The Single Girl's Guide to Doing WDW Solo - A Sept. 2014 Trip Report (COMPLETED)

I love your Garden Grill pictures! I always love Chip and Dale, I've had some of my best character experiences with them. Illumination pictures are pretty good too! I love Illuminations, although it isn't my favorite night show (Fantasmic is) - it really is something special.

I think my favorite are the Pop night pictures ... I stayed there a few years ago but all of my pictures are day pictures ... I really like the way it looks at night. (Maybe I'll check it out at night on my next trip - I'm staying just across the bridge at AoA)
Finished reading through your trip report and thoroughly enjoying it. I love how you had so much fun on your own, I can feel it! (and I appreciate your honesty) Too much to comment on, but, the Mickey ears, face painting, photo pass pictures, that awesome Splash Mountain pic, the gifs, and omg! the incredible food pics. Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!
Aww, thanks! I really did have SO much fun. Maybe even more fun than when I travel with others! I'm pretty introverted though, so I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. I can't wait to do another solo trip! :goodvibes

This picture is special to me…..I was sound asleep three doors down from the extreme left of this jukebox when you took this picture.
Aww, that's kinda cool! I'm glad I kept the noise down during my resort wanderings, I wouldn't wanna wake you! :rotfl:

I love your Garden Grill pictures! I always love Chip and Dale, I've had some of my best character experiences with them. Illumination pictures are pretty good too! I love Illuminations, although it isn't my favorite night show (Fantasmic is) - it really is something special.

I think my favorite are the Pop night pictures ... I stayed there a few years ago but all of my pictures are day pictures ... I really like the way it looks at night. (Maybe I'll check it out at night on my next trip - I'm staying just across the bridge at AoA)
I'm very partial to Disney at night. It's just so magical. I run a tumblr dedicated to night time photos of Disney parks, actually!

I love your TR so far! The photopass photos look great! :)
Thanks! I was really happy with how most of them turned out! I'm totally in love with the Memory Maker package now. :thumbsup2

Read the whole TR thus far in one sitting, I love it! Can't wait for more
Hi, and welcome! :wave2: I'm so glad you're enjoying my ramblings! I'm going to try to put out another update tonight. Try. No promises. :lmao:
I can't believe I didn't get to see Illuminations. It was just too many late nights for Owen. I'm going to try this trip but if not - definitely our next September one where my inlaws will be along! They can take O back early if needed.

I love the Pop at night pictures - you saw so many areas I totally never saw!! I was the building right by the playdoh and the green yoyo. Now I really really miss it.
Sept. 25th, 2014 - Thursday

Downtown Disney

Hooray! It's time for my mid-week sleep-in and rest day! The plan was to sleep until Noon or later, get up and have a leisurely lunch at Pop, and head over to Downtown Disney for shopping, dinner, and La Nouba.

However, Mousekeeping had other ideas.

I had my Do Not Disturb sign on my door, to ensure that I would be able to sleep the day away. I thought that would be enough. Oh how very naive of me...

As they were cleaning the room right next to mine, they used the little bar-lock thing that you flip closed, to keep the door from closing behind them as they went in and out. So...

Starting at 10am, every 2-3 minutes, all I heard was they sound of that heavy door banging closed on that bar.


Bang-ang-ang-ang (because the door bounces a little when it hits it).



Me: What in the world?





Me: What is going on? *stumbles out of bed and looks through peephole, sees Housekeeping's cart and the door held cracked open by the bar lock thingy* Oh. Hmm. Well, surely they're almost done by now. *goes back to bed*





Me: This is crazy, I just want to sleep.








Me: Maybe I should step out and say something? Ugh, once I do that though, I know I'll be up for the day anyway.











Me: Maybe I should call the Front Desk and see if somebody can say something to them? I don't want to get anybody in trouble, though.
















Me: THAT'S IT, I CAN'T TAKE IT. I'm awake!!!!!!


I wish I was exaggerating. This went on FOREVER, until getting back to sleep was just a dream.

OH OH OH! Aaaaaaand! To make matters even worse, once I got up, went pee, and was stumbling around the room cutting on lights... It finally stopped.


I figured I might as well head down to the food court and see if they were serving lunch yet... They weren't. I probably could have hung around and waited for the switch-over, but was pretty hungry at this point. I wandered around, and found myself torn between the Make-Your-Own Omelet station, or the Chicken-Fried Chicken steak. I went with the latter...


Chicken-Fried Chicken Steak with Sausage Gravy, Scrambled Eggs, Hashbrowns, and a Biscuit. (The hashbrowns are hidden under the gravy, I asked the CM to put some on them for me.)

Don't worry ya'll, it tasted a lot better than it looks. :lmao: The gravy wasn't amazing, but it served it's purpose. I do wish that they had used just regular white "country" or "sawmill" gravy instead of sausage gravy, though.

After I ate, I decided tha since I had some extra time on my hands this afternoon, I would go take a peek at the only Dinsey Resort I'd never visited... Art of Animation! I mean, it was right across the Hourglass Lake bridge, and I do plan on staying there next year, so I might as well check it out! And with my trusty steed, I could do so without pain!

Now this is another of those times I'm kicking myself. It's a beautiful little path over the bridge to AoA, and then the resort itself is GORGEOUS!

And yet... I didn't take one. single. photo. :confused3


But just believe me when I say that it's AWESOME, and I can't wait for my stay there next year! (Two rooms in the Little Mermaid section, one for me and one for my Aunt & Uncle who will be joining me for their first WDW trip!)

I did check out the lobby and the gift shop and food court. I hadn't planned on getting anything, just looking, but... OH HELLO GELATO BAR.

Best of all, the CM offered me FREE SAMPLES! Yesssss! I ended up choosing this beautiful custom concoction...


Two flavors! The bottom layer of gelato is Nutella flavor, the top is Sweet Almond flavor. And of course, I had to add me some Mickey sprinkles! It was sooooooo good, possibly the best gelato I've ever had. I'm still dreaming about that Sweet Almond one. :cloud9:

I headed back across the bridge and to my room to freshen up a bit, then it was off to catch the bus to Downtown Disney!

Upon arrival, I wandered through a few shops, eventually making my way to World of Disney. I was peeping the jewelry there, and saw a girl wearing a tiara, and thought for about the 25th time how I wished I could find a place to buy one, because every now and then I'd seen a woman or girl wearing one and get totally jealous.


Wait. Didn't I just see... before I came in here... the Arribas Bros. store? I bet...

*cue me running all the way through World of Disney and back out the way I came*


I walked into Arribas Bros, and the very first case I saw made me hear a chior of angels in my head.

There they were, in all of their sparkling glory. I must have spent forever in here, I was determined to pick just the right one. And I did find one I loved, but I looked some more to see if I could find one similar but less expensive. And I did, but in the end, I decided to go big or go home.

Yeah. This totally happened.


And I felt all...


And as soon as I put it on, this happened...


So. Yes. I was a very happy princess. :goodvibes

I went back to shopping, and made my I made my way through the maze of construction walls. Downtown Disney is a MESS right now! But I was still very happy to be able to explore freely. Having always in the past opted to only rent ECVs in the parks and not get one from off-property, all of my previous DTD visits were on foot. Which usually meant hitting a store or two, then leaving because of my pain. So it was very liberating to actually be able to get around and see everything finally!

My only regret, once again, was that I didn't take more PICTURES of Downtown Disney! I don't know what was wrong with me on this day, but I just wasn't being very shutter-buggy! (I blame my rude awakening that morning!)

I had just about had my fill of exploring when it was getting close to time to check-in for my ADR, not mention the rain was arriving with a light sprinkle. So I made my way to Raglan Road!

Man, this place was CROWDED. The small check-in area was wall-to-wall with people, I couldn't believe it. I waited after check-in at least 20-30 minutes before my pager finally went off and I was lead to a little corner table tucked far away from the stage without any view of it. This was a bummer and not very magical at all :sad2: But that's okay, I was going to a much bigger show later that night, so I contented myself to just listening.

By now you all know I love iced coffee, and I love cocktails, so I was quite pleased to be able to order this delight. An Iced Irish Coffee with Cream...


Crazy tasty!


And then came the food! Here's some teaser photos for you...




For the full scoop on my experience here, feel free to visit my Dining Report HERE! :thumbsup2

Before I left, I had to snap another princess picture, I was still just tickled to death by my tiara...


After the princess dined with the common folk, she headed off to her evening of royal entertainment! AKA: La Nouba by Cirque du Soleil! This is something that I was BEYOND excited about. I've been aware of this show for 14 years, and have always wanted to see it, but it's trip-after-trip it's been put on the back burner. With this being MY trip, just me, I decided I was going to make it happen. And when I checked for tickets and they just so happen to be on sale, I didn't hesitate.

I also didn't spring for the best seats in the house, either. Even though I went with the cheap seats, I was still very content with my view...



The show was WONDERFUL! I just loved it. We may go see it again next year, even!

I took my time slowly working my way all the way back through a crowded Downtown Disney, soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying all the lights and sounds.

Upon making it back to the bus stop, I kissed DTD goodbye, thanked it for a wonderful day, and headed back to Pop Century for the night.

Up next... Animal Kingdom, and more Hollywood Studios!
AoA is pretty amazing. And once you see inside the Little Mermaid rooms, you'll be even more impressed.

And OMG I love that tiara. So gorgeous!

That Iced Irish Coffee looks good ... I'll have to think about getting that if I ever make my way over to Raglan Road.

Other than the uncool early wake up, sounds like you had a nice rest & DTD day!
I can't believe I didn't get to see Illuminations. It was just too many late nights for Owen. I'm going to try this trip but if not - definitely our next September one where my inlaws will be along! They can take O back early if needed.

I love the Pop at night pictures - you saw so many areas I totally never saw!! I was the building right by the playdoh and the green yoyo. Now I really really miss it.
Definitely do try to catch Illumination on your next trip, if able! It's just so different from all the other shows at Disney. I just love it!

And glad you liked the Pop pictures too! I really enjoyed ending my night with my little self-guided tour! :goodvibes

AoA is pretty amazing. And once you see inside the Little Mermaid rooms, you'll be even more impressed.

And OMG I love that tiara. So gorgeous!

That Iced Irish Coffee looks good ... I'll have to think about getting that if I ever make my way over to Raglan Road.

Other than the uncool early wake up, sounds like you had a nice rest & DTD day!
I've seen inside the LM room online, including that gorgeous shower! I know it's not the same as seeing it person, and watching the videos online have just made me even more excited to stay there!

I love my tiara too! I forgot to mention in my update that my boss even let me get away with wearing all day at work on my first day back. :rotfl:

The Iced Irish really was wonderful. It was a bit strong on the Irish Whiskey, but that didn't hurt my feelings one bit! :thumbsup2
It is the worse when you are woken up early when you have the chance to sleep in. Especially by some sort of noise. As a former RA, I've experienced that way too many times.
I love your tiara! I want to get one on my trip because every birthday princess needs one! Did they have a decent amount that were less expensive, around $20?
It is the worse when you are woken up early when you have the chance to sleep in. Especially by some sort of noise. As a former RA, I've experienced that way too many times.
I love your tiara! I want to get one on my trip because every birthday princess needs one! Did they have a decent amount that were less expensive, around $20?
My tiara was $50. However, I did see some of them as low as $25, and some as high as $100. But most were in the middle of that range. ;)

Also, according to your ticker, you're at the 6-month mark for your trip! Congratulations! :yay:
My tiara was $50. However, I did see some of them as low as $25, and some as high as $100. But most were in the middle of that range. ;)

Also, according to your ticker, you're at the 6-month mark for your trip! Congratulations! :yay:

I know!! I have no idea how I'm going to make it 6 months though :laughing:
What No pictures of the show?!?! :confused3

Love AoA!!!! LOVE LOVE! Never did Raglan Road. But it's on the list for a future visit!!

ADORE the Tiara!!!
What No pictures of the show?!?! :confused3

Love AoA!!!! LOVE LOVE! Never did Raglan Road. But it's on the list for a future visit!!

ADORE the Tiara!!!
Believe it or not, at La Nouba they are SUPER strict on their No Photos or Videos policy during the show. The ushers stand at top the of the rows, and they see somebody holding up a camera or cell phone, or if they even see the light from one, they swoop down from above and totally bust you for it. I watched it happen to a couple people seated in my vicinity. :eek: So I left mine tucked safely in my purse!

Raglan Road was delicious, and I loved the live music!

I LOVE MY TIARA!!!!!! :cutie:
That is terrible about mousekeeping waking you up on your day to sleep late. :headache: I have to say part of the reason I like the Villas is that we don't have housekeeping but every fourth day.

I LOVE your tiara. I've yet to find the perfect one for me (and one that would stay on my thin hair), but yours is absolutely perfect.

We LOVE Raglan has become a favorite and we go almost every trip. Next time, you must try the Bailey's is out of this world good. I agree with you on the scallops...outstanding.

We've never done Cirque du Soleil at Disney. I did it in Vegas over 15 years ago with my girlfriend and I slept through most of it. Now, this could have something to do with the fact that my girlfriend and I started on one end of the strip on one side of the street and walked all the way down and then walked ALL the way back on the other side of the street and had a cocktail in almost every single casino on both sides. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Oh dear. I guess this was Disney's way of saying... THERE'S NO SLEEPING IN DISNEY.... LITERALLY! Yeah, Disney is not the place if you like to sleep in unfortunately. :(

Oh yeah AoA is simply beautiful and its proximity to POP makes both even better. I haven't stayed at AoA yet (I have visited) and I really want to. I have heard that the LM rooms are quite the journey to the main building, but c'mon they're Little Mermaid rooms. Still awesome. I just wish they would finally include them in the discounts.

Awwwwww the tiara story is so cute. That's what's supposed to happen and so sweet that it made you feel that way.

Have not seen La Nouba or any Cirque show for that matter, but I have never heard one bad thing about it. I have such a hard time pulling away from "Disney" stuff, but I do hope to see this one day, maybe on a longer trip.
Hi Billie! Loving your trip report; I'm about half way through reading the whole thing. I love how you write! You're very personable and I feel like I know you just through your writings. Anyways, when I first started reading I felt a little sad for you traveling alone. You seem like such a great person. But as I kept reading more, I picked up on just how comfortable you are in your own skin. The fact that you don't let your "single girl" mentality hold you back from what you love is very admirable. Keep on keeping on! Your TR has inspired me to do what I love no matter what. Happiness comes from within, right? :goodvibes
That is terrible about mousekeeping waking you up on your day to sleep late. :headache: I have to say part of the reason I like the Villas is that we don't have housekeeping but every fourth day.
Knowing my luck, my neighbor's 4th day would still end up being the day I want to SLEEP. :rotfl:

I LOVE your tiara. I've yet to find the perfect one for me (and one that would stay on my thin hair), but yours is absolutely perfect.
I'm so glad you like it! Honestly, my hair is pretty thin too. I managed to make it look full on the bottom, but if you look at the top of my head in close-ups, you can always see scalp patches, typically right in the front. In my 20s went through two rounds of chemo for my Lupus, and my hair never really grew back as thick as it once was. That being said, I found the combs on the the tiara actually held it in place quite nice! Granted, I was constantly messing with it and re-securing it out of paranoia of losing it. But you figure a LOT of little girls have very fine hair, so these things have to be able to stay on their active little heads. :thumbsup2

We LOVE Raglan has become a favorite and we go almost every trip. Next time, you must try the Bailey's is out of this world good. I agree with you on the scallops...outstanding.
Those scallops. Gawd. Pardon me while I wipe this drool off my chin. I wish they would let me just order a bucket of them, and I'd be set! :cloud9:

We've never done Cirque du Soleil at Disney. I did it in Vegas over 15 years ago with my girlfriend and I slept through most of it. Now, this could have something to do with the fact that my girlfriend and I started on one end of the strip on one side of the street and walked all the way down and then walked ALL the way back on the other side of the street and had a cocktail in almost every single casino on both sides. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well then you weren't bored by the show, you were passed out drunk! :lmao: I really liked it. But I've watched various Cirque shows on television for years, so I knew it was something I would dig. :goodvibes

Oh dear. I guess this was Disney's way of saying... THERE'S NO SLEEPING IN DISNEY.... LITERALLY! Yeah, Disney is not the place if you like to sleep in unfortunately. :(
I would normally agree, when traveling with others. But I just thought it was absurd that the hotel staff of all people were what kept me up. I've stayed in a lot of hotels, and this is the first time this has ever happened, and all hotels have housekeeping staff. Maybe it was just because the way the rooms are built, their door was so close to mine? Either way, NOT COOL! Next year's trip, I'm bringing ear plugs for my rest day! :rotfl:

Oh yeah AoA is simply beautiful and its proximity to POP makes both even better. I haven't stayed at AoA yet (I have visited) and I really want to. I have heard that the LM rooms are quite the journey to the main building, but c'mon they're Little Mermaid rooms. Still awesome. I just wish they would finally include them in the discounts.
Well, this is one of those times that being an ECV-user is more a blessing than a burden. Without it, those Little Mermaid rooms would be out of the question. I do feel a bit sorry for my aunt and uncle, who are joining me next year. But I already had my heart set on AoA when they said they wanted to come along, so hopefully they'll be okay!

Awwwwww the tiara story is so cute. That's what's supposed to happen and so sweet that it made you feel that way.
I totally went full-on Amy Farrah Fowler.

Amy: OHHHHHHHH It’s a tiara! A tiara! I have a tiara! Put it on me, put it on me, put it on me, put it on me, put it on me, put it on me!
Penny: You look beautiful!

Have not seen La Nouba or any Cirque show for that matter, but I have never heard one bad thing about it. I have such a hard time pulling away from "Disney" stuff, but I do hope to see this one day, maybe on a longer trip.
I can relate. It took The Boy Who Lived to FINALLY lure me away from Disney property for a few hours. :laughing:

Hi Billie! Loving your trip report; I'm about half way through reading the whole thing. I love how you write! You're very personable and I feel like I know you just through your writings. Anyways, when I first started reading I felt a little sad for you traveling alone. You seem like such a great person. But as I kept reading more, I picked up on just how comfortable you are in your own skin. The fact that you don't let your "single girl" mentality hold you back from what you love is very admirable. Keep on keeping on! Your TR has inspired me to do what I love no matter what. Happiness comes from within, right? :goodvibes
Awww! This has got to be one of the sweetest, most kind things anybody has written to me about my TR, thank you so much! :hug: Honestly, this trip was a celebration of joy, and I wasn't sad for one single solitary moment of it. Life is simply too short to not do the things you love just because you're alone. And I firmly believe you can be alone without being "lonely." I'm a pretty introverted person, and I am most happy when in my own company. And I truly loved be able to feel that freedom at my most special place in the world. I'm really looking forward to my NEXT solo trip!!! :goodvibes
I'm so excited that you're staying at AoA next time, we absolutely loved it! We stayed in the Cars section and I know mermaid is a little farther from Animation Hall but you'll have your wheels so "No problem, Mon". :) it really was a great place to stay.

Oh the tiara! Beautiful!!! I love it, I don't know about you but a nice tiara makes a selfie so much better, ha!

Did you like the food @Raglan Road? I wanted to go but we were on QS plan and DH didn't want to be on a schedule by making any extra ADR's. I hope to get there someday, it looks like fun. When we were @ DTD it was pretty crowded and a bit confusing with all the construction walls everywhere but it looks like it's going to be fantastic when they get finished.
I'm so excited that you're staying at AoA next time, we absolutely loved it! We stayed in the Cars section and I know mermaid is a little farther from Animation Hall but you'll have your wheels so "No problem, Mon". :) it really was a great place to stay.

Oh the tiara! Beautiful!!! I love it, I don't know about you but a nice tiara makes a selfie so much better, ha!

Did you like the food @Raglan Road? I wanted to go but we were on QS plan and DH didn't want to be on a schedule by making any extra ADR's. I hope to get there someday, it looks like fun. When we were @ DTD it was pretty crowded and a bit confusing with all the construction walls everywhere but it looks like it's going to be fantastic when they get finished.
The distance to the Little Mermaid rooms at AoA will be no problem for me. I feel kinda bad for my Aunt & Uncle who have decided to join me, though. :headache:

That tiara, good lord. How much happiness can $50 bucks buy? A WHOLE LOT. :lmao: It sits on top of my jewelry box in my bedroom and I smile every morning when I wake up it. :) I need to get a better way to store it though, maybe I'll order a cloth bag off of eBay or something, then tuck it away. I don't want it getting all dusty. Need to have it still sparkling for my next trip! :goodvibes

I loved the noms at Raglan Road! So good! HERE is where I wrote all about it! :cutie:
OK – so let me just say this – I am love love LOVING your report!!!!! I just started reading it tonight and am all caught up – more than once (ok more than a few times) I caught myself just smiling ear to ear! I love your excitement and enthusiasm! You’re also giving me a ton of confidence, you see I booked my first-ever SOLO trip for this December, I’ve been plenty of times before, but never solo and as excited as I am the nerves are definitely there too! But I LOVE your report so far and can’t wait to keep reading along! Thanks so much for sharing! :thumbsup2


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