~ The Real Housewives of Orange County ~ Season 12~ 2017 ~ JULY 10th

I'm still dousing my eyes with rubbing alcohol after seeing Slade in that sock. That should really come with some sort of warning before they show that on TV. :rolleyes:
Tell me about it. I have the repeat on right now in the kitchen, and came into the living room to do some emailing, and DS (16) comes out of his room during the sock scene. Oy. He was just :sad2:. (I too had forgotten about that scene!) :scared1:

Gah. I had bleached the Slade Sock incident from my brain. Thanks a lot!:rotfl: Do Slade and Gretchen live together? Is it in Slade's house?

Oh, and YES the new housewife has a duck bill for lips!:eek: She can hardly talk! Her husband gave me the ookies.:scared:
I think that house was the one Gretchen was living in last year. :confused3 Not sure if they live together.

"Gives me the ookies"...I can feel that instantly becoming my new catch phrase...:laughing:
I wonder how long Vicki and Tamraaaa will be BFF when Tamraaa sees the footage of Icky Vicky saying Tamraaaa's husband should get a job and his Tequilla business is basically a joke.:surfweb:

:eek: :lmao:

$500.00 a month for HOUSECLEANING!!!! :eek: I live here in the OC.....I have (3girls) come in ONCE a month (3 hrs) = $70.00!!! YUP, then I keep up with it until the girls come back and they are AWESOME! But $500.00.....she must have someone there EVERY DAY..... :confused3

Yes, I agree, this show and this season will show how having a back up plan financially is so important TODAY and the rest of one's life. ::yes::

It really is sad to watch and see that Jeana, Tamra and Lynne are all struggling financially. This is a very expensive part of the USA. DH's job is here, we just moved here 18 months ago and yes I absolutely love SoCal....I just wish it was not so darn costly. :sad2: .

What was with ICKI's mother.....she is a SPOILED BRAT. Leave HER home next time. I did find it funny when they were trying to order in that restaurant as this happened to us in Paris. Despite more than half the restaurants hand you an english menu.....I just could not understand our waiters.....:guilty: It was painful to the point that I was eating more food that I did NOT want then I wanted. :lmao:

Lynne and her DD getting MORE cosmetic surgery.....:headache: Disturbing. :headache: And then the other DD having the meltdown in that little cafe about not wanting her Mom or Sis doing anything with themselves surgically and then before the lunch is over.....that same crying Sis is stating that she NEVER gets to do anything.....:confused3 Not to mention barely 16yo and wanting a beer at Gretchen's tanning party.....at least Lynne and Gretchen were on the same page as us viewers with not allowing that behavior. ::yes::

And that new housewife.....listen we all put our pants on one leg at a time.....and I made that very clear to my DH from day one.....nooooo, I am not getting you a plate.....yuck.....:scared: Ohhh and her lips are HUGE! :headache::headache:

I am impressed with Jeana's DD and Icki's DD.....they both seem to have good head's on their shoulders. I will say my DSis graduated from SUNY/Syracuse with a B.S. AND an M.S. in Nursing in 3 years!! :thumbsup2.....when Icki said it takes 7 years to get a B.S.....she is wayyyyy off on that.....:confused:

I taped Andy's show.....have not seen it yet.

Anyone else find it strange that just last episode Lynne was saying how she was scared about their financial situation since her husband's construction business isn't doing well and she hopes her new business does well and then this episode she's looking at paying for a facelift and a nose job? :confused3

I'm still dousing my eyes with rubbing alcohol after seeing Slade in that sock. That should really come with some sort of warning before they show that on TV. :rolleyes:

Finally just got around to watching this a little while ago and have to say I was a bit disappointed.. I really wanted to see the new housewife and Vicki go at it - LOL..

Slade and the tanning? :eek::eek::eek:

Tamra crying about having to sell her house and heading for divorce? Hmm.. Maybe calling Gretchen "such a victim" is coming back to bite her in the butt..;)

For the most part though, I didn't think this episode was all that interesting.. Maybe next week..:thumbsup2
Dang, I missed it last night. Thank goodness for re-runs.:woohoo: These housewives shows are so trashy but they're like a train wreck...just gotta look. :rotfl:
Anyone else have a deja vous moment during the dinner scene last night with Tamra and the new HW? It felt very much like the dinner scene from last year between Tamra and Icky Vicki/Don. Only now Tamra's love cup is empty and she can't afford to fill it! Maybe she should sell the 40th birthday watch and the 41st birthday diamond bracelet. I still find it amazing that these people are buying $30k bracelets and can't afford their homes. I just assumed that they owned their homes outright and just had so much disposable income that allowed them to play. :confused3
Anyone else have a deja vous moment during the dinner scene last night with Tamra and the new HW? It felt very much like the dinner scene from last year between Tamra and Icky Vicki/Don. Only now Tamra's love cup is empty and she can't afford to fill it! Maybe she should sell the 40th birthday watch and the 41st birthday diamond bracelet. I still find it amazing that these people are buying $30k bracelets and can't afford their homes. I just assumed that they owned their homes outright and just had so much disposable income that allowed them to play. :confused3
That's exactly what I was thinking! Especially as she was waving her arm around and her watch was sparkling.

I didn't assume that their homes were paid off. I assumed that they had mortgages, but more for the tax advantages and not because they had to have them.

It's funny. The one thing I was told when we joined the local country club was to watch out for those who show off or brag too much. They are the ones who can't afford to be members and joined just for the bragging rights that they are in the club. Since we've been there, those who told us that were right. Anyone can put on a good show if they want to.
You know, Tamraaa was a single mother with a son (where's his father...is he in the picture?), and I can't help wondering if just a wee bit of her attraction for her current husband was because he had money and could support her. I really don't think she should be calling Gretchen a gold digger.

Just found this on Wikipedia:


And at the bottom of Tamra's bio, it says:
In September, 2009, the Barneys received a Notice of Default on their house.
When was this season filmed?
When we watched this weeks episode, we could not imagine how Tamraaa and Simon were paying for a loan on a home that cost them WELL over $1 million to build. $400,000 in upgrades?!?! And with him just running a tequila business? I don't know how in the world they manage to even go out to dinner with that being their only source of income. You can bet if I am in the mood for a margarita, I am sure as heck not buying some no name tequila (simons, no less) to make one! I can't stand Tamraaa and controlling Simon. She is so clearly jealous of Gretchen. And Vicki....I can take her a lot easier when she is apart from Tamra. Her mother, however, on that trip to Italy. :scared1: I would have sent her packing that first day. Whine whine whine, complain, yada yada. A miserable woman, no doubt about that.
You know, Tamraaa was a single mother with a son (where's his father...is he in the picture?), and I can't help wondering if just a wee bit of her attraction for her current husband was because he had money and could support her. I really don't think she should be calling Gretchen a gold digger.

Just found this on Wikipedia:


And at the bottom of Tamra's bio, it says:When was this season filmed?
I can't remember if it was in the previews for next week or in this week's episode. Tamraaa was saying that she was going to be staying home for a cookout on the 4th of July, so they would have filmed during the summer.

Oh, the funniest thing on Andy Cohen's show was him asking the comic... Rachel something, to spoof one of the housewives. She choked. My first thought was to yell, "TamrAAAA."
Simon (Tamra's husband) was a CAR SALESMAN. Honest to God, he sold me an Infiniti back in 1996. He worked at an Infiniti dealership then, in Cerritos, CA. I still have his business card from back then, NO idea why. The first time I saw him on the show I had an "OMG" moment because I recognized him.

After that he worked for a Mercedes dealer in South County...I thought he OWNED the dealership, but I guess he didn't because he's not there any more. :confused3

I live in OC but NOT the South County area...and yeah...it's sad to see the people who have lived beyond their means for so long. Conspicuous consumption. Sad.

My SADDEST moment on the show wasn't with the catty housewives, though, it was with Lynne's GIRLS. The older daughter who is jealous of the younger one, and who thinks she needs a nose job to be "competitive". :sad2: And the younger one who wanted a BEER at Gretchen's party! :sad2: She's the one who I thought had a better head on her shoulders, but both those girls are so messed up. I think Lynne WANTS to be a better mother for her girls, but she just doesn't know how. She thinks being a "friend" is all it takes. Sad.
Simon (Tamra's husband) was a CAR SALESMAN. Honest to God, he sold me an Infiniti back in 1996. He worked at an Infiniti dealership then, in Cerritos, CA. I still have his business card from back then, NO idea why. The first time I saw him on the show I had an "OMG" moment because I recognized him.

After that he worked for a Mercedes dealer in South County...I thought he OWNED the dealership, but I guess he didn't because he's not there any more. :confused3

I live in OC but NOT the South County area...and yeah...it's sad to see the people who have lived beyond their means for so long. Conspicuous consumption. Sad.

My SADDEST moment on the show wasn't with the catty housewives, though, it was with Lynne's GIRLS. The older daughter who is jealous of the younger one, and who thinks she needs a nose job to be "competitive". :sad2: And the younger one who wanted a BEER at Gretchen's party! :sad2: She's the one who I thought had a better head on her shoulders, but both those girls are so messed up. I think Lynne WANTS to be a better mother for her girls, but she just doesn't know how. She thinks being a "friend" is all it takes. Sad.

i have to ask-are realtors/property managers and homeowners who rent down there just insane?

lynne and her family were evicted from one rental last may for not paying rent and damaging the place to the tune of over $13,000-then someone lets them move into another rental without first collecting the security deposit or the agent's commission so she's been evicted for the second time in 4 MONTHS owing the most recent landlord over $12,000 in unpaid rent????

i'm going to miss jena-she's the only one i realy like anymore, i almost wish she'd get her own spin-off show that could show how someone in her situation appears to be realisticly addressing her economic situation (i wanted to shout 'good for you' when she spoke about having already sold off watches, jewlery and art work, and when it showed her shopping with her dd at what appeared to be a very middle of the road/moderate priced clothing store).

i've never heard or read anything about it, but i have to wonder if she did'nt lose a substantial amount of any savings she might have had to lawyers and lawsuits related to her ex husbands duis and incarceration. i think he hit a bicyclist the last time (when he did jail time) and since they were married at the time it's conceivable they had to pay big $$$$$$$$$.
i'm going to miss jena-she's the only one i realy like anymore, i almost wish she'd get her own spin-off show that could show how someone in her situation appears to be realisticly addressing her economic situation (i wanted to shout 'good for you' when she spoke about having already sold off watches, jewlery and art work, and when it showed her shopping with her dd at what appeared to be a very middle of the road/moderate priced clothing store).

i've never heard or read anything about it, but i have to wonder if she did'nt lose a substantial amount of any savings she might have had to lawyers and lawsuits related to her ex husbands duis and incarceration. i think he hit a bicyclist the last time (when he did jail time) and since they were married at the time it's conceivable they had to pay big $$$$$$$$$.

I think they were shopping at H&M which is very very inexpensive.:thumbsup2 It carries Sarah Jessica Parker's line which not priced over $20 ever.

I never thought of the fact that she was married to that jerk when he was arrested. :sad2: I bet you are right.
I don't think Jeana had a savings from the way she talked about things. Her 17 year old son had a better sense of how not to spend money than she did. He was the one who lectured her on spending $400 for lunch. She admitted herself she had never had to live thinking about the money she spent and just bought whatever she wanted.
OMG!! I just now watching the show. That's the hotel we stay at in Rome!!! We were there in June. It's very warm and cozy.

Vicki says it's very expensive? It's cheaper than a deluxe studio at BW.:rotfl:
OMG!! I just now watching the show. That's the hotel we stay at in Rome!!! We were there in June. It's very warm and cozy.

Vicki says it's very expensive? It's cheaper than a deluxe studio at BW.:rotfl:
That's too funny. If you didn't say it was warm and cozy, I was going to ask you if you hated it as much as Vicki did. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
That's too funny. If you didn't say it was warm and cozy, I was going to ask you if you hated it as much as Vicki did. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

We've stayed there three times. The location is awesome and so is the staff. We've also stayed at the Excelsior with Starwood points (which is elegant, gorgeous and very expensive), but much prefer the intimacy of the Barocco.

I hate to tell Vicki, but a large hotel room in Rome is 2-3 times the price and only sleeps two.

She shops at Prada, but gripes about the price of the hotel room. Too funny.
I think they were shopping at H&M which is very very inexpensive.:thumbsup2 It carries Sarah Jessica Parker's line which not priced over $20 ever.

I never thought of the fact that she was married to that jerk when he was arrested. :sad2: I bet you are right.

yes, they were married at the time. during seasons one and two when they pretty much did'nt show him it was explained that he was 'traveling' with his job-he was doing re-hab and jail time.
$500.00 a month for HOUSECLEANING!!!! :eek: I live here in the OC.....I have (3girls) come in ONCE a month (3 hrs) = $70.00!!! YUP, then I keep up with it until the girls come back and they are AWESOME! But $500.00.....she must have someone there EVERY DAY..... :confused3
You realize that equals $7.78 per hour per person, I am pretty sure that is below California's minimum wage. Is it a licensed, bonded and insured cleaning service?
You realize that equals $7.78 per hour per person, I am pretty sure that is below California's minimum wage. Is it a licensed, bonded and insured cleaning service?

Yes indeedy....it is all licensed, bonded and insured. I live in a gated community and our leasing office gave me this companies name. They are FABULOUS. :goodvibes
Yes indeedy....it is all licensed, bonded and insured. I live in a gated community and our leasing office gave me this companies name. They are FABULOUS. :goodvibes
They are starving. ;)
Legitimate housekeeping services here in the boonies run about $25 per person per hour with a total of a 4 hour minimum. The services usually send a 2 man crew. We always had a private service (an independent) and we paid $100 every other week.
Hey all,

A RE blog I follow is reporting that Vicki, Gina, and Lynne will all be on Dr. Phil this week. His show is about "biggest financial mistakes" and is scheduled to air on Thursday. Could be interesting.


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