The Procrastinators and Bananas Club...come on in!

Why why why did I decide to take French this year? I thought it would be all 'deux croissants s'il vous plait' and stuff, and instead I'm desperately trying to learn how to conjugate verbs for my exam tomorrow. Ee!! :badpc:

One more day until by plan of sitting by the tree, eating chocolate and drinking wine comes together! :teeth:
PigSoldier said:
Why why why did I decide to take French this year? I thought it would be all 'deux croissants s'il vous plait' and stuff, and instead I'm desperately trying to learn how to conjugate verbs for my exam tomorrow. Ee!! :badpc:

Salut! If you happen to really get stuck today, IM me: binigrl417. I'm a French major.
Thankyou for the offer!! At the moment it's just a case of me trying to remember stuff (I've written a nice song with all the verb endings in, but all it seems to be doing is bothering my housemate :rolleyes: ), but next semester, when I'm learning to tell the time, I may well take you up on it :teeth:
The wine is breathing, the tree lights are on, and my housemate is trying to remember where he hid the chocolates so I wouldn't eat them before Christmas :rolleyes: I'm finally done for 2005! Hooray! :Pinkbounc
I get to procrastinate a little longer. Big storm moving in, so my school actually is curtailing operations tomorrow. All of tomorrow's finals have been moved to Saturday, but since I don't know the exact schedule yet (it was supposed to already be online) I'm not sure whether or not I still have to go back tonight. But I do know that I don't have to study anymore until tomorrow :teeth:
No procrastinating at all for me this week, I worked all day yesterday, and all day today on my Engineering prototype with my team, and then we're going to work on it from 9AM until noon tomorrow, at noon we test our prototypes, from 1-3PM I have a chem final, and then at 3:30 I'm going home. busy busy busy!
Hey guys! Just thought I should say hello....

from DISNEY! :cool1: :cool1:
We got in yesterday pretty late so today is our first day really doing anything. Our room is ammmmazing, except we can hear the boats really clearly, and well, they're kinda loud. I hope everyones finals went well!!! I'm sure all that procrastinating had to pay off in the end right?
Today's my only day off this week, I have nothing on my to-do list, except to unload the dishwasher. Which I'm not doing at the moment. But that's a very minor task.
Gee Megster, those noisy boats sound like a tough thing to deal with....
Have a great trip!

Supposed to be showering, doing laundry, and stopping by dad's to pick up the presents he had shipped out to us, then wrapping those presents. Obviously my procrastination carries over to school breaks too :rolleyes1
dishwasher is empty ... now nothing to do for the rest of the day until I meet a friend at Jellyrolls later tonight.
Alright, I'm showered, I did the laundry (but I still have to go get it and fold it), I even remembered to eat. I braved dad's half mile sheet of ice that he calls a driveway :earseek: , only to discover that the presents havent arrived yet. So I have to go back up the mountain later :rolleyes: He called a couple hours ago telling me to run to Barnes and Noble to get presents for my cousins (ahh the joys of him being on business 3000 miles away), but I'm putting that off till tomorrow. Didn't want to deal with that traffic today.
Hey guys
Todays our last day here, we're heading home tomorrow. I'm sad, but kind of ready to head home (if that makes sense). Hope you all had a great Xmas!! and if you don't celebrate it, I hope you had a day anyways! :teeth:
Where is everyone?

I'm supposed to be packing. Obviously I'm not. We're leaving for my grandparents' house for 2 nights in a little while. Hope all you missing people are having a good break, had a great Christmas and all that.
I don't have time to procrastinate ... worked from 8am-9pm today, and although tomorrow was supposed to be my 1 day off this week, I picked up an 8 hr shift. (driving trains rather than safaris, so at least it'll be a break from the usual routine)
you work on the safari ride, correct? my family and i have had a discussion about a part of the ride.....where you see the alligator/crocodiles on the bridge. we want to know if they are real live animals or animatronics. thanks!
I swear they never move though. And I decided it would be way more fun if they changed it so that the bridge that shakes (the one later on) was the bridge that you cross over with the crocs underneath. Maybe I have a weird sense of humor...
Originally the tilting bridge was supposed to be over the crocodiles ... the imagineers quickly realized that this would cause some serious maintenance issues. (also, the croc bridge is the biggest problem area as far as people standing on the truck ... if that bridge shook, then we'd probably lose people far more regularly)
well I guess those reasons make sense. but I still think it would be more fun! :teeth:


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