The Boa Brigade: New Appointments to the Realm!

ummmmmmmm Sir Chas............... feathers in Florida is very fashionable, however, Speedos on thy head....... I don't think so. :confused: I think it was a good idea to remove the speedos from thy brow, but a bad idea to remove your flaming green boa. After all, it made you ALMOST handsome.:rolleyes:

(Mom is doing great thanks!:D)
Feathers in Fla...a must...I mean you should see all the feathered fans in a club near me.(but I digress) I suggest incorporating thy speedos w/ thy boa, and creating a whole "new" look for you..

And I have to agree with Lady did look ALMOST handsome in thy boa...brought out the color of your eyes
Feathers in Fla...a must...I mean you should see all the feathered fans in a club near me.(but I digress) I suggest incorporating thy speedos w/ thy boa, and creating a whole "new" look for you..

And I have to agree with Lady did look ALMOST handsome in thy boa...brought out the color of your eyes
Would this be the EPCOT Breakfast that were supposed to wear green mickey shirt & boa?

Amber, Yes, the Queen has decreed that boas should be worn by all members of the Boa Brigade to the Friday breakfast at EPCOT.
...of joining the Boa Brigade..

May I join the Conga Line too? Please,please,puh-leeze.....?
Mary Etta
Lady Tay, It is now 3 weeks (give or take;) ) till the boas will be required. I think it's time to air them out and fluff them up! :teeth:
I heard my Queen call and I am reporting for duty.

Queen, Ladies and Lords of the Realm, please present your boas for airing out and dusting.

My Queen, they will be just as beautiful and fluffy as ever for the September Event.
I thank thee, Lady Tay, for thy diligent effort to fluff the royal boas! And I thank thee, Lady Robin, for being attentive to the date and what needs to be done in preparation for the Royal Event!!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Alas, Queen Leslie, I hath returned from my extended journey to the Land of Fertility!! And I must say the trip was a successful one!

Oh how I have missed the Realm of the Boa Brigade! Me hopes thy Kingdom was okay during the absence of this Lady in Waiting. Me thinks Your Highness always has everything under control despite not having my presence in her Royal Court during this time.

But I am back and eager to serve The Realm. Even though the Land of Fertility hath changed me, I am prepared to Conga in the Tonga to the best of my abilities given my "condition".

A warm welcome, also, from me to all the new Lords and Ladies of the Boa Brigade!!

Respecfully submitted,
um dog breath, LordS! I am the only Lord here! You must have come back from the land of "futility" to insult me in that manner!

I shall make a note next to your name on the "list". Prepare to be toasted!

Lord of the Anyone Want a Dog on a Stick!
A ROYAL Announcement.....

To welcome our latest appointee, Talking Hands, who from this day forward shall be known as Lady Lisa, Official Signer of the Realm!!

Wear your boa with pride and spread the joy through out the World!!!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I do graciously accept being part of the Boa Brigade and my new title as Official Signer Of the Realm. I will wear my boa with pride and honor. Thank you.
I think I forgot to ask for my title assignment.

I beleive after this trip you will possibly be referring to me as the Keeper of the Sunblock.:smooth:
Lady Lisa to the boa brigade...a very unusual sister and say the least..
Welcome, Lady Lisa.

How odd that there are 2 Lady Lisa's and both have something to do with music.

Perhaps our Queen can have you sing "The Ballad of the Boa Brigade."

Lady Lisa (Collector of Music),

Our new Lady Lisa is not the Official singer of the Realm, she is the Official signer of the Realm!:D So, perhaps we can get Lady Winnie to sing The Ballad of the Boa Brigade, and Lady Lisa to sign it for us!

And FYI, I am going to post the Ballad of the Boa Brigade for everyone to enjoy!


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