~The Daily Grind~ 11/10/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.” ~ FlyLady
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

This month's Habit is: November Habit - Menu Planning http://www.flylady.net/pages/focus_nov.a
Zone of the week - Zone 2 - The Kitchen

Link to Flylady Holiday Cruising: http://www.flylady.net/pages/holidaycruising1.asp
:santa: It's Christmas Countdown Time!!! :santa:

~The Daily Grind~ 11/10/09

It's Tuesday!!

My list for today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

Flybaby stuff when I get home...

Dinner... Chicken Alfredo over noodles...using up the rotisserie chicken

Have a Great Day Everyone!! :teeth:
Good morning!! It's TUESDAY!! Woohooooo!!

Deb--chicken alfredo. . .yummy! What time should I be there?? ;)

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Clean kitchen & dining room
4. Pack lunches
5. DS up
6. DS medicine
7. DS to mom's

8. Get tea from mom's
9. Work

10. Week of P365 journaling during lunch
11. Finish typing other journaling
12. Pick up DS

13. Drop stuff off at brother's work
14. Fold laundry
15. Wash two loads
16. Journal some Disney pages
17. Get stuff ready for DH & DS to be off tomorrow
18. Clean baseboards in entry hall
19. Walk or WiiFit if time
20. Watch DVR'd show
21. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have a terrific Tuesday!!
My day:
DS up and off to school
Make blood work appt for DH
Renew WDW annual passes
Iron DS's tux shirt
Grocery store
Dinner - hamburgers
Go see DS perform in the chorus concert at school
Work on Surprise Swap

Have a great day everyone!

well its tuesday and a short week this week. off tomorrow!YIPPEE!

ds, up dressed breakfast bus
prep supper. not sure. my niece and fam are coming for supper
run to target at lunch and pick up prescription
keep up with laundry
post office
keep up with list. -i've been keeping my list next to me on my desk at work and jotting down as i think of stuff and crossing it off as it gets done. seems to be working for me!

have a great tuesday everyone! have fun!!
Need to get to post office - again. It's not even swap season. :confused3

Kiddos off to school.
Post office.
Milk and bread run, maybe I'll have DH do this on the way home.
Start boxing up junk/elliptical room. DH had an auction obsession a few years ago and bought boxes of weird stuff. All the old books he purchased ended up being stacked 4 feet high, 10 feet long, two rows deep. Old musty dusty books. My allergies don't like that room much. Anyway, we never do anything useful with the books. Now they will be boxed back up and put in the barn.
If anyone has use for old - think early 1900-1970 books about religion, philosophy, text/school type books, just let me know. I'll send you some.
Homework, dinner, then V

I've gotten at least 10 things off my list this morning! ;)

So for the rest of my day:

older kids out the door

dinner menu
grocery list for Friday
shopping list for Friday
cut #s for Dec project
cut 5 tags in cream for Dec project @ 4"
cut 5 tags in cream for Dec project @ 3"
cut out 2 pockets for Fav. Memory page
cut titles out for Dec project
print any titles that need printed for Dec project
cut out any embellies for Dec project
make final Christmas shopping list for kids.. (waiting til Black Friday or later to buy any more; DH says he heard our accounts crying last night! LOL Gotta love him!)
elf training session today...
grocery needs run to get us thru till Friday (MILK)
sort laundry for tomorrow's :laundy: fest
make DsS's bed (he called last night and apologized as it dawned on him it wasn't made before he left)

I think that is everything; everyone have a great day!!
Dh would love the religion and philosophy ones- one of his teachers regularly calls for textbooks from the 1950's-1970's. If you happen to have any really old math ones I know someone who collects those as well- think 1930's and before.

I will make a list and keep it with me when I start boxing. :thumbsup2

I think I can comfortably afford to send out about 3 boxes with the large box flat rate shipping.

[meaning DH won't flip over a few :wink:]
I'm working today. Going to stop at Mike's and possibly ACM on the way there. Only doing 10-1 or 2. I can only take so much filing at once.

When I get home I need to make my lasagna and do the GS banner for the parade tomorrow. We're not marching (Princess and I), but the other girls need the banner. Better get crackin!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Sheesh - it is only Tuesday and I'm behind on my lists already! Family dentist appts for this morning were cancelled (illness there).

Kids up and out
Gave DH grocery list for "on your way home tonight" shopping - with coupons!!!

Walk dog
Finish stuff undone from Sunday & Monday lists!!!!
Dinner - homemade calzones
Meds and bed - boy, did I crash early last night!

*Maybe* one of my friends will call this morning and say "Watcha doin'?" and we could go out shopping....the Christmas Tree Shops Friends and Family Sale starts today and I've got a whole sheet of "20% off your entire purchase" coupons. I'm just sayin'... :rotfl:

AYM - DH loves books about magic or magicians. If there are any in your pile, I think he'd be interested. Thanks for offering!!!
Have a great day, everyone!
I don't remember any magic books. These came from old family farms mostly. I think magic may have been too mystical for out here.

But it's not like I remember every title. :lmao: I will put it on my list. :thumbsup2
AWM- Don't forget about media mail - you can send books for pretty cheap with that.
Depends on how heavy & big they are - you'll have to check, but I think it may be cheaper media-mail.

Get ready
Pack up:
-Suggestion Cards
Head to Lou's
Get driven to Boston
Unpack car, move EVERYTHING in to building
Remember to pick up the Suggestion Box from the SGA office - make sure it's unlocked
Host event for commuter students from 12-2 on our own. :headache:


On the event:
Pretty much every single person who we asked to help dropped the ball on this - from the people who were supposed to send out the annoucement about the event even occuring - it went out THIS MORNING. Luckily I had someone else take over and send it out last week. Jeez. And these people are administrators, and supposed to be there for us.

Then our live music - Lou never ended up contacting him, because it would have been so much more work setting up, with cables, etc. And we didn't know if he wanted money. So then I had to make a CD.

And then we were supposed to co-sponsor this with the Commuter Student Association, but they just went through a huge upheaval in their club, and the new president seems... underwhelming and overwhelmed. All we asked was that he have a representative there to help get members for his club, but he never got back to me.

Oh, and then Lou thought that 80 small cookies would be fine for desserts. Uhhhmmm - no. So I made him bake brownies.

Ohhhh man. This is not going to be fun.

Rant over. Sorry everyone.... I'm just freaking out about this. Ugh.
it's tuesday

appearently posion ivy is still around and bailey must have given me a good case of it. yuck!!
Oh well at least i'm home and can itch all i want

am routine I slept through thanks to the benadryl
facebook and dis'd
beef stew in crockpot
craft stuff to finish for the weekend show.
boys from bus and relax no school tomorrow.

have a great day everyone.

ann i wish they were old farming books I'd send you a prepaid box or anything other than what you listed dad LOVES and collects old books just not those subjects.
PBf I wish i were closer I so need one of their storage ottomans for my living room! oh well I'd go with you in fact I'd already be on your doorstep
PBf I wish i were closer I so need one of their storage ottomans for my living room! oh well I'd go with you in fact I'd already be on your doorstep

Christy - sorry you have the itchies! I'm sure I'll be over there at some point soon...even if I take the bus or have DH drive me (I really hate this not driving thing!!!) - do you want me to grab you one or more of the storage ottomans if they have them? I'd be happy to and you could just get them from me the next time you head to Quincy...we're right on the way!
Woo hoo!!!!

Just got PJ's report card... she is ranked in the top 15 of her class!!!!! :)

so, there will be a small party here tonight!!!
Pam thanks for the offer and I love to take you up on it but I honestly don't know the nexttime we're headed that way. dad goes back to the dr this pm to talk about the reconnection surgery and If that goes through I or mom may not get down there for months. What i should have done is asked my aunt who cam up yesterday to get one and bring it with her but I'm not that smart:lmao:. I'll be glad when this apt is over and we know what direction we're going in. I'm not ready for him to have it done with all the problems from the 1st go around but he's miserable with it so.......
okay back to getting supper in the crockpot
*Maybe* one of my friends will call this morning and say "Watcha doin'?" and we could go out shopping....the Christmas Tree Shops Friends and Family Sale starts today and I've got a whole sheet of "20% off your entire purchase" coupons. I'm just sayin'... :rotfl:

I called to say "Whatcha doing?" but you weren't home:guilty: But will probably drop by before I pick up the bean...Maybe we can go later on - since tomorrow will be bust. There is always thrusday;)
Where does one get the CTS friends and family coupons?! Please share!

Went to Mike's, found Holly's stamps and some fun stuff on clearance. Got the Hot Cocoa punch, OMG, I LOVE IT!

I'm leaving around 1:00. Need to stop and get milk on the way home, and then make a lasagna for dinner!
im a bad bad girl. I totally blew off my list and have been lazy all day. I did put up iclicle lights. I did pack for moms. I need to clean my extra room, Gatta get my butt going for my 15 minutes of cleaning.

I swear the cat isnt going to make it thought the day without being put on TIME OUT!! he ate a chuck of my shoelace, not enough to hurt him but enough where I need new laces.


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