The Split Personality Trip Report - Updated 12/16 Day 9

of Scorcerers of the Kingdom (Is that the name of it Mo?).

Yes... Yes it is...

because thanks to my friend CHICAGOMO…I knew this game was a time suck.

Clearly she hasn't started the game yet?? your doing great on Time at the moment!!!

she cries, a lot when she is happy.


You all are gathering the pitchforks and Gaston now to run me off the boards

be there shortly! LOL

you know that fire is hot, lol!

I have no words for this...

This is a great start! seriously! and PIXI DUSTED!!! amazing!!!
[QUOTE="Chicago Mo, post: 53765494, member: 296631"]

This is a great start! seriously! and PIXI DUSTED!!! amazing!!![/QUOTE]

You sound so surprised MO! LOL!
What a great first day!! Sabrina's hair is just gorgeous and so adorable how much she loves Ariel!! Sorry about the scooter issues...I'm sure you were a pro by the end of the trip. Can't wait to hear about your O'hana jealous of that ADR since I couldn't get one...sigh.

I love Ohanas! I will get it up shortly!
I will post our Ohana's experience and the start of Day 2 when I get home tonight!

We parked the scooters, checked into Ohanas and just took a seat to wait for our turn. Soon we were seated at a table to the far right of the restaurant (basically on the back wall of the fire pit). I made Matt and Sabrina sit in the chairs so that when Whishes started, they could see it. But before Wishes, they actually got to see the little Electric Water Parade! Guess what Sabrina did? Yep, she cried. J So Matt and Sabrina decided to order drinks. They got something that came with a light up ice cube. Here are some pictures…

Do these count as food pics so I can stay as a member in good standing on the DIS boards? Do you all see the hidden Mickey the glow cube made in the ice? Pretty cool huh? We started a conversation with the lady sitting next to us…a young couple…she mentioned that her husband (boyfriend?) would not let her get a drink with the glow cube…so when Matt finished his drink, he graciously gave his to the lady. She in turn gave us two paper FP+ that they had received for Ariel’s Grotto. It was good for any time up to a certain date. Needless to say, Sabrina was on cloud nine! Then the food came. I have to say. This is one of my favorite places to eat. The bread is good but I general don’t eat it. I like the stir fired veggies, and generally don’t eat the noodles either. But Oh my gosh! I could make a meal out of the Pot Stickers. And the meat too. I did not care for the steak too much but LOVED the shrimp. (which I normally don’t care too much for) Then the dessert we actually left room for…bananas foster bread pudding with ice cream. I want a bathtub full of that stuff. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!!! We waddled back to the scooters/monorail, they let us each have one side of a car this time since it was not crowded. And we were able to pull off forward when we got back to MK! Then it was just heading to the bus to ASM.

We made the decision not to go to rope drop the next day even though we had no FP+ for our morning park. We all decided we needed sleep. So where will we go tomorrow??
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Those drink cubes are cool!! That's so sweet that you got some extra FP+ for them!! The food at O'hana sounds so good...wish I could get an ADR lol. Sounds like an awesome dinner.
Day 2 (Saturday, May 9th)

We decided to sort of sleep in today. We were all up by 8am. We got dressed-no breakfast this morning since we were all still full from Ohanas last night. We decided we needed to do a Walmart run this morning (we put it off yesterday). So we headed that way. We had some things for some friends so we decided to drop them off at their hotel, so we drove by AKL first. Here is where Matt learned about Guard Gates at resorts. I was not watching what he was doing and he ended up in the far right lane of the entrance to the resort (you know, the one that the buses and service vehicles use?). Yep we were in that lane…oooops, after we managed to get a guard to come over and talk to us (by now we had a bus behind us), he kindly let us in. Sabrina and I ran in to drop off the gift. She was just in awe of the place. I have been there before for a visit, so I knew what to expect…she wandered around while I got the package settled. Then we were on our way to Wally World. We picked up breakfast items, fruit and sandwich fixings…oh and alcohol. We came back to the hotel and unpacked groceries and chilled the beer and Mikes. We had some sandwiches for lunch. We then headed to the bus stop. Today we were going to Animal Kingdom. We originally had FP+ for Epcot, but we changed them for Dinosaur, Kali River Rapids and Expedition Everest since we had made the decision to skip Epcot. I don’t remember waiting for a bus long, and we had no issues with getting the scooters loaded or unloaded. Once we got in the park, Sabrina and Matt were lagging a little behind me soaking everything in…I had to stop and wait for them. As I was sitting, a duck literally almost flew right into my face. Sabrina saw it coming and yelled “DUCK!” which is what I did, and this of course made her laugh hysterically. We took lots of pictures at the Tree of Life once we entered the park. Here are some…mine did not come out great since I was wearing a sun visor.

Up first was Dinosaur, so we headed toward Dinoland. We made the mistake of parking the scooters outside. This is one that you can come in and park right near the ride load zone. I started asking this after this ride…I forgot about all the stairs…my knees did not appreciate me. While walking to the ride Sabrina said that when she was last there, they rode this ride over and over again, since every picture just showed her as a “hump” in between her mom and dad. So she was determined to ride and take a picture with her head up. So the entire ride, she is yelling “I’m gonna do it!” Matt & I were laughing hysterically at this. But, SHE DID IT! Here is the proof:

Once we finished Dinosaur!, we moved past the money pit of games (although I truly enjoy playing those). We had a mission to ride Expedition Everest. But on the way there, we ran into another photopass photographer. She was standing on the bridge on the way to EE. I remember reading that these folks sometimes have a magic shot, so Sabrina and I stopped here and had these taken. (again, mine are not great due to the visor):

Next up was EE. I opted out of this ride, since one of my issues with backing up is it sometimes makes me nauseous. (hence why I don’t like backing up my car or the scooter). So, I sat this one out and just sat and people watched…one of my favorite things to do at Disney. I was also shocked to see the stand by wait time to be 5 minutes! Yes, you read that right, 5 minutes! I think they ended up riding this twice…I am not sure but here are some pictures:

Next was Kali River Rapids. I was trying to do some things that I knew the little one would not want to (or may not be able to)do when we came back here in a few days. So I sat this one out too. Here’s the deal, I hate this ride. I know, I know, but to me it is depressing, boring and I always end up the one getting soaked. I did not want that to happen. So the two of them headed up and I again sat and people watched. It is here where I saw our first lost child. I had parked in the shade right outside the seating area of Yak & Yeti counter service. All of a sudden, a man comes running out of the seating are yelling a child’s name in sheer panic. He looks all over…instead of finding the nearest SM (which are right there at the entrance to Kali) he takes off frantically looking for the child. A few minutes later a woman comes out of the same area and does the exact same thing looking for I assume the same child (unless there were two lost children with the same name)…but she too skipped asking a CM for help and took off in the same direction as the man. I don’t know if they ever found him (I’m sure they did, otherwise we would have heard about it). So finally Sabrina comes off of Kali sopping wet. But, where is Matt? She thought he was down here with me…he had decided not to ride once he got up there and saw the ride vehicle (concerned about size). Well, he had left his phone with me so as not to get it wet, so we had no way of contacting him, so we waited. And waited a little longer. And waited a little longer until he finally came walking down. He thought Sabrina would come out the same way she went in and was waiting to see her. So once we got gathered up again, we decided to take the Mahraja Jungle Treck. I normally really enjoy this trail, but I was really feeling tired this evening, and we still had a dinner date with some local friends of mine. So I just wandered ahead of Matt and Sabrina and would just stop to the side to wait for them to catch up. Once finished here, we were headed to Downtown Disney.

We got on a very crowded bus to Animal Kingdom so we could then transfer to a DTD bus. Matt and I opted to stay in our scooters since it was so crowded (Disney prefers you take a seat). I was so annoyed to see two 20 something young men not offer to give up their seat for a mom holding a sleeping child. They were too engrossed in talking to each other and checking their cell phones! I hate when people have no manners. That is one thing I have instilled in my child. It truly ruffled my feathers. We made it over to AKL, and headed over to the DTD bus loading area. Guess who came with us? Yes the two young men. At least this bus was not crowded. We did have to wait a little bit for a bus here. There were some folks already waiting there and they said that they had been waiting for a while. So we finally got to DTD. We were meeting my friends Mike & Liza who live in Lakeland at Wolfgang Puck Express. Since we had to wait so long for a bus at AKL, we were running late. It ended up being okay since they were running late due to trying to park in the garage at DTD. So we finally meet up with them and have a really nice time eating good food and visiting. I used to work with the two of them, and every time I come to WDW, we try to meet for dinner somewhere. I had never eaten at WPE, so I followed Mike’s lead (he got the meatloaf with mashed potatoes)…I ended up getting the meatloaf sandwich. It was yummy! Matt got the same thing as Mike, Liza got the roasted chicken and Sabrina got the kids roasted chicken meal. Everyone LOVED what they got. We spent some time talking and visiting. I was really tired, so we said our goodbyes.

Here is a picture of all of us:

I headed back to the room and Matt & Sabrina stayed and explored DTD. Let me just say, the DTD bus stop is a mad house…but it was well organized chaos! This is where I really have to commend the transportation area of Disney. Everyone I ran into at this area was just absolutely WONDERFUL…they directed me to bus stop and made sure the person at that stop knew I was there and where I was going. The bus back was very crowded, but everyone seemed to be in a really good mood…everyone was chatting and laughing. It was a nice ride back. I was sooo tired, I have no idea when Matt and Sabrina got home this night…I was out! Which was a good thing as we have an early morning tomorrow!
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Duck! :)

I love your AK shirt! It looks great! And the visor really doesn't make a big difference in the lighting - maybe not your favorite, but it looks fine to me.

Looks like you had a lot of fun with Dinosaur! Glad that worked out for all of you! Better than waiting for people - that's not nearly as fun, but at least you got them their rides before your great-niece got there.

Looks like you had a fun dinner at WPE! And it sounds like you made the right move to go home when you did!
Great AK day! Your shirt is cute! I love the magic shots. Sabrina could definitely pass as Ariel!
oon we were seated at a table to the far right of the restaurant (basically on the back wall of the fire pit)
I have decided that that is the better side of the restaurant to sit on.

Do these count as food pics so I can stay as a member in good standing on the DIS boards?

So she was determined to ride and take a picture with her head up. So the entire ride, she is yelling “I’m gonna do it!” Matt & I were laughing hysterically at this. But, SHE DID IT! Here is the proof:

Here’s the deal, I hate this ride. I know, I know, but to me it is depressing, boring and I always end up the one getting soaked.
Tell me how you really feel! :rotfl::rotfl2:
What a fun AK day!! I feel bad for those people that lost their kid...I always tell my DD to go find a CM if she gets lost but that's my worst nightmare. Great pic of you and your friends in DTD. The restaurant looked empty!!
I'm really enjoying your trip report!

I still have a light up ice cube from years ago; got it at EPCOT Rose & Crown. I keep it in the front of the nightstand drawer. One time when we lost power during a thunderstorm; I pulled out the ice cube, turned it on and used it to find the flashlight that was not where it was supposed to be.

I've never ridden Kali River Rapids. The getting wet part just does not appeal. I'll ride Splash Mountain so go figure!

Very nice AK top by the way!
Duck! :)

I love your AK shirt! It looks great! And the visor really doesn't make a big difference in the lighting - maybe not your favorite, but it looks fine to me.

Looks like you had a lot of fun with Dinosaur! Glad that worked out for all of you! Better than waiting for people - that's not nearly as fun, but at least you got them their rides before your great-niece got there.

Looks like you had a fun dinner at WPE! And it sounds like you made the right move to go home when you did!

Thanks! I love that shirt too! I actually do not mind waiting for others to ride. I LOVE people watching. And I usually will strike up conversations with total strangers. I LOVED WPE. It was really good food and experience.

Great AK day! Your shirt is cute! I love the magic shots. Sabrina could definitely pass as Ariel!


What a fun AK day!! I feel bad for those people that lost their kid...I always tell my DD to go find a CM if she gets lost but that's my worst nightmare. Great pic of you and your friends in DTD. The restaurant looked empty!!

Yes, I can imagine it was very scary for them. I have always taught my child the same thing about go to the nearest CM. The restaurant was empty! This is definitely the time of year to go to WDW. There were very few times where we ran into crowds or long wait times. I really enjoyed visiting with them.

I'm really enjoying your trip report!

I still have a light up ice cube from years ago; got it at EPCOT Rose & Crown. I keep it in the front of the nightstand drawer. One time when we lost power during a thunderstorm; I pulled out the ice cube, turned it on and used it to find the flashlight that was not where it was supposed to be.

I've never ridden Kali River Rapids. The getting wet part just does not appeal. I'll ride Splash Mountain so go figure!

Very nice AK top by the way!

Glad you are enjoying it! That is too funny about the glow cube! But nice that it came in handy!

I'm the same way. I will ride Splash, but hate KRR...
Day 3 (Sunday, May 10th, Happy Mother's Day!)

This morning I wanted to get to the park as close to rope drop as possible. Today was Hollywood Studios (or MGM to me!). We had FP+ to do this morning. Well we had breakfast in the room, and did not quite make it to rope drop, but we got there not too much after that. We stopped at the shop immediately to the right of the entrance, because we saw a pin board. As I mentioned before, it was not a good pin trading trip. But we did find a few Donald’s for me to pick up for my son. Then we talked some to the CM there…he was a Cper from Texas. I ended up giving him two pins because her liked the ones I was going to trade. I was really tempted to stop at the new Starbucks there this morning since I felt like I really needed caffeine this morning!

But I resisted, and we headed straight to our first FP …Toy Story Midway Mania. So I had another “learning experience” with the scooter here. I kept forgetting that most rides have TWO places to scan your MB for FP+, well, we get up to the front, and I am trying to maneuver opening the little gate on the scooter, and I hit the accelerator accidently and CRASH (literally) through the gate. I mean pull the basket off the front, my water bottle and all the other stuff goes flying everywhere crash! It was slightly embarrassing. But, I got over it quickly. The CM at that point in the line was very helpful in helping me gather my stuff and putting the basket back on the scooter. Finally we make it to the scooter parking area and load into our car…Me & Sabrina on one side and Matt was on the other side. We had to stop the ride at the “locked in” checkpoint because when Sabrina closed her restraint, she pulled it a little too tightly. Yeah, we were just a mess on this ride! LOL! Once we got going we all enjoyed it... sort of…Sabrina had neglected to tell me that she did not like things popping out at her (like 3D things)…might have been helpful to know that before we got on this ride! Oh well, she was fine, but she squealed every time something popped in front of her. So we finished that ride, and Matt kicked our butt on this one. I was not surprised. Our next FP+ was for Star Tours, so we headed that way.

The park was so empty! I have decided that this is definitely the time of year to visit. On the way, stopped to browse in the shop near the “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” playground. They were starting to get it set up for Star Wars Weekend. Lots of Star Wars merchandise to look at for Matt. While we were looking, we also checked out everyone’s pin lanyard. While we were doing that a manager named Ron walked past us and we stopped to pin trade with him too (well we actually just looked at everyone’s pins…did not trade at all here). We started talking to Ron, and ended up talking for about a half an hour. It was really nice…we talked about our plans to come to Star Wars weekend, and he checked Matt’s custom light saber. When we finally let him get back to his job, we went about moving toward Star Tours. But, we turned the corner and what did we find but this…

Yes Cinderella’s Carriage was still in WDW! We thought it would be gone by the time we were visiting! Sabrina was lagging a little behind us (and looking in the direction of Lights, Motor, Action!) so I told her to come see me QUICK! And guess what Sabrina did again? BINGO! Yes, she cried… We also had to stop and take some pictures.

Notice the shoe off of Sabrina in the second picture?

We moved along to the Star Tours area. When we got there, we found a photopass photographer at the Speeder, so we had Matt take a picture here.

We finally made it to Star Tours. We really did not need a FP+ this morning as there was only a 5 minute standby time. I do like the new film…I can’t remember what the scenario was that we got. Matt enjoyed it, and that is what was important, since he is the Star Wars geek.

When we left here, we had some time but decided to head over to Tower of Terror. At some point in time we stopped at Starring Rolls Bakery. I had to try the Butterfinger Cupcake…which I actually got to go because I was not hungry. Thinking back, we probably stopped here on our way out. We made it to the ToT area. I don’t like that you have to park the scooter so far away on this ride. It was quite a long walk for me. But we got there and rode the ride…here is the proof:

Well, Matt got off the ride and asked me where the nearest restroom was. I pointed him to it while Sabrina and I browsed the dump shop for a moment. When we finished, we met up with Matt at the restrooms. Come to find out, he would not be riding this again…it made him sick.

So now that he was feeling a little lighter, we decided to do another first for me…Beauty & the Beast. Here is where the scooters were a bonus! We got front row center for the show! I have to say, I really enjoyed this! I had never seen it before, and was very impressed with the detail in it. The interesting thing was there was a hearing impaired couple in the audience, and it was just fascinating watching the interpreters…they were so enthusiastic! It was wonderful to see. After the show there was a little one crying because she could not go get a rose from Belle…but there was a cast member to the rescue. She got a rose for the little girl which made her very happy.

After we finished here there, no one wanted to ride Rock N Roller Coaster. So we just headed out of the park. We had to make a stop in the Villan’s store to look for some special merchandise for the dog whisperer. We saw some interesting things but decided to wait to purchase anything.

So we headed to the bus stop. If I remember right we caught a bus pretty quickly here with no problems getting loaded or unloaded.

When we got back to the room, we had lunch (I can’t remember if we ate at the food court or had sandwiches in the room). I do know that I had a Mike’s and just rested while waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive. Matt and Sabrina went down to the pool for a swim. Sabrina decided to wear this bathing suit to the pool:

This was probably not a good idea. They said she spent most of her time taking pictures with little girls at the pool! They came back from the pool and we all just relaxed in the room.

Kim, Haley and Zoe finally got there around 8:30 or so. We got them settled in the bedroom (Matt moved out to the living are with me and Sabrina then). I want to say they ended up bringing Zoe to the pool for a little while just to wear her out, but I honestly don’t remember the details of this evening. I did know that we had to be up and early for our first princess ADR early in the morning. So I set my phone alarm for 5:30 am. Or so I thought. What time did I actually get up?
Sounds like a fun day at DHS...too bad that ToT made Matt sick!! Ugh!! That cupcake sounds amazing though!! I want to go to Starring Rolls for sure!!
Love your photo pass pictures of the carriage! That's a bummer Matt getting sick. Sabrina's Ariel suit is super cute. How fun that must of been to have little ones wanting her picture!
Sounds like a fun day at DHS...too bad that ToT made Matt sick!! Ugh!! That cupcake sounds amazing though!! I want to go to Starring Rolls for sure!!

The cupcake was actually just okay. A little on the dry side and I wanted a really peanut butter tasting icing...and it was not.

Love your photo pass pictures of the carriage! That's a bummer Matt getting sick. Sabrina's Ariel suit is super cute. How fun that must of been to have little ones wanting her picture!

Thanks! We were really exited to see it...we had read that it was going to be gone by the time we were there.
Oh well, she was fine, but she squealed every time something popped in front of her.

Love it! :rotfl2:

Come to find out, he would not be riding this again…it made him sick.
Oh no!

Here is where the scooters were a bonus! We got front row center for the show!
:thumbsup2:cheer2: Yay for front row!

After the show there was a little one crying because she could not go get a rose from Belle…but there was a cast member to the rescue. She got a rose for the little girl which made her very happy.

This was probably not a good idea. They said she spent most of her time taking pictures with little girls at the pool!
:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: It is a pretty cool swim suit!
I'm a sucker for a glow cube in my drink, too! I love them! :cutie:

Then the food came. I have to say. This is one of my favorite places to eat. The bread is good but I general don’t eat it. I like the stir fired veggies, and generally don’t eat the noodles either. But Oh my gosh! I could make a meal out of the Pot Stickers. And the meat too. I did not care for the steak too much but LOVED the shrimp. (which I normally don’t care too much for) Then the dessert we actually left room for…bananas foster bread pudding with ice cream. I want a bathtub full of that stuff. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!
Oh maaaaaaaaaaaaan. 180 days until I'm feasting like this at Ohana! YUM!!! I can't wait!!! :goodvibes

The people in the row behind you.. :rotfl2:

Lynn, what on earth were you looking at instead of the dino??? :lmao:

Cuuuuuuute! I want this magic shot! I love it! :eek:

Matt and I opted to stay in our scooters since it was so crowded (Disney prefers you take a seat).
I do the same, I always stay on my scooter if the bus is crowded. I figure it's bad enough that my scooter is already taking up three seats, there's no reason to make my butt take up a fourth! :thumbsup2

I had never eaten at WPE, so I followed Mike’s lead (he got the meatloaf with mashed potatoes)…I ended up getting the meatloaf sandwich. It was yummy! Matt got the same thing as Mike, Liza got the roasted chicken and Sabrina got the kids roasted chicken meal. Everyone LOVED what they got.
This is still on my bucket list! I just never seem to make time for it. And I won't have time on my next trip, either! And I'm not going to DTD on my 2016 trip... So maybe in 2017? :laughing:

I was sooo tired, I have no idea when Matt and Sabrina got home this night…I was out!
Well, that's not surprising! Sounds like you had a very full, very fun day! :goodvibes

I love this picture of ya'll!!! (Poor Matt already looks a little green, though! :crazy2: )

So now that he was feeling a little lighter, we decided to do another first for me…Beauty & the Beast.
I haven't seen this show in years! Definitely stopping to watch it this time with my aunt & uncle. :cutie:

Sabrina decided to wear this bathing suit to the pool:

This was probably not a good idea. They said she spent most of her time taking pictures with little girls at the pool!
That swimsuit is adorable! And with her hair, I'm not surprised the kiddos were going crazy! How cuuuuute! :-)
Holy update batman!!
Everything sounds too much FUN!!! so fully Sabrina keeps crying then again.. I would have too... :rolleyes1

What did you think of the Butterfinger cupcake??? i cannot wait to have one...

So sorry Mike didn't like ToT but the pictures is hilarious.

Hope you all get up int he Morning and make it! akershus is not nice about being late!!!


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