~The Daily Grind~ 11/10/09

Jennifer--WOW!! You were very successful at M's!!! Were the hot cocoa punches with the Christmas stuff or with the regular Martha stuff? Got to get specifics down for DH!!! And way to go with the paper! That's cool!
Jennifer--WOW!! You were very successful at M's!!! Were the hot cocoa punches with the Christmas stuff or with the regular Martha stuff? Got to get specifics down for DH!!! And way to go with the paper! That's cool!

There is a section of "holiday-ish" ones on an endcap. They all have red packaging. I thought the paper looked like there was way too much in there! I feel bad, meh, I'm over it.

really? that would be great! he said he's going to ask the 1st of the week. so i will let you know!

Of course. We can go shopping, do lunch, more shopping. Don't wanna throw myself at you, but if you need a pal, I'm around :flower3:
i'd love to pal around with you! anyday/ anytime!
of course i have to work and that puts a damper on things.
do i NEED to work??
If you want to continue to live in the way you've become accustomed, yes, you need to work! Stupid work always gets in the way of our fun!
or if i want to have....say electricity or heat is good. and how about food. i might need some of that too!!!!

it so gets in the way of my fun!
or if i want to have....say electricity or heat is good. and how about food. i might need some of that too!!!!

it so gets in the way of my fun!

Yep, I'm so lucky to be able to work part-time. I should work full-time, or cut back on spending, but meh...someday ;)
Deb~ I hope DS feels better soon.. It would be awful to have his tonsils out at this age.... especially missing school.... but he is a trooper he'd make it thru with no issues!!

DH hit the mother load on t-shirts for my little boys for a dollar today! He called and said he had 15 in his hands did I want them.. He came home and showed me.. 2 of them are generic jerseys but B loves those... the others are sports related for DS13... so for $15.00 I have the boys totally done w/ the exception of a movie for each (hoping to use my $10 coupon at Walmart on Friday for UP, I need to see if I can find a coupon or good price for Ice Age new one).. DD may not get a movie because I found a sale on business casual suits and she wants one... and she needs them w/ her mtgs at school and with 4-H and at leadership conferences.... So I may get that instead of the movie as it is more beneficial to her...
I'm so behind on catching up with everyone's posts today. It's pouring rain here, and it's been one of those days at work where you wonder why it's not socially acceptable to smack people?!?! :lmao:

DH & DS are off tomorrow, so I'm hoping they'll make a run to Michael's!! DS is feeling yucky--had shots last Friday and has an ear infection, so it's been a long day today for him. He's napping right now!

Awwwwww, hope that cutie feels better soon!! Mine has been sleeping since he got home from the docs.

And as to the other...OMG that is soooo true!! OK, so how many times have I wanted to smack people? To the point where I nicely say "Can you hold for a min" then choke the life out of the phone!! You just can't fix stupid!!
Nan, I found this deal for Ice Age 3, but never found Nutella at my Walmart. HTH!

(I'm getting Up and Monsters Inc. this week!).
Yep, I'm so lucky to be able to work part-time. I should work full-time, or cut back on spending, but meh...someday ;)
i'd love to work part time. you are so very lucky. although i am lucky enough to be able to put bubba on the bus and be here when he gets off. and i can come home at lunch and put a load of laundry on and start supper. so all in all i don't have it too bad!

Deb~ I hope DS feels better soon.. It would be awful to have his tonsils out at this age.... especially missing school.... but he is a trooper he'd make it thru with no issues!!

DH hit the mother load on t-shirts for my little boys for a dollar today! He called and said he had 15 in his hands did I want them.. He came home and showed me.. 2 of them are generic jerseys but B loves those... the others are sports related for DS13... so for $15.00 I have the boys totally done w/ the exception of a movie for each (hoping to use my $10 coupon at Walmart on Friday for UP, I need to see if I can find a coupon or good price for Ice Age new one).. DD may not get a movie because I found a sale on business casual suits and she wants one... and she needs them w/ her mtgs at school and with 4-H and at leadership conferences.... So I may get that instead of the movie as it is more beneficial to her...

wow Nan you are moving right along! good for you!
Awwwwww, hope that cutie feels better soon!! Mine has been sleeping since he got home from the docs.

And as to the other...OMG that is soooo true!! OK, so how many times have I wanted to smack people? To the point where I nicely say "Can you hold for a min" then choke the life out of the phone!! You just can't fix stupid!!

Yup, I've been trying to change or get rid of STUPID in my life for years.... I'm on the countdown..only 7 more years and STUPID will be gone forever!!!! :)

Nan, I found this deal for Ice Age 3, but never found Nutella at my Walmart. HTH!

(I'm getting Up and Monsters Inc. this week!).

The kids don't want any part of Nutella but I could donate it! I'll check the link out! Thank you!!!!
I did find 2- $5.00 mail in rebates in addition to the $10 off coupon for UP, you have to buy some other products, but they are ones we buy normally so in all, I'd pretty much get the movie for about $5.00! LOL

wow Nan you are moving right along! good for you!

Thanks, we are well w/in our budget actually spending a lot less.. DH is into the dollar sales at the stores, he goes out at lunch.. I think it's that our he could throttle a few of his co-workers around this time of year!:grouphug:
Yup, I've been trying to change or get rid of STUPID in my life for years.... I'm on the countdown..only 7 more years and STUPID will be gone forever!!!! :)

OH, I remember those days! ;)

Speaking from the "other side of stupid" it's sooo much better over here! Hang in there! My DsS is just great now... now that he sees and understands...:hug:
I know we have one seeing the light..and after what he said this weekend in just general conversation I had to go to town just so I could laugh my butt off!!! He comes up with some zingers!!!!
Woo hoo!!!!

Just got PJ's report card... she is ranked in the top 15 of her class!!!!! :)

so, there will be a small party here tonight!!!

Way to go, PJ!!!!

Brooke and Deb, I hope both your boys feel better soon.

My to do list was:

Clean kitchen.
Throw a load of laundry into the dryer
Start dishwasher
Get DD up and ready for school
DH burnt dinner so we order chicken wings from the local tavern for dinner
Watched Castle from last night
GUess what??? I had the major cleaning day!!! I did my kitchen (and that darn silverware drawer. I had 4 diffent sets in there!!! EEK!), I then cleaned a closet (it needed help) and now im off to clean the bathroom and last closet! I actully have SPACE!! Blank space.. How do I handle that?
I've missed posting the last two days. This week is "clean the apartment" week. I wish it was done, and the keys handed in already.

Yesterday, I did all the mini blinds. Today, I did the kitchen. Tomorrow, I am doing one of the bathrooms. I hate bathrooms.

Today's good news...got the 10% Crate & Barrel coupon you get when you move. Which means I can order my scrap room furniture and dining set!
Y'all have to tell me "STOP shopping for Christmas!" (Except for two more little things for DH from LLBean, a few gift cards for my mom - gonna make her a cute card with pockets for them - but she won't appreciate the card...:headache:), a Target gift card for DS's classroom aide, and a few things for the dog.)

I am really done with the Christmas gift shopping, (even for myself!), all the kids are "even" (whew!) and I need to save the remaining $$$ in the Christmas budget envelope for the tree, card postage, and our holiday baking ingredients and traditional splurgy foods we enjoy at this time of year.

I need my anti-enablers to help me!!! The temptation to keep spending is strong and the ads are and will be so enticing...:santa:, but I know that I really want to be saving for our summer 2010 WDW trip.

Stop shopping for Christmas! (unless it's for me)

In other news, I got my midterm back from my Government class. I'm the only Psychology major in there, everyone else is Government. The spread was 3 As, 7 Bs, and 7 Cs. "Eep!" was my first thought....

But guess who got 2 of the As? Lou and I! He beat me by 2 points, which is sort of hilarious, considering he read every chapter and I didn't read any of them.

On that note, congratulations to PJ, Nan! She sounds like a testament to your skills.


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