The Split Personality Trip Report - Updated 12/16 Day 9

I am joining your party! Fantastic TR! I would be very anxious while driving the scooter too! And frustrated with people stepping in front of you. I know I get frsutrated when people at Disney just walk right into your path and I am just walking myself!

I can imagine it was a lot of fun to watch Matt and Sabrina see Main Street and the Castle for the first time. It has been awhile since you were there yourself, so I expect you were a bit excited and emotional too. I know I was when I returned in 2014 after being four years away from the magic.

Glad you got some pixie dust with Matt getting the souvenir mug too!

Too funny how Sabrina cried at everything. But at least you know she was happy to be there with you!

Looking forward to more of your adventures.
Love the Cinderella carriage photos! Dd and I meant to go see the new movie together, but didn't get around to it.

ToT is one of the ones I still refuse to do. Drops and I are not friends. :sad2:

I do love the Ariel swimsuit - I hope Sabrina enjoyed posing with the little girls, even if it meant she didn't get much swimming time!
Sorry to hear that Matt was sick after riding ToT. I get motion sickness easily and that is exactly why I have never tried ToT. The drops would do me in
The swimsuit and her red hair and features certainly would make all the little girls think she was Ariel. I think it is sweet that she took the time to have her photo taken with the girls.

It is great you were able to see Cinderella's coach and get your photos taken there.
We had some things for some friends so we decided to drop them off at their hotel, so we drove by AKL first

Hey I got a cameo in your Trip Report! Ha ha, I am glad that Sabrina liked checking the place out, it really blew us away! Our kids were so lucky to get a little spoiled by you.

This was probably not a good idea. They said she spent most of her time taking pictures with little girls at the pool!

This is just the most fabulous thing ever, and just hilarious about the photo thing!

I am just catching up with your report and can't wait to read more! Your MK day was a little surreal to read about since we were there the same time, watching the same parade...
I am joining your party! Fantastic TR! I would be very anxious while driving the scooter too! And frustrated with people stepping in front of you. I know I get frsutrated when people at Disney just walk right into your path and I am just walking myself!

I can imagine it was a lot of fun to watch Matt and Sabrina see Main Street and the Castle for the first time. It has been awhile since you were there yourself, so I expect you were a bit excited and emotional too. I know I was when I returned in 2014 after being four years away from the magic.

Glad you got some pixie dust with Matt getting the souvenir mug too!

Too funny how Sabrina cried at everything. But at least you know she was happy to be there with you!

Looking forward to more of your adventures.

I always enjoy watching people see and experience WDW for the first time! It really does make me happy.

Love the Cinderella carriage photos! Dd and I meant to go see the new movie together, but didn't get around to it.

ToT is one of the ones I still refuse to do. Drops and I are not friends. :sad2:

I do love the Ariel swimsuit - I hope Sabrina enjoyed posing with the little girls, even if it meant she didn't get much swimming time!

You need to watch the movie! It is FABULOUS! (and this is coming from a not so much a princess girl) It was really well done. The carriage was stunning! And we were really excited to see it. I am sure Sabrina enjoyed posing with the kids. She really would love to be Ariel in the parks.

Sorry to hear that Matt was sick after riding ToT. I get motion sickness easily and that is exactly why I have never tried ToT. The drops would do me in
The swimsuit and her red hair and features certainly would make all the little girls think she was Ariel. I think it is sweet that she took the time to have her photo taken with the girls.

It is great you were able to see Cinderella's coach and get your photos taken there.

Funny thing is, ToT does not bother me...but EE sometimes does...but for me it is the backward motion. Like I said above, she wants to be ariel in the parks (and auditions every chance she gets.

Found you! Ok, need to catch up but i am here!

Welcome! Glad you joined us here!
Day 4 - Monday, May 11, 2015

Today starts Princess Palooza! So, at about 6:15, I hear my sister moving about and wake up-STARTLED! My alarm did not go off. She did not wake me up because she thought I knew what time it was (I guess there is a clock on the inside of my eyelids!). So I wake everyone up, because we have to be at the bus stop no later than 7 am! We have Princesses to meet! This morning, we are having breakfast at Akershus for 8:05. Everyone manages to get dressed (as best as we can!) and out to the bus stop just a few minutes late.

The bus ride...Zoe's first!

We make it to Epcot, get through bag check, get the new people schooled on how to get through the Mickey Touch Points, and we need to FLY though Epcot to get to Norway. We did not even have time to stop for a stroller… Miss Zoe was not happy about having to run (literally) this morning. We finally make it there (just about on time!) and get checked in. We did not wait too long to get checked in and soon they were calling our name. First up, our photo with Belle! I was glad to find out while I was writing my pre-trip report that you still meet her here and had photo ops, just no pictures with the meal. That was okay since we have Memory Maker, so we all got pictures here…several groups, so here goes:

We were then seated at a table that was a little hard to deal with if you wanted to be able to get up to take pictures with the princesses. It was a long table with three chairs on each side, but three of the chairs were up against a railing. So we ended up putting Matt in the center of those seats, with me and Kim on either side of him. That way Sabrina, Zoe and Haley could be on the easy access side of the table…because we know they needed pictures with the princesses. We ordered drinks, which were promptly brought around, and all of us went to the buffet. I have to say, I was not really impressed or excited about the buffet. I did get a bagel so I could try the Ligonberry (sp?)cream cheese since I had heard so much about it. I may get flamed here, but it was just okay to me. Our platters of eggs, bacon, sausage and potatoes were also brought to us fairly quickly. I LOVE breakfast food like this, so I was a happy camper. Soon the princesses started coming around. And when Sabrina saw that Ariel was there, what did she do everyone? All in unison nowshe cried. (You know you just said that out loud right…)Anywho, the girl was also visibly shaking! It took a while for them to get to us, but we took lots of pictures…

Snow White:



And Aurora with the scary eyes:

Sabrina and Zoe also got their autograph books signed by each. Of course my favorite is Snow White’s signature kiss! No particularly special interaction with the princesses. They were not so much rushed as they were “efficient” at taking pictures signing autographs talking a little and moving on. Of course we had to endure the Princess March…Zoe did not want to go by herself and her mom did not want to go with her so Sabrina and Zoe went…

After the princesses stopped by for a visit, we finished eating. Can I just say how much I LOVE the potato casserole here? I noticed Matt had not tried them, so I suggested that he do so and he just said "I am good"…I said no, you REALLY need to try these. He tried them and was like OMG! These are fabulous. He probably would have asked for more if it weren’t for everyone else being finished and wanting to leave.

So we leave the restaurant, and Haley and Sabrina decided they needed a smoke break since they were right near a DSA. Kim and I brought Zoe to change out of her dress and Matt just waited for us all. Nothing in the area was open yet since it was still early. Once we gathered everyone up, we headed to Future World to do a few things that I thought Zoe might enjoy…

First up…FIGMENT! I LOVE FIGMENT. (did you notice my shirt for the day in the pictures?) He is hands down my favorite character. The very first time I went to WDW, was in 1984 (Thanksgiving of my senior year in college…went with my roommate's family…yes you math geniuses can come close to figuring out my age with that tibit of information). Epcot had not been open long, and everything was very “futuristic” for it’s time. I fell in love with that Figment of your Imagination then! I still have the refrigerator magnet that I bought on that trip. I wish they would bring back Dreamfinder and make the Figment ride a little less horrible, but I still love FIGMENT! Ok, so we rode the ride…while everyone else played a little bit in the dump area, I went to the dump shop. I needed to see what kind of new merchandise they had and thatI needed! I so wish they made Figment shirts in beached whale sizes. I would so buy one. But since they never have my size, no clothes for me. But they did have some pins I did not have and a new mug. So I purchased the pins and a mug for myself. I also purchased a mug for a co-worker who is also a Figment fan (we sort of enable each other where the purple guy is concerned). If we see any new merchandise, we pick one up for each other. So with my shiney new purchases in hand, we were ready to go.

We decided to do the Butterfly Garden near here. It was pretty neat, but I know my sister and them have a really nice one that is part of Audubon Zoo, so this one was a little of a let down. I exited first and was waiting on everyone, so started talking to the CM at the exit. Her name tag said she was from New Orleans, La so we talked about that, and come to find out she grew up a few blocks over from where my sister lives…yes it is in my head now too…sing along…It’s A Small World After All…we left her and had to find the Tinkerbell topiary for my sister (her FAVORITE!). Here are a few pictures:

OK, I lied...need to get these pictures from my sister. I will update this as soon as she sends them.

Up next was Under the Seas with Nemo. Everyone had fun on this one and we got through it fairly quickly. After a quick look through the aquariums, we were headed out of Epcot.

I will post the second half of the day in another post.
Last edited:
Day 4 (Part 2)

Our second part of the day is going to be at Animal Kingdom! We took the monorail over to the ticket and transportation center and then took the monorail to the Polynesian. We got off here to take a bus to Animal Kingdom. On our way up the ramp to the Resort Monorail, the CM pointed out a cute little bunny and we all watched it for a bit until the next train pulled into the station. I don’t remember anything specific about the bus ride to AK. So there must not have been anything unusual about it or the monorail ride.

We arrived at AK and it was probably about 12:30.

We took some pictures:

We had a FP+ for Finding Nemo, but decided to skip it. Instead, I could not believe that everyone (except me!!) was hungry! This was not in my plans. Since Flame Tree was still closed, we opted for Pizzafari. So, have you ever been in Pizzafari right at lunch time? Yeah me either…for a reason. The place was a MADHOUSE! A complete and utter zoo! We finally scoped out a family leaving a table that would fit our group and snagged it. Me and my sister went to get the food while the others guarded the table (oh, I mean they waited at the table). What did we have? Pizza of course (not many other options here!) :) For as long as the line was, the wait was not too terribly bad. I was watching the kitchen staff, and I must say, those folks were moving out some orders! Everyone ate lunch (I ate a side salad from someone that did not want theirs…it was a nice cold treat! So now we were ready for first adventure in Animal Kingdom! But the princesses wanted to see if we could find Pocohantas. We went where we were directed by a CM, but we passed her up somehow. We got all the way to the stroller park area for Bug’s Life, and asked another cast member and he told us we had passed her up to go back where we came from.…our FP+ for Kilimanjaro Safari was about hallway through the hour, so we went on over there. Every one really enjoyed this. I was surprised at how many animals were up and about on this ride. It was rather warm and the middle of the afternoon, I expected more to be asleep. But there were lots out and about.

When we got off KS, we decided to go find Pocohantas again. This time we were successful. We had to wait a bit, and a CM came to us and told us that we may not make it to see her, but we did. Here are some pictures:

After Pocohantas, we went wait for our FP+ for Lion King. We found some chairs (and some found a comfy spot on the ground under some fans at the bar near the entrance to FOTLK). Some people took a nap…namely Haley and Zoe. I know Matt and I hung out there too, but for some reason, I think Kim and Sabrina may have browsed around.

We were ushered into the theatre when it was time. We had nice seats in the handicapped section. I love the new theatre, and as always enjoyed the show. We were right next to the Timon float…it was really fun watching him throughout the show.

When we left here, we decided to head toward EE. There was no wait again for this ride so some of the adults rode this.

We also took lots of photopass pics:

We decided to go over to Dinoland so Zoe could ride Triceratops Spin. Well unknown to us, it had went into refurb sometime between Saturday and today! They tried to take her on Primeavil Whirl, but she was not tall enough. So at that point we decided to head out of the park since it was fairly close to closing time. We did some shopping and took some more pictures:

We had an uneventful ride home, and Zoe and Sabrina went for a swim. I am not sure which swim suit Sabrina wore, but here is Zoe in her Cinderella swim suit:

We had dinner in the room and went to bed. We had another action packed day planned for tomorrow!
After the princesses stopped by for a visit, we finished eating.
Thank you so much for the review and photos from Akershus! I've got breakfast scheduled there in December, and I am SO looking forward to having my own Princesspalooza! princess:

I so wish they made Figment shirts in beached whale sizes. I would so buy one. But since they never have my size, no clothes for me.
This is one of the most depressing parts of a Disney trip for me! I see so many shirts I love in the parks, but can never buy any! GET WITH THE PROGRAM, DISNEY! :mad:

I also purchased a mug for a co-worker who is also a Figment fan (we sort of enable each other where the purple guy is concerned).
I approve of this enabling! :thumbsup2

On our way up the ramp to the Resort Monorail, the CM pointed out a cute little bunny and we all watched it for a bit until the next train pulled into the station.
I love Disney critters! This would have tickled me to death!! :lovestruc

I love that you changed out of your Figment shirt and into your Animal Kingdom shirt! Well played! ::yes::

our FP+ for Kilimanjaro Safari was about hallway through the hour, so we went on over there. Every one really enjoyed this. I was surprised at how many animals were up and about on this ride. It was rather warm and the middle of the afternoon, I expected more to be asleep. But there were lots out and about.
That's what we call PIXIE DUST, my friend! :cutie:

When we got off KS, we decided to go find Pocohantas again. This time we were successful.
Did she comment on Sabrina's shirt?

HA! That is a GREAT picture! Love it! :bitelip:

We had dinner in the room and went to bed. We had another action packed day planned for tomorrow!
Can't wait to read what's next! :cutie:
Enjoying your report and making notes! Thanks for all the effort you are putting into this - it's really cool.
Awesome day! We are doing Akershus for the first time end of August, I will definitely try some potato casserole :)

Well, you are going to have to send me your shirt size, in standard unisex sizing (like gildan or hanes), and I will make you a figment shirt. I am outfitted to the max right now. I'm even almost done our Big GIve shirts already. Your lack of Figment has inspired a plan in me!!!
I'm finally here, Lynn! I'm so excited that you decided to do a trip report despite the trip's occasional rocky moments!

I can't believe how much your co-worker resembles Ariel - kids must have chased after her everywhere! :laughing:

Don't worry about not being a Lingonberry cream cheese fan - it's a flavor that's not for everyone. However, I'm glad you liked Akershus (it may have moved up to my favorite character breakfast on my trip! ;) ).

I look forward to your next update!
Awesome day! Also I had no idea that Figment was at Akershus!! Now I'm even more hoping that I get that ADR...been trying for a while but no luck yet. I love your Zoe adorable!! And what a fun day!! AK looked really busy though!!
Awesome day! Also I had no idea that Figment was at Akershus!! Now I'm even more hoping that I get that ADR...been trying for a while but no luck yet. I love your Zoe adorable!! And what a fun day!! AK looked really busy though!!

Figment is NOT at Akershus...we just headed to Land of Imagination as our first stop after breakfast.

Zoe is a cutie pie!

AK was actually really low crowds. The pictures in front of the park are right by the bridge that funnels all guests coming and going. But as you can see on the picture of EE, there was little to no wait for everything.
Enjoying your report and making notes! Thanks for all the effort you are putting into this - it's really cool.

Welcome! I'm glad you are enjoying it!

Awesome day! We are doing Akershus for the first time end of August, I will definitely try some potato casserole :)

Well, you are going to have to send me your shirt size, in standard unisex sizing (like gildan or hanes), and I will make you a figment shirt. I am outfitted to the max right now. I'm even almost done our Big GIve shirts already. Your lack of Figment has inspired a plan in me!!!

I unfortunately don't fit in standard Hanes or Gildan at the moment! Even the large sizes just don't fit right because I am "stout"...or in other words short and fat! I usually buy from online or special plus size shops. But definitely keep the idea in mind. Next time I place an order on anything, I will send you a shirt and let you go at it!

I saw you signed up for the current Give. I have not uncovered my machine or iron (to do any iron ons)...still have vacation stuff laying on top of it! Plus shipping to Canada is pricey!

I'm finally here, Lynn! I'm so excited that you decided to do a trip report despite the trip's occasional rocky moments!

I can't believe how much your co-worker resembles Ariel - kids must have chased after her everywhere! :laughing:

Don't worry about not being a Lingonberry cream cheese fan - it's a flavor that's not for everyone. However, I'm glad you liked Akershus (it may have moved up to my favorite character breakfast on my trip! ;) ).

I look forward to your next update!

I'm glad you made it over! I can't wait to read yours!!!

Sabrina did turn heads wherever she went.

I did not hate the Lingonberry cream cheese...I just wanted it to have MORE flavor. I really liked everything they brought on the platters to share. And those potatoes! YUMMM!!
Thank you so much for the review and photos from Akershus! I've got breakfast scheduled there in December, and I am SO looking forward to having my own Princesspalooza! princess:

You will LOVE it! I hope you don't have the Aurora with the scary eyes...she was a little freaky looking. And definitely make sure they understand how excited you are to see the princesses. And have some potatoes for me!!

This is one of the most depressing parts of a Disney trip for me! I see so many shirts I love in the parks, but can never buy any! GET WITH THE PROGRAM, DISNEY! :mad:

I approve of this enabling! :thumbsup2

You would think that they would offer a few larger sizes. It is not like we are the only two people that would buy them. Unfortunately, what I do see on the Disney Store website and things in my size are not that attractive.

Glad you approve!

I love Disney critters! This would have tickled me to death!! :lovestruc

I love that you changed out of your Figment shirt and into your Animal Kingdom shirt! Well played! ::yes::

That's what we call PIXIE DUST, my friend! :cutie:

Did she comment on Sabrina's shirt?

HA! That is a GREAT picture! Love it! :bitelip:

Can't wait to read what's next! :cutie:

I know...with everything that Disney offers, we get really excited over a small bunny just hanging in the flower beds!

Ok, so Zoe was not the only one that changed after breakfast! Good thin I had done some laundry Sunday night.

Yes, was very excited to see more animals than anticipated (I had even warned everyone we may not see much!)

I don't know if Pocohantas commented on Sabrina's shirt...I never noticed it until I was editing pictures...I will have to ask her the next time I see her.

They went on it a few times that day because the wait was only 5 minutes!

I am working on Day 5!
You will LOVE it! I hope you don't have the Aurora with the scary eyes...she was a little freaky looking. And definitely make sure they understand how excited you are to see the princesses. And have some potatoes for me!!
Oh, I always make sure to get super-giddy and excited when it's my table's turn at a character meal. I don't want them to ever see me solo or with just adults and assume I don't want my turn with them! (One time at Chef Mickey, Goofy did this to us. It was just me and one other adult, we were sitting there eating, waiting our turn, and he just gave us a wave and went right past us to the next table. I. WAS. FURIOUS. So now when it's my table's turn for a character, I blurt out "HI, (INSERT CHARACTER NAME!)" and grab my camera and start moving to stand up, so they KNOW to get their butt over to my grown-up table, dangit! :cutie:

You would think that they would offer a few larger sizes. It is not like we are the only two people that would buy them. Unfortunately, what I do see on the Disney Store website and things in my size are not that attractive.
I wanna say they go up to a 2X or 3X in the parks, but they run small. So the 2X fits like a 1X, etc. And I've peeked at the bigger offering the the Disney Store online, and I have found some things I like, but everything I've read says that they run short. Disney apparently makes larger shirts wide, but not longer. And I HATE that! :headache:

I know...with everything that Disney offers, we get really excited over a small bunny just hanging in the flower beds!
I love Disney critters, and Disney critters love me! (I still giggle when I think of the bunny that I raced on my scooter at POFQ!) :goodvibes

They went on it a few times that day because the wait was only 5 minutes!
Only 5 minutes for EE?!?! That's CRAZY!!! :eek:
Day 5 (Tuesday, May12th)

So today our plans were to be at rope drop for the Magic Kingdom welcome show. This would be the only opportunity for Zoe to see this. We were planning to do a few rides without FP+ this morning, as we had some FP+ for this afternoon. Well plans are just that…plans. We did none of the above. We decided not to wake up at the crack of dawn. Instead we barely made it to our lunch destination.

To get to our lunch destination, we had to take a bus to MK, then we have to take a boat to Wilderness Lodge, because we were eating at Whispering Canyon Cafe! By the time we got to MK, we really did not even have time to go into the park for anything. We just headed straight to the boat to WL. Someone was very excited because here is the boat to our destination:

It was a beautiful morning and our bus ride and boat rides were very pleasant. We were a little early, so we did a little pin trading and let everyone explore the wonders that are the WL lobby. I found a nice comfy chair and just chilled.

So I have been to WCC before, and my sister Kim has been there before, but none of the others had been there. Matt had done a lot of reading on this particular restaurant. He knew about some of the shenanigans. We were finally able to check in for the restaurant and promptly seated. We had a very pleasant young man named Anthony as our server. I don’t think Anthony will forget us anytime soon. The antics started pretty quickly with him throwing a bunch of straws on the table as they sometimes do…this I think sorta shocked both Sabrina and Haley (keep in mind Haley is a server at a nice restaurant in downtown New Orleans, so her view of service is a little different.) We did not tell them any different about this being part of the show. So Anthony asked for our drink orders. The last time I was there, they had an orange cream shake (tastes like a Dreamscicle Ice Cream bar). Well, I noticed that it was no longer listed as an option, so I asked Anthony about it. He had never heard of it so I explained it to him and said that I had been looking forward to it, but since they no longer had it, I would just take an un-sweet iced tea. Either Kim or Sabrina asked for lemon with their tea…you know where this is going right? While Anthony was getting our drinks, there was much discussion about what everyone was going to order for lunch. For some reason, Haley decided she wanted an appetizer and a sandwich meal. Now keep in mind most of the meals for this entire trip were on me & Matt. And really, I would have been fine with the both of these things being ordered if both would have been eaten. But neither of them were even half way eaten and we had no way of taking them with us because we were going to a park. Yeah it kind of irritated me! Anywhoo…onto our lunch and off my soapbox…sorry you guys had to read that, but I needed to get it off my chest. So it seems like it is taking a rather long time for Anthony to get back with our drinks. He finally shows up with them and he was somewhat out of breath. BUT, what did he have with him? A very YUMMY orange shake! He said he was asking the chef about it (since it was at one time on the menu). The Chef told him there is an orange compound that they have in the bakery downstairs (not sure where?) that they used to make those. So, my new best friend Anthony ran down to the bakery and got some of the compound and made me one! I was in HEAVEN! He handed out everyone’s drinks and put three whole lemons on a plate down in front of my sister and said “here’s your lemons. I thought this was funny. The newbies did not. But being resourceful newbies, they actually used the butter knives to cut the lemons which I think both amused and scared Anthony. At some point in time, Anthony and Sabrina got to talking about Ariel and mermaids, and I am not sure how the conversation got to: “I have scales want to see?” And she promptly stood up, rolled the waist down on her shorts so he could see her Mermaid bikini bottoms that she was wearing under her shorts (not sure why?) Anthony just kind of gulped and stuttered um…I don’t think you are supposed to show those to strangers… and he turned a very dark shade of red! Poor guy, he was not sure what to do with our crew. The funny thing was every time Anthony would check in on us and he looked over to Sabrina’s side of the table, he would lose his train of thought and turn beet red. It was adorable. So we all placed our orders and our meals came out fairly quick. I had ordered the all you care to eat skillet. I ate just about everything, and just had the chicken left. I like barbeque chicken, but I find the chicken here to be rather on the dry side. Up until this point no one had asked the dreaded question at WCC…Anthony was at our table checking in on us, and noticed me picking at the chicken and asked if I needed anything…I hesitated …Matt said just do it…I commented that I was hoping not to, but I did really need some….KETCHUP! So of course we got some ketchup!

See I took another food picture!

The good news was shortly after I asked for it someone at a nearby table needed some so we brought it to their table. So I finished my chicken, and there was still some ketchup I had poured on a plate before passing the bottles along. So when the next person wanted ketchup, Anthony happened to be near our table and took the leftover ketchup and brought it to the person…yeah, it was an EWWWWWE moment, but a funny one. Of course we were all stuffed and did not order dessert. We settled our bill (yes Anthony was tipped VERY well) and headed out to the dock. We were headed back to MK for some Princess meet & greets. When we got to the dock, we had to wait on the big boat to take us back since we had the scooters. So we went sit on the benches under the cover on the end of the dock. While sitting there, Sabrina saw an electrical outlet and decided to charge her phone…yeah, I know I have a smart group of readers and you know where this is headed…once she got the phone charging her and Zoe played some while waiting. We finally see the big boat coming (after a few small ones and we started getting concerned that we would be late for our FP+), so we all quickly went and got in line right away. We got the scooters on the boat. As soon as we pulled away from the dock, Sabrina realizes where her phone is…yes still plugged into the outlet sitting on the bench. She asked what should I do? Well, um, let’s see what your options are here…jump off the boat and swim back to the dock, continue on to the next stop and immediately come back for it, or send a message to some unknown fairy godmother waiting for you on the dock to grab it for you and send it to you via drone. About this time two things happened…1) Matt realizes he does not have his phone either! 2) The co-captain has heard Sabrina and said he would call and ask the next crew that goes there to pick it up and bring it to their information booth near the MK. So now I have TWO people freaking out because they are missing their phones. Matt remembers exactly where he left his…on the chair next to him at the restaurant. I was not worried about this…we made an impression on Anthony, the phone would still be at the restaurant. (he was convinced it would have been stolen). While we were waiting we had noticed a cleaning CM out on the dock “dusting” the ropes and things (yeah I felt like a slob when I noticed her cleaning the ropes…I really should devote more time to house cleaning.) So we were hoping that she found it and still had it. So what should have been a leisurely trip turned into a strategy session on how to get the phones back. It was decided that us girls would go on to the Princesses and Matt would turn around and go look for the phones once we got to the MK. He just asked that we be sure to get a video of Rapunzel saying “HI” to Damita (the dog whisperer).

So, it is in our FP+ window, so we head straight to the Princess Hall for our Cinderella and Rapunzel meet and greet. We get to the tunnel under the castle and the skies open up! I’m talking drenching rain…not a light shower. We tried to wait a little, but we were right near the CRT check-in area and they were getting a little testy about keeping the area clear. So we try to cross over to Sir Mickey’s. This is where I lost everyone. I turned around and found no one. I went into the store and looked around for them, but they were nowhere to be found. So I went back out in the rain (still drenching rain) and headed to the Princess Hall. I got under cover there and texted them where I was. No sooner had it started raining , it stopped and was sunny! This was the ONLY rain we encountered the entire trip. So we get into the FP+ line, and wait, and wait some more. Now I am a very hot natured person, and it takes a lot for me to be cold, but we were wet and standing still in a line that seemed to have very good AC blowing on every inch of the queue! I was cold, and I knew if I was cold everyone else was freezing. So this made the long wait even longer. During this time Matt was texting that he had found his phone at the restaurant and was trying to still find Sabrina’s phone. So it literally took us at least 30-45 minutes in the FP+ line to get to the front of the line to see Rapunzel and Cinderella. We get in and take pictures with Cinderella, and next is Rapunzel. And what do we forget to do? Yep, no video of Rapunzel saying “HI” to Daminta. I am a bad friend, oops! So we finish up here, and I tell everyone, that there was no way I was doing the Anna and Elsa meet and greet if it took that long for us to see these princesses. Everyone else agreed. So we get out the Princess Hall to find Matt waiting for us. Sabrina was very anxious to see him since the last he had texted, he was still looking for her phone. But, he had succeeded in locating it. The CM had picked it up, but unfortunately, by the time Matt got back, she was gone for the day, so they had to track down people to get into the custodial office to get the phone, but he had it for her.

So where do we go from here? The new Fantasyland area for Zoe. First up, we rode Dumbo. Not too long of a wait here. I enjoyed riding in my own elephant for this ride. Matt sat this one out. He was on the phone trying to locate something from work. When we exited here, we were not sure where we wanted to head, so I asked if Zoe had ever been on a roller coaster and Haley said no. So I suggested they bring her on Barnstormer (15 min wait) to see how she would do. I sat this one out. Matt did too…he was still on the phone and not a happy camper. Well once they got off, she wanted to ride AGAIN! So they rode this one like 3 times in a row.

We then decided to go meet Ariel in her grotto since there was no wait.

Next was teacups, where Kim, Sabrina and Zoe rode this. Haley and I waited on them. Matt had gone off on his own. Once they got off there, we headed toward Tomorrowland.

Kim and Zoe and I went see Carousel of Progress (one of my favorites, but I did not think Zoe would enjoy it…she was bored after the first scene)…Haley and Sabrina went ride Space Mountain, apparently a few times or they went smoke, because me, Kim and Zoe went hang out at the Incredibles Dance Party. (I have no photopass pictures of them on this, so I have no idea of what they did!) We rode Tomorrowland Transit authority once all the girls met up. Then we went on Buzz Lightyear:

Then we headed toward the special event I was looking for…the Wishes Dessert Party! We were very early, but all felt like we needed a rest. So we just waited. Kim and Haley took some pictures:

Matt had met back up with us at this point in time, and Sabrina headed back to see if she could get the video of Rapunzel. (which she accomplished) While waiting, we met a nice family from MA (I think!)that were also doing the dessert party that night. We ended up doing some pin trading with them…I let them go through my trader bag looking for anything they liked. We told them about Sabrina looking like Ariel (they saw us in the party and agreed!). I cannot believe that I have no pictures from the party. There was a large variety of desserts and they were plentiful. As others have noted, there are some issues with “service” for this party. Nothing that bothered us, and since the party (at least at the time we went) was relatively cheap, I am not complaining. (although if it continues like that at the higher price I might). Our emply plates were not removed from our table until the very end of the party, and the area by the drinks were kind of yucky in that the drink overflow areas were not kept clean. Small thing that would not stop me from doing this again, but just not up to Disney standards. We all enjoyed everything and loved being able to be in a relaxed area to watch the fireworks and the castle light show.

When the party was finished, the park was still open for an hour so all us went on Buzz again:

Yes I beat the crap out of Matt on this one…he said I cheated…I told him I just know what target to shoot at! LOL! Then they ran to see if they could get on Space Mountain, I think they did, but again I realize I have no pictures from this ride!

On our way out, the Main Street Electrical Parade was starting up again. So we crossed over to the inside part of the hub (right near the handicap section) and were able to have a front row view of the parade!

Once the parade ended, I told everyone that we needed to browse through the shops on Main Street before heading to the bus stop. So we browsed and did a little shopping. Finally we headed to the bus stop where very few people were waiting. Another late night for us. And we have another pre-park opening breakfast tomorrow morning…will we all make it there?
Oh, I always make sure to get super-giddy and excited when it's my table's turn at a character meal. I don't want them to ever see me solo or with just adults and assume I don't want my turn with them! (One time at Chef Mickey, Goofy did this to us. It was just me and one other adult, we were sitting there eating, waiting our turn, and he just gave us a wave and went right past us to the next table. I. WAS. FURIOUS. So now when it's my table's turn for a character, I blurt out "HI, (INSERT CHARACTER NAME!)" and grab my camera and start moving to stand up, so they KNOW to get their butt over to my grown-up table, dangit! :cutie:

I wanna say they go up to a 2X or 3X in the parks, but they run small. So the 2X fits like a 1X, etc. And I've peeked at the bigger offering the the Disney Store online, and I have found some things I like, but everything I've read says that they run short. Disney apparently makes larger shirts wide, but not longer. And I HATE that! :headache:

I love Disney critters, and Disney critters love me! (I still giggle when I think of the bunny that I raced on my scooter at POFQ!) :goodvibes

Only 5 minutes for EE?!?! That's CRAZY!!! :eek:

I agree with the get extra giddy for the characters...even with little ones!

Yes, they do run small. Disney (and Disney Store) have stated making them what they call "women's cut"...smaller in all ways. I'm a critter person period...well, I don't do bugs and snakes. :) With the exception of a few headliners most waits were small or non-existent.
man alive you did a huge update!!!
I don't even know where to start! Glad the phones were found! Great Job MATT!!! Cannot believe you over slept!!!
Who i am to judge.. I was NEVER able to get my family up and ready out the door at a normal time.

Yet everything you did and was able to do is fantastic!!! did she cry when she saw ariel?
That girl needs to BE ariel!

HA! Barnstormer! yes! this is a kid favorite..
I have to agree they order all the food and not eat.. Did they pay you back for any of the meals?


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