The Revitalization of the DIS Collectors Board: A Proposal

I did not ever mean to imply that only <I>pin</i> collectors are welcome here. :rolleyes:

Gosh knows, that everyone here collects <i>something</i> else besides pins! :smooth:

So, in case I hadn't made this <b>perfectly clear . . .

Hey, all you <i>other</i> collector-lurkers!
Stand up and be counted!

:smooth: :jumping1: :cool1: :jumping1: :happy1:
Totally guilty, Robyn, but figured I'd better reacquaint myself with some of the old crew (and I mean "old" only in the most positive sense) before the upcoming PH meet. The DIS Collector's Board is where it all began for us, and so I return...

By the way, check out the letters to Disney Magazine in the latest issue... recognize any names? Marg got the call from them a couple of months ago, so we were expecting it. Tori thinks it's cool. I still think the picture is cool!

Anyway, we'll see you and yours in a week, and look forward to getting to you open that tiny little pin bag of yours to see if there's anything new inside!

Okokok, I've been "reading" for months...but haven't posted. I will try to post a reply to *something* every other day!!

And the numbers are still climbing!

<b>DISCBURP!</b> flushes out all the <i>oldies, but <b>goodies!</i></b> :earseek:

Just count the number of new threads, new replies, and general mayhem!


Jim: I have the new Disney Magazine, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet....but it just took on a new priority! :teeth: Can't wait to see you (and Tori, and Margaret?) at Vince & Suzi's. And, yes, we have a few new pins. ::yes:: in...!!! I luv this place...!!! Yeah, theres 'other boards' but I like it here, its!!!



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