The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I would LOVE visiting this many details!

So much great history there!
What a night! You all look wonderful!

Thank you, Susan.
I learned that dining at V&a's. Definitely a fine dining kind of thing.

I'd love to dine there again someday. Can't wait for your review!

I absolutely adore the MSEP and miss it so much!

My favorite!
I would love to be a plaid as well. If I was 23 instead of 53 I would like to run children's activities at one of the resorts!
Oh that would be fun!!! Or maybe an animal guide in the AK.
The dinner looks amazing and the HM decor is so cool.

Time with friends over a great dinner is always the best! The touches of a favorite attraction make it even better!

I miss the electric parade at WDW, such a memory producing event!
Me too!! I wish they had one for both parks! It's such a fan favorite!

When I was younger, I would have loved to be in the castle stage show as Minnie, if not that a character handler.
Present time a CM at Dinosaur in AK, 2nd choice would be in a gift shop in AK!

Wonderful choices! Interesting ones for now. I can see the AK choice- it's my favorite park too!
Hi Liesa!!! Awesome pics at Club 33 and of the parade!!!! You are such a good writer and photographer and I always feel I am reliving your trips when I read your reports!!!

Thanks! I'm glad you're still here and enjoying. I haven't even gotten to the WDW part, so still loads to come!
Hi Liesa!!! Awesome pics at Club 33 and of the parade!!!! You are such a good writer and photographer and I always feel I am reliving your trips when I read your reports!!!

Thanks! I'm glad you're still here and enjoying. I haven't even gotten to the WDW part, so still loads to come!
Sorry, I just couldn’t muster the courage to christen the Club with a ChunkyDump. I do have some sense of decorum once in a while.



What a good-lookin' group!

Steve got what was, in my opinion, the coolest drink at the table. Who doesn’t love a drink the sends out fog like a graveyard at midnight?

Oh my goodness, how cool is this!?

Our server appeared shortly and it is here I learned something new about high-style dining… as our napkins were distributed, the server chose between black or white depending on the color that you were wearing- black napkin on dark clothing, white on light clothing.

Fancy! I remember one morning when we had breakfast at the Grand Floridian cafe, I was wearing black sweat shorts, and the server was about to unfold my white napkin, then corrected themself and said they'd bring a black one instead so I didn't get white lint on my shorts. I felt pretty silly about it since I didn't care much about my super casual athletic apparel. But it was the first time I'd ever noticed this, too!

And yes, I even passed one of them over to Fran who sat across from me, which also kept me from spending $100 on a sweatshirt I didn’t need.


What a wonderful meal this must have been. Everything looked excellent!

Float after twinkly float came into view and I ooohed and aaahed at every single one.

:lovestruc I'm glad you get to have this parade back in Disneyland again, but I have to admit that I'm a little envious. I loved it for the time it was at WDW, and now I miss it.

Fireworks show was up next! And one I’d never seen before either- Halloween Screams. Oh man!! WOW!!! Soooooo good!! All that Hallowishes once was and far more.

Wow! Amazing! This sounds super. I really miss HalloWishes...hard to imagine a fireworks show could be even better!

This is beautiful!

:eek: Wow!

If you could have any job in Disney, what would it be? Assume it is the present time and you have your present body. And... what job would you most HAVE wanted at Disney when you were 20 and your back and neck didn't hurt all the time?

I'm only 26 now, and my back is only just beginning to hurt, but my body was still different at 20, so I think this still works! When I was 20 I was closer to the right "fit" to be a face character (now I don't think I'd fit into even the largest size dresses! And I've got a couple of wrinkles coming on my forehead, so I think I'd probably age out by now.) So my THEN answer would be a face character as Alice/Wendy. (Anna or Belle would truly be my preference, but I'm too short! And I think Alice/Wendy are cool choices, too: quirky and clever and fun.) My NOW answer would be a safari truck driver at AK, or a Jungle Cruise skipper at MK. Their costumes look reasonably comfortable, which is a nice perk. But I love learning about animals, and making sarcastic jokes, and having fun with guests. When I worked in rec at a campground, my very favourite activity was taking guests on hayrides and entertaining them with stories, jokes, and songs. ...To be honest, my stretch-goal NOW answer would really be to be an animal trainer at AK. Like the people you meet on the rhino tour who know all about the rhinos' quirks and likes/dislikes and how to train them to do things that are beneficial to their health, but still respect their autonomy, etc. But I went into a human health field, not an animal health field, so I don't expect that's in the cards for me!

Great picture! Everyone looks very spiffy.

Steve got what was, in my opinion, the coolest drink at the table. Who doesn’t love a drink the sends out fog like a graveyard at midnight?

Very cool! How did it taste?

ON the way, we all stopped to ogle at this wonderful display celebrating the iconic “Lemme out!” Coffin Scene from HM. So well done! The lighting was terrible to get a decent photo, but I did the best I could with it in LightRoom.

This is really well done.

Our server appeared shortly and it is here I learned something new about high-style dining… as our napkins were distributed, the server chose between black or white depending on the color that you were wearing- black napkin on dark clothing, white on light clothing. I kinda feel silly for not knowing this before!

I did not know that. Thanks for sharing.

To keep things succinct, it was all extremely delicious and more than I could eat.

Your meal does look very delicious.

The Main Street Electrical Parade started quickly after we were seated, and I reveled in its hoedowny goodness. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls…. (you humming it in your head yet?) Float after twinkly float came into view and I ooohed and aaahed at every single one. So many childhood memories came flooding back. And just like that, it was over. (Please excuse the excess of photos!)

I miss this parade. Thanks for sharing you wonderful photos.

But the night was calm with no rain in sight, so the Fireworks show was up next!

If I remember correctly, you last fireworks viewing was cancelled due to rain?

All that Hallowishes once was and far more. Ummm, Zero flies. How freaking cool is that?!

This sounds perfect.

If you could have any job in Disney, what would it be? Assume it is the present time and you have your present body. And... what job would you most HAVE wanted at Disney when you were 20 and your back and neck didn't hurt all the time?

I would love to be a VIP tour guide too. When I was younger I would have liked to have been a character handler. I love seeing the excitement on kids faces when they meet the characters.
I, unfortunately, fall into the latter category and you’re stuck with a mostly lame narrative these days.
Nope. You may be busy, but the narration hasn't suffered at all.
Dinner at Club 33.
Yusssss…. So enjoyed that when we went.
Floated might be more like it.
It quickly became apparent that the Club was also enjoying the celebrations of the Haunted Mansion’s 50th.
What??? So lucky! I'd kill for that!
Sorry, I just couldn’t muster the courage to christen the Club with a ChunkyDump. I do have some sense of decorum once in a while.
No. The surroundings are not conducive to chunkydumps.
Lovely photo of all of you. :)
I LOVE the lounge and with the special Halloween and HM offerings it was even more festive and fun!
I bet!
Did I mention I was totally envious?
$50 each??? Um... no thanks!
While I thought the themed mugs clever, they weren’t asking me to take them home, although one could argue that one might follow me home anyway.
Steve got what was, in my opinion, the coolest drink at the table. Who doesn’t love a drink the sends out fog like a graveyard at midnight?
That does look cool!
I took the conservative route and went with my favorite go-to cocktail: a Pisco Sour.
Even before I read that, I noticed the photo and knew what you'd ordered.
Speaking of wine pairing and recalling the reputation it caused me the last time I’d done wine pairing,
Your name came up the other day at home and Kay may have mentioned something about that.
I asked if the wine pairing option with dinner could be split. It could, and that made me a happy girl.
conversation was light and easy, and we all had a very enjoyable time just being amongst friends.
That sounds just wonderful. :)
I apologize, I didn’t take very many photos of the either of the spaces as it seemed intrusive and a bit of a social faux pas in the moment to do so.
No, I get it. When we were there, I didn't take many photos either. Just doesn't seem... appropriate.
Oh. My. Word.
I would've stopped dead in my tracks. (No pun intended.)
Our server appeared shortly and it is here I learned something new about high-style dining… as our napkins were distributed, the server chose between black or white depending on the color that you were wearing- black napkin on dark clothing, white on light clothing. I kinda feel silly for not knowing this before!
Huh! I didn't know that either.
How was the soup?
I've never had Chateaubriand. How was that? It looks amazing.
I think by then we were in full party mode and everyone was having a really nice time discussing the menu, anticipating the presentation, and recapping their day. This, of course, created quite the buzz!
which also kept me from spending $100 on a sweatshirt I didn’t need.
It scratches my happy spot; if I was a dog my back legs would be really moving!
The Main Street Electrical Parade
::yes:: I remember you have a particularly soft spot for that parade. :)
Float after twinkly float came into view and I ooohed and aaahed at every single one. So many childhood memories came flooding back.
I really like the cropping on this one.
But the night was calm with no rain in sight, so the Fireworks show was up next!
Lucky. I would like to see fireworks there.
All that Hallowishes once was and far more.
Really! High praise indeed!
Ummm, Zero flies. How freaking cool is that?!
Just.... Wow.
And we might have actually gotten out, but we were with Fran. 😉 (You know I love ya, right, Fran?) And Fran does not simply roll past Disney art shops.
Those are pretty cool.
If you could have any job in Disney, what would it be?
Tough question.

Personal Ariel dresser? No?
I really don't know... I thought maybe something HM related, but... I'd be afraid I'd have the magic sucked out of it.
Oh, I know! Right now... Mayor on Main St. That'd be fun greeting everyone and shaking hands with everyone.... :)
Back in my 20s?... Maybe a character? Face character preferably, but... not sure which one. Not a prince. They're basically window dressing for the princesses. Maybe... Peter Pan? Dunno.
I loved reading about and looking at your Club 33 dinner. That's one of those places I'll probably never end up, myself, so I enjoyed living vicariously through your update. The napkin tidbit is something I didn't know, either, but it makes complete sense.

Zero flying is so cool!

If you could have any job in Disney, what would it be? Assume it is the present time and you have your present body. And... what job would you most HAVE wanted at Disney when you were 20 and your back and neck didn't hurt all the time?

My 20 year old self would have been happy working the Disney Jr. Live stageshow or Turtle Talk. Something to go with my education degree. That was back before I realized that was not my passion and before I had my own kids to corral and deal with. :rotfl2:
Now, I'd do something backstage. Something that would get me on property everyday but away from the crazy guests. (That sounds harsh but the older I get the more introverted I become. :rotfl:)
My favorite TS place in all of WDW is Tiffins, for a variety of reasons. I don’t know if everyone is getting these, but I absolutely adore the little 5"x5"prints they give out after your meal. On the back of each card is a bit of Imagineers' notes relating to their inspiration and WHERE in their travels they are sketched from. (I copied those and they are taped to the back.) I had enough now to actually do something with them, and made this up. The frame is from a thrift store in perfect condition and matches the colors wonderfully! The matting only ran me $52. So, sure it cost 4 TS dinners, but I’d have continued to go there print or not.

This is now one of my absolute favorite pieces of art I have!

You're making me want to go there just to get these prints! I love how you framed them!

I had noticed an exhibit the day before that I had hoped I’d find time to pop into: "Happy Haunts Materialize – The Art of Haunted Mansion". I waltzed into the Opera House and found a most ghoulishly delightful history with spooky fun original artwork from the storyboards and concept drawings as the Haunted Mansion was being developed.

Oh my word, you're killing me with this retelling of your DL trip...I am beyond jealous! And now with all this Haunted Mansion stuff...Aggghhhh! I need to go to DL!!

Speaking of NOLA, here’s a little fun! Dr. Facilier was creeping about, all full of himself and hitting on the ladies. It was hilarious! Kari got the most perfect photo with him!

How fun!

Normally, she informed us, the give out a sticker but were out, so she handed us these!

Ummm, ok.

:laughing: That was sweet though :lovestruc

It is not a train on there; it is an early 19th century fire engine that was used around the time NOS was built to emulate of the time period in New Orleans. The story is that properties put these placards in place to communicate to firemen that they had fire insurance. If the firemen saw a placard, they would put the fire out, if not, tough luck. Apparently, they were used in Europe long before coming to America. Who knew?!

Good eye, and so cool. They do everything just so perfectly perfect :love:

While I thought the themed mugs clever, they weren’t asking me to take them home,

Oh, I totally would have gotten one...or both!

ON the way, we all stopped to ogle at this wonderful display celebrating the iconic “Lemme out!” Coffin Scene from HM.


The Main Street Electrical Parade started

I miss this so much!

What a perfect day you had!
I've never been to Disneyland so I really enjoyed reading about all the things that are different from WDW. I had forgotten all about Snow White's Scary Adventures. It was one of our favorite rides. I would love to see a Carsland at WDW. I think it would be very popular.

Your meal at Club 33 looked really nice. Can anyone make a reservation for that restaurant or do you have to be a member?
Wow what a meal !
Hmmmmm 20s - tour guide for backstage tours like keys to the kingdom or undiscovered future world .
now - something indoors : ) - something where I could spread pixie dust and don’t have to deal with rude guests. I am not sure that job exists. Maybe a character attendant ?
I’ve succumbed the sad knowledge that one can either be a fine writer of TRs given more extra time than I have or a mediocre one because of a lack of time to devote to creating worthwhile prose. I, unfortunately, fall into the latter category and you’re stuck with a mostly lame narrative these days.

Eh, no one is coming here to collect Pulitzers.

Dinner at Club 33.


Sorry, I just couldn’t muster the courage to christen the Club with a ChunkyDump. I do have some sense of decorum once in a while.

Aw...if ever there was a place to do it.

Steve got what was, in my opinion, the coolest drink at the table. Who doesn’t love a drink the sends out fog like a graveyard at midnight?

Gotta admit, that looks pretty cool.


I think by then we were in full party mode and everyone was having a really nice time discussing the menu, anticipating the presentation, and recapping their day. This, of course, created quite the buzz!

Glad you all had such a good time!

To keep things succinct, it was all extremely delicious and more than I could eat.

I'm sure. That looked like a very long menu.

But the night was calm with no rain in sight, so the Fireworks show was up next! And one I’d never seen before either- Halloween Screams. Oh man!! WOW!!! Soooooo good!! All that Hallowishes once was and far more. Ummm, Zero flies.

Sounds like a great evening!

And we might have actually gotten out, but we were with Fran. 😉 (You know I love ya, right, Fran?)

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

If you could have any job in Disney, what would it be? Assume it is the present time and you have your present body. And... what job would you most HAVE wanted at Disney when you were 20 and your back and neck didn't hurt all the time?

Well, the dream job would be as an Imagineer. That would be so cool.

I think I'd have fun interacting with guests--not as a face character where I had to behave a certain way, but more as a Jungle Cruise skipper or someone out in front of an attraction, where I could use the theme to mess around with kids and other guests. That would be a lot of fun. And someone else could deal with the entitled people.
How amazing to experience Club 33 during the Haunted Mansion celebration on top of it! What a great group to enjoy dinner with.

I think at this stage of the game, and with all my retail experience, I'd love to work at the Emporium on Main Street. It would also allow me to be one of those glove wearing people who just stand along the curb waving at everyone coming into the park each morning :) Sounds delightful!!!

I wish I had done a College Program when I was younger! I would have gladly worked anywhere at all, just to be able to be there making magic!
What a good-lookin' group!

Thanks! We sure had fun together!

Oh my goodness, how cool is this!?

It was so unique!

Fancy! I remember one morning when we had breakfast at the Grand Floridian cafe, I was wearing black sweat shorts, and the server was about to unfold my white napkin, then corrected themself and said they'd bring a black one instead so I didn't get white lint on my shorts. I felt pretty silly about it since I didn't care much about my super casual athletic apparel. But it was the first time I'd ever noticed this, too!

Interesting! I think it's a little odd they'd do that for casual stuff too.

"I just sat in POTC skank water, but may I have the dark napkin please?"


What a wonderful meal this must have been. Everything looked excellent!

It was so tasty! But, tbh, the soup presented the same way was better at Mr. Paul's.

:lovestruc I'm glad you get to have this parade back in Disneyland again, but I have to admit that I'm a little envious. I loved it for the time it was at WDW, and now I miss it.

The music is so catchy and the lights to bright and happy! I'm happy it's still around!

Wow! Amazing! This sounds super. I really miss HalloWishes...hard to imagine a fireworks show could be even better!

It really was! The story is just fantastic!

I'm only 26 now, and my back is only just beginning to hurt, but my body was still different at 20, so I think this still works! When I was 20 I was closer to the right "fit" to be a face character (now I don't think I'd fit into even the largest size dresses! And I've got a couple of wrinkles coming on my forehead, so I think I'd probably age out by now.) So my THEN answer would be a face character as Alice/Wendy. (Anna or Belle would truly be my preference, but I'm too short! And I think Alice/Wendy are cool choices, too: quirky and clever and fun.) My NOW answer would be a safari truck driver at AK, or a Jungle Cruise skipper at MK. Their costumes look reasonably comfortable, which is a nice perk. But I love learning about animals, and making sarcastic jokes, and having fun with guests. When I worked in rec at a campground, my very favourite activity was taking guests on hayrides and entertaining them with stories, jokes, and songs. ...To be honest, my stretch-goal NOW answer would really be to be an animal trainer at AK. Like the people you meet on the rhino tour who know all about the rhinos' quirks and likes/dislikes and how to train them to do things that are beneficial to their health, but still respect their autonomy, etc. But I went into a human health field, not an animal health field, so I don't expect that's in the cards for me!

I've seen your character-ing? (Is that a word?) and am always so incredibly impressed- you'd have been perfect! And yes, I can 100% see you as a skipper! You strike me as bubbly, outgoing and very fun.

And for the record, it's never too late or bad to dream big!
Great picture! Everyone looks very spiffy.

We clean up pretty well. :)

Very cool! How did it taste?

I wish I knew. Steve (@chunkymonkey ) didn't share! ;)

I did not know that. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome! Who knew?!

I miss this parade. Thanks for sharing you wonderful photos

I think this was the first time my photos of it actually looked decent.

If I remember correctly, you last fireworks viewing was cancelled due to rain?

Good memory! But it was wind. We got to watch half and then the dreaded announcement came.

I would love to be a VIP tour guide too. When I was younger I would have liked to have been a character handler. I love seeing the excitement on kids faces when they meet the characters.
I wonder if any answers I got, including my own were influenced by our age now, our ideas, experiences, etc... Interesting to think on. But I can see you as either of those, both even now. :)
Nope. You may be busy, but the narration hasn't suffered at all.

Well, thanks. That's a lot coming from a master.

Yusssss…. So enjoyed that when we went.

What??? So lucky! I'd kill for that!

It was something that was right up your alley!

No. The surroundings are not conducive to chunkydumps.

Not at all. It does cause one to give pause to decorum.

Lovely photo of all of you. :)

Aw, thanks!

I bet!
Did I mention I was totally envious?

Yes, and let's do it again sometime!

$50 each??? Um... no thanks!

They were a bit steep for myself too for that design. Still want the Rancor Flight though.

Even before I read that, I noticed the photo and knew what you'd ordered.

;) You know me well....

Your name came up the other day at home and Kay may have mentioned something about that.

Uh, er... ummm, yeah.

No, I get it. When we were there, I didn't take many photos either. Just doesn't seem... appropriate.

Plus, it makes one really want to be in the moment.

Oh. My. Word.
I would've stopped dead in my tracks. (No pun intended.)

I thought you'd be completely wowed by that. :)

How was the soup?

Quite good, but not quite as good as Mr. Paul's which had the same presentation.

I've never had Chateaubriand. How was that? It looks amazing.

It was really yummy, but very rich! I only ate half.

And sadly forgot the other half at Alison's. I hope they (@franandaj ) enjoyed it!

I really like the cropping on this one.

Thanks... tried to be a big fancy pants.

Just.... Wow.

I was particularly proud of that one.

Personal Ariel dresser? No?

I'm sure she'd be delighted.

I really don't know... I thought maybe something HM related, but... I'd be afraid I'd have the magic sucked out of it.
Oh, I know! Right now... Mayor on Main St. That'd be fun greeting everyone and shaking hands with everyone.... :)
Back in my 20s?... Maybe a character? Face character preferably, but... not sure which one. Not a prince. They're basically window dressing for the princesses. Maybe... Peter Pan? Dunno.

I do think it would. Just a guess though.

OH!! That does sound fun!! Love it!

LOL!! The princesses do tend to suck up the atttention, don't they? Haha!

PP? So a tight's kind of guy?
I loved reading about and looking at your Club 33 dinner. That's one of those places I'll probably never end up, myself, so I enjoyed living vicariously through your update. The napkin tidbit is something I didn't know, either, but it makes complete sense.

It was such a fun event. :) And I love sharing it with you all. :)

Zero flying is so cool!

It was soooooooooooooo cool!

My 20 year old self would have been happy working the Disney Jr. Live stageshow or Turtle Talk. Something to go with my education degree. That was back before I realized that was not my passion and before I had my own kids to corral and deal with. :rotfl2:
Now, I'd do something backstage. Something that would get me on property everyday but away from the crazy guests. (That sounds harsh but the older I get the more introverted I become. :rotfl:)

Awww, that's such a great idea, and I hadn't thought of that area. But, yeah.... having ones own kids does seem to temper that passion.

And yes, I get it. I truly do. Common sense and kindness get rarer and rarer everyday.
You're making me want to go there just to get these prints! I love how you framed them!

The food alone is worth the trip, but the prints make it just that much special.

Oh my word, you're killing me with this retelling of your DL trip...I am beyond jealous! And now with all this Haunted Mansion stuff...Aggghhhh! I need to go to DL!!

Come on out and enjoy a little trip. :) Totally worth it!

:laughing: That was sweet though :lovestruc

It's the thought that counts.

Good eye, and so cool. They do everything just so perfectly perfect :love:

They really do! The research that must have gone into the special little touches always astounds me.

Oh, I totally would have gotten one...or both!

Very unique for sure.

I miss this so much!

What a perfect day you had!

It was really just a perfectly wonderful day capped off by my favorite things at DLR.
I've never been to Disneyland so I really enjoyed reading about all the things that are different from WDW. I had forgotten all about Snow White's Scary Adventures. It was one of our favorite rides. I would love to see a Carsland at WDW. I think it would be very popular.

Carsland is so unique and so well executed. I honestly was very skeptical that I'd like it since it was so highly branded. But, it was love at first sight.

Your meal at Club 33 looked really nice. Can anyone make a reservation for that restaurant or do you have to be a member?

Unfortunately, no a friend must make one for you.


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