The Single Girl's Guide to Doing WDW Solo - A Sept. 2014 Trip Report (COMPLETED)

I'm also a big Harry Potter nerd. Love your Universal pics! We haven't ever made it to WWoHP but it looks so cool! I'd probably go just for the scenery also, is seems from what I've read the rides at Universal are more intense. :) Disney rides are more my speed but Universal does such a great job at scenery! Finally they are working on a WWoHP at Universal Hollywood, I might have a better chance of seeing it there since CA closer!
I'm also a big Harry Potter nerd. Love your Universal pics! We haven't ever made it to WWoHP but it looks so cool! I'd probably go just for the scenery also, is seems from what I've read the rides at Universal are more intense. :) Disney rides are more my speed but Universal does such a great job at scenery! Finally they are working on a WWoHP at Universal Hollywood, I might have a better chance of seeing it there since CA closer!
My hope is to lose enough weight in the next 14 months to be able to enjoy the rides at WWoHP next year. Fingers crossed!! :goodvibes
DAY 4 - Part 1
Sept. 23rd, 2014 - Tuesday

Epcot (Chapter 1)

So after going to bed earlier last night, today's wake-up was a little bit easier, but I still managed to oversleep somehow. What? :confused3


I wanted to be at Epcot in time for EMH that morning, so I leapt from bed and hurriedly got myself ready to go for the day, repacked my park bag, and rushed out the door.

Along the way to the bus stop, I popped by Luggage Services to pick up my off-property rental ECV from Buena Vista Scooters. I had requested it be delivered at 6am, and it was just after 7am now, so they had it ready to go for me. This was my first time renting from off property because I've always been SO nervous about loading this on busses with everybody standing in line staring at me. :worried:

But this time I REALLY wanted to be able to explore my resort and DTD with comfort instead of pain. (When I stayed at Coronado Springs on my last trip, I only ever even saw the Casitas section and the main building, El Centro, because it was too painful to try and go see the rest of it on foot.)

So I pick it up, and of course, what's the first thing I have to do? Go get on a bus with it. Yikes. :eek:

I decided I need a little retail therapy to calm my nerves. All I had as far ears were my Halloween ones, and I didn't want to wear them except for MNSSHP. So I dipped into the Everything Pop gift shop, and bought a new silver sparkly pair for the rest of the trip!

And then... I couldn't put it off any longer or else I was going to be totally late to EMH... I pulled up to the Epcot bes stop and put myself in the little Wheelchair/ECV queue, and patiently waited, trying not to get to nervous about what was coming.

I distracted myself by taking one of my cuter selfies during the trip...


Shortly after the bus arrived, and I waited for the driver to come out. I waved him over and confided in him that it was my first time putting one of these on a bus, so I might need a little extra help. He was cool, instructed me on how to drive it up the ramp, and them when I had it on the bus, he had me just hop off and into a seat and he steered it into it's parking spot. I sighed a deep breath of relief, and tried not to think about allllllll those people in line, impatiently waiting to get to EMH, too. :(

Now obviously I repeated this process many many times over the following week. But once I got past that first time, it got easier. Thankfully nobody was outwardly ugly to me about it. And I ended up being VERY glad to have it. It allowed me so much more freedom and independence beyond the theme parks. So much so that I've already reserved my scooter from the same company for next year's trip! ::yes:: :moped:

Off to Epcot, my favorite! Upon arrival, I checked the time... 7:50am. Man, I'm good! By the time me and my scooter got off the bus and through bag-check and up to the gate, they were just letting people in. Hooray!

Photopass stop, of course!



Can we just talk about what foul things that humidity does to a good hair day? Look how cute it was when I took that selfie while waiting for the bus. And now look at the frizzy mess it turned into less than an hour later... :rotfl:

ANYHOW! Off to my first top, Test Track! Jumped in the Single Rider line to make my wait even shorter. I was super stoked to see this one... It was my first time since they reimagined it. I LOVE the new theming! The old one was cool, and really kinda interesting... for the first 10 minutes. Then the queue just because loud and annoying and obnoxious. I also feel the new Test Track just fits in better with the over all theming of Future World.


Then I wandered next door to Mission Space. I had a FastPass for this, but it looked like I could get in done without having to wait to use it! And I did! Green Team, of course. Orange team makes me super duper sick. :crazy2: But Green suits me JUST fine! ::yes::

I love this attraction. I was with a family that seemed to me a Mom, kiddo, and Grandma. They were very nice! I got the Engineer this time. So much fun!

It was almost 9am now, so I took a moment to login to MDE and switch my FP to the next area I was headed towards... The Seas with Nemo & Friends. No problems! Then I make my way on over there... Problem. There was a delay in bringing it back up. Hmm. Okay. Went to login in to MDE to switch my FP to Journey in Imagination, and lo and behold! There was message letting me know that one of my FP selection was down during my window, so I could use that same FP anytime during the day at blah blah blah list of attractions. COOL! I decided I would use it at Figment as planned, but since there was no rush now, I decided to duck in the Land and head own to Sunshine Seasons for some breakfast. (Since in my rush that morning, I'd forgotten to eat in my room while I was getting dressed!)

I love to look up at the ceiling here. So pretty!


The Noms!


Breakfast Panini! Eggs, bacon, roast pork, and cheese, with a side of breakfast potatoes. The sandwich was delicious, and really hit the spot! The potatoes were "western" style, with peppers. I hate peppers, so I only took a few bites of these. But the sandwich was just right!

It was almost time now for my FP at the Character Spot, so I headed that way. Even with the FP, I still had a bit of a wait. I've never stopped here because the stand-by line is always so long. It was great to get some "classic" character photos early in the trip!





Side note: Goofy consistently gives the BEST hugs! :goodvibes

Off to Journey in Imagination! I have no pictures here for some reason, I'm not sure why. I will do better next time, I promise! I did get to use that FP though, hooray!

Speaking of, now I was ready to wander back over to the Seas. The ride was up now, but I decided not to do it, and just tour the exhibits. It's pretty much one of favorite things anyhow! Especially the manatees. I love my manatees!




Dem chubby manatess. Always just hangin' out, eatin' dat lettuce. :lovestruc

(Continued in Next Post!)
DAY 4 - Part 2
Sept. 23rd, 2014 - Tuesday

Epcot (Chapter 2)

Still hanging out at the Seas, I took some more fishie photos!








Fishie Face!


Then it was time to leave the Seas and scoot back over to the Land, since my FP+ time for Soarin' had arrived! Even with the FP+, I still had quite a wait, and I was very thankful for my ECV. Finally I made it through the cue, and got placed in the left section, top row. YAY! I love the top row, it's the best! Nobody's stinky feet dangling in my view!

Even though I wear sandals, I felt pretty confident they'd stay on my feet so I opted to leave them on. Big mistake. As we left the ground, I coulld feel them starting the slip. Oh crap! So I crossed my feet in a way to hold my shoes on, and tried to enjoy the ride. And I DID, but in the back of my mind was the stress about my shoes tumbling to the ground! So I didn't get to really lose myself in the experience, which is my favorite part of Soarin'! Oh well, there's always next time!

Now that I'd had my fill of Future World so far, so I decided to head on up World Showcase and start my Food and Wine adventure!

I took my sweet time making my way over there, I just love soaking up the Epcot atmosphere. I typically start at Mexico and work my way around clockwise, but this time I decided to mix it up and start in Canada! very quickly I was greeted by my first food & wine booth, and of course it had something I wanted to try! I paid for my dish, and just then... THE SKIES OPENED UP WITH MORE RAINY WRATH. Dammit. D:

I told them I was going to hang on to my ticket and go take cover, but I'd be back. And I zoomed into the nearest shop, to wait it out with the masses. As I reached into my bag, I facepalmed... In my rush that morning, I'd forgotten to pack a poncho! So into the long line on poncho-buyers I went!

It came down pretty hard for some time, maybe half an hour, but eventually it cleared up and I made my way over to the Scotland booth again, and FINALLY got to enjoy this tasty treat...


SCOTLAND: Seared sea scallop with spinach-cheddar gratin and crispy bacon! MMM MMM GOOD!

I don't normally include ALL of my food picks in my TR. I'll do a few teaser picks for those who love the food porn, followed by a link to my Dining Report for those who don't care to scroll through them all. Here's a few more highlights from my F&W day!


CANADA: “Le Cellier” Wild Mushroom Beef Filet Mignon with Truffle Butter Sauce.

I paused on my way over to France for these pictures. I was SOOOO looking forward to these magic shots after seeing them on another TR here. But then silly me had taken my ears off during the rain, and had forgotten to put them back on! DOH! I just look rough all over in these photos. But Chip is ADORABLE!!!



I should note this was another PP photographer who acted really awkward and even a little rude and inconvenienced by me, even though I watched him be perfectly lovely with the couple right before me... Oh well. BACK TO THE FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL.


FRANCE: Tartelette aux escargots: Escargot tart with garlic, spinach, bacon and parmesan. Also with a La Passion Martini Slush (vodka, Grey Goose Le Citron, cranberry and passion fruit juice).


The Slushie was gooooooooood!


AUSTRALIA: Grilled Lamb Chop with Mint Pesto and Potato Crunchies.

Want more Food & Wine photos? Hit up my Dining Report HERE!

Between all the food and the early morning, I was really starting to drag. I learned on this trip that as I've gotten older, I GREATLY benefit from a mid-day break to go back to the room and lie down for an hour or so. It just wasn't meant to be on this day, though. Knowing I had a dinner ADR later, I decided it was time to take a break from food, and headed into the Norway pavilion to take my goodbye ride on the Maelstrom.

The line was the LONGEST I'VE EVER SEEN IT.



I was VERY thankful to Stephanie at the front desk at Pop Century... this was one of those three bonus FastPasses she gave me when I checked in. Hooray!

And just a couple more photos to reminisce...



During all this I'd been noticing the battery level on ECV getting lower and lower. It was actually struggling to pick up on speed at this point, so I decided something needed to be done. I went back to the front of the park to where they rent the park ECVs, and asked if it was possible to plug my scooter in and there and put some charge on my battery. The CM was EXTREMELY helpful, and had me pull it right inside their area and helped me plug up. She said I should let it charge maybe for an hour, and suggested I maybe go get a snack or something while I wait, if I could walk as far as Electric Umbrella. I laughed and told her that all I'd done for hours was EAT! She cracked up laughing, and then suggested maybe Spaceship Earth, as it's right next to the ECV rental area. I thought this was a BRILLIANT idea, as it wasn't up and running yet when I tried to hit up that morning, and I hoofed it over there.

It was kinda perfect, as the line wasn't insanely long, and I got to just kick back and relax for the length of the ride. Actually, a little longer than usual... It got stuck. LOL. I sat there watching Rome burn for ages!

When I got out, I killed a little time checking out all the little games and stuff they have, but then decided I'd go check on my ECV a little early. Or so I thought. I stepped out to a bunch of people clustered and saw why... RAINY WRATH. Again. Crap.

So I went back in, found a bench, sat down.. and took a nap. Hahaha. I think it's pretty clear that when I'm tired enough, I can sleep pretty much anywhere!

After about an hour, it finally slowed a little bit, and I needed a change of scenery. I knew my ECV would be good and charged to get me through the rest of the night, and it was getting closer to time for my dinner ADR, so I walked back over to the ECV location and sure enough, my ride was good to go! I wrestled my poncho on (which I had stuffed into the pocket on the back of the seat), and started making my way out, but stopped before leaving the awning. It was still coming down, and I thought maybe I'd wait it out a little bit more.

At least I had a nice view...


I checked the time and realized I couldn't avoid it any longer, and starting making my way through the wind and rain back over to the Seas for my dinner ADR at the Coral Reef.

Despite all the mixed reviews, I'm REALLY glad that I finally made an ADR here. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience here!

Here's a few more of those teaser photos.





For more photos and a detailed review, CLICK HERE for my Dining Report!

After that, I was just DONE. My belly was bursting and I was completely tuckered out. I decided to beat the post-Illuminations crowds, but of course stopped for my favorite photo-op on my way out of the park...


Then I was headed on to the bus stop and back to Pop Century the night. I stashed my cheesecake in the refrigerator, took a quick shower, and fell into the bed. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow!

Up Next... Hollywood Studios, and MORE Epcot!
I love your dining report but I love this one even more!!

I can't believe you are able to sleep in all that chaos - so awesome! I couldn't even sleep through just Todd snoring at night :)
I love your dining report but I love this one even more!!

I can't believe you are able to sleep in all that chaos - so awesome! I couldn't even sleep through just Todd snoring at night :)
I'm SO weird. I have bad insomnia at night (what I'm leaving out of these reports is that during the night I wake up about every hour), but during the day? I can sleep anywhere, anytime. :rotfl2: I used to work nights, I actually REALLY miss it. But it didn't pay the bills, so I've been struggling with "normal" working hours for a few years now. I'm a total night owl. During the day, I just wanna zzz zzz zzz!
Yay, an update! (I know, I know, I need to work on mine.) We were at Animal Kingdom this day - definitely the rainiest day of the week!

I love the Maelstrom pics. I also took one last ride on it on our Epcot day, with my older DD, but didn't think to take any photos. R.I.P. Maelstrom. You were a fun little ride, if somewhat cheesy.
Billie I'm trying to catch up everywhere again (family health issues).

I'm so glad everything went smoothly with the ECV rental and getting on the bus. :)

I hear you on the was a disaster this trip for me.

I'm not a fan of the new Test Track...I guess it is the car design.

You will love my manatee pictures when I get to that part of the TR on Marco Island...long way to go.

You got great pictures with all the fish, etc.

Were those scallops not to die for? I was in heaven. I didn't care for the mushroom filet from Canada at all.

How nice of the CM to let you charge up your ECV and you got to do Spaceship Earth.

I LOVE all the photopass pictures.

Oh, and the last four trips, we've only had a five minute wait at the Character Spot. We must have hit it lucky.
Ah, Maelstrom, how I'll miss you! I'm so sad that I didn't get to ride it one last time.

It seems like you had a great Epcot day, all that food looks delicious!
YAY! no issues with EVC! all the food looks delish! NUM NUM NUM

Looks like your getting a ton done around Epcot! and yes i am sure you fell asleep quick!
Yay, an update! (I know, I know, I need to work on mine.) We were at Animal Kingdom this day - definitely the rainiest day of the week!

I love the Maelstrom pics. I also took one last ride on it on our Epcot day, with my older DD, but didn't think to take any photos. R.I.P. Maelstrom. You were a fun little ride, if somewhat cheesy.
You DO need to work on yours, lady! :rotfl:

I saw a picture on the internets somewhere, I can't remember if it was here or elsewhere, of a big flatbed truck rolling down the Interstate, loaded down with the boats from the Maelstrom. They didn't waste any time starting to tear it up and getting to work on the new attraction. It was kinda sad! :sad1:

Billie I'm trying to catch up everywhere again (family health issues).

I'm so glad everything went smoothly with the ECV rental and getting on the bus. :)

I hear you on the was a disaster this trip for me.

I'm not a fan of the new Test Track...I guess it is the car design.

You will love my manatee pictures when I get to that part of the TR on Marco Island...long way to go.

You got great pictures with all the fish, etc.

Were those scallops not to die for? I was in heaven. I didn't care for the mushroom filet from Canada at all.

How nice of the CM to let you charge up your ECV and you got to do Spaceship Earth.

I LOVE all the photopass pictures.

Oh, and the last four trips, we've only had a five minute wait at the Character Spot. We must have hit it lucky.
I read on your TR about everything that's going on. I'm so sorry! You have lots of friends here who love you and are totally here for you! :grouphug:

Ugh, my HAIR! Just awful. I think next year I won't even try to have it down, and just plan for ponytails all week. :rotfl:

YAY! I can't wait for your manatee pictures!

The scallop was scrumptious! While I had my favorites, there wasn't ANYthing I tried from the F&W booths that I just didn't like. I was all kinds of fat and happy that day! :p

Ah, Maelstrom, how I'll miss you! I'm so sad that I didn't get to ride it one last time.

It seems like you had a great Epcot day, all that food looks delicious!
I took a video while on the Maelstrom, but it's VERY dark and not really worth much. I might post it if I can ever get it to upload!

So... much... food... :rotfl2:

YAY! no issues with EVC! all the food looks delish! NUM NUM NUM

Looks like your getting a ton done around Epcot! and yes i am sure you fell asleep quick!
I noticed the whole trip that I felt like I really was getting a lot done each day! Must be just another perk of solo traveling. No arguing, no discussing, no debating, no waiting for others to have their pee breaks or smokes... Just Go Go GOOOOO! :thumbsup2
Your food porn pics are making me hungry!! Scallops.....yum!!!!! I guess I've decided I need to to back and make it all about the food :)
I wanted to ride Maelstrom one last time before it closed but I got vetoed by the fam, no 45 minute wait for them.

"And the rain rain rain came down down down...."
Your food porn pics are making me hungry!! Scallops.....yum!!!!! I guess I've decided I need to to back and make it all about the food :)
I wanted to ride Maelstrom one last time before it closed but I got vetoed by the fam, no 45 minute wait for them.

"And the rain rain rain came down down down...."
I just realized I ate scallops, like, three times during this trip, as you'll see as the report progresses. What's up with that? I'm a red meat girl usually :rotfl:

Will probably work on an update tonight. :thumbsup2
DAY 5 - Part 1
Sept. 24th, 2014 - Wednesday

Hollywood Studios (Chapter 1)

(Ack, I need to start churning these updates out faster, it's getting difficult to remember little details, etc!)

So as usual, my morning looked something like this:


I finally drug my butt out of bed and got myself ready to go. I hopped on my trusty steed and made my way down to the bus stops. I was halfway there where I realized I'd TOTALLY skipped breakfast and coffee in my room again. Oh well, guess I'll just have to buy something delicious when I get where I'm going!


I was starting to feel like an old pro at driving my ECV up the bus ramp, and getting less and less freaked by all the people watching and waiting. I always asked the bus drivers to put it into it's spot for me once I was on the bus though. I have enough trouble just trying to parallel park my car...


And it was off to Hollywood Studios! A little boy say next to me, and his parents were standing by us, and we got to chatting. VERY nice couple from Colorado. The wife really liked my silver sequined ears and declared she wanted a pair like them, and I told her I got them in the Pop gift shop, but gave her some ideas of where to look for them in the park when we get there. :thumbsup2

Got there right on time, and started making my way over to Rock N' Roller Coaster to hit the Single Rider line. Before I turned onto Sunset Boulevard though... Oh, HELLO PhotoPass photographer!



Grumble grumble... I HATE when I forget to take my hair down for photos! Anyhow... Onto RNR!

The Single Rider line made itn pretty much a walk-on. I didn't even get to see all of the pre-show in the Studio, which was fine, I've seen it all so many times. Into my limo and I was off!


I am extremely amused how the dude next to me looks so bored, and I look like...


I then proceeded to spend too much time in the gift shop, as I always do here. I don't know why, I just really love looking around this one. So... much... sparkly... stuff...

It was about time for my Tower of Terror FP+, so I happily made my way next door to it. ToT is my favorite ride in DHS! I love everything from the exterior to the queue to the preshow to the CMs to the ride itself! As is evident in this photo...


And this video... :lmao:

As I was getting off the ride and back onto my scooter outside (sometimes when I know I won't be standing in line long, I'll leave it parked rather than taking in through the queue), a gentleman asked me if I just gotten off of it, how many times I've ridden it, what's it like, how long it lasted for, etc. He seemed pretty nervous. :rotfl: I tried to put him at ease, and encouraged him to give it a try! I hope he ended up going for it. :thumbsup2

by now I was starting to get a little hungry, and had some time to kill before my Toy Story Midway Mania FP window opened up, so I headed off to find my favorite pastry stop at HS... Starring Rolls!

WHOA. When did people find out about this place?! I always loved it here, not just for the yum-yums, but because it was never crowded. I guess at some point in the last 5 years that secret got out, because HOLY CRAP the line was long! But in the end very very worth it.

I was going to try the chocolate peanut butter cupcake, but made a last minute decision to get into the "Frozen" spirit of things at HS!


Yes, a cupcake for breakfast. Why? Because Disney World. That's why. The vanilla iced coffee was pretty good, too! #sorrynotsorry


Now that I had effectively made my pancreas fall over dead, I headed over to work some of that sugar rush off with my FP for Toy Story Midway Mania!


Best in Vehicle! I tried to take a picture, but didn't have my phone ready. Doh!

I left there, and started to wander over to see if... OH LOOK FACE PAINTING. *breaks squeal*


It had to be done, ya'll. It had to be done.

And I stuck with the "Frozen" theme of the day, too!

Anyhow, as I was saying. I started to wander down the street in search of the PP photographer with the Olaf Magic Shots.

Found him!



And not far away was Wandering Oaken's, so I took a look around in there. There snow play area was SO cute, lots of kids playing in there! Nobody ice skating though! That was a bummer, I was hoping to watch!

But my GOD, did it feel good in here! Sooooo chilly! I loved it!

Before leaving, I did get this photo, which I just love!


Moved from there right along to my FP+ for Star Tours! This is the first time I've done it since it was refurbed in 2011. OMG I LOVED IT. I mean, I always liked it, but now I LOVE it! Such a great upgrade!

Two things left on my DS bucket list, so I headed to the closest. MuppetVision 3-D! I DO take my scooter on this one, because standing in the holding room before the theater kills me. Usually they let me right through the wheelchair gate, but they made me take it all the way through the outdoor queue. Which I didn't mind, of course, save for the fact that it's pretty narrow. There was a small group of young British people behind me, one of the guys commented on how well my scooter cornered, haha. After that I was laughing with them and they were cheering me on as I zigged and zagged through the thing. It was kinda hilarious. :rotfl2:

After my Muppet experience, my cupcake had worn off, and I needed real food. Hmmm. DHS isn't known for great counter service, so I figured it was the perfect time to get one of my favorite Disney World indulgences, so I made my way back down Sunset Boulvard for the the thing that must be eaten once per trip...



I hadn't intended on eating another Frozen cupcake, but they had them, and they counted as a dessert on my CS credit, soooo... DON'T MIND IF I DO!

I have to say, this is one of those meals where I was very grateful for the Dining Plan. I watched her ring it up... Turkey leg, chips, large drink, and cupcake came to a whopping $23.00!!

After that, I had one last stop to make. As I headed back down Sunset Boulevard, I saw a PP photographer that hadn't been there that morning, and just had to stop!


(She told me to act like I was falling!)



Then it was off to take my ride on the Great Movie Ride! I do love this one. I hope they never tear it down. But good lord, do I ever wish they would update it with a few more current and relevant films. It really needs it, it's so dated!

After this the rain was starting to move in, I could feel the sprinkles. I'd accomplished all I'd come to do, and I was hitting that part of the day where my energy levels were starting to drag. What's a girl to do?

Why, head back to her room for a nap and to get rested up for Epcot EMH that night, of course! :thumbsup2


Up Next: Continuation of Day 5 - Epcot for dinner and Illuminations!
Billie, I enjoyed the update (but a lot of the pictures are missing).

A cupcake for breakfast in Disney is the perfect breakfast in my mind.

I can't do Rock & Roll...but good for you.

Darn Disney rain; can't wait to hear what the evening plans are.
Billie, I enjoyed the update (but a lot of the pictures are missing).

A cupcake for breakfast in Disney is the perfect breakfast in my mind.

I can't do Rock & Roll...but good for you.

Darn Disney rain; can't wait to hear what the evening plans are.
I guess Photobucket had enough of my shenanigans! :rotfl: I just upgraded to a Plus account for unlimited bandwidth... Photos should all be fixed now! :thumbsup2
:cool1::cool1::cool1: pictures fixed and I LOVE the photopass pictures. They are all great, but especially love the Olaf ones. :goodvibes
Just wanted to say hi; I do solo trips myself and love them, so I'm in for yours.

I'm so glad I didn't run into those photographers on the solo part of my recent trip. All of them were always so nice to me, even though I was alone - I had more problems when it was me and my mom, it seemed like they didn't want to take our pictures almost. I still got some great shots!


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