Third Wave is Here...

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Most of the vacancies are in Toronto. In other parts of Ontario they do not have the same amount of open appointments. For example when I booked my mom the soonest I could get her appointment was about 6 days out and there were only a few spots left that day.
My parents live in Smith Falls which is in Leeds Grenville Lanarck, which is supposed to be booking for age 70+ but they had to call (couldn't get an appointment online and yes my dad is computer literate, he's been using them since they were available to buy) and were told they could try Ottawa (which is also fully booked, a friend's 80 year old mom can't get an appointment). It is frustrating, why open things if there are no shots to give?
So is it computer illiteracy that is causing there to be so many vacant vaccine appointments? Is it ignorance of the procedure or availability or is it vaccine hesitancy? I'd love to know.

Granted, we're not in Ontario - but my grandmother doesn't even own a computer or a smart phone. So she would have no way of even knowing she was eligible for her vaccine if we hadn't told her and called and made the appointment for her. I can't imagine she's the only senior like that.
My Mom lives in Scarborough (suburb of Toronto) and she got a call from the Scarborough Health Network asking if she needed help booking an appointment. My sister had already booked an appointment for her (they live together) so she was okay and didn't need their help. I hear that they have also enlisted the Libraries to call people and see if they need help booking appointments and that they could come to the library and use the computers there.
I have no issue with what he said. The ones I see having gatherings the most at the younger ones.

I agree. My daughter is in that younger age group and a lot of them are working while attending school. they can't afford to give up their jobs, but most of their jobs are in the public (she has one job at a school and another at a mall) and many are travelling by bus. Where we live none of them have any chance of getting a vaccine until the very last, even with other health problems.

So they wear their masks and carry hand sanitizer and at least a few of them go the mobile testing site each week -- they update each other on social. They figure they are sitting ducks so a little party among friends will make no difference at all. They have their bubble but it's actually inconsequential given they are all exposed to other people whenever they aren't home studying.
I think the most frustrating thing for me, is that we’re so far away from the younger age groups. I’m in my early thirties, and my kids are all under 10. It sounds like the way travel is going, it’ll require either the shot or a negative PCR test. We’ve got three kids. That’s going to cost us $2000 just for the negative Covid test every time we want to leave the country :(
My Mom lives in Scarborough (suburb of Toronto) and she got a call from the Scarborough Health Network asking if she needed help booking an appointment. My sister had already booked an appointment for her (they live together) so she was okay and didn't need their help. I hear that they have also enlisted the Libraries to call people and see if they need help booking appointments and that they could come to the library and use the computers there.
I've seen a group on TV in the Toronto area that are helping seniors get their appointments and also getting them to and from their appointments. More regions should be rolling out this kind of service for seniors or those without easy access to computers and a ride.

I like the way Jacqueline's health unit is doing things with the pre-registration and then calling people up when it's their turn. Assuming it's working well. Jacqueline thought there might be a bit of a hiccup happening.

So easy to be an armchair quaterback. It's got to be a really tough thing to put in motion. So I wait patiently and have now started on Covid quilt #4.
My parents live in Elora. Their family doctor called them (over a month ago now) to ask them if they were able to make their appointments or have somebody able to make them for them. We were already on the ball but it was nice to know that their doctor was also on the ball.
I signed up on March 9th since I'm in a risk category and haven't heard anything yet but others who signed up last week and have no risk factors have already had their shots ??
I like the way Jacqueline's health unit is doing things with the pre-registration and then calling people up when it's their turn. Assuming it's working well. Jacqueline thought there might be a bit of a hiccup happening.
That is the way my FIL received his shot. He had " prebooked" and when the date arrived for him to be able to call in for his appointment, he already had a spot! I was impressed with Alberta Health over that. Sometimes they surprise me.

My mom in Saskatchewan has her appointment now as well for the week after Easter. So that makes me happy that they are slowly starting to get those 60+ vaccinated with their first immunization!
My sister in law ( high risk working in class with special needs students) is currently waiting in line to get her shot.
Thank goodness the weather is co operating. ( Peel Region). (age 56).
I believe she is getting the Pfizer vaccine.
Edited to add : she got the Moderna vaccine.

Hugs Mel
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So is it computer illiteracy that is causing there to be so many vacant vaccine appointments? Is it ignorance of the procedure or availability or is it vaccine hesitancy? I'd love to know.

We run a computer tech company and one of my techs is going out to a client today to help her with signing up. We have a large number of senior clients so I think we will get more of these kind of calls.

On a good note, my mother is getting her first shot tomorrow! BC opened up for anyone born 1948 or earlier and she was lucky enough to get an appointment quite quickly, she booked it 8 days ago.
I've seen a group on TV in the Toronto area that are helping seniors get their appointments and also getting them to and from their appointments. More regions should be rolling out this kind of service for seniors or those without easy access to computers and a ride.

I like the way Jacqueline's health unit is doing things with the pre-registration and then calling people up when it's their turn. Assuming it's working well. Jacqueline thought there might be a bit of a hiccup happening.

So easy to be an armchair quaterback. It's got to be a really tough thing to put in motion. So I wait patiently and have now started on Covid quilt #4.
So true Ottawamom. I have friends and relatives in health care and regional government. There are so many dedicated and hard working people really giving their all to coordinate this effort but the logistics are crazy and they are working in an unprecedented situation that changes daily. It’s a massive undertaking and the people behind the scenes really deserve our patience, I’m sure they want it to end as badly as we all do.
BC has now banned indoor dining (patios and take out still allowed) until April 19th, along with any indoor religious gatherings and any group fitness indoor activities. Whistler/Blackcomb resort must close until April 19th as well. These are on top of restrictions that have been in place since November which include no gatherings of any kind indoors. They just recently relaxed gatherings outside to a limit of 10 people.

I remarked to DH as we sat outside for lunch (WFH lifestyle) that it was almost like March, 2020 all over again. No indoor dining makes me sad; we've been eating out a lot on the weekends as it feels like an 'event'. Oh well. Beers on the patio it is.
BC is now allowing people aged 55-65 to sign up and get Astra-Zeneca. Too bad they just announced yesterday that they pulling it in younger people. A majority don't trust it now, including my own parents.
It might have been that one day here in Toronto that straddled the space between age groups for eligibility that caused that now-famous slew of vacancies. Since they opened it up to 70+ the following day, everything has been booked sold for both the health care network appointments and the pharmacies. I had my mom on multiple waiting lists at pharmacies and called all of them today to let them know they could take her off, and they all said that they had closed booking for now since they were completely full for the next few weeks. If I look at Sunnybrook and a few other health care networks, there are no appointments through all of April.
Most of the vacancies are in Toronto. In other parts of Ontario they do not have the same amount of open appointments. For example when I booked my mom the soonest I could get her appointment was about 6 days out and there were only a few spots left that day.
I had the same experience and we live in Toronto
On a good note, my mother is getting her first shot tomorrow! BC opened up for anyone born 1948 or earlier and she was lucky enough to get an appointment quite quickly, she booked it 8 days ago.

Apparently I was wrong when I said she was getting her first shot on the 31st, it was actually yesterday! We're in Victoria, BC and she got the Moderna one.
Ontario seems to be being hit hard with the variants, more people in ICU's now than any other point in this pandemic. I imagine we will end up in lockdown again sooner than later. Especially if people ignore advise not to gather for Easter. I am having to talk to kiddo about that, he was expecting to see my parents this weekend but I don't think it would be wise. I hope we'll be able to find something to keep us going/entertained.
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