The New GAC/DAC System ( Sorry Bit Of A Rant)

Don't even get me started on the 'Mother of the year ' I saw by TSMM in Hollywood studios!! She rolled up next to the Fastpass booths accompanied by a teenage boy and a younger girl , My Jaw nearly hit the floor when she hopped off spritely as you like and her words were, something along the lines of ' You can take the scooter now and you won't have to queue for the Toy Story Ride ' :sad2: :confused3 , Little did she know we'd just spent 2 HOURS !!!!!!!! in the queue with my DH , Some people make me sick !!!! :confused3


Sometimes, I really don't like people at all.
I would like to see a similar concept applied to the bus queueing too.

We were waiting for a CBR bus the other year and the line was long (that's what you get from staying at a big resort). We had already just missed a bus and seen a second fill up and depart and had now been waiting 20 minutes.

There was a gent in a scooter behind me in the queue (waiting like everyone else) and as a new bus started to approach I moved to one side so he could get to the special loading area. He said "I'm good - I can wait like everyone else - I don't need to push ahead - at least I get to sit down he laughed" several people in the vicinity nodded and smiled with respect for him.

Then low and behold just as the bus appeared a family with Gran and Grandad in scooters turn up with an entourage of 12 family members with kids bouncing up and down 'We don't have to wait"- head straight to the front and got loaded first taking up a third of the bus capacity - nevermind all the other familes holding young and tired children who had been waiting over 30 minutes by this time.

Of course scooters need to loaded first, but that does not follow that there should be the need for people to bypass the wait !

I think Disney was right to evaluate the policy, those who need the assistance will get it - and as for the gloating children in this group boasting that they did not have to wait - this was clearly a family who were abusing the system and it was almost sad that this attitude of 'expectation' had rubbed off on the kids too.

I agree with you on this, and I am a scooter rider. My only request in all this is...

It's really a safety issue when boarding the bus. It's hard to navigate the scooter into the right spot without people on the bus, never mind if people are on it. I think it would be fine if I waited like everyone else in line, and I agree...I am sitting in line. I would however, like and think it's needed, for the scooter rider to board the bus first, WHEN IT'S THEIR TURN.

That being said, there are some drivers who will not let you do that. I have tried to wait before and they don't let you.

I also think that there should be a limit to the amount of people you have with you. There is only my DH and DD with me, so it's not that big of a deal. But if you have 6, 8, or 12 (12!!!!) people, you should split up and only the minimum board with the scooter/wheelchair user.

I agree, When we were there in 2011 we rarely used the buses as we were staying off site , and when we did it was only to park hop and usually at obscure times so we hardly ever had company on the buses, but if we did we would always wait. I really dislike some peoples attitudes , when they think they are owed something for being in a scooter/ wheelchair. they should join the regular queue then the driver should look at the line , If the wheelchair is 25th in line and only 20 seats left on the bus, Sorry but the wheelchair should wait .

We are staying at SSR this time so will be using the transport a lot more , and yes we will be refusing our place , if there are a bus full of people in front of us!!

Don't even get me started on the 'Mother of the year ' I saw by TSMM in Hollywood studios!! She rolled up next to the Fastpass booths accompanied by a teenage boy and a younger girl , My Jaw nearly hit the floor when she hopped off spritely as you like and her words were, something along the lines of ' You can take the scooter now and you won't have to queue for the Toy Story Ride ' :sad2: :confused3 , Little did she know we'd just spent 2 HOURS !!!!!!!! in the queue with my DH , Some people make me sick !!!! :confused3

That is awful! As a scooter rider, I am sure that I have confused some people when I park at the attraction and walk in the regular or FP (if I have a FP) queue. I am sure that I look as mobile as can be. My disability, is somewhat hidden unless you were to see me after I was walking. If I didn't have that scooter, I wouldn't be visiting the parks more than 1 day...sometimes, less than that. I can never really tell when my legs, hips, knees are going to give and I start what my Gram called "The Lyme Shuffle", but once it happens...I am in pain and barely able to walk for days or weeks. Even using the scooter while in the world, I pay for the trip for weeks after I get home. All of this you wouldn't see necessarily at the attraction when I park. My friend did who I went with in 2012. I ended up walking for the MVMCP, and I paid for it the rest of the 3 days. She was shocked at the difference and that she could see it.

ALL that being said, I would NEVER allow any of my 2 family members to take my scooter in order to cut in line! That is horrible!
thanks for starting this thread - i didn't know they'd started the new system..

i went over to the disabilities board to read up on it..

i'm still not completely sure how it works, but it seems fine...and fair...

i guess the next time we go, we'll show them our old GAC card to obtain the new DAC card......(until now, we just had to show our old GAC card to obtain a new one with the same stamps)

i'm sure it will be a bit confusing the first time we use it, but it sounds very fair...

it definitely sounds like this will go a long way to eliminate abuse...
though i'm sure there will still be abuse..
OMG! That's AWFUL! From what I can gather, the new DAS system will be the same as Universal's Guest Assistance card. We used Universal one when we went to IOA yesterday and I have to say it worked REALLY well for us. Any time the queue was 30 mins or more, we simply got given a return time and were free to go shop or get a drink in the shade and return at our allotted time. I don't see why anyone should be able to go in front just coz they have a scooter. That said, we have seen a LOT of folks in them who don't look like they need them but without knowing what disabilities they have, I shouldn't judge them. I do think there's a LOT more people who are just out to look after themselves and stuff everyone else these days which always makes me sad and annoyed. I raise my son to respect people and to care about other people's needs as well as his own but it is SO hard when he sees these morons pulling stunts like this one.
Glad to see some sensible view points rather than the hysteria elsewhere.

I wholeheartedly agree that something similar needs introduced with the bus system too. Possibly a maximum amount of accompanying family members? In an ideal world i think the scooter/chair users should board the bus first, but only when it's their turn IYSWIM? If not, i have no problem with them getting front of queue access but only with 1 or 2 accompanying people.

On my last visit, we were waiting at Epcot for the bus back to All Stars. There was a large cheer group in front of us. One of the cheer mom's waited until a disabled party were loading on to bus & slipped on with them pretending she was one of their party, just so she could get a seat. She smugly sat laughing whilst others stood for the journey, including a lone parent trying to carry a small baby & hold on to a 2yr old. Not once did she offer up her seat.
I read in one of the earlier posts that the card is valid for up to 14 days. However, lots of UK guests stay in WDW for longer (that is why we can purchase 21 day tickets).

As a family we have stayed for 27 days so what will happen in these circumstances?

Will the card be extended from the outset or will we have to go back to Guest Services after 14 days?

I read in one of the earlier posts that the card is valid for up to 14 days. However, lots of UK guests stay in WDW for longer (that is why we can purchase 21 day tickets).

As a family we have stayed for 27 days so what will happen in these circumstances?

Will the card be extended from the outset or will we have to go back to Guest Services after 14 days?


From what I can understand, from what I have will have to get another DAS after the 1st one expires in 14 days.
This was the last update on my PTR, but I wanted to share too , in case people are not following along. Sorry if it's a bit ranty, but I feel really strongly about this.

Admin feel free to delete, if you feel it is inappropriate.

Firstly I should point out my DH is severely disabled , is quadreplegic and requires constant care, in case anyone doesn't know.

The New GAC /DAC System

Firstly I have to say I have never been to a place that goes above and beyond , so consistently for anybody with a disability.

And, as with any theme park or company you, will always have people who try to cheat the system or think they are above the rules and regulations.

The opinion of my DH and I is simple , Why does being disabled entitle you to anything !! yes we are very fortunate to live in a world where, the people who really need it get the help they need and we would not survive with out it.

But, the people who 'hired' disabled people , and the disabled people themselves who for a want of a better word 'PIMPED' themselves out for money, to help families cut the cues should be ashamed!

I know and have worked with several clients , who have no concept of queuing , or lack the social skills to behave reasonably ( will shout and scream, that could frighten others/ small children), or people with medical conditions who for whatever reason are unable to wait 2 hours in the queue for, for example Toy Story Midway Mania ( which we did in 2011)

These are the real people who should be able to skip the queue not somebody who just needs a flat entrance , like my DH.

We only used our GAC once or twice in 2011 and that was for a couple of rides we had to physically lift my DH into, or had to enter via the exit eg Haunted mansion, otherwise we queued like everybody else,

Inevitable we actually ended up waiting longer than most people as they had to wait for the accessible car /boat to come back round.

I really like the new system and I feel like it is more inline with the UK systems I have used previously ( Thorpe park and Drayton Manor are the most similar)

Where if the queue is an hour then why the heck shouldn't we wait an hour!!!

Some people may complain that they won't get as much done,!!

No hold on right there , you will get exactly the same done as Mrs and Mrs X and their 2 Kids that have been waiting for years to scrimp and save for this trip, working all the hours god can give , which will probably be their first and last, who have to plan and think about queues, and they stand with aching legs and tired feet , after 8 hours of park touring and you expect to sail by and get 5 x rides on Splash in a day when they will only get 1!!

What on this earth can give you any right to expect to have more than them , when it comes down to it , we have all paid our money and we should get equal treatment from the parks!

Sorry for the rant , but I have seen too many comments recently from people who 'need' GAC's and are 'disgusted' at the new system.

Fine you don't like it , don't use it. The people that it will actually benefit will still use it and it will be a fairer system for all!!


I'm new on here. I have been reading a lot about the GAC/DAS saga and couldn't believe the refreshing, positive posts on here. I would list user names but I lost track! I want to tell you that your responses are refreshingly upbeat and promising. You all sound like amazing people and great parents. I find you to be inspiring! :cool1:
I'm new on here. I have been reading a lot about the GAC/DAS saga and couldn't believe the refreshing, positive posts on here. I would list user names but I lost track! I want to tell you that your responses are refreshingly upbeat and promising. You all sound like amazing parents. :cool1:

im heading to orlando in 7 days time im so excited but also very worried

basically I was paralysed for 9 months in one leg a few years ago, it was all to do with my back, my back is still very bad

ive been out doing some walking since booking the holiday but im worried I may need to use a wee scooter, but im going to try my best first and contemplating bringing crutches with me

are scooters easy to get? do they cost much?

also do you have to get a gac/dac card to be able to go sit down? or if you simply join a que and if your having difficulty would I be able to flag a cm to go sit for a bit ?
im heading to orlando in 7 days time im so excited but also very worried

basically I was paralysed for 9 months in one leg a few years ago, it was all to do with my back, my back is still very bad

ive been out doing some walking since booking the holiday but im worried I may need to use a wee scooter, but im going to try my best first and contemplating bringing crutches with me

are scooters easy to get? do they cost much?

also do you have to get a gac/dac card to be able to go sit down? or if you simply join a que and if your having difficulty would I be able to flag a cm to go sit for a bit ?

You can rent a scooter at the park for $50 and a deposit that you get back when you return the scooter. Alternately, you can rent though a medical company for approximately $30, with no deposit. This scooter you would have at your resort and would bring it with you on transportation. If you used a Disney approved vendor then the scooter will be waiting for you at Bell Services when you arrive and you can drop it off at Bell Services when you leave. If you use a vendor that is not Disney approved then you will have to arrange pick up and drop off with the company.

Now as far as the DAS, it has been stated that they won't give a DAS for mobility issues. So if you are on a scooter or in a wheelchair, than you would go in the regular line (and you would be sitting) if that is available, if not, then you would automatically be directed to the alternate entrance, which could be a separate waiting area, a backdoor type entrance, or even the FP line.

If you are using the crutches, then I would try for a DAS. It would give you access to the DAS FP. With that you can get a return time based on the current wait time minus 15 minutes. During that time you can shop, eat, ride something else, or even just sit.
There really aren't CMs through the entire queue to get if you need one. Also, if you were in the regular line and suddenly needed to get out of it in order to sit, you would lose your spot in line.

Personally, I would get a scooter (and consider off property renting as the resorts can be huge), bc unless you are use to using the crutches all the time, I can't imagine being on them all day at WDW. BUT if you chose to do that I would definitely try to get a DAS.

Hope that helped. Good luck!
im heading to orlando in 7 days time im so excited but also very worried

basically I was paralysed for 9 months in one leg a few years ago, it was all to do with my back, my back is still very bad

ive been out doing some walking since booking the holiday but im worried I may need to use a wee scooter, but im going to try my best first and contemplating bringing crutches with me

are scooters easy to get? do they cost much?

also do you have to get a gac/dac card to be able to go sit down? or if you simply join a que and if your having difficulty would I be able to flag a cm to go sit for a bit ?

I have not used the GAC or the DAS however everything I have read on the subject has said that for mobility issues they encourage you to use a wheelchair or ECV and they won't issue a DAS for mobility issues.

Also there is no where to sit down in the lines and most times you don't see a CM from the entrance until you get to the boarding area.

Honestly, I would get the ECV you will be much more comfortable. Most people walk 6-10 miles on an average day in the parks which is a lot :scared:
6-10 miles oh dear

ive been working hard all year and can do 1 mile before my back gets really sore and I have to take a wee sit down break half way

il see if I can find one of those things you can use as a walking stick that folds out into a wee stool maybe that might work

I really don't want to be riding a scooter unless absolutely I have to

thanks for the advice folks
We went in August and my DH has mobility problems following a stroke ten years ago - he can't walk far or very fast and finds standing almost impossible. We knew the distances and queues would be a problem so rented a scooter for the two weeks from Apple Scooter. Their details are on the WDTC website disabilities section, along with a few other companies. They delivered to our hotel for our arrival and we left it there for them to collect once we had checked out. I think it cost around £140 for the two weeks.

We got the smaller four wheeled one so it would go in the boot of the car (range rover size Ford and there was plenty of room) however it was heavy to lift even when it was in 3 pieces. The queues are Disney are almost all accessible for scooters and they can go just about right up to the ride, the cm's usually take them to to exit point for you. I had a pedometer with me and we averaged 8 miles per day, one day we did 11 miles!

I wouldn't hesitate to hire one next time. If you have a blue badge you can use this to park in 'handicapped' as they call it, just hang it on your rear view mirror and follow the blue line in the car parks. We didn't consider a GAC necessary for our needs at all.



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