~The Man Report 2006~~~~~End & Summary~~~~~Lots of Pictures

The Dream Fast Pass is something new for the Year of A Million Dreams. Congrats on being selected! They are highly coveted!!!!
Linnie The Pooh said:
I got a lot of comments on my closet so thought I’d post a few pictures of what it really looks like. Here is a brief description!

The top picture shows my dress up clothes. They are to the left on the screen. The top shelf is my skirts, followed by my pants. The bottom is my shirts.

The middle picture is: Top shelf-pants. Bottom shelf is the rest of my shirts followed by my sweat shirts. I’m not too happy with this area right now b/c it’s out of rainbow color order. I need to fix it up a bit. The folded up stuff above my shirts on that shelf is my dress shorts.

The third picture is obviously my shoe area. I used to have tons of different colored shoes. Now it’s mainly black, white, tan and a few navy blue thrown in. There are some folded up t-shirts that I wear to work out in or just clunk around the house in on that shelf. Above them are my sweaters. I don’t have too many of those anymore. I used to have about 50, but gave most of them away due to increasing amounts of hot flashes.

So there it is! In all its glory! Linnie the Pooh’s closet. I also have a box in there that is like a trunk that I keep my socks in. Couldn’t fit that in the picture. My grandma had the exact same box as my sock box that she kept all her money, gold and silver in. What a surprise that was to find when she passed away! Mine just has socks….. :lmao:

Next time you are in Orlando - would you please come organize my closet? I don't however have dress shoes just flip flips, birkenstocks and of course as any a couple pair of Crocs!
Sure I will! I've lived for so long with tiny closets-getting this one was such an incredible treat. The best part is I don't have to share it with Buzz. I can barely function if I'm not organized. Or it I don't feel organized.

I love my Crocs!! I have gold ones. I keep them in the garage b/c I wear them all the time. DD has a pair too. Buzz wouldn't let us take them to WDW. :sad2: He doesn't care for them. I told him that's because he doesn't HAVE them!! He'd change his mind if he put them on!!

Speaking of good ole' Buzz. I can't thank him enough for telling about my bathroom episodes! Sheesh. Just what everyone wanted to hear about me. It was funny though-DD was really griping! "Mom has to go to the bathroom again???" Last year I had a similar incident-only it was during the Denver airport on the way to WDW. I really got in trouble from Buzz-I was in the bathroom when they called us to board the plane. I made him 2 minutes late.

ETA-it's freezing at home! The temp is 17 with a windchill of 9 right now!! Yikes! Quite a difference from 90 degrees and swimming a few days ago!! We're probably about the only ones in town sporting sun burns!
Linnie The Pooh said:
I love my Crocs!! I have gold ones. I keep them in the garage b/c I wear them all the time. DD has a pair too. Buzz wouldn't let us take them to WDW. :sad2: He doesn't care for them. I told him that's because he doesn't HAVE them!! He'd change his mind if he put them on!!

ETA-it's freezing at home! The temp is 17 with a windchill of 9 right now!! Yikes! Quite a difference from 90 degrees and swimming a few days ago!! We're probably about the only ones in town sporting sun burns!

I saw the weather this morning and when he mentioned the very cold weather in Montana - I immediately thought of your family. I don't know anyone else in Montana, so at 5am your time to day I was sending you warm wishes from Orlando!

I know Crocs are UGLY - but they are so wonderful for the parks. I rarely where anything else there. Around "town" I usually have flip flops or "birks" on my feet. They seem to be one of those things where there is no middle ground - you LOVE em or HATE em!

DD wears nothing but her Crocs anymore. She had brand new sneaks, but always goes for the Crocs in the morning. I love them for her too. I don't have to search for socks.... she just never seemed to get both socks in the laundry at the same time!

I also converted my sister, and three DGreat nephews in PA onto them!!
:offtopic: I just read an article on the flight home that the Crocs shoes have gone from $1 Million in sales to over $300 Million in just 3 years! Those three guys from Boulder, CO are now RICH. Who cares how ugly the shoes is when you're making that kind of money :thumbsup2
I have Birks and flip flops too! I love shoes you can just slide into. I hate taking the time to tie shoes or whatever. I lived in my Birks until I got my Crocs this summer. My mom came over and had a pair of them on and I thought they looked really cute on her for some reason. As soon as she left, I headed for the store. I put them on and nearly fell over laughing-they were so ugly on my feet! But sooooooo comfortable. Buzz doesn't know this yet, but DS is getting a pair next summer. :rolleyes: He'll love them. He's like me-likes shoes you can just slip on. I wish I would've invented them. I could really use that kind of money-I'd move to Orlando!!

Thanks for the warm wishes! We needed them. I'm ready to head back to Orlando. It was nice to get home, but it was 60 when we walked off the plane. What happened???? :confused3 That is so Montana-the weather can drop 50 degrees in a matter of hours.

I miss WDW!!! I do have to say that the vacation really did help me. I feel more ready to take on life now than I did a month ago. DD wanted to start a countdown for next year already. Uh, let's get through Christmas first.
What a wonderful way to end your vacation in your favorite park and getting the Dream Fastpasses as a surprise. Your TR has been awesome!

Glad you all got what you needed out of your vacation.

And, Linnie...... I would love to have a closet like yours.
Exevale said:
I loved the way you dealt with the MGM day and no meds. I've forgotten DS's meds once prior to the parks, it can happen. I also accidentally sedated my brother with DS's meds that trip but that's another story. lol Can't wait to for the wrap up. Thanks so much. Great report!
Edited to Add, I'm actually Densgirl using Exevale's computer. lol Exevale is actually a man and my brother.

That made :rotfl: I would LOVE to sedate my brother at times!!
Linnie The Pooh said:
"That really captures Linnie's personality." Great. Sweating and eating. That's me.

I have to admit that I laughed at this but then felt bad for doing so. I know how you feel. DH happened to take my pic at Chef Mickey's with an open mouth full of food - it was nasty. However, I don't have to worry about him posting it since he isn't into the disboard thing.

Linnie The Pooh said:
We'll keep posting on a daily basis, especially now that I'm on a man-sized keyboard for my man hands.

You've mentioned your man hands a few times throughout your TR. I think you should post a pic of your hand beside Buzz hand so we can judge for ourselves ;)

Linnie The Pooh said:
I don't know if we have weird things happen to us or if we're just weird ourselves. Probably the latter.

:rotfl2: I think it IS the latter...but that's not a bad thing...it's why your TR is so darn funny!!

Linnie The Pooh said:
Of course, this is coming from a person whose mom wouldn't let her watch Lassie as a child b/c I would get soooo sad I couldn't stop crying. Banned from watching Lassie.

awww...I love Lassie. We have a blue merle collie and our previous two collies were a tri and sable. They are beautiful dogs and make wonderful pets. Very good with children.

My DD's and myself are exactly the same as you when it comes to tear jerkers - and my DH is the opposite. We have given him the nickname "TinMan".

Linnie The Pooh said:
So there it is! In all its glory! Linnie the Pooh’s closet.

K - Now I'm just jealous. How on earth can you decide what you're going to wear each day with all those choices????

Montana Disney Fan said:
There are so many other reports that are like pieces of art and a joy to read. Mine looks to be written by a dim-witted fourth grader.

hardly! I'm subscribed to a LOT of TR's and I've found yours and Linnies to be one of the most entertaining and I'm sorry it's almost coming to an end :sad2:

Montana Disney Fan said:
The only problem is the “Stretchy” shorts were starting to get a little “gamey” if you know what I mean and the wife woulda rebelled had I worn them for a record 5th night in a row.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: can't say I blame her Buzz!

Montana Disney Fan said:
We listen to a bunch of her songs that we’ve never heard before and then a butchered rendition of her only famous song comes on and we decide we’ve heard enough. The woman needs to think about retirement.


Montana Disney Fan said:
“Why do all the stupid Disney songs have to be so sad?”. I explain that I don’t think they’re sad, I think they’re happy, but who am I to judge? I just listen to the music, completely ignoring the words to the song. They could be singing about anything and I wouldn’t notice.


I will post on your last day later. All this quoting has made me dizzy :teeth:
blue_river said:
I have to admit that I laughed at this but then felt bad for doing so. I know how you feel. DH happened to take my pic at Chef Mickey's with an open mouth full of food - it was nasty. However, I don't have to worry about him posting it since he isn't into the disboard thing.

Don't feel bad-it IS funny!! I laughed at it too. After the initial horror! :rotfl:

blue_river said:
You've mentioned your man hands a few times throughout your TR. I think you should post a pic of your hand beside Buzz hand so we can judge for ourselves ;)

Great idea! They are about the same size as Buzz's-maybe a hair bigger. I get them from my mom. We are not petite people!

blue_river said:
My DD's and myself are exactly the same as you when it comes to tear jerkers - and my DH is the opposite. We have given him the nickname "TinMan".

:rotfl: That's hilarious! TinMan!! I usually never cry, but after my grandma and dad died this summer, I was a basket case. Buzz said it was good-it made me more human...

blue_river said:
K - Now I'm just jealous. How on earth can you decide what you're going to wear each day with all those choices????

I just usually grab a pair of sweats from my cupboard and throw on one of those old t-shirts I have folded up. My Army one and the kitty one my grandma gave me are the ones I usually wear! I call it my home uniform. :banana:

It's so cold here. I asked my DD if she wanted to throw on her swimming suit and go swimming like we did last week. She said no way! Then she said, "Is it spring yet?" Oh boy. She's in for a long winter if she's asking that already!!
What a fun trip report. Thanks for taking the time to post it. I loved hearing both sides to the story.

I loved hearing about Raglan Road. This is one of the restaurants I am most excited about, and reading your report has made me even more excited (is this possible?). I'm glad to hear that your kids liked the food there. I have the pickiest eaters they will eat mac and cheese and chicken nuggets the whole time we are on vacation.

Why does the temperature always drop right before Halloween? :confused3 Good luck in Montana
Montana Disney Fan said:
:offtopic: I just read an article on the flight home that the Crocs shoes have gone from $1 Million in sales to over $300 Million in just 3 years! Those three guys from Boulder, CO are now RICH. Who cares how ugly the shoes is when you're making that kind of money :thumbsup2

I know the same material is used with the "Foam CheeseHeads" that Packer Fans like to wear to Packer games. I wonder if he is part of the "Croc" inventers too.

Lynn-My kids nicknamed me "kisser", but take out the K and ad a P. I sacrificed myself on a road trip from New Jersey to Wisconsin this past August. I did not eat or drink anything from Sunday afternoon, we left at midnight from the moto-cross track in New Jersey, till we pulled into Wisconsin 6:00 p.m. on Monday. The truck needed diesel every 4 hours, so I would take a swallow of gatorade and that was it.
When we reached Wisconsin, I had cotton-mouth. I haven't had cotton-mouth since highschool. I made them pull into a Culver's an hour away from home, because I refused to cook them supper after my sacrifice.

That is my biggest fear-where are the bathrooms at WDW.

Great Trip Reports - so where in Montana do you guys live.
what a great trip report. I really enjoyed reading along. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! by the way, what are your kids being?
serendipity said:
what a great trip report. I really enjoyed reading along. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! by the way, what are your kids being?

Moan Boy is supposed to be a ghost and out with mom and Loud Girl. He decided he didn't want to go and is playing Mario right now. :confused3

Mom and Loud Girl left to go trick or treating a minute ago. Mom's a witch, and Loud Girl is Dora the Explorer. Both costumes made by mom. Mom has always been a little bit of a witch :rotfl2:

Dad is a King. :thumbsup2 It's appropiate. Linnie found the King costume last year at WallMart marked down from $80 to $5.

I am passing out candy every five seconds and writing our return home which I'll post in a minute.
Day 12 – Part #1 - Return Home – Bagel Dog Recall

Since our flight was for 8:37 AM, I figured we needed to leave our room at the SSR around 2 ½ hours prior (6 am). We had two alarms set in our room plus a wake up call from the big cheese himself, Mickey. ::MickeyMo

In reality, we needed none of that as the wife and I were already wide awake at 5:15, lying in bed, talking about how we hated to leave. It was so depressing!

We finally got our butts outta bed and opened the door to the kids room so they could wake up to the sounds of us getting ready. I went in and turned on their bathroom light to help rouse them and went to make some coffee.

I got online and did a quick check to see if our flight was delayed. :surfweb: Many times the plane arrives late the night before and there is a delayed departure the next morning. Nope, everything is right on time and a quick weather check also shows no problems on the way home. Sunny skies in Denver and Billings. Just cold!

Everyone got up fine and we headed out the door about 6:10. A little late, but no big deal.

We arrived at the airport in 30 minutes, checked in the car, and walked to the United Check In. At this hour of the day, the airport wasn’t crowded at all. It was nice.

We jumped in the short line, checked in, then drug our bags to the inspection point, left them there and headed to McD’s for a quick bite.

Afterwards, we went to the terminal where we purchased magazines and a splitter for headphones for my laptop. Our portable DVD player that we had brought with us quit working after only three or four uses.

Mom was pretty nervous about trying to get from Orlando to Billings without the help of a TV screen w/ DVD player but we improvised with the laptop (which also plays DVD’s) and it worked just fine. We even had to use the extra battery for the computer since they watched it so much.

Walking through security in Orlando is a total JOKE! Getting through an Israeli Intelligence inquisition is easier than this (don't ask!) :rolleyes: . The point where you show your ID’s and boarding passes has always gone so smoothly for our family. I have ALL the boarding passes, plus both of our ID’s (Lin & Buzz). The kids don’t have ID’s.

We’ve done this many many times before without any problems at all. I travel so much that when I leave town out of Billings, I know everyone. I know Jesse, the guy who checks the ID’s, and I know Myra, the TSA agent who is married to my competitor. I know Linda and Veda, who work at United and always upgrade me for free. Veda is also a member at my golf club. I know Jane and Pam who work at the snack shop opposite the lone United Gate and always give me my Latte with a free double shot. Billings has one Valet Baggage guy named Frank. He’s been there forever. I always say “HI” to him when I pass him outside the revolving door. It’s nice. It’s home.

At MCO, I know zip, nada, nuttin.

Well, the person who’s checking ID’s and boarding passes is a TSA agent who speaks “little” English and is obviously proud of her new found power. She tells me, in broken English, that each person in our family needs to hold their own Boarding Passes. Now mind you, the four of us are standing there, with people behind us, and I have all four boarding passes and the two ID’s. All she has to do is look at them and wave us through… just like every other TSA agent on the planet does.

But NOOOO, she insists that each person hold their own pass. :confused3 Including the handicapped boy and the four year old! How stupid is this? On top of that, she wants each child to tell her their full name! Well, this wasn’t going to happen with Moan Boy. He can barely understand me, let alone the broken English coming out of the mouth of this idiotic TSA stooge.

Loud Girl is REAL shy around people she doesn’t know which is very odd to my wife and I. When she knows someone, she’s loud and boisterous. But when she doesn’t know someone, she just looks at them with fear in her eyes.

Well, needless to say, it’s now been about 5 minutes of standing there with people behind and this TSA Nazi trying to get my kids to say their names while they drop their boarding passes or the wife drops her ID or a back pack falls off Moan Boy or whatever. It was the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen and if wasn’t me, I would have been laughing hysterically. :rotfl2: Unfortunately, it was me. :sad2:

I finally just say to her “Look, she’s shy, and he’s handicapped. Either let us pass or go and get your supervisor”. She decided to just let us pass. What a pain in the rump that was!

After that line is the next line where another non-English speaking guardian of our airways is telling everyone which line they need to get into. Pointing works. His broken English does not.

We luck out and are directed to a very short line and past about 25 people who are obviously upset at our seemingly “line jumping” maneuver. I give them the helpless look & shrug and move up to the conveyor belt & x-ray where only one person stands before us. Nice! :cool1:

However, this happens to be one of those people who are in WDW, with the park map, staring around all lost, with 50 people stacked up behind them. She looked like the deer in the headlights as the TSA agent tried to explain to her that she couldn’t bring liquid on the plane unless it was in ONE Quart Size zip lock and each container within the bag had less than three ounces each. She was as mad as I was only moments before with the Boarding Pass TSA agent.

She finally stepped aside and lets us through. I felt bad for her and all but still had to comment “It’s on the TSA website & been in the news for over a month” much to the horror of my wife. I can’t help myself. ;)

We finally get through, and haul four backpacks, four pairs of tennis shoes, and three butt packs off to the side, out of everyone’s way, and put ourselves back together. Special note: We Moved Off To The Side! So many people just stand there in the way trying to get themselves put back together. It’s just as bad as the park guests at WDW who stop in the middle of the pathway to talk or take pictures or look at a park map or dig in a backpack. MOVE TO THE SIDE! :headache:

After all of this ballyhoo, we finally get on the tram and head towards the gates. It’s at this time I decide to check my voicemail. I have two.

You have to love it when your employees and vendors all respect you enough to leave you alone on vacation. Don’t Call Unless You Have An Emergency. That was the sum total of my email to everyone upon my departure. Micromanaging is for losers. :thumbsup2

The first voice mail is a former employee who calls me a nasty name and tells me he’s going to kick my butt. I save that one for the police.

The next one is the Regional Schwan’s Manager who calls my cell phone I guess because that’s the one I gave them for the file. Anyway, his vmail had to be listened to twice to fully understand.

Mr. Mills, this is Richard Hatch with Schwan’s Rocky Mountain. Our records indicate you purchased two boxes of Bagel Dogs with Cheese on October 13th. We have sent you out a letter detailing that some of the Bagel Dogs we’ve sold that week were mislabeled and could contain an egg product that would affect allergies. Please follow the instructions on the letter for identifying the tainted food items and returning them to Schwan’s. Thank you and if you have questions, please feel free to call me at…”

Uhm, wasn’t October 13th a Friday? GREAT!

Well, there’s nothing to return because I devoured the entire two cases of Bagel Dogs from Oct 13th to Oct 16th. Remember this statement:

Montana Disney Fan said:
The first thing I notice after listening to the grinder churn for what seems like 10 minutes, is that I’ve got a little bit of a stomach ache. Could be nerves. Could be 3 Schwan’s Bagel Dogs from the night before. :charac2:

Bagel Dogs can cause a stomachache without being tainted with eggs or whatever was wrong with them. You toss in a little tainted chicken flavoring and you’re just asking for trouble. Now I realize it wasn’t Disney that constipated me, it was the 24 Bagel Dogs over 72 hours that did it!

This is kind of long so I’ll post the rest of the trip home tomorrow… Buzz

Go Banana ---> :banana: <----


Waitin' outside the newstand to get on the plane. This is as happy as they would be all day. It went downhill from here :sad2:
Montana Disney Fan said:
Moan Boy is supposed to be a ghost and out with mom and Loud Girl. He decided he didn't want to go and is playing Mario right now. :confused3

Mom and Loud Girl left to go trick or treating a minute ago. Mom's a witch, and Loud Girl is Dora the Explorer. Both costumes made by mom. Mom has always been a little bit of a witch :rotfl2:

Dad is a King. :thumbsup2 It's appropiate. Linnie found the King costume last year at WallMart marked down from $80 to $5.

I am passing out candy every five seconds and writing our return home which I'll post in a minute.

hahaha very cute!


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