The walking dead amc #2

That's another thing. When LOST jumped around it was to show something that already happened, was going to happen, or was currently happening somewhere else. They weren't showing us dreams and imagined futures and things that may or may not be real. I could watch LOST and know everything they were showing me was intended to be relevant to the story. With TWD, these scenes might just be there to kill time.

If Carl dies, then the future scene was for no purpose but to confuse viewers. If Carl survives the bite, they've changed the rules halfway through and that's a cheap trick. If they make Carl's bite imaginary of someone's hallucination and try to claim it never really happened, cheap trick and time killer.
If Carl dies, then the future scene was for no purpose but to confuse viewers. If Carl survives the bite, they've changed the rules halfway through and that's a cheap trick. If they make Carl's bite imaginary of someone's hallucination and try to claim it never really happened, cheap trick and time killer.
I assumed this was a dream/daydream of Rick's at some point -- not that it was a jump forward. So there would be no inconsistency with Carl's death.
I assumed this was a dream/daydream of Rick's at some point -- not that it was a jump forward. So there would be no inconsistency with Carl's death.
In which case, it shouldn't be in there. What the characters are dreaming about doesn't matter if it's ultimately meaningless to the plot. They could be dreaming about purple dinosaurs and sanctions on North Korea. If it's not relevant to the plot and moving the story forward, then it's just there to kill time and/or to throw off the viewer by adding confusion. It's bad enough when shows use the old trope of erasing the thing that just happened with "Whew, it was just a dream." It's worse when they let it run on through multiple episodes or seasons without addressing whether it actually took place in order to leave the viewers unsure of what's happening. How can anyone get invested in a story when they can't even tell what's actually part of the story?
Yes! I am a huge Lostie too. TWD is no LOST. Old Rick could be a flash forward, but I am guessing it's Rick's dream of what the future could have been. I don't even care who dies anymore. At this point, they can all die and only walkers roam. I am done with the cliffhangers & tricks.

I agree -- Lost was lost from the third season and it was obvious the writers were in over the head. I don't think TWD has shown that as consistent as Lost did. I hope TWD doesn't leave us "lost" and frustrated when they end the way Lost did ;)
In which case, it shouldn't be in there. What the characters are dreaming about doesn't matter if it's ultimately meaningless to the plot. They could be dreaming about purple dinosaurs and sanctions on North Korea. If it's not relevant to the plot and moving the story forward, then it's just there to kill time and/or to throw off the viewer by adding confusion. It's bad enough when shows use the old trope of erasing the thing that just happened with "Whew, it was just a dream." It's worse when they let it run on through multiple episodes or seasons without addressing whether it actually took place in order to leave the viewers unsure of what's happening. How can anyone get invested in a story when they can't even tell what's actually part of the story?
If you read my other posts you’ll see I don’t disagree. Simply saying there’s nothing contradictory or inconsistent if it’s a dream/daydream.
This is the problem TWD is having -- the pace has slowed to a crawl but they're not trying to fix it. They seem content to drag this on for as many seasons as they can squeeze out of it and they're losing fans in the process. No one wants to invest an hour of viewing to see six minutes of storyline shown from four different perspectives. It's tedious.
Right.....the story never seems to progress, way too much filler and unnecessary story lines. Have you ever seen YMS on Youtube? He has 4 episodes covering the first two seasons of TWD, which are hysterical but very true. I haven't watched any other of his content because he does cuss a lot, but I was directed to his videos from a TWD fan site talking about all these plot holes, story dragging, etc. Just search YMS The Walking Dead on Youtube. Warning: there are comic spoilers mentioned.

When LOST was jumping around with flash-backs/forwards/sideways, I was right there with it analyzing the details and trying to solve the mystery. When TWD does it, my eyes glaze over and I get annoyed. Those scenes always seem to add more confusion than context and they feel like they were shoehorned in there just to serve as another way to drag things out.

Remember when Charlie died trying to tell Desmond that wasn't Penny's boat but then he returned a few episodes later because it turns out he rolled under a dumpster and was able to breathe from a pocket of air? No? Oh right, because while LOST may have gotten off-track or convoluted occasionally, it didn't insult its viewers with cheap tricks.
Hysterical!! We watch Lost episodes from time to time and my kids will still randomly break out with "You All Everybody". That's the first thing that pops in my head when Charlie is mentioned.

I get what you're saying. I guess I put little stock in things like these lawsuits. So many are brought in this country as a money grab -- doesn't mean they're legitimate. And even if AMC stands to pay through the nose on lawsuits, I'd imagine that Riggs' salary would be a drop in the bucket -- just can't see how any of that could be the reason.

It is ultimately AMC's fault that Gimple is killing the show. I'm still hoping that his "promotion" to this newly created role is them getting him out of the way of the day to day without having to break a contract or fire him. They have enough of a mess with other lawsuits going on! Fingers crossed!
Gimple needs to be hands off and Kang needs to step up and change the direction of the writing. Fingers crossed with you! If they turn it around, I would go back to watching regularly.

.... I guess Gimple forgot Carl was shown in the time jump lol.

Lol! Sounds about right for Gimple.
I can't even watch this season and I was die hard. I have watched 3 episodes maybe and thats it. Too slow, tired of the same old trajectory of the story and tired of Neagan. I hope something changes so I can come back but I am not hopeful.
If you read my other posts you’ll see I don’t disagree. Simply saying there’s nothing contradictory or inconsistent if it’s a dream/daydream.

I get what you are saying, but the problem is whenever a character dreams, it is usually clear it is in fact a dream. There has been nothing on TWD that has indicated Rick was in fact dreaming. If anything it was filmed as a flash forward, at least that is what it looked like to me.

The scene where you see them all eating at the table, including Glen and Abe is obviously a what could have been since we knew they were dead. This scene with older Rick and company, Carl is alive and well and is alive and well at the time we are shown this and for several episodes after. I guess they could reshow that scene and then show Rick waking up, but that would be so lame, at least to me.
I get what you are saying, but the problem is whenever a character dreams, it is usually clear it is in fact a dream. There has been nothing on TWD that has indicated Rick was in fact dreaming. If anything it was filmed as a flash forward, at least that is what it looked like to me.

The scene where you see them all eating at the table, including Glen and Abe is obviously a what could have been since we knew they were dead. This scene with older Rick and company, Carl is alive and well and is alive and well at the time we are shown this and for several episodes after. I guess they could reshow that scene and then show Rick waking up, but that would be so lame, at least to me.
Honestly, when I first saw it I assumed it was EITHER a dream or a fast forward -- I figured it could be either. This wouldn't be the only show to include dreams or the like and not be 100% clear right away about it.

I guess that to me, this is SO FAR down the list of problems with this season!!
Honestly, when I first saw it I assumed it was EITHER a dream or a fast forward -- I figured it could be either. This wouldn't be the only show to include dreams or the like and not be 100% clear right away about it.

I guess that to me, this is SO FAR down the list of problems with this season!!

This I certainly agree with lol.
A trailer had dropped for the upcoming season.

You can see Eugene holding a bullet. Looks like he's making them again. The question is, will it benefit the Saviors or Alexandria/Hilltop?
The Walking Dead Cast, Crew talk 'fallout' from Carl's bite in behind the scenes interview:

The video is interesting and Gimple is nowhere in it, which is a positive move given that he's so hated by TWD fan community right now.
I feel like the vibe is a little different, like they are giving some closure to the result of Carl's bite, rather than the sickening "teasers" Gimple is notorious for. Instead of the disastrous cliffhangers, they seem to be respecting the fans in 'confirming' that yes, Carl will die. I made this a spoiler in case there's anyone still holding out hope that Carl is going to make it.
The Walking Dead Cast, Crew talk 'fallout' from Carl's bite in behind the scenes interview:

The video is interesting and Gimple is nowhere in it, which is a positive move given that he's so hated by TWD fan community right now.
I feel like the vibe is a little different, like they are giving some closure to the result of Carl's bite, rather than the sickening "teasers" Gimple is notorious for. Instead of the disastrous cliffhangers, they seem to be respecting the fans in 'confirming' that yes, Carl will die. I made this a spoiler in case there's anyone still holding out hope that Carl is going to make it.

it may be a way of covering their backside afraid that fans might actually riot if they didn't provide closure to Carl's storyline. To kill him off with no fan fair or seemingly to not care would potentially do damage to their viewership. A slap in the face of those who have been loyal viewers, that that truly don't care about their audience.
In which case, it shouldn't be in there. What the characters are dreaming about doesn't matter if it's ultimately meaningless to the plot. They could be dreaming about purple dinosaurs and sanctions on North Korea. If it's not relevant to the plot and moving the story forward, then it's just there to kill time and/or to throw off the viewer by adding confusion. It's bad enough when shows use the old trope of erasing the thing that just happened with "Whew, it was just a dream." It's worse when they let it run on through multiple episodes or seasons without addressing whether it actually took place in order to leave the viewers unsure of what's happening. How can anyone get invested in a story when they can't even tell what's actually part of the story?

I hear what you're saying, but I think Rick's daydream was character development. It showed his utopian vision, so to speak. What he's longing for. His motivation for attacking the Saviors, hopeful for having a "real life" with the people he loves in the future. And then we snap back to reality and see how far removed they are from that.
Lordy, they have made a mess of the show. I will least the first couple episodes. I heard that Kirkman has made some comments that opens the door for Carl NOT dying. So many possibilities butbI just hope they get this war done and move on to the next phase.
I think after dumpstergate they have no choice but to kill Carl. I think had the Glenn fake out not happened, maybe we could have seen a miracle storyline, but just can't see that happening now, even though I would love his character to "just survive somehow".
Are fans really upset at Gimple? He always seemed kind of jerky to me, but I didn't realize so many hated him. Is he the one who decides the direction of the show or is it Kirkman, or Nicotero? I am so confuses as to who does what.


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