The Deluxe Dining that defeated us ...a German perspective! (FINISHED!)

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After spending half a day at (and then bidding a sad farewell for this trip to) Animal Kingdom, we headed back to our hotel the Wilderness Lodge, hung out at the pool for a while and then went on our favourite walk (taking the jogging trail along the lake from WL to Fort Wilderness, then taking the boat back).

By doing so, we completely wrecked our original plans for the day. What we REALLY had planned was this: Spend the whole day at AK, not just half a one, and then be at the Animal Kingdom Lodge for dinner at Jiko.

I know, I know … You can see it coming, you know what we did, and I think this is something that is simply not done:

We cancelled Jiko.:scared1:
Just like that.
Because we were too tired, and couldn’t be bothered walking around the AK for another few hours, and wanted a swim in our pool and to return to our beloved Bay Lake. I realize now that we probably gave up the best meal we could have had in all of Walt Disney World, and we will most certainly make good on that and dine at Jiko’s during our next trip, but what can I say :sad2:… We needed some lazy relaxation.

Now, some of you will know where I am going with this: As we could not be bothered to walk another minute and as we now had four unspent table credits from the cancelled Jiko dinner, we ordered room service – yet again! The last time we had done that, almost two weeks ago, we had been absolutely overwhelmed and defeated by the sheer amount of food that was carted to our room. So, responsible adults that we are, of course we learned from this experience … and quite unthinkingly ordered the full three courses AGAIN :lmao:.

So sure enough, within about half an hour there was a knock on our door, and a quietly amused waiter arrived and proceeded to pile about twenty square feet of food onto our table, our bed and pretty much every other flat surface he could find (no, I’m kidding actually … he merely filled the table and the bed).

So here we go:


A Caesar Salad (romaine lettuce with asiago cheese, herb croutons, and caesar dressing). An Angus Chuck Cheeseburger with Swiss cheese and French fries. A portion of Oven-Roasted Chicken (served with seasonal vegetables and mashed potatoes (all white meat)). A cheese plate (not included in the picture for lack of a wide-angle camera lens). Two glasses of juice. And two fruit plates. And no, that wasn't all, I just moved the napkins and cutlery and all that out of the way for the photo. :eek:
How come it never looks that much if you get it course by course, in a restaurant, instead of all at once from a smirking deliveryman?

What were we thinking when we ordered this? Frankly, I was only thinking along the lines of “what am I entitled to on the Deluxe Dining Plan”, and when everything arrived it was too late for anything except feel a tiny bit ashamed in front of the waiter ;).

We did not finish all of this, obviously – but we finished quite a lot.

And then we sank on our bed, unable to move, and vowed to each other never to eat another bite of food :sick:.


Which we succeeded in doing for at least another twelve hours:

Coming up: “One two three, happy-happy!” Breakfast at Cape May Café!
I just found your TR but I love it! I giggled at your "stage fright" of the face characters, but mostly because I think I would be the same! LOVE all of your food pics, yummmmm. I'm determined to take food pics on my next trip - for some reason I always get shy about doing this but honestly, it's Disney, who cares?! Can't wait to hear the rest!
I started at page 15. I did a search on a restaurant and your report came up. Now I have to go read the first 14 pages.
I'm enjoying reading your reviews - it's nice to see what other cultures think of our eating habits, food, etc. One thing I've noticed is the difference in ordering appetizers. Our portions are huge, I will admit that, but in general, Americans don't order apps much and, when we do, we share one. Also, except when we're on the dining plan, most do not order dessert either. In other words, most Americans, in general mind you, order a drink, the entree (with the usual side/salad/bread) and that's it. Apps and deserts are an occasional treat. So I can completely understand why you'd never have room for desert!
I just found your TR but I love it! I giggled at your "stage fright" of the face characters, but mostly because I think I would be the same! LOVE all of your food pics, yummmmm. I'm determined to take food pics on my next trip - for some reason I always get shy about doing this but honestly, it's Disney, who cares?! Can't wait to hear the rest!

Thank you for reading! Yes, I was shy of taking pictures as well (not half as much as DH, though :laughing:) but I kept saying to myself how much I had loved reading the dining reports on the Dis and now I wouldn't let a bit of embarrassment keep me from writing my own!
Alas, as it has turned out, it was more my laziness that has been keeping me from writing my own :sad2: -
but a new update will be up in a bit!

I started at page 15. I did a search on a restaurant and your report came up. Now I have to go read the first 14 pages.

Wow thank you, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Some more is still to come!

I'm enjoying reading your reviews - it's nice to see what other cultures think of our eating habits, food, etc. One thing I've noticed is the difference in ordering appetizers. Our portions are huge, I will admit that, but in general, Americans don't order apps much and, when we do, we share one. Also, except when we're on the dining plan, most do not order dessert either. In other words, most Americans, in general mind you, order a drink, the entree (with the usual side/salad/bread) and that's it. Apps and deserts are an occasional treat. So I can completely understand why you'd never have room for desert!

I see, thank you for explaning that. It's pretty similar in Germany too, you usually wouldn't order three courses at once. The appetizer, I think, is ordered quite commonly but not all the time, and dessert is ordered only as a rather rare treat. That custom of splitting an appetizer is not really common here, though. The server would not mind bringing an additional fork if you asked him, but he wouldn't think of it without being asked as I beliefe not many people do it.
Inevitably when the end to a long glorious holiday comes up, one encounters a sad series of “last events”: This was our last visit to a restaurant that was completely new to us and that we had never been in before.

I had made the reservation at Cape May Café for as late as 8.30 since I had figured that near the end of our Disney vacation we would be exhausted and in need of a bit of a sleep-in. And boy was I right: We could hardly drag ourselves out of bed when the alarm rang!

Slightly tired, we then got in our car and made our way to the Beach Club, as we had an appointment with Donald at Cape May Café:


Our server was an immensely friendly Asian lady, rather advanced in years. Our problem was that half the time, we did not understand what she was saying, as (being foreigners ourselves) we struggled comically with her accent. Somehow we got across the fact that we would like to order coffee, then we went off to the buffet to load our plates with delicious treats:


This is a (I am afraid, slightly blurry) shot of our breakfast table, me with a plate of muesli, fruit and yoghurt, and DH with some eggs, bacon and such other delicacies.

A bit later – DH had just left for another round of the buffet – our server reappeared with this:

A honeymoon cupcake for us, a gift from the restaurant! :banana:
As opposed to in the photo, the candles hadn’t yet been lit, of course.
As far as I could understand her (and this wasn’t very far, I am afraid) our server was wondering where DH was as she wanted to light our cupcake candles and sing a wedding song for us. Like I said, I am not too sure if this was really what she said, so I just smiled politely and reassured her that DH would be back in a minute.

When he arrived, I told him about our cupcake and the upcoming song, however our server was nowhere to be seen. We then waited at the table for a while, not quite daring to make for the buffet again as we did not want to miss the song.

She reappeared a few minutes later, but alas there was to be no song: She lit the candles on our cupcake, beamed at us happily and trilled what sounded to us like “One-two-three-make-a-wish-happy-happy!” This was so cute and sweet and yet so funny, we almost cracked up laughing, and we thanked her profusely.

But in the whole process, we completely forget to make that wish!
Well – our bad ;).

Coming up next: Yes, we even managed to eat at ONE counter-service place on this trip!
thanks for the update...enjoying your review. We like eating at Cape May and my son loved it when he got that same cupcake for his birthday but for a 3 yr old he wanted to eat that first before his breakfast. When they gave it to him as we were just getting our drinks.
Thanks for these reports - I've just found them and read the whole lot in one sitting. They have given me pause for thought for our next trip to the land of the mouse.

To the poster who mentioned thank you also as I am using it to get decently priced flights to Canada for our next transatlantic adventure.
Just catching up on your reviews and really enjoying them :cool1:

Thank you! :cool1:

thanks for the update...enjoying your review. We like eating at Cape May and my son loved it when he got that same cupcake for his birthday but for a 3 yr old he wanted to eat that first before his breakfast. When they gave it to him as we were just getting our drinks.

Thanks for reading! Yes, I agree giving a three-year-old the cupcake first was a bit inconsiderate ... We got ours only after a while. (And believe me, I would also have wanted to eat that first otherwise! :thumbsup2)

Thanks for these reports - I've just found them and read the whole lot in one sitting. They have given me pause for thought for our next trip to the land of the mouse.

To the poster who mentioned thank you also as I am using it to get decently priced flights to Canada for our next transatlantic adventure.

Wow, thank you for spending so much time reading my reports! :flower3:

Next update coming up in a minute ... Only need to fix myself some hot coffee first to unfreeze my fingers, I've just come home and we've got + 5 F outside, it's been years since it's last been that cold here!
This will be the briefest of my dining report entries, and yet it will be absolutely novel in a way: This is a short little account of the ONLY time we went and had something to eat at a counter service place!

It is not that we were too snobby for CS food, but as everyone who has followed my dining report will certainly understand, we were so busy eating all that table-service food at the places I had reservations for that there was neither time nor appetite left for counter service, usually.

Today was different, though: As this was our last full day of vacation, I had left it out of my planning to allow some room for spontaneous last-day activities. “Leaving it out of planning”, in my case, means I only booked us for breakfast and dinner but left out lunch and did not yet know where we would be spending the day – sad, I know :lmao:

We ended up not doing anything spectacularly new and astonishing that day – we were so worn out that we did not particularly feel like exploring anyplace new, so we ended up just strolling through Epcot at a leisurely pace, and at lunchtime found ourselves outside the Japan pavilion with an appetite. We therefore didn't hesitate long but found our way into Yakitori House. We paid cash at the counter as we were not game to battle with the possibilities of the counter service DDP, and took our tray to what seemed like the last empty table – lucky us!

Now, I used to work at a sushi bar for a couple of years while I was at uni, and during that time I developed my eternal love for sushi. Little wonder therefore that I decided on the little sushi bento tray, while DI had the teriyaki chicken (I think – he doesn’t remember it and I am not too sure myself, see explanation right below the picture):


Now you see, since I am such a slacker in terms of dining reports and the meal I'm writing about is now 8 months in the past (can you believe it?), I don't actually remember exactly what kinds of sushi I had, and the photo tells me nothing except for the fact that they were California rolls. (For the same reason, I cannot tell you anything about DH’s meal anymore …)

What I do remember, however, is that they were really unexpectedly good. This being a fast-food place, I would not really have expected them to be anything but dry and old-tasting, but they certainly weren’t.
Instead, they were fresh, the rice was soft and sticky, the nori leaves were nicely salty, the amount of wasabi was just right, and this was an altogether very pleasurable experience. Not on a par with the sushi bar I worked in, of course (kudos to you, Mr. Gamo-san!) – but definitely better than what you get in most takeouts in my hometown, let alone in supermarkets or malls.

(And the portion size left me so much more mobile than our usual three-course TS lunch! :thumbsup2)

Coming up next: Artist Point – a fantastic last dinner …
Can't believe this is almost over :-( I have so enjoyed reading all of your reviews!
Can't believe this is almost over :-( I have so enjoyed reading all of your reviews!

Well, thank you! It's so nice to know that there are people out there reading and enjoying my reviews! :flower3:

I have already written the second-next entry (the final breakfast), but I haven't finished the upcoming dinner yet so I've still got to get that in order. I'll still have three instalments altogether: dinner at Artist Point, breakfast at the Whispering Canyon, and one final instalment of last thoughts and comments.

Will go back to work on the dinner entry a bit more tonight!
For tonight, we originally had dinner reservations at Citrico’s. However, dear DH asked me that morning would I mind terribly if we cancelled Citrico’s and tried switching over to our own “local” Artist Point instead?

It turned out that he didn’t much feel like having to drive the car to dinner again, as this meant more of a hassle than just staying in, plus he couldn’t have any wine with dinner, plus he didn’t much like the Grand Floridian (I mentioned this earlier), which also had something to do with self-parking so far away … And after all, it was the last night of our honeymoon and he just wanted to stay in.

I agreed, of course – after all, it wasn’t like he was proposing to forego dinner completely, as we would still be going to a signature restaurant which we already know to be very nice :).
I was only the slightest bit disappointed at missing Citrico’s, but comforted myself that since we had already decided to come back to WDW soon, we could still go experience Citrico’s next time.

So anyway, we arrived at the restaurant and asked for a table near the back windows overlooking the stream, but they did not have any available. Oh well, that wasn’t too bad – we were placed at a little table for two pretty much right after entering the restaurant, on the right wall next to the corridor down towards the Roaring Fork. Not a bad table at all, as it turned out – after all, it placed us in the realm of magnificent server, Brenda.

She was not only extremely nice and gave good recommendations, but she also chatted to us about Disney Cruise Line and what a wonderful cruise she had done with them. :love:

(inserting a picture borrowed off the DCL site here just to bring some colour to this rather picture-free paragraph :) :


This helped me a great deal, because I had for quite a while been in the process of trying to convince DH to take a cruise ;).

We’ve never done that before, so it was an entirely new prospect that was still taking him some getting used to.

Plus I really wanted it to be a Disney cruise, even though
(a) they are more expensive than most other cruise lines, and even though
(b) we live near a really large port here in Germany where we could easily hop onto all kinds of cruiseships to the Mediterranean or the Baltic – for a fraction of the price as we wouldn’t need the airfare to and from the States!

You see, I was not in an altogether good position here :lmao:.

Anyway, with my constant daydreaming about a DCL cruise and mentioning it to DH (in a nice way, of course! Could I ever nag to my dear husband? Would I ever try to manipulate him? No way! :cutie:), pretty much all that he needed to make him agree with my plan, would be to talk to a person who had actually been on a Disney cruise, and had lots of good stuff to say about it.

Which leads me back to the point where along comes Brenda :thumbsup2

He didn’t say “Okay let’s book the cruise” straightaway, but he commented that it sounded very nice, starting asking me some questions about it and … well, look at my siggie for the end of the story, we’ll be on the Disney Magic in October :dance3:.

But anyway, this is a dining report and should therefore be all food and no play, so I shall get back to the topic: It was time to order!

For starters, DH decided quickly and enthusiastically on the Butter Poached Wild Boar Tenderloin:


This was served on a mushroom bread pudding with “huckleberry au jus” and was beautifully presented. I didn’t get to try it as I was busy with my own appetizer (which you will see just below), but DH loved it and I must say that my mouth is watering even by looking at the picture now popcorn::.

Noe for my own appetizer: I love pretty much all kinds of seafood, but I’ve only ever eaten a bowl of mussels once, and that was ages ago as a teenager.
I wasn’t entirely sure how to eat them, whether it would be messy and whether I would make myself look silly, so I had shied away from ordering them during our first visit to Artist Point.

Now, however, I told Brenda about my reservations and asked her for advice. She said that if I loved all kinds of seafood I would really be fine, and that they wouldn’t be too difficult to eat. Thusly encouraged I went ahead and ordered them – and boy was I glad that I did!


Don’t they look delicious? The Braised Penn Cove Mussels with Fennel and Grilled Sourdough Toast.
I cannot say enough good things about this dish! Like I said, I don’t really have the experience to compare them to other such dishes, but they tasted absolutely fresh, seafoody but not too much so, and the yummy toast went along with them really well. This was definitely one of the best appetizers I have had during this whole trip.

Come to think of it, it was not only the appetizer which DH decided so quickly on. He also, in a flash, chose the buffalo short rib as his entrée again, just like he had done on our last visit:


The Braised Buffalo Short Rib with parsnip potato grain, glazed leeks, and red wine jus. And yeah, once again he liked it. If you want details, read back to page eleven :).
(Although you may then notice that the portion looked quite different, I’m just noticing that now, too. I wonder whether it was actually smaller or whether it was just the different angle of the photograph.)

I had taken a bit longer than DH to decide on the entree I wished to have: As you may remember (or have only just read if you really let me send you back to page eleven in the last paragraph, but you didn’t, did you? :laughing:), I was not really enthused about my salmon on our last visit. I also wasn’t much into ribs. But I had not really planned on ordering steak again, either. After some serious pondering, I ended up doing just that, though:


I ordered myself the Grilled Beef Tenderloin with roasted fingerling potatoes, sauteed baby spinach, a blue cheese fritter and a port wine reduction.

This was a very, very nice peace of meat! Both the potatoes and the veggies were delicious as well, and the portion size seemed large but not overwhelming to me. The sauce was very nice, too, though I would have liked to have a little more of it.

The cheese fritter was the only thing I left on my plate: I tasted a bit of it, but it was much-much-much too strong for me and I think it did not fit in with the rest of the assembled tastes at all. This might just be my opinion, as I know that Americans are very much into blue cheese while I’m not!

(Something similar happened to us with the Cobb Salad at the Brown Derby so we would probably have learned from that – I won’t tell you which page that was on now as I don’t want to chase my readers around too much ;)).

Oh, I almost forgot to talk about ordering our drinks: Apart from a large bottle of Pellegrino water, we wanted to indulge in something which we do a lot when dining out at home, but hadn’t really done here yet – having a glass of wine!

What had kept us from doing it a lot during this vacation was the fact that DH had to drive back to our resort after dinner most of the days, and while we weren’t completely sure on the drunk-driving rules in the US, we thought it better to be on the safe side and only have him drive absolutely sober. (In Germany, incidentally, you are allowed to drive with up to .05 % blood alcohol unless you are either under 21, or have had your license for less than two years.)

Also, the wine was very expensive compared to home, but I guess that was a Disney thing, not an American thing. After all, the food was rather expensive too, but we weren’t so constantly aware of that since we were on the DDP.

But today was our last night at Disney World, and we were just a short elevator ride away from our room, so we had no excuse :rolleyes1.
We went with the recommendations in the menu, they list one recommended wine with every entrée which is really handy for people like us who like wine but are not really connoisseurs :idea:.

This meant that DH had the Novelty Hill Syrah, Columbia ’05, with his buffalo, while I had the Bookwalter Lot 22 Blend, Columbia N.V., to complement my tenderloin. Both recommendations were great and we very much enjoyed the wines. Especially the Syrah went along excellently with the buffalo!


Wow, I can hardly believe it but I’m going to have to split this review into two instalments, it seems that I have exceeded the picture limit! :eek:

Oh, I see, the smilies count towards that limit as well. Anyway, I don’t feel like chucking them, so I’ll just split the reviews.

I probably shouldn’t end this one without some sort of announcement or cliffhanger, though, so here goes:

Coming up next: The Wine Is Not Enough – or: How to get drunk in style ;)
congrats on your upcoming cruise. :cool1::cool1::cool1:
Your food updates were awesome and the ribs your husband had me drooling 8:00 in the morning. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: We definetly have to try Artist Point. For the past 2 weeks I have been reading amazing reviews on this restaurant.
Thank you again for sharing and I have enjoying reading all your installment and can't wait but sad its almost at the end.
I really want to take a Disney cruise too! I went on one the first year they started sailing, and it was great fun, but I was little then, so missed out on a lot, like Palo, so that's an excuse right there to go again. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until the Disney Dream starts sailing, because that ship looks absolutly magnificent, but the Magic is wonderful!
So, back to Artist Point!
The desserts were next, obviously, but I do not have that many spectacular things to say about them:


DH had his trademark créme brulée once again and it looked nice as usual, but afterwards he said that he probably wouldn’t be eating any more crèmes brulées in the near future as he had had too many of them (actually, what he really said was a common German expression meaning they were already coming out of his ears, which I just realize sounds kind of gross when you translate it :scared1: That’s not used in English at all, or is it?).

I didn’t really want any dessert as I felt nicely full, but what can you do :confused3
I decided to settle on something that was as light as possible, and this turned out to be the no-sugar-added Berries in Oregon Muscat Wine with Mint Mousse and Raspberry Sauce:


This didn’t completely convince me, I’m afraid. (That was absolutely no big deal, I was so full anyway and this dinner had been so fantastic, I’m just mentioning it for the sake of this report!)

It looked endearingly like a kid’s drawing, but the ingredients didn’t really complement each other all that well.
The mint mousse tasted strange – and that is exactly what our server Brenda had told me, she had said she didn’t much fancy the mint mousse herself, so it was my bad for having gone against her recommendations ;).

Also, the “berries in muscat wine” part turned out to be enclosed in some kind of jelly. Maybe this should have been perfectly obvious to me from the description, but instead it came as a bit of a letdown since I’m not particularly fond of any things jelly, no matter if it is jellied meat or jellied desserts. Therefore, I only picked at it a little.

However, I enjoyed the fresh raspberries and the sugar-free chocolate ice cream, so in the end I had exactly what I had wanted: Just a tiny little dessert that was nice and not too fattening. :thumbsup2

Completely full and happy, albeit a little tired, we took our leave of Brenda and left the restaurant.
We still had a few beers sitting in our room fridge that we had never gotten around to drinking and had been intending to have them on our balcony, but then I thought that we really ought to visit the hotel bar, the Territory Lounge, once more since this was our final night.
(We had been briefly sat there, bleary-eyed and tired, and sipped a Light beer on our very first evening when we had been up for over 24 hours and travelling, so that had not been the perfect experience).

The good thing is that the Territory Lounge is right next to Artist Point, so we just rolled over there and plopped ourselves on a sofa. Heaven! :littleangel:

I had not had a single cocktail on this trip, so I knew this was the night to remedy that. I decided on Disney's signature Blue Glowtini (this contains Citrus Vodka, Blue Curacao, Peach Schnapps, Sweet & Sour and pineapple juice, according to Anita Answer on - thanks for the info!).
Meanwhile, DH extravagantly chose the Magical Star Cocktail (“Light up your celebration with X-Fusion Organic Mango and Passion Fruit Liqueur, Parrot Bay Coconut Rum, Pineapple Juice, and a souvenir Multicolored Glow Cube” – wheee! :cool2:).

While we waited for the drinks to arrive, I idly wondered how a “multicoloured” glow cube might work – I figured it must be something like a kaleidoscopic thing showing lots of colours at once. When it came, I was absolutely delighted :-)dance3:) to see what it could do (it is the drink on the right):





Yup, it changed colours! This may be terribly old news to you and you can all call me backwards, but I’d never seen anything like it before! ::rotfl2:

We happily proceeded to sip our colourful and slightly silly drinks (what made them more silly was the fact that apart from us there were only guys having beers there), laze on the couch and reminisce about what a wonderful honeymoon we had had.
Only when we rose to retire to our room did I realize that the cocktail, on top of the glass of wine, had managed to make me pleasantly not-just-tipsy-but-really-quite-drunk :goodvibes.
That was a perfectly fine state for me – at least until DH reminded me that I still had my share of two beers waiting in the fridge, which we wouldn’t be able to take on the plane the next afternoon and which I certainly wouldn’t have during the daytime :upsidedow.

So this is how our last evening at Disney World came to an end – getting drunk first on wine, then on cocktails and finally on plastic bottles of beer.

We certainly know how to end an evening in style :thumbsup2.

Coming up next: It's the final breakfast …
congrats on your upcoming cruise. :cool1::cool1::cool1:
Your food updates were awesome and the ribs your husband had me drooling 8:00 in the morning. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: We definetly have to try Artist Point. For the past 2 weeks I have been reading amazing reviews on this restaurant.
Thank you again for sharing and I have enjoying reading all your installment and can't wait but sad its almost at the end.

Thank you for saying that! I'm not promising anything yet (especially as I haven't made the best impression with finishing this report in a timely manner :sad2:), but I might just write another dining report after our three-week trip in October/November. Then I could also include the cruise ship restaurants!

I really want to take a Disney cruise too! I went on one the first year they started sailing, and it was great fun, but I was little then, so missed out on a lot, like Palo, so that's an excuse right there to go again. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until the Disney Dream starts sailing, because that ship looks absolutly magnificent, but the Magic is wonderful!

Words can barely express how excited I am to be going on that cruise, believe me! :) I just know it's going to be fantastic. You are right, the Dream looks amazing, but the pictures weren't out when we booked our cruise on the Magic plus there is no way I would have waited another year to go cruising :rotfl:
Thus sadly but inevitably, the sun rose on our very last morning at Disney World! How did that happen? It felt like we had almost only just arrived!

No, well, it didn’t really, the holiday had been two whole weeks long after all and we could feel it because we had seen so much and done so many great and exhausting things that in a way, we were ready to go home.
On the other hand, however, we felt there was still so much that we hadn’t managed to do, so many things that we thought we would easily manage to cram into two weeks and then missed anyway:

All those ADR’s we had cancelled; and the drinks and/or treats I had read about on the DIS and had so wanted to try, such as a Lapu Lapu, or a Dole Whip;

and the attractions we hadn’t managed to see, such as the Lion King show, or the Kim Possible adventures, or the Indiana Jones stunt show (and we didn’t even set one foot into Innoventions East nor West);

and even some entire parks we didn’t get around to seeing, namely the Universal parks and Blizzard Beach.

Honestly, if someone had told me before our trip that we would be unable to do everything even though we only left the WDW area for one single day to go to the Gulf beach, I would have laughed at him.
Now we knew better – the World is just too large to be seen in one holiday!
Which is a good thing, really, because it made us kind of make up our minds during that breakfast that we would HAVE to return once more, instead of turn to other holiday destinations first.

I had never dreamed that DH would be so easily convinced – but he was, and so it was decided that we would be coming back! (Which we will do in only about eight and a half months’ time from now, and we’ll even combine it with a Disney cruise! I’m so happy I could jump up and down with joy all the time like this: :yay:)

Anyway, back once more to our final breakfast (which makes me hear the song “The final countdown” by Scandinavian band Europe all the time, only slightly changed to “It’s the final breakfaaast …”. Does any of you guys know this song, which was hugely popular in Germany in the Eighties? Anyway, I’m digressing again).

This was our third breakfast at The Whispering Canyon Café this trip, not necessarily because it was our favourite (it is really okay, though!) but as it was so convenient for us WL lodgers.

I’m afraid I didn’t take a single picture this time, but since we had the same omelettes that we already had for our last breakfasts here a few days earlier, I hope you’ll forgive me the lack of visual stimulation.

Once more, however, we were completely left out of the typical Whispering Canyon spiel, our server was completely polite the whole time.
And once more, I can only guess that this was because he asked our nationality up front and then thought we might not speak English so well, consequently not understand the “game” and then be insulted.
I realize I could have tested this theory by asking for ketchup, but it takes a mentally much stronger person than me to willingly and knowingly launch into this little adventure :upsidedow.

Despite refraining from yelling at us, our server was a very nice person ;).
Even though he could see there was just us two adults, he brought us childrens’ menus “so you can play some games and not get bored waiting for your food”, and he also handed us a bunch of Mickey stickers because “even if you don’t have kids I’m sure you know some kids who would like these” (I’m embarrassed to say here that even though I gave a couple away I selfishly kept the rest ...).

He also brightly asked us what we were planning to do that day, and received a rather unhappy reply of “Catching a plan home, unfortunately!” :sad1:.
We then explained to him that this had been our honeymoon and we were having to go back to Germany now. To this, he replied by shouting out to the whole room that “this lovely young couple here has come all the way from Germany to spend their honeymoon, and since they’ve just married please join me in a loud chorus of CONGRATULATIONS!”, and a whole lot of people joined in with that.
This was so cute, even though we were a bit embarrassed by all the unexpected attention :scared:.

So in this way, the final breakfast at the World came to an end, and we hurried to our room to finish packing and be on our way.

Oh well, I can’t really leave this review completely devoid of pictures so here is at least one: Me waving goodbye to our room about an hour later, in the process of bringing the luggage down to the car.


Coming up next and last: Some final thoughts and my ultimate Best/Worst list ...
This was so much fun to read! I'm sad your reviews are over, but am ver much looking forward to your final thoughts! THanks for sharing with us!
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