The Deluxe Dining that defeated us ...a German perspective! (FINISHED!)

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Welcome back! Love breakfast at 'Ohana! Made our December trip reservations on Saturday and that one was near the top of our list! Course it will be bittersweet as it is on our departure day! (Geez, our trip is 88 days and I am already sad about our departure day!)
Yay, wonderful update. :)

I love Stitch too, glad to hear you had a great time at breakfast. :)
Another update!! How wonderful!! :goodvibes I guess I was right about the summer weather... :rolleyes1 At least here in Berlin the golden September seems to be over.

Ohana looks like a fun breakfast. I love the picture of Stitch - everything is blury only his head is in focus. Very interesting effect! :thumbsup2
Glad your back :woohoo:.... have really enjoyed your review. Thought you'd left us all. Looking forward to the next update :surfweb:

Oh wow, I am so flattered and happy that you are all still here after my long long absence and that you still want to read some of my writings! Thank you all!


You're back! I'm still subbed, and I am happy to read more. Mmm, breakfast. Sure beats the banana and granola bar I just had...

And more will come, I promise!

Glad to have you back. I can't wait to read more. . .:surfweb:

See above ;)

Welcome back! Love breakfast at 'Ohana! Made our December trip reservations on Saturday and that one was near the top of our list! Course it will be bittersweet as it is on our departure day! (Geez, our trip is 88 days and I am already sad about our departure day!)

Yes, I am a bit like that myself - at least as soon as the first couple of days of the holiday are over, I start obsessing about its end ... Even if that is still almost two weeks or so away ... I wish I wasn't like that! :confused3:)

You are back - that's great :banana:

Thanks for having me back! :)

Yay, wonderful update. :)

I love Stitch too, glad to hear you had a great time at breakfast. :)

I am all motivated to write the last updates quickly and, hopefully, so that they interest you guys!

Another update!! How wonderful!! :goodvibes I guess I was right about the summer weather... :rolleyes1 At least here in Berlin the golden September seems to be over.

Ohana looks like a fun breakfast. I love the picture of Stitch - everything is blury only his head is in focus. Very interesting effect! :thumbsup2

Yes, it is the same where I live (further north and west than Berlin) - the weekend was glorious sunny autumn, and today all of a sudden it's become cold and rainy. What can we do but dream of the next trip to sunny Florida ... :lovestruc

Glad your back :woohoo:.... have really enjoyed your review. Thought you'd left us all. Looking forward to the next update :surfweb:


No, I would never leave, I was just so busy and at the same time, a bit lazy! I'll always be back!
Had I gone along with the ADRs I made prior to the trip, the Yachtsman wouldn’t have been our next sit-down meal after all: Originally, we had scheduled a 3.00 p.m. lunch at Les Chefs de France, in Epcot.
I had mainly booked this because I adore the movie Ratatouille, like anything Pixar made (the wonderful short films, Wall-E, and recently the wonderful yet sad Up!). And I had read somewhere online that a little audio-animatronic Rémy made his regular appearance at Chefs de France, so I figured I HAD to see that.

However, as real life is wont to do, it got in the way with my great plans, in the shape of my conscience telling me there was no way (or at least no healthy way) we would have a big breakfast at ‘Ohana, then spend the morning swimming, rush over to Epcot almost without time for a proper shower, consume a three-course meal at Chefs de France, and then be ready about two hours later to start the next three-course meal at the Yachtsman Steakhouse.
Good ol’ conscience, I guess it was right – and even though I was sad missing sweet little Rémy (has any of you seen him there, by the way?) I did the sensible thing – prompted by DH as well, by the way.

I gave up the reservation, we spent a little more leisure time at the water park, had some chicken wraps and chips (myself) and a nice burger (DH) at Typhoon Tilly’s there, went back to the hotel for a nice relaxing shower, and later headed out for an afternoon at Epcot, where I was even still peckish enough to try my first ever (!) Mickey Bar:


… and everything was then topped off by a meal at the Yachtsman Steakhouse which we were really looking forward to.
So the essence of this story is …? When you’re a compulsive planner like myself, and you have booked the DxDP, it is only too easy to go over the top with booking all those great restaurants you don’t want to miss out on, and forget all about taking your time and being on holiday and enjoying yourself (and not putting on more than three pounds in one day, of course ;)).

Anyway, enough of this – and now definitely up next: Dinner at the Yachtsman Steakhouse …
Yay you're back! :banana:

I'm so glad I was subbed to you so that I knew!
Yay you're back! :banana:

I'm so glad I was subbed to you so that I knew!

Wow, thank you! I can't believe how many people were waiting for an update, had I known that I wouldn't have been so lazy!

Everybody, I still haven't finished the next update as I have to look in my notes what exactly it was that DH ate :) (it's really amazing how much I've forgotten in the last two months - why did I ever stop the report, silly me?), and I won't get to those notes until tomorrow. However, so that you do not think I am already reverting to my old lazy ways, let me tell you that I have used the time to finish the next update AFTER the following one, so once I've finished that you will have TWO at the same time. See? Y'all have to at least give me credit for trying :rolleyes:

Have a great day everybody,
Like those who have read my last couple of posts know, we had been very active that day – breakfast had been really early, then we had been swimming and riding the slides (yay for the Crush 'n' Gusher!) in Typhoon Lagoon for hours, only nourished by a little wrap or burger for lunch, and then we had walked around Epcot for hours.
After one final walk from the International Gateway to the Yacht Club, you will therefore understand that we were not only hungry. We were famished. As in, if I don't get to eat a steak this very minute I will pass out.
Now, we had come to the right place to remedy that:


But alas – we hadn't come at the right time to remedy that :confused3. When we arrived at the podium only slightly early for our 7.55 ADR, we were very politely told that the restaurant was runnung quite a way behind schedule that day, and there would be at least :-)scared1:) a 30-minute wait.
You can't imagine the shocked look on poor DH's face, and I wasn't too happy either!

We repaired to the bar next door, sat down, ordered a beer and somehow managed to withstand ordering lots of food off the menu as well. I used the time to write some trip notes, and DH checked our home voicemail and heard a message from my dear cat-sitting mom who told us that our three kitties were doing well, apparently not missing us at all, but demanding to be fed all the time and then throwing up on the carpets a lot. Well, welcome to our world, mom! ;)

After a seemingly interminable 40 minutes, our buzzer finally went off and let us stumble back to the podium in a state of semi-famished bliss. We were seated by a window overlooking the cool windmill pool, and we even had two servers: One lady was new and still earning her ears, and the other was supervising her.
We only saw the new server once more during the evening when she brought us our dessert cutlery – I guess she was really really new, like on her first day, and mostly just watching and not yet doing much alone.

The more experienced server (Suzan), however, brought us the menus – and they had "Happy Honeymoon" on them! Aww, I love when they do something like that. This reminds me, by the way – I forgot all about mentioning it when I posted the review: We also got a personalized menu at Narcoossee's, and that was even more personalized as it said "Congratulations to Mr and Mrs XX". Isn't that so nice?

For starters, I ordered the Assortment of Artisanal Cheeses (accompanied with Toasted Multigrain Baguette), sorry for the picture turning out so dark:


I am afraid I can't tell you which was which anymore (not that I could have told you this at any time after the evening I ate them :rolleyes1). I remember, however, that the two on the outside were both much much much too strong for my taste, and I wasn't previously aware of being the greatest cheese wimp ever. Well, maybe I just am. The yellow cheese was really nice, though!

DH had the Chilled Seafood Salad (Lobster, Shrimp and Jumbo Crab with Lemon Creme Fraiche and Avocado Cream). It sounds nice enough now, and I have a picture, but I still don’t remember what it was like – maybe DH didn’t let me try it? Anyway, why should I be better at remembering his appetizer than mine ;).


For our entrées, we debated back and forth about which steak to take – I fully expected DH to go for the Porterhouse as I can't think of any restaurant here at home were he could get a real, manly 24 oz. cut of meat :).
He greatly surprised me, however, by saying that he didn't think he'd be able to manage that much food, and by subsequently ordering the New York Strip Steak (12 oz. Strip Steak with Peppercorn Brandy Sauce and Potato Gratin with Diamond White Cheddar, according to the menu).
This was the memorable moment it really, finally, completely dawned on me that the DxDP is TOO. MUCH. FOOD. :eek:


I tried a bite of his meat – which was delicious – and he even let me finish his potato gratin, which was even better. Yum! I think he made the entrée choice I should have made, because I clearly liked his better.
Myself, I had decided upon the Yachtsman Filet Mignon (an 8-ounce Filet with Mashed Potatoes and a Red Wine Sauce) because I just love filet mignon. The meat was very good and tender, but I didn't really much fancy the red wine sauce, and the mashed potatoes were just not as fabulous as the potato gratin. Silly me, always wanting what somebody else has on his plate ;).


My dessert doesn’t seem to be on the menu found on the internet, and I didn’t keep the dessert menu that day :confused3. The receipt, however, only says “seasonal dessert”, so I’m really not sure what this was. (I am so sorry, this is becoming more and more frequent in this trippie! Shame on me! I promise, promise, promise to take better notes for my next report!).

The pink one on top definitely was some kind of fruity ice cream, but I don’t remember the thingy on the bottom at all, and the one on the right tasted strange and not sweet and I definitely didn’t like it. The long caramelized sugar thing was sweet and I only nibbled at it. So there you go, there’s your detailed, professional and highly descriptive report of that dessert :rolleyes:.


DH didn't have a hard time deciding, as his favourite dessert was on the menu here: Crème brulée! Here, it was quite beautifully served with fresh berries and rolled chocolate (doesn't it look delicious):


Tasted as good as it looked, he said – I can't verify this as I was both too full to try and successfully fended off by DH who wouldn't let me ;).

All in all, it was a very good meal – what we didn't like about it was all the waiting that was connected with it. First the 40-minute wait for our table, then we always had to wait rather longish for our server to reappear, it took very long for the dessert to arrive and then we sat for about five more minutes without cutlery to eat it with, and after we asked for the bill we waited quite a bit for it to appear.
I am sure some of this was due to the fact that one of our servers was so new, and they were both really nice to make up for it, but this made the total visit to the restaurant more than two-and-a-half hours long, and that was just too much.

I wouldn't say we're not willing to ever give this restaurant another chance, it's not as bad as that, but during our next stay we'll definitely try something else.

Coming up next: The most expensive breakfast in the World …
(Well, this may not be as glamourous as the title suggested, but being that credit-wise it WAS our most expensive breakfast ... here goes!)

The next morning, we decided to splurge as we had cancelled so many meals that we already knew we would have a couple of table service credits to spare.
Therefore, we filled in our order before going to bed, hung it on the door and proceeded to fall into bed and be awakened by an extremely punctual knock in the morning, followed by DH's utter refusal to get out of bed so soon.
Not exactly a morning person myself, I jumped out of bed, threw a blanket over most of my husband, frantically got dressed, swiped everything off the little table onto the blanket under which DH was complaining about having things thrown at him, somehow managed to put a smile on my still-sleepy features and let the server in. Whew! Not exactly my idea of a lazy morning :rolleyes:.

Anyway, we opened our balcony door to let the first sunlight in (did I mention we had breakfast ordered for seven a.m.? What is it about Disney World that makes me plan everything so compulsively and totally forget that we have NEVER been morning people?) and settled ourselves at the table to enjoy our meal. I only took one photo, but it shows the whole works:


Eggs, breakfast potatoes, toast, fruit, coffee, orange and grapefruit juice, lots of little glasses and bottles (the contents of which we were never really able to find out – I admit it, we were really lame, I don’t think we opened a single one of them!), plus the cute placemat I had bought at the hotel store. This is probably the cutest and still really cheap item I ever bought at Disney, as it was only three dollars! It now sits on our kitchen floor and we put the cats' food bowls on it, so it really serves a purpose that meets its design.

I wouldn't really order room service breakfast again, though – considering the fact that it set us back two table service credits each, it was not a whole lot of food and I think we would have been better off just bringing something up from Roaring Forks - which incidentally, we never did, as we never had breakfast in our room apart from that one time.
We will try to do that more often during our next stay, though, as it will be less stressful and give us more time in the parks. Alas, that will mean a whole lot less of those character breakfasts, but it will also mean a nice and cozy and not too stressful start to the day, and a less cranky DH :lmao:.
And I will certainly still maintain at least one or two of those breakfasts – I wouldn’t want to miss at least one or two out of the ‘Ohana, Crystal Palace or Tusker House set!

Coming up next: Dessert made in heaven – lunch at Yak & Yeti.
thanks for a wonderful update...I'm not sure if I can wait over 40 mins after my ADR (b/c of my son...he does great eating at restaurants but if they tell me we have to wait over 30 min pass our ADR...I'll have to pass on it and just go back to our resort and order room service or eat elsewhere...thank you for your review.) I'm still going back and forth if I should keep my ADR for Yatchmans b/c we are going there on our arrival day so I'm still having second thoughts...if its worth a trip to go there or save it for another time.
Can't wait to read the most expensive breakfast popcorn::
Thanks for the update! I'm starting to get the feeling the DxDP may be a bit much for us as well.:guilty:
Thanks for all the great reviews. We just got back and did the deluxe as well, and the very last day as my shorts were a little:confused3 snug decided that it might be too much food, but what the heck you only live once.
I can absolutely understand that you felt that it was just too much food - and too much time spent on meals! I love getting a CS breakfast for the room and sit on the balcony. But somehow I think I like the idea of room service breakfast, too. :goodvibes

Personally, I am not a fan of sauces on my steak. While I still like some suaces, I don't really approve of it being poured over it. So I tend to order it on the side (by the way, did you know that "on the side" is in German "auf einem Extrateller" at least according to "When Harry met Sally" or as we know it "Harry und Sally". I always wondered about this weired expression about the Extrateller, and why would you put sauce on a plate and not into a bowl, until I finally watched the film in English and figured it out. I guess it is so unusual to order something on the side in Germany that we don't have a proper term for it! :lmao:). Back to the food: Ordering something on the side is great if you aren't really sure wether you like the sauce! :thumbsup2
Thanks for the update!

You're welcome! I mean, it's the least I can do, an update every three months or so ... erm ... :rolleyes1 :sad2: :rolleyes1

Thanks for all the great reviews.

I won't promise that a lot will happen in this thread, but I've definitely got one review coming right up!

Personally, I am not a fan of sauces on my steak. While I still like some suaces, I don't really approve of it being poured over it. So I tend to order it on the side

Yes, I prefer meat without sauces most of the time, too ...
Strengthened by our room service breakfast (wich, as you may notice, I have written about here a mere three months ago :rolleyes1), we made our way to the Animal Kingdom once more where we spent a wonderful Mothers’ Day morning (I was given flowers upon entering the park and didn’t know what for, and then when it dawned on me I felt embarrassed because I’m not yet a mother and thus didn’t deserve them :rolleyes:): visiting our beloved tigers at Maharajah Jungle Trek, seeing Dinoland U.S.A. for the first time ever, and having a strain put upon our young marriage by Kenai the bear at Camp Minnie-Mickey (because he snatched me from DH and took off with me across the camp :lmao:).

These antics and adventures left us hungry again by 12:30 p.m., which is why it was very fortunate we had a reservation at the Yak & Yeti at that time.


I had learned on the DIS to request a table on the first floor of the restaurant since it was supposedly more quiet there. With next to no wait, we were led up the stairs and seated in the very pretty main room there, close to this very cool and Indiana Jones-esque statue:


Our server arrived presently, I cannot recall her name but she was very nice and kept calling us “my friends” (not sure if this was her normal way of being friendly or whether it was supposed to be the Himalayan style of hospitality?). She strongly recommended the Ahi tuna for starters and was happy that I went along with it – yet how could I not have, I would have definitely ordered that even without the recommendation. And boy, was I glad I did:


Doesn’t it look just delicious? The Seared Ahi Tuna - chilled, sesame-encrusted ahi tuna, wasabi aioli, and sweet chili slaw. It was every bit as good as it looked (incidentally, the next time we visit the World, I am determined to order tuna as often as I get the chance to, so keep a look out for my next dining report which may well be titled “Ahi tuna reigns” or somesuch :thumbsup2).

DH had the Lettuce Cups - minced chicken breast, chopped vegetables, maple tamarind sauce, crisp lettuce cups. He liked it, but when I gave it a try I found it a bit bland and uninteresting compared to my heavenly tuna (I was biased, I know! :)).

Next, we were both of one mind about what to have for the main course: Could not possibly be anything but the Shaoxing Steak and Shrimp - skirt steak, tempura-battered shrimp, jasmine rice, stir-fried vegetables, chili plum dipping sauce.


Now, this was seriously yummy: The steak was very nicely seasoned and came with stir-fried veggies and steamed rice, so it all felt pleasurably and fittingly Asian. The shrimp came in a batter, which was not my favourite, but still they were quite nice. (Plus they were served on long sticks so at least they carried the Asian theme further :)).

Already quite full and very content, I amused myself by taking what I considered to be artful pictures (I know, I know ;)):


The people sitting at the table under that mirror must have wondered what the german-speaking madwoman was doing taking pictures of them …

Anyway, moving on to today's main attraction: Dessert!

For dessert we both decided on the “fried wontons” …


… and ended up deliriously happy with this decision: Skewers of fresh pineapple and cream cheese wontons with vanilla ice cream and honey vanilla drizzle. My friends, what can I say. This was THE single best dessert that I have eaten in the whole of Disney World, in those two whole weeks, and therefore automatically also the best dessert I have ever had in the continent of America! :) (And believe me, it's not like I've had absolute heaps and heaps of better desserts in Europe, either.)

This was nice. This was delicious. This was both warm and cold, fruity-fresh and comfortingly rich (without appearing to contain a thousand evil calories), creamy, ice-creamy, yummy. Give me more of this. Right now! :banana:

Oh, and by the way: DH would not spend nearly as many words on this. But he liked it. Which was obvious when he'd finished it within what felt like five seconds and then sank back in his chair with a contented glimmer in his eyes. :thumbsup2

Coming up next: twenty square feet of food!
Oh, I am glad you returned! :banana: Sounds liek a good meal at Yak and Yeti! :thumbsup2

I am intrigued what the next post is going to be about - can you give us European reader a translation into the metric system, too? I have no idea how large 20 square feet are! :rotfl:
Oh, I am glad you returned! :banana: Sounds liek a good meal at Yak and Yeti! :thumbsup2

I am intrigued what the next post is going to be about - can you give us European reader a translation into the metric system, too? I have no idea how large 20 square feet are! :rotfl:

Great to see you are still with me, Floss! Well, if I googled it correctly, it should be something like two square metres (if any of my readers happens to be so lucky as to be "literate" in both metric and US systems, please correct me if I'm wrong ;))

Every time I see a picture of that Yak and Yeti dessert, I drool. Delicious!

I know, same here! The only other dessert that does that to me is the Ooey-Gooey Toffee Cake they serve at the Liberty Tavern!

Oookay ... now I've got one more update which will be up in a minute, and then I wish everybody a very merry Christmas! (We Germans celebrate that on the evening of the 24th, so that is TOMORROW! :santa: :yay: :santa:)
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