The pit is dispair


<font color=deeppink>Okay, here I am, out of high
Feb 1, 2006
If you visit the living room, you already know my finished basement is now a danger zone. If not, here is the cliff note version
1-completely finished basement - built in bookshelves, big screen tv, all the boys military toys with dressers to store & built in tables to play on.

2-slight flooding 1/4-1/2" of standing water in Spring due to gravity drain backing up.

3-Early summer found some mold smell around one support beam, thought it was due to my putting Seven dust there before the flooding.

4-last week smelled mold through floor about 5 feet away from pole while putting together an exercise machine.

5-took every piece of furniture & toy upstairs or up-upstairs

6-DH took apart pergowannabe flooring (got to number all those babies 40 rows up to J)

7-DH took up subflooring squares (25 rows up to E, there are more but I didn't have to number them anymore :sad1: )

8-found mold on this side of the room, opposite corner from where smelled.

9-dried basement for a few days but still smelled mold pretty strong through AC ducts.

10-DH took covers off outlets last night at 9pm and said he could smell it through them.

11-I *think* DH spent the whole night tearing down the drywall. It sure sounded like it. I'm too scared to go look. That and the last thing I want to do is breath in mold filled drywall dust.

So what does this all mean to you? Why would I bother telling you? Because this will seriously curtail my future involvement in swaps. If it is a swap that I can't use up my stash and make Cricut pieces for, I won't be able to join. I also won't be hostessing anymore this year after my current commitments - sports, t'n't & pass it forward - are complete. I will be able to complete the ones I have signed up for as I have already purchased most of those items.

We've already paid for the package for WDW so thankfully DH hasn't suggested cancelling that. I don't know what we will end up doing with the basement. I know a new drain tile will need to be cut in the concrete floor inside and we will probably have to dig outside to be sure it isn't damaged.

I just wanted everyone to know why I would be absent after all my looking forward to new swaps. I think the only new one will be TinkerBean's because I already bought paper for that one and I can use my Cricut to make the embellishments.

Thanks for reading. :hug:
so sorry ann. you must be so upset with what's going on over there. i wish there was something i could do to help out. do you want me to help with the topper and tag swap? can i do anything there for you? i know you have all but one of the sports so not much there. unless you want to mail it all in one box and i'll swap that out for you. whatever you need, i'll help! just let me know.

prayers and pixie dust that you can get it straighten out quickly. with no more surprises.:wizard:
OH Ann, did the drywall stuff happen after we got off the phone last night?

Jeepers Creepers Girl. I just may need to come help you out there...


OH Ann, did the drywall stuff happen after we got off the phone last night?

Jeepers Creepers Girl. I just may need to come help you out there...



Just about right after. We stopped talking at 7 minutes till 9 and about 10 minutes after he went downstairs.

I need to call the insurance company when they open at 8:30. We already know our insurance doesn't cover mold, did you know most don't? But we want to have someone come out and see how extensive the mold damage is to the rest of house. Hoping they can give us a good recommendation so we don't end up with some yahhoo who wants to bilk us out of our money.

Thanks Holly. I'm sorting the sports right now. I have a pretty good system, so the sorting part isn't bad at all. I like being able to ooh and aah over all the great work. It feels good seeing it. But if things to get hairy when the t'n't one is due, I will definitely send you my lists and all the items in a UPS box. :hug: Thanks. I will not let my woes hold up any of you guys.
My mold in a room was treated after a water heater busted becasue it was due to that. Is yours because you had a defective drain?

Just about right after. We stopped talking at 7 minutes till 9 and about 10 minutes after he went downstairs.

I need to call the insurance company when they open at 8:30. We already know our insurance doesn't cover mold, did you know most don't? But we want to have someone come out and see how extensive the mold damage is to the rest of house. Hoping they can give us a good recommendation so we don't end up with some yahhoo who wants to bilk us out of our money.

Thanks Holly. I'm sorting the sports right now. I have a pretty good system, so the sorting part isn't bad at all. I like being able to ooh and aah over all the great work. It feels good seeing it. But if things to get hairy when the t'n't one is due, I will definitely send you my lists and all the items in a UPS box. :hug: Thanks. I will not let my woes hold up any of you guys.
So sorry to hear the damage is so extensive. I hope that insurance will possibly pay for a mold expert to come out and evaluate. Be sure to contact the BBB regardless to make sure there are no complaints against whomever comes out. I know we have started that with any work we contract out... thank gosh for us FIL does all this kind of stuff (minus the mold stuff){ drywall, carpentry is his forte} on the side.

Hope everything works out and if you need anything from me, please let me know. Also, let the worries of home slip away on vacation... don't worry about home, worry about family fun and make sure your DH does the same!!
This really is the pits.

I am so sorry.

Wish I could help you.

It's the hostess curse I tell ya'.
I now believe in the hostess curse. I had too many swaps before where nothing happened. It all waited for this one. :sad2:

Here is what I just saw looking out my front door.


DH said it isn't all down yet.

It was the gravity drain due to the poor drainage by the road. Short of sueing the township, who has no money and it would only raise our taxes, it'll all be out of pocket expenses. We aren't sueing kind of people. We'll just take care of it ourselves. I'm just praying it is normal mold and not the deadly kind. My boys are already getting shots for mold. I don't really want to have to live somewhere else while this is being taken care of.
:hug: I just feel so bad for you guys! Hopefully you can get something from the insurance!
Oh Ann, that's terrible!!! We had a similar mold situation a few years ago. The previous owners had put an addition on (kitchen) and didn't put any sort of ventilation under the addition, so you guessed it, mold!!! It took the men in white suits and about $3500 to get rid of it!! Nope, insurance wanted no part of that one. At least I managed to get a new kitchen out of the deal (won't mention how much that one my Corian countertops...;) ). It stinks that this is coming right before your big trip. Good thing it's paid for so you won't feel guilty about spending the's already spent!

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you. Been there! :hug:
I have no good words of advice but I wanted to send you lots of :hug:
What a mess you have to deal with and a costly one at that. I've never had to deal with mold before so I have no advice to give, but I'll give you a big hug:grouphug: .
i totally agree w/ nancy. try to put this out of your mind while on vacation. focus on your men and have a great time!!!

i don't think i like the sound of the hostess curse :scared1:

on a brighter note i love your front yard. it looks like it goes on for miles! very pretty!
Thanks guys. I am getting a free inspection out of the insurance. :thumbsup2
They will be here in the hour. I'll let you know how it goes. They said we've already done most of the costly stuff by getting the floor and most of the walls down and out of the house. Well, the drywall is still downstairs. Guess we will be renting a dumpster. :sad2:

I am soo looking forward to my vacation.
So sorry for all this added stress. I hate when houses go bad. We are all here for you. Sending good thoughts to you.
Hugs AWM! :hug: That just totally stinks! Man, if we all lived closer, you would have a whole army of helpers!


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