The pit is dispair

Wow Ann I'm so sorry that is happening to you. Hugs and good thoughts that it works out. :hug:
Well that was an interesting waste of time. Glad we didn't pay for it.
They don't know why our walls had mold on them. Nor why the insulation had the mold smell in it. Can't see the mold on it, but it sure does reek of mold. There is no evidence of water sepage through the walls. The only thing we can come up with is the floor was so air tight with the dricore subfloor and foam backed pergowannabe that the water vapor from ground water traveled up the wall. The good news it didn't travel all the way to the ceiling. No mold evidence up there so our first floor walls are fine. Totally worried that we lose it all.

So after we get rest of the dry wall off the walls, off the floor and out the door; clean up the drywall dust; we need to spray the walls and wipe the spray off to remove the dead mold. Then we need to spray the floor and wipe that up too.

My basement will now be just a basement until we can afford to do the french drain inside. Still need to keep the swapping to a minimum until we save up enough for the work to be done.

My head hurts. :headache: Not sure if it is the stress or the mold fumes or psychosomatic.

I do have 9 groups swapped amongst themselves for the sports swap. :thumbsup2
well the good news is that the 1st floor is ok! you must be so glad about that! i glad for you. i keep telling my dh that i want to refinish our basement and he is so afraid of water and mold that he keeps putting me off about it. i totally see why now.
i'm sure your head hurts. that is a ton of stress to deal with all that. just keep telling yourself that you'll be on vaca real soon!!!:cool1:
I am so glad that it wasn't through the whole house. I wish I could do more but i'll be praying for you.

It doesn't get much better than knowing someone is praying for you. I'm not a religious person, but I believe in the power of prayer much more than in the power of my own abilities. I couldn't ask for anything more uplifting than your prayers.
Thank you.
So sorry your having to go through this. It sounds like a real pain.
Well that whole things stinks Ann! I hate mold,scares the crap out of me. I hope you get it all squared away soon. You can vent some more at Breakfast!
I am so sorry to hear about this whole thing, Ann! I'm starting to believe Susie's hostess curse idea. What a horrible thing for y'all to have to deal with.

:hug: to you, dear.
Thankfully the damage was contained to the basement. I couldn't imagine having to rid the whole house of mold!!! :scared1: It's still such a yucky situation to deal with. :hug:
Oh, AWM, I'm so sorry! :hug: And what crappy timing. I wish there was something I could do to help physically. Let me know if you need any help on the swap side of things.
Ann: I'm in the same exact (well, almost) boat as you...While the kids and I (my DH didn't go...) were in Maine, a seal around a pipe broke in our basement and we got water...while they were cleaning that up, they found mold. :eek: Lovely. Fortunately it doesn't seem too bad, but my basement, where I work, is now under construction too. Large sections of drywall are gone. Bookcases are moved. Plumbers and contractors are coming. Oh, the joys of homeownership!

Also, a few weeks ago, the glass on our front door leaked. I contacted the door manufacturer and the glass was replaced (after keeping it covered for 3 weeks) and we thought we were in the clear. The same storm that broke the seal made the door leak again! Yes, again! :scared1: So now, it is covered and we are waiting for a new glass to begin, but I am pushing for a new door. The door wasn't cheap!
Ann: I'm in the same exact (well, almost) boat as you...While the kids and I (my DH didn't go...) were in Maine, a seal around a pipe broke in our basement and we got water...while they were cleaning that up, they found mold. :eek: Lovely. Fortunately it doesn't seem too bad, but my basement, where I work, is now under construction too. Large sections of drywall are gone. Bookcases are moved. Plumbers and contractors are coming. Oh, the joys of homeownership!

Also, a few weeks ago, the glass on our front door leaked. I contacted the door manufacturer and the glass was replaced (after keeping it covered for 3 weeks) and we thought we were in the clear. The same storm that broke the seal made the door leak again! Yes, again! :scared1: So now, it is covered and we are waiting for a new glass to begin, but I am pushing for a new door. The door wasn't cheap!

:hug: Oh Mickster. I am sorry they found mold, but I am glad they found it before it spread too far.

We put an air scrubber in the basement. It has a HEPA filter. I didn't ask what it cost. DH was hoping to find a unit that would suck the air out of the basement to the outside, so this was a compromise. Hopefully that will clean out the air while we figure out what to do with the drywall pieces. $600 for a dumpster for that little bit of drywall is just crazy. Unfortunately we don't have a dump nearby. I have to call the garbage people and see what our options are. Maybe I can break the drywall up into smaller pieces and put them in garbage bags. IF the garbage people will take them.

All the plastic is off the was between the studs & cement walls. I get to pick up screws/nails later on today. :woohoo: Not. :rotfl2:
$600 for a dumpster for that little bit of drywall is just crazy. Unfortunately we don't have a dump nearby. I have to call the garbage people and see what our options are. Maybe I can break the drywall up into smaller pieces and put them in garbage bags. IF the garbage people will take them.

I wish I could send you my DH for the weekend. He is the expert at dismantling things and fitting them into garbage bags. (I try to keep him away from home repair as demolition seems to be his specialty - and not always intentionally.) Technically we have thrown away many thing that they say they don't pick up, but as long as he only puts out a few bags at a time and they are tied shut, it's never been an issue.
I know how to order pizza, you can send me your DH for the weekend. :thumbsup2

I called the garbage folks and they said as long as double bag it, and the bag is under 50 pounds, I can put out six a week. So later on today I will be busting up drywall waiting on the garbage bags from hubby after work. This means I can definitely get the walls and floor sprayed this weekend. :thumbsup2
I'm sorry about your basement. Good Luck with all the cleanup. I would love to come help out if I could.

Your front yard is beautiful. It reminds me of Illinois where I am from.:goodvibes
Thanks. We have 25 acres. The five in front is the soybean you see. Then there is about 15 in corn. We live on the other five. We are 500 feet off the road. There was a lot of rain to make the gravity drain back up that far. I think we will eventually have to put in a pond for the run off & extra drainage tile we will put in the basement. No sense getting the water away from the house if it has no where to go but back.

Oh and Mickster, I hope you understand why I won't tell my DH about your problem. He is already freaking out about leaving the house for two weeks. If I tell him about your leaking pipe, he just may make me cancel the trip. I'll tell him after it is over. That could not have been a pleasant homecoming for you.
Ann, I am the queen of water and flooding when a WDW trip happens. Just let it go and enjoy your trip. Tell DH I said to relax, I have been down that path and it will bog you down if you let it.


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