of high transmission rates. But please don't waste those shots. The rest of Ontario wants them. We can't get them.
Yep - especially to covid hot spots. We were the highest per 100,000 for quite some time. Not sure our stats now - a bit better but still high. We've been in grey since the stay at home order was lifted. Kids online at school since end of February. Started in the jails then spread to vulnerable community. Our restaurants are allowed to open up for patios and gyms are allowed to hold classes outdoors but that's a little hard to do when it's still snowing here. Which is good for the ski hills at least!
My friend works for a public health unit in Ontario that has always been in the green or yellow numbers and she got told yesterday to drop everything from her regular job as they needed her full time doing COVID-related work (likely contact tracing). At the peaks of waves 1 and 2 she was also pulled into COVID work but just part time.

I am anxiously awaiting my turn in line as an in school teacher. Don't want to move ahead of those more vulnerable but there are definitely some questionable priorities as move into Phase 2 (e.g., those in the health care field who can work from home!?! and/or are currently doing virtual appointments not interacting directly with patients).

Right now, I'm not that concerned about those who choose not to get vaccinated when we still have so many who want to be vaccinated and not enough vaccine available. I understand some people's vaccine hesitancy. I have a friend who has multiple sclerosis and she is hesitant. In the past there was concern about the flu shot and other vaccines causing relapses. I think the most recent research supports vaccination but she is still a little concerned since there is limited research of the COVID vaccines and MS. Her MS has been very stable for a number of years now but that makes her more hesitant to 'take a chance'. I do think when it is her turn she will decide to go for it. And I know many others who are like myself and would be willing to go to a 3 a.m. vaccine appointment if they started offering 24/7 vaccinations. I know of a few people who have travelled outside their health unit for a vaccination (all in 60-64 age group I think) which is apparently not breaking any rules but I am not sure if it is truly ethical.
People are not flocking to be vaccinated like they should be. There are tens of thousands of open appointments in Toronto for next week for people over 70. If those ages aren't going to get vaccinated they should just keep dropping the age.

Agreed. I think they should give each age group a few days and if they aren't signing up, drop the age and open it up. Just get it out to whoever wants it asap and transmission will slow down. I know that a lot of people would think that is inequitable or unfair, but as long as they are facilitating getting people in LTC done, and the oldest seniors who can't get to the sites and anyone with mobility issues etc, which they are now should just open up!!
Agreed. I think they should give each age group a few days and if they aren't signing up, drop the age and open it up. Just get it out to whoever wants it asap and transmission will slow down. I know that a lot of people would think that is inequitable or unfair, but as long as they are facilitating getting people in LTC done, and the oldest seniors who can't get to the sites and anyone with mobility issues etc, which they are now should just open up!!

Some of the areas that aren’t using the provincial booking system (I’m talking about Ontario) are kind of doing this. There are several that have “pre-registration systems” that allow people in groups further down the list to pre-register. I know for example Guelph and Waterloo have done this. So if there are empty spots they can send emails to people further down the list to book appointments.
Agreed. I think they should give each age group a few days and if they aren't signing up, drop the age and open it up. Just get it out to whoever wants it asap and transmission will slow down. I know that a lot of people would think that is inequitable or unfair, but as long as they are facilitating getting people in LTC done, and the oldest seniors who can't get to the sites and anyone with mobility issues etc, which they are now should just open up!!

I agree with this. I'm not at all an anti-vaxxer but I'm working from home and I'm willing to wait. I would rather see peole who have to work in the public or who have compromised health get it ahead of me. A lot of their numbers for each age group are based on general stats, and might include people who can't get to clinics or are even living in nursing homes (and will get a vaccine there).

That said, this isn't our issue. We're in Halifax and the province has been getting some AZ vaccine but spreading it evenly over the province. But a third of the population lives in Hali so in terms of age groups they're vaccinating 60+ outside of Hali and didn't have enough for 63-64 year olds in Hali. Almost all of the cases for the province are in Hali, so I'm pretty sure they'll lock the city down again even if they do open the Atlantic Bubble.
Some of the areas that aren’t using the provincial booking system (I’m talking about Ontario) are kind of doing this. There are several that have “pre-registration systems” that allow people in groups further down the list to pre-register. I know for example Guelph and Waterloo have done this. So if there are empty spots they can send emails to people further down the list to book appointments.

I think booking "pre-registrations" is a great way to fill in the gaps. I haven't really heard an issue in our area so I'm not sure if it's needed. But it wouldn't hurt to allow the next group to pre-register. That way, they can open it for the next group with less influx of bookings at each opening.

I believe that people who are more vulnerable should be getting it - those with health issues, front line workers and elderly. But if the people in those categories are hesitate or want to wait, I think it's okay for them to wait. However, if they're not booking because they are not fully aware of the booking systems, then I think they need to be contacted. Not everyone has a relative who can book for them (especially the elderly who lives on their own). I guess I'm just suggesting that they check with these people before assuming they are not interested in the vaccine at this point.

As long as they're sure that the people who are eligible do not want it, then they should open it to the next group. As others, I'm waiting as well, but like a lot of people, we are in the last phase and if no one is booking, then I would like to pre register and be contacted when it's available.
It disheartening for someone like me who is really eager to get the vaccine and get back to some version of normal life to see appointments going unused. I would not support another lockdown of any kind if people who could get the vaccine just didn’t. They would need to deal with those consequences.

BUT ( and this is a big but) vaccine hesitancy does not equal being an “anti Vaxxer” and people have the right to question what they are sticking in their arm and wait and weigh the decision until they feel safe. Do I like it ? No. Do I want people to hurry up and get the vaccine? Yes. Do I think I have the right to publicly shame someone who is worried and hesitant and trying to make decisions about their own health ? No.
:scratchin The only problem with this is that it isn't just "them" that have to deal. Here in Alberta, our restrictions and the eventual easing of them are 100% tied to hospitalizations and ICU occupancy. In a way, I respect this; at least it's a quantifiable benchmark that we can all see and track along with. Much better than the nebulous "flattening the curve". That said though, we are all still screwed if those who won't/can't be vaccinated continue to be infected/spread the virus and end up in the hospital.
:scratchin The only problem with this is that it isn't just "them" that have to deal. Here in Alberta, our restrictions and the eventual easing of them are 100% tied to hospitalizations and ICU occupancy. In a way, I respect this; at least it's a quantifiable benchmark that we can all see and track along with. Much better than the nebulous "flattening the curve". That said though, we are all still screwed if those who won't/can't be vaccinated continue to be infected/spread the virus and end up in the hospital.
But presumably we are going to get to the point where enough of us are vaccinated that our hospitals and healthcare system aren’t in threat of being overwhelmed. I don’t think in reality those who are vaccine hesitant will account for enough people to continue lockdowns . Remains to be seen though.
Oh I hope so. The bubble is set to open April 19th and we leave April 26th for our daughter's surgery. The bubble being open will make our stay at the IWK so much easier (less restrictions).
Has NB given any indication if they will change the quarantine requirement even after the bubble is reopened. As it stands now anyone entering the prov is required to isolate even though NS doesnt require it, the wording around the reopening is vague for here
Has NB given any indication if they will change the quarantine requirement even after the bubble is reopened. As it stands now anyone entering the prov is required to isolate even though NS doesnt require it, the wording around the reopening is vague for here

Yes, if the bubble re-opens the quarantine requirements drop for those visiting from within the bubble (so NS, PEI etc...) or for NBers who travel to those provinces.
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