"The Feast of Maximum Occupancy" - Reviews - Flying Fish w/pix

Robert P

GLOBEX - taking over your world one country at a t
Oct 24, 2002
The Feast of Maximum Occupancy” – Reviews & Pix - Oct/Nov 2009

About the title:
It's from the Simpsons episode "Homer The Heretic". After skipping church, having the best day ever, and then starting his own religion, Homer is sitting in Moe’s Tavern. He calls in to the power plant to say that he won’t be in tomorrow. When asked why, he answers 'religious holiday'. When asked which one, he scours the bar for any ideas, and seeing various signage, he comes up with “The Feast of Maximum Occupancy”. (Just FYI, this season 4 episode is widely regarded as one of the best episodes ever, and definitely in the Top 5).

As much as we ate this trip, it is a fitting title.

And, for anyone wondering, I already had the title scoped before I saw the delightful Feast of Fools reviews by Shenanigoat.

So, here is the plan:

Shula’s – (post# 7)
Fresh (Dolphin) - (post# 15)
Fulton’s Crab House - (post # 20)
The Cabana (Dolphin) - (post # 22)
Yachtsman Steakhouse - (post # 32)
Flying Fish - (post # 45)
Raglan Road -
Rose & Crown -
The Fountain (Dolphin) -
Il Mulino -
Garden Grove (Swan)

Next up: Shula’s (no pictures)
Hi Robert P....a fellow Piedmonter checking in for your report...I've enjoyed your reviews in the past, and am looking forward to this one!
Can't wait! We seem to like many of the same things, looking forward to all of your reviews!!
Can't wait !

I've mixed a Flaming Moe just for the occasion.

(Let's hope I don't fall on Aerosmith) ;-)
Shula’s II, The Wrath of Don:

Having dispatched my advance recon team two weeks prior, for some appetizer data on the current BlueZoo menu, and never hearing back from them, this first meal was undecided until game day. (Turns out that my recon team became hypnotized by the charms of the audio-animatronic looking Chef Todd English, and failed to report back. They will be missed….)

Staying at the Swolphin for the first few nights, we had ample time to check the various menus there. The idea of steak came up, and staying at the Swolphin, there really was only one option. But upon closer inspection, the current Shula’s menu did not have Oysters Rockefeller listed, so I was not totally convinced. Just in case, I called and made an ADR for dinner. I was surprised to find out that the only times they had available were 5:30 and 6:45. With no big convention at the Swolphin, I expected the times to be wide open. So, while we desired 6:00, we took the 5:30, to not interfere with our evening plans.
Noticing that the BlueZoo listing on the Swolphin television network (which I call SDTV) continues to show the BlueZoo lounge as open at 3:30 p.m., we decided to swing by there to see a) if it was really open before 5:00 p.m., b) if they had any happy hour specials, and c) if the littleneck clams flatbread was on the current menu. Arriving just before 5:00, we walked in to find that we were the only two people there who weren’t part of the staff. But yes, they were open, and yes, the littleneck clams flatbread is available on the bar menu, though not listed on the dinner menu. With no Oysters Rockefeller to look forward to at Shula's, we decided to spend out appetizer dollars here. We spent the next 30 minutes quizzing the knowledgeable bar staff, drinking a Kirkland, some weird microbrew, and enjoying the littleneck flat bread. The drinks were right on, and the flatbread absolutely delicious, though not as garlicky as we remembered. Another couple came in twenty minutes after us, but otherwise, we were the only patrons there this early.
Paying up, and now properly ‘appetized’, we went to Shula’s, arriving right on time. The place was empty. I’m talking really empty. We were escorted to our table, and it was just us, the hostess, and some tumbleweeds blowing through this ghost town. With the ADR time we wanted unavailable, I had expected it to be, well, at least somewhat occupied. Once seated, we could see one other occupied table in an adjacent alcove. Not exactly jam packed.

After being handed our football menu, our server quickly arrived. He seemed to be less than happy, I’d even say snarky, which I felt bode poorly for the evening (I guess when we opted for tap water, he must have taken it personally). Upon returning with our water, he immediately asked if we were ready to order. The interesting thing here is that, between appearance, diction, and borderline surly attitude (to begin this meal), our server reminded me of Ricardo Montalban. Seriously, let me count the ways:

1 – Dressed all in white, like Mr. Roarke from Fantasy Island.
2 – Speaking with a noticeable accent, I kept expecting him to mention ‘fine Corinthian leather’ (of which the football may have been made).
3 – A rather short, unpleasant and growly greeting, like we were bothering him by being there. Reminded me of Khan, in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Robert P, not terribly happy himself about having to take an early ADR, yet sitting in an almost empty restaurant, just wasn’t having it. We dispatched him for drinks, and more time to peruse the football. Upon returning with drinks, his demeanor had greatly improved (maybe our alcohol tendencies shown through, and he was expecting us to run up a large bar bill). While I, as a server, may have not been happy with a party of 2 seated at my four top, at least they were customers, and money would be made. Still, even after the attitude improvement, we did not get the customary beef cart presentation, which I always enjoy (except for the poor lobster that sometimes rides the cart).
Mrs. P ordered the filet mignon, while I ordered the giant 32 ounce prime rib. We decided to split a baked potato, both of us saving room for the chocolate soufflé dessert, which we also ordered at this time (due to the required prep time, or so they tell you).
While people watching and chatting for the next 20 minutes or so, we noticed a few sundry things. Other tables were getting the beef cart presentation from their servers. The chef working the pass was stationed outside the kitchen, on the dining room side. Of the 30 diners or so who came in and were seated, at least 5 people we saw were wearing blue jeans. 3 were wearing t-shirts. 2 had on ball caps, though the matriarch at the table made the guys remove them once they were seated. 4 men had on jackets, but only 2 had ties on with them. Ended people watching mode here, food had arrived.
The filet was, as expected, a large thick cut, cooked perfectly as ordered, medium rare. The best filet of 2009 for Mrs. P, though still not as good as the fork tender filet at BlueZoo a year or two back. (I maintain ny opinion that the BlueZoo filet was the best on property, even though BlueZoo is seafood based). The 32 ounce prime rib was served ‘bone in’, and must have come off of a brontosaurus. It was huge. (At first I thought that a small cow had jumped onto my plate, because the table rattled when it was set down). It took up the entire plate, and I halfway expected the table to tip over, ala the scene from the Flintstones cartoon credits. It was probably way too much food for me to eat (which you won’t hear me say very often). Ordered medium, cooked medium, decent crust flavors, and just about perfect as prime rib go. We ended up taking large portions of both entrees back to the room, to chomp on later.

After the service team cleared the plates, and used the crumb shoehorn device on the tablecloth, it was dessert time. :thumbsup2 The chocolate soufflé for two was an absolutely delicious souffle, served with Haagan Daaz ice cream, and served with crème fraiche. The presentation this time differed from our previous visit, in that the dish was plated for us at the table, then the crème was added to the individual plates. On our last visit, it was all crunched up and slathered inside its original baking dish, before the individual plating. We had properly budgeted our remaining stomach space, from our BlueZoo appetizers forward, to allow for the total annihilation of this dessert, down to the shiny parts of the plate. There may have been plate licking involved, I can’t say for sure. I'm so ashamed....

The service started shaky, but improved. The service ‘team’ style they use never left long gaps between refills or plate clearings, and we found the ‘team’ members to pleasant enough to make up for the gruff intro moments from the lead server (though he improved quickly). At over $160 without appetizers, while this was an excellent meal, the price for 2 adults is a bit of a turn-off. One of the best meals of the trip, but one of the highest prices as well. From a value standpoint, bang for the buck, we can’t add Shula’s back into our regular rotation, and will likely leave it in the wings for a visit during odd numbered years.

Next Up: Fresh (breakfast)
Hi Robert P....a fellow Piedmonter checking in for your report...I've enjoyed your reviews in the past, and am looking forward to this one!

Wow, someone else on DIS who knows what the Piedmont is. Glad to have you following along!

Can't wait! We seem to like many of the same things, looking forward to all of your reviews!!

Thank you. We branched out for some new ones this trip, so I am hoping to keep in fresh.

Looking forward to your usual great reviews! :goodvibes

Thanks, and welcome aboard.

Ahhhhh, we've been waiting for Scorpio's reviews ... and now they begin. :thumbsup2

Though I know that they will pale in comparison to your adventures, I will endeavor to do my best.

Can't wait !

I've mixed a Flaming Moe just for the occasion.

(Let's hope I don't fall on Aerosmith) ;-)

Feel free to fall on Aerosmith all you want. (Just don't take out Steven Tyler, and most people won't notice the difference). :lmao:
Great review! And I can't count how many times at Disney I have been told that only certain ADR times are available, only to then walk into a room so devoid of life that it could have been on Mars.
Ahh, a 'fine Corinthian leather' reference. I love it.

My parents had one of those Chryslers back in the day, and that's all anyone ever called it. "Are you driving the van to the party or taking the fine Corinthian leather ? " :rolleyes:

Great review so far, I love your style of writing. :wizard:
Excellent review. I know that we won't ever dine there ... that out-of-town steak bias we have ... but it sounds good. And I swear I sent you a PM on the same day we returned from WDW that you could get the clams in the bar but not the dining room. I wonder if I sent it to the wrong DISer? How embarrassing. :headache: :scared:
Excellent review. I know that we won't ever dine there ... that out-of-town steak bias we have ... but it sounds good. And I swear I sent you a PM on the same day we returned from WDW that you could get the clams in the bar but not the dining room. I wonder if I sent it to the wrong DISer? How embarrassing. :headache: :scared:

I don't doubt your recollection, but either Bob P or Robert Q must have been quite confused by their message. On a positive side of things, the time we spent (2 nights) 'appetizing' and reconnoitering at the lounge, I learned many of the secrets of the flavored drinks served there. No worries. :thumbsup2
I don't doubt your recollection, but either Bob P or Robert Q must have been quite confused by their message. On a positive side of things, the time we spent (2 nights) 'appetizing' and reconnoitering at the lounge, I learned many of the secrets of the flavored drinks served there. No worries. :thumbsup2

:rotfl2: Honestly, if someone gets a PM and they don't know the sender or understand the message is it that hard to respond with a simple, "Ooops. Don't think you sent this to the right person." :confused3 I definitely sent it ... still have the message receipt ... but now I know why you didn't respond. I just thought you were busy. :lmao:
Fresh (breakfast) – located at the Dolphin

Staying at the Swolphin, and not in a hurry to tackle a park (partially due to copious amounts of alcohol the previous evening), we decided to sleep in, then grab a late breakfast. The two best breakfast options in close proximity were Garden Grove at the Swan and Fresh at the Dolphin. As we had planned for a Garden Grove breakfast the last day of our trip, we opted for Fresh.
Arrived about 9:30 a.m., and were seated immediately. The restaurant was not packed, but seemed busy, almost hectic. We luckily were seated within sight of the grill area, which I think helps one to plan when to go up for omelets and pancakes and such. Our server was not memorable, neither good nor bad, just there (sometimes). It took him several minutes to come over, take our drink order, and send us along to the buffet. Though the grill area looked more crowded than usual, Mrs. P opted to tackle the line for an omelet. I took the opposite approach, and visited the pastry area, extracts counter, and anywhere else that did not involve waiting in a line. Minutes later, I was sitting at the table, ready to begin my meal, while she was still waiting behind a few people at the omelet area. The drinks had been delivered while we were gone. (Nothing helps a ‘mild hangover’ like fresh OJ and Starbucks coffee, served while you’re on vacation).
The fresh squeezed orange juice was as good as ever, though the glasses are just too small for me. Three sips later, I’m out of juice, and of course our server was nowhere to be seen. Eventually, I tired of waiting, and went over and helped myself to one of the juice holder things and refilled my own glass. Throughout the meal, our server re-appeared once to check on us and do refills. Then he brought the check. That was about it for him. We don’t need much from a service standpoint on a buffet, but would have expected more ‘checking on you’ visits than the 1 we got before the bill came. Also, whoever was bussing tables had fallen way behind. The table beside us left a few minutes after we arrived (no correlation I hope), and their table was not cleared the entire time we were there. As our server was mostly a no show as well, I eventually started stacking my empty dirty plates on the other table. Still, nobody bussed it for almost a full hour.

Food wise, I had worked my way through the fresh fruit, pastries, yogurt, parfait, and other non ‘wait in line’ items. The fruit was pretty good, the scrambled eggs with chorizo or ham were good, and the parfait was delicious. For some reason, I find the breakfast sausages at Fresh to be exceptionally good, but the bacon is hit or miss. This visit was a miss, as the bacon was generally ‘wiggly’, with a few crisp pieces to be found if you worked for it. Personal preference, I know, but I would rather have bacon overcooked, compared to ‘wiggly’.
Mrs. P finally returned from her adventures in line, and that entire crowd was now gone, so I bounded up to get an omelet myself. That’s when I noticed the new omelet filling fix’ens bar, where you load up your own fillings. (Note: when last we were here in September, it was the same old thing, with the ingredients up by the cooks. You tell them, they grab it, it cooks, end of story. When I read MickeyNicki’s trip report from early October, she mentioned getting her own toppings and handing them to the chef. I though she had a screw loose, or was having some serious mimosas with breakfast, and wondered what in the world she was talking about. Now I know.) Overall, I like the change in procedure, because it cuts out some of the confusion from right in front of the grill area. But, the concept of pick your own items seemed to overwhelm some of my fellow diners this day, as the 2 people in front of me when I got there took forever to select 2-3 measly items, and get them perfect positioned in their little metal cup. :confused3 Apparently, the ultimate omelet requires the ingredients to be arranged in some harmonious feng shui order, prior to be dumped into the pan and squirted with olive oil. :confused3 Time-eating food spectators aside, I think the change is an overall positive. As in the past, my omelet was cooked just fine.

For my last venture to the buffet, I tackled all 3 of the extracts for a taste test, and several more pastries. The pastries I like okay, especially the pecan rolls. Of the extracts, I found the purple detox to be my least favorite, the orange-ish antioxidant my favorite, and the green wheatgrass to be somewhere in between. (I also wonder about the possibility of somehow mixing the wheatgrass extract with Grey Goose. You could call it a Goose in the Grass, and it would be served shaken over ice, then strained into a nice martini glass).

After sitting back, stuffed to the gills, we then waited for the appearance of Halley’s Comet, I mean, our server, so we could pay our bill. Finally reappearing 10 minutes after we finished, we settled the bill and waddled out of there.

Good breakfast. Passable enough service, but I wouldn’t have wanted to experience it with a full sit-down meal. Overall, Fresh is priced on par with other WDW breakfast buffets, but the food quality and selection seem better. Also, without characters to draw in the kiddies, it is a quieter option. If you dine at Fresh, the buffet is $18, but any plated selections offered on the menu average $13, and the coffee and juice are not included in that price, as they are on the buffet. Other than Picabu‘s down the hall, Fresh seems to us to be the logical option in this general area, when desiring anything beyond a very overpriced muffin and small coffee. With a DVC discount of 20%, Fresh stays firmly on our breakfast rotation for next trip, based on location, selection, and overall value.

Next Up: Fulton’s (dinner)
I am a HUGE fan of your reviews, love them and the details you give me...really helps me out! So glad you liked the change to the omelette bar at Fresh and I am glad you know I wasnt that tipsy :lmao:

Cannot wait to hear about Fultons, we are dining there later this week.

Another great review.

A "Goose in the Grass" sounds like the perfect start to the morning to me...

But, perhaps we should move on... :)
That change to the omelette station sounds nice...I know I sometimes am picky about filling amount (although not necessarily ingredient location and proximity in said omelette, however lol). Love your reviews! :goodvibes
Fulton’s (dinner)

Originally, we had an ADR elsewhere, but decided that tonight we should make our way to DTD for dinner. We discussed both Portobello Yacht Club and Fulton’s. I called dining to make an ADR for @ 6:00 p.m. Fulton’s had openings at 5:30 or 7:45. Portobello, which I really wanted to try this trip, had 4:30. That was it for the whole night. Having been pleased with Fulton’s in September for lunch, and reminded of the bloody mary there, Fulton’s was picked. However, the times still just wouldn’t fit our schedule. So, we went rogue, and decided we’d just try to walk up. I was hopeful this would work, especially after seeing the lack of crowds at a supposedly well booked Shula’s the night before.
Getting prepped to leave for DTD earlier than planned, we concocted a plan to go on over early and have drinks at Planet Hollywood (PH). We have not been there for the last 4 years, and as I recall, they had some really good drinks at decent prices. Plus, we needed to check it out to see if it would be suitable to bring the girls there in the near future (some of the movie clips were quite scary, back in the day). I finished my drink from the room, and off we went. A 28 minute bus ride later, we got to the Pleasure Island (PI) bus stop. Rant On: Pleasure Island is gone. It is no more, as sad as that may be for some of us. Shut off the giant lighted PI sign, rename the place, and move on. It is misleading, and just a reminder of the disappointment experienced when it closed. Move on WDW, move on. You decided to close it, so put it to bed and move on to something else. Rant Off.

Quickly arriving at PH, we were greeted by the hosts at the bottom of the stairs. Told them we were just headed to the bar, and they said go ahead. I soon noticed the fact that I had forgotten how many stairs there were there, and how briskly climbing that many stairs after having that many drinks in the room beforehand = bad idea. Lesson learned, though temporarily I’m sure. Once inside, again greeted, and were told to help ourselves to the bar. The bar was empty, the restaurant crowded on the main level, and the noise blaring. Ah, just as I remember it. After some small talk with the incredibly cute bartender, I ordered a long overdue Terminator, while Mrs. P had a Blazing something or another from the current drink menu. We chatted, drank, gawked at Hollywood memorabilia, and enjoyed the one part of the restaurant where you aren’t sitting on top of other patrons. PH wasn’t as bad as I remember, but that might just be due to where we were sitting. After looking at the food menu, we decided to proceed with the plan to amble over to Fulton’s, and if we indeed could not get in, then we’d come back here for dinner. We paid up, and headed back down the lengthy run of stairs (after the Terminator, I held the rail for safety on the way down). Comments: 2 drinks, decent sized, decent brand liquors , was $14.89, plus tip. At the rate the overall WDW drink prices are skyrocketing out of control, Planet Hollywood may soon be a bargain for those looking to imbibe.

Arriving at Fulton’s, I had to make a quick phone call, so Mrs. P went to inquire about seating. While she was gone, I noticed that none of the patio seats at Portobello were occupied, and that they were talking walk ups. Hmmmmm, strange, since it was now 6:00 p.m., and they had no ADR’s available after 4:30, for the rest of the evening. Mrs. P comes back, to tell me that Fulton’s said they were wide open. Disconnecting me from the phone, we then went inside, and were quickly seated upstairs, front of the boat, at the table right beside where we ate in September for lunch. This room was less than 50% full. Another odd site, since they had no openings for 6:00 p.m. either when I called.

Our server was quickly there and taking our drink order. Mrs. P. decided to try to pomegranate martini. Recalling our September visit, and the signature Bloody Mary could double as both an excellent drink and a small appetizer, I stuck with that. For appetizers, the choice was 6 oysters on the half shell. Aside from the blue points, we got a sampling of the others offered that day. Next time, all blue points. They were by far the sweetest of the bunch. After appetizers, we ordered more drinks, with Mrs. P switching to Blue Moon draft, while I ordered a final bloody mary. In case you couldn’t tell, I really like that drink, and the shrimp and tomato garnish. The only downside is that once I peel the shrimp, I usually have to wash my fingers, requiring a trip to the restroom to avoid totally trashing my napkin from the table. Still, a small price to pay for a drink and appetizer in one, which I now call a ‘drinkitizer’.

For entrees, we discovered that it was stone crab season, and they were pushing that hard. Having never tried stone crab claws, we ordered that as an entrée, and the seafood trio. The trio consisted of a crab cake, shrimp and something else I can’t recall. The stone crab entrée was 8 decent sized claws, but by the time you finished sorting through to the meat, there wasn’t that much there. The taste was fantastic, but the small amount of meat for $39.95 wasn’t a great value. Still, I’m glad I tried it, and now I know what that’s all about. We ended up splitting a side vegetable of some sort, which was totally unmemorable.

Note: Throughout the meal, I had a clear view of Portobello’s patio, and the tables there never got more than half full. I will be perturbed yet relieved when WDW goes to c/c guarantee for most ADR’s. That will all but put a stop to this double booking and no-show nonsense. Anywho……as we were finishing our meal, the entire room was filled with diners. At least Fulton’s limited ADR choices were supported by the crowd they pack in by 7:00 p.m.

Summary: :thumbsup2
Very good food. Excellent drinks, though the pomegranate martini was way too sweet for more than my tasting sip. Price wise, our meal was $140 before the 20% DVC discount (during October, the DVC discount was bumped up to 30% lunch and 20% dinner). For the amount of food we were served, this was not a great value to us. Even considering the free boursin and cracker appetizer, served on the obligatory fish shaped plate, we didn’t leave overly stuffed. Having dined here twice in two months, we have decided that lunch seems to be a better value, and will probably stick to that on future visits.
As we were leaving, Portobello seemed to have a lot of tables open for a restaurant with zero availability after 4:30 p.m. ………

Next Up: The Cabana (Dolphin), hopefully with pix


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