The Procrastinators and Bananas Club...come on in!

So are all the procrastinators back to school? I actually tried not to procrastinate last week. But that didn't last long. I've got a paper due Tuesday (yup, paper due the third day of class...that's what I get for being a nerd and being in the honors program :rolleyes: ), and still have another article to find for it, and of course the whole paper to write.
So where is everybody?
I've only been back to class for a week now and I'm already procrastinating. I really didn't want to do any of my homework today. It took me forever to get it done, because I kept getting distracted. Oh, this semester is going to be a long one.
Well classes are starting off slow here, just the basic hw assignments. First test next week though in Calc, so that will be fun. Right now I'm procrastinatin but its for a good reason, the carolina-seattle game is on, rootin for the seahawks though cause i cant stand carolina. Should be doin some calc right now though, or even reading for english or physics, but oh well. A lot of the things for EE that have been popping up here and there look great, can't wait till I get to ride it myself. Well anyways back to the game. :thumbsup2
Still putting off the paper, and it's due tomorrow. I have my name on it, does that count?
I'll be able to really procrastinate this weekend. I'm getting a new dorm room :cool1: No more drunk roommate stumbling in at 3 am, 6 nights a week (she usually doesn't party on Sundays :rolleyes: ) :thumbsup2 :banana:
i think i could have you beat on roommates. my first roommate was a spoiled rich kid who thought i was just a guest in his room, and he cheated on his GF ALL the time, he bit the dust when his GF came to visit and one of the guys in the hall who was pissed at my roommate went up to his girlfriend and told her that tyler cheated on her. he then got in a fight with the dude which further proved the claim, he was gone. My next roommate just sat as his computer and played WoW ALL DAY. Didn't go to class except for tests and never studied, but he was some genious so he got straight A's. He was like 5'8" 100 lbs, didn't eat b/c he couldn't play his computer game then, it was sick and he smelled HORRIBLE. After like 7 weeks though he just mysteriously left, no goodbye, never saw him again. my 3rd roommate was a huge drug dealer, it was actually how he was paying for college. he was great guy, kind, curteous, bought us food, and we both loved the A's. but on cinco de mayo, he got caught with 4 ounces of weed, shrooms and a variety of pills; they charged him with possesion with intent to sell, but they searched his car and found traces of weed so they also got him for possesion with intent to move. it was sad, he got 9 months in prison for it, they let him finish out the school year. i have never seen anyone so sad on the last day of school in my life.
The cheating thing actually described my roommate perfectly. Change it to a girl, add in the partying and drinking and you've got her. Her ex (actually about 4 of them over the course of the semester) caught her. It's been 4 rough months that have gotten steadily worse. She never does school work then complains when her grades are terrible. Well duhh when you don't go to class, never do the work, have a constant hangover, and stay up puking half the night you're not going to get very good grades. Sad thing is she's a nursing major, which you need a really high gpa to stay in the program, and she realizes that she's going to be kicked out, but she's not changing.
I tell myself I am not going to procrastinate....but I just end up here. I wish I was at Disney right that wrong? :confused3
That's not wrong, I'm having the same problem. Doesn't help that I'm a senior in my last semester. I just can't seem to wrap my head around class lectures and homework. I rather be hanging out at the House of Mouse! ::MickeyMo
I'm trying to decide if I'd rather read Origins of American Slavery or do some organic chem problems. :crazy2:
Wicked awesome about the new room Heather!! :woohoo:
I spent my day actually doing something semi-productive ... helped friends move ... pretty sure they brought me in to move the heavy objects ... about par for the course :)
I have 110 pages to read tomorrow for my honors seminar, an entire Stats homework to do, and who knows what else :sad2: . I actually didn't really procrastinate today; I've simply run out of time to do everything. I'm taking a short break now before I read the last page of a chapter for one of my classes tomorrow, then I'm done for the night. I spent a couple hours running errands today, and several hours doing homework. Forget procrastinating, I'm ready to pass out.
Well instead of busting my butt in the library studyin for my calc test tomorrow, I'm sittin here in my room reading these darn boards. :eek:
I actually am pretty much on top of my work right now. Just got out of the library...more reading for my honors seminar. Have a psych test Wednesday that I haven't started studying for, but other than that I'm on top of things. I'm really surprising myself.
I have to find Disney graphics for my phonics scavenger hunt (I did Disney theme because how else am I supposed to make it "creative and cute"??? wow I love my major...) oh wait, what am I waiting for???

...then there's that educational psyc stuff I also need to read....uhhh...yeah!
I knew there was a good reason to procrastinate. Just got an email from my prof. The reading I did this afternoon (2 hours of it by the way) was two chapters for Thursday. One of the chapters was the wrong one. She put the wrong one on the syllabus :rolleyes: :mad: Guess it's back to the library, to fight over one book, with everyone else in the class, on Wednesday
i don't have a reason to proctastinate, i have nothing to do. my semester just started last week.
I only have one class today and I skipped it. Is that bad?? I have a bunch of reading to do, but I guess I can just do it later :teeth:
Really short paper due tomorrow. Not working on it until after dinner. I just have no motivation today :rolleyes:
Well I should be doin my engineerin HW, but its national signing day!!! WHOO GO TIGERS! #14 best recruiting school!
Totally ignoring all homework tonight. In all honesty, it's not that much, just a bit of reading, but you'd think that after yesterday's probably fiasco with a certain psych test I'd learn to read more thoroughly :rolleyes1 Instead I'm reading not at all.
But whatever. Tomorrow's Friday. We're working on the same chapter for a couple days. I can catch up over the weekend


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