The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I know, right? I am a bit weird. Seems like there are a few like me though who prefer ice cream :) Or, if it's a cooler day, I really enjoy the roasted nuts. And of course @KathyM2 corrupted me by introducing me to Sprinkles cupcakes... That's my kind of corruption!
No, not wierd! I think if I'd thrown Dole Whip or Mickey Bar in there, it'd have been too easy. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most around here would choose the ice cream or other sweet like a cinnamon roll over any that I listed. I wanted it to be hard! :)

Never been to Sprinkles, but maybe I should! :laughing:
With what we pay out for annual expenditures, we're hard pressed to pay more for events like this. I think they should "include" one, but with WDW I can see the value cause of all the extra photo ops. I haven't seen the value in this event yet to make it worth the extra $$'s.
I totally get that. And I also totally agree. One event should kinda be a bit of a throw in.

I know! Both of theirs were hilarious!

Oh my... speaking of bottoms. I am prepping for my colonscopy today and what better way to spend it than writing a TR chapter?

Well I posted it a little over an hour ago, but I'm too tired for PMs. Maybe tomorrow, but if you go to my last TR there is a link from there. Anyone who hasn't found their way to the new TR tomorrow will get a PM.

I'll get there eventually sometime today. :) today is DISsing Day!

We'll save it for when you come down and if you don't want to carry it on, we can ship it with your Rancor flight that we will hopefully get as well.

Sounds like a great plan!

Nah, I'm not at all a parade person, except for Paint the Night, and more recently I have become a fan of the MSEP only because of photography.

It is VERY photographable. Both are such fun and lovely parades. Daytime ones? Nope!
Oh my... speaking of bottoms. I am prepping for my colonscopy today and what better way to spend it than writing a TR chapter?

I'll get there eventually sometime today. :) today is DISsing Day!

From the potty????? :laughing:

I was a pretty cranky camper the day before mine. Starved and clear liquids only. Not fun.
From the potty????? :laughing:

I was a pretty cranky camper the day before mine. Starved and clear liquids only. Not fun.
I NEVER eat breakfast. It's the day you can't that you feel like you could eat about 3 cows and an elephant. Makes it worse that my daughter is coming over for dinner and I can't eat my spaghetti!!!


P.S. veggie broth sucks.
Well, I've already got July 20-27 planned in Houston, and somewhere around October 1 (for at least 10 days) at WDW. Probably 9/28-10/7 ish. I'm trying to figure out how to spread out my points at the VGC throughout the year, but that doesn't mean you couldn't visit during that time.
We'll figure it out. I'll probably touch base with you before deciding anything. Long ways off anyways. :)
HA, you might be right! Might work for actually getting people behind the tape for parades too.
Please don't tell them. The last thing I need on Main St. is to hear a shrill alarm.

Hmm... now I get why they confiscate it.
Nah, I don't bite.

Yep. :) It's really not that hard.
That's what she said.

Yes, but don't they mean the same thing?
Bite your tongue!!!
Meantime, I wanted to show you the artwork I had done up this week. Words cannot possibly express how thrilled I am with how it turned out.
Glad you're happy. :)
I don’t know if everyone is getting these, but I absolutely adore the little 5"x5"prints they give out after your meal.
Didn't know about that!
I like it! That's a really cool way to display them!
U is for: Undiscovered Trivia and Treasures

We last left off with me gingerly stepping off of the Disney Drink Rant Ledge, regretting a twirl on the swings, remembering my ancestors with Miguel, and looking forward to another great dinner with friends. So, what next, Friends? Where shall we saunter off to next to find new things?

We were at this point on a bit of a schedule that needed to be heeded, so Kari and I began to make our way back to Disneyland. The entrance was in all of her Autumn glory and I paused like millions of others so I could bring you this unique, never-before-seen photo of the characters who are probably making sure I wasn’t trying to sneak in a personal alarm that has never accidentally been deployed in the 2 years of wearing it. :rolleyes2

Once in, the right side of Town Square called out to us. Kari wanted to meet some characters and I had noticed an exhibit the day before that I had hoped I’d find time to pop into: "Happy Haunts Materialize – The Art of Haunted Mansion". I waltzed into the Opera House and found a most ghoulishly delightful history with spooky fun original artwork from the storyboards and concept drawings as the Haunted Mansion was being developed. The ideas for the rides changed drastically as artists and Imagineers were shifted around or added to the project. At one point, and I surmise many of you know this, the red-eyed crow was supposed to be the host. Originally, there was big debate on whether to make it chilling and scary or fun and whimsical. Compromise was struck and they used the best of both themes. Enjoy a few of the offerings:

In addition to the wall art there were displays of sculptures used in the prototypes of the ride. I didn’t get those photos, but suffice to say, while the exhibit was smaller than I thought it might be, it was fascinating and certainly educational.

The sunshine summoned me back to the happy realms of Town Square and Kari was just finishing up as well, so we made our way up to the train station to catch a ride over to the New Orleans Square Station. I love me some DLR train! We just missed one leaving but were happy to sit and relax. We had time, not tons, but enough that we weren’t rushing. I passed the time listening to the old timey music and taking some dorky selfies. NO, I’m not going to post them.

Soon, another train arrived, but its cars faced forward rather than sideways, so we decided to sit out another round hoping the next one had the sidesaddle seating. Ten minutes wasn’t going to break the time bank. We were perfectly content just being still. The Main Street Train Station, by the way, is the quentiscential perfect place to do just that. But after only about 6 minutes or so, they told us, and the few others that had shown up, that the train that was approaching (the first one we’d just missed) was stuck on the tracks near Space Mountain. If we’d gotten on the train just minutes earlier, we’d have been quite stuck and may have very well been very late for our engagement. Blessings come in all sizes. We did wait around another 5 or so to see if they could quickly get them running again, but we decided we’d best just start heading towards our destination.

We passed this on the way and the wait was only 20 minutes, so we hopped in line.

In no time at all, or about 20 minutes, Trader Sam was trying to swing a deal with us, the elephants still had their trunks on for decent pix, the natives were restless, and they were just setting up a game of chess for us! Huzzah!

But now it was time to head towards NOS for our evening shenanigans. And just as we approached my favorite DLR area (Carsland is a very close 2nd), we got a text from Alison saying they were running a little late. Which was great; a little extra time to browse and relax in that charming, NOLA vibe. Speaking of NOLA, here’s a little fun! Dr. Facilier was creeping about, all full of himself and hitting on the ladies. It was hilarious! Kari got the most perfect photo with him!

A couple of random shots from around the area:

Loved this Bat Light in Le Bat en Rouge; I surmise the name of the shop is derived from this OR, they found a bat light because of its clever title- a play on words, of course.

But then a most hilarious thing happened. We stepped into the dump shop of Pirates and poked around. The lady asked me if she could help me, and I told her I was just looking for Hidden Mickeys and killing time. She said, “Well, there aren’t any HMs, but since this is a pirate store, we have a hidden monkey.” I set to work finding the monkey and in a couple of minutes I spied this very unique chandelier.

For our efforts and success she told us we get a prize. YAY US!! Normally, she informed us, the give out a sticker but were out, so she handed us these!

Ummm, ok.

I’m sure we’d been mistaken for a couple already on this trip, but this was just too funny! We laughed for quite a long time over this one.

Some Disney moments are funny and others are a happy find. I spied something that piqued my curiosity. We all know that Disney does not just randomly put stuff in the parks, especially something like this:

A very seemingly out of place placard with a train on it? Was is a marker for showing you the way to the train station? Just an odd, randomly placed “decoration”? I KNEW it had to have some significance or meaning! And I just couldn’t leave it alone. So I hopped into the nearest store, Le Bat en Rouge again (mentioned above), a place that sells specialty dresses and costuming stuff, and asked. The very sweet and helpful CM didn’t know but did the Disney-right thing: she called someone up and told me she’d have an answer soon. I patiently waited and after about 10 minutes she approached me and told me I’d discovered something very few people know about and proceeded to tell me this:

It is not a train on there; it is an early 19th century fire engine that was used around the time NOS was built to emulate of the time period in New Orleans. The story is that properties put these placards in place to communicate to firemen that they had fire insurance. If the firemen saw a placard, they would put the fire out, if not, tough luck. Apparently, they were used in Europe long before coming to America. Who knew?!

I did some research (because I'm just that kind of nerd) and found some very informative articles to make sure this lady wasn't blowing smoke.
And there you have it. I stand by my saying that there’s ALWAYS something new to learn on a trip to a Disney park.

By this time, Lesley, Su-Lynn, and Steve showed up. And while we waited the last few minutes for Fran and Alison to make their way into NOS, we complemented each others’ clothes and how dapper we all looked. It's what's done. ;) I’d say we all clean up pretty well but that’s for the next update. And with that, I can’t put off folding laundry any longer. Dinner will have to wait- for you and for me. I get Bisacodyl and Gatorade with “special” powder.

Cheers with my cup of tea….
Last edited:
We last left off with me gingerly stepping off of the Disney Drink Rant Ledge, regretting a twirl on the swings, remembering my ancestors with Miguel, and looking forward to another great dinner with friends. So, what next, Friends? Where shall we saunter off to next to find new things?
I know! To do a Disney Dining Rant!!!!

who are probably making sure I wasn’t trying to sneak in a personal alarm that has never accidentally been deployed in the 2 years of wearing it. :rolleyes2
"Happy Haunts Materialize – The Art of Haunted Mansion".
oooohhh… I'd be so into that!
The ideas for the rides changed drastically as artists and Imagineers were shifted around or added to the project.
It was originally supposed to be a guided walking attraction.
At one point, and I surmise many of you know this, the red-eyed crow was supposed to be the host.
And he shows up... from memory... I think 4 times?
Enjoy a few of the offerings:
I did! Thank you very much!! :)
I love me some DLR train!
Especially since MK's is down?
I passed the time listening to the old timey music and taking some dorky selfies. NO, I’m not going to post them.
Oh, come on! That's just teasing!
Soon, another train arrived, but its cars faced forward rather than sideways, so we decided to sit out another round hoping the next one had the sidesaddle seating.
Oh, no. We can't have that! Turn our heads to look? Heaven forbid!
the train that was approaching (the first one we’d just missed) was stuck on the tracks near Space Mountain.
No! Lucky you didn't catch it!
If we’d gotten on the train just minutes earlier, we’d have been quite stuck and may have very well been very late for our engagement. Blessings come in all sizes.
We passed this on the way and the wait was only 20 minutes, so we hopped in line.
But of course.
20 minutes is 20 mintues.
In no time at all, or about 20 minutes,
they were just setting up a game of chess for us!
I'm pretty sure that's only at DL. I don't recall seeing that at MK.
we got a text from Alison saying they were running a little late. Which was great; a little extra time to browse and relax in that charming, NOLA vibe.
One of the few times when someone being late is a good thing.
Dr. Facilier was creeping about, all full of himself and hitting on the ladies. It was hilarious! Kari got the most perfect photo with him!
:laughing: Glad you had fun watching/interacting with him!
Loved this Bat Light in Le Bat en Rouge;
But then a most hilarious thing happened. We stepped into the dump shop of Pirates and poked around. The lady asked me if she could help me, and I told her I was just looking for Hidden Mickeys and killing time. She said, “Well, there aren’t any HMs, but since this is a pirate store, we have a hidden monkey.” I set to work finding the monkey and in a couple of minutes I spied this very unique chandelier.
Good eyes! He's tough to spot. Don't know if I would have.
I’m sure we’d been mistaken for a couple already on this trip, but this was just too funny! We laughed for quite a long time over this one.
:laughing: And lucky for you, I can read mirror text.
It is not a train on there; it is an early 19th century fire engine that was used around the time NOS was built to emulate of the time period in New Orleans. The story is that properties put these placards in place to communicate to firemen that they had fire insurance. If the firemen saw a placard, they would put the fire out, if not, tough luck. Apparently, they were used in Europe long before coming to America. Who knew?!
That's cool! And... I read all the links. :)
Can you imagine firemen fighting each other instead of the fire???
I stand by my saying that there’s ALWAYS something new to learn on a trip to a Disney park.
Apparently so!
we complemented each others’ clothes and how dapper we all looked. It's what's done. ;)
Again with the clothing complimenting.
I need to make a note of this.
I get Bisacodyl and Gatorade with “special” powder.
I googled. That and Caroline's post... have fun with that!
My favorite TS place in all of WDW is Tiffins, for a variety of reasons. I don’t know if everyone is getting these, but I absolutely adore the little 5"x5"prints they give out after your meal. On the back of each card is a bit of Imagineers' notes relating to their inspiration and WHERE in their travels they are sketched from. (I copied those and they are taped to the back.) I had enough now to actually do something with them, and made this up. The frame is from a thrift store in perfect condition and matches the colors wonderfully! The matting only ran me $52. So, sure it cost 4 TS dinners, but I’d have continued to go there print or not.
Wow! That's a nice, unique souvenir. Nicely done!
waltzed into the Opera House and found a most ghoulishly delightful history with spooky fun original artwork from the storyboards and concept drawings as the Haunted Mansion was being developed.
Time to nerd out! That looks like a really interesting display.
But after only about 6 minutes or so, they told us, and the few others that had shown up, that the train that was approaching (the first one we’d just missed) was stuck on the tracks near Space Mountain. If we’d gotten on the train just minutes earlier, we’d have been quite stuck and may have very well been very late for our engagement. Blessings come in all sizes.
Yikes! Lucky break. Did you ever hear anything about how long it was down?
Speaking of NOLA, here’s a little fun! Dr. Facilier was creeping about, all full of himself and hitting on the ladies. It was hilarious!
Love getting to see some of the more unique characters like this!
I know! To do a Disney Dining Rant!!!!


Nah, I'll save that for future updates. I can surely come up with something!
oooohhh… I'd be so into that!

I knew you would be, being your favorite attraction.
It was originally supposed to be a guided walking attraction.

Yes, it was! I'm kinda glad it isn't. Turned out just right as is.

And he shows up... from memory... I think 4 times?

I do believe you're right.

This is a fun fandom page I found that you might enjoy...

I did! Thank you very much!! :)

You are very welcome!

Especially since MK's is down?
That too! I can't wait for it to open again!

Oh, no. We can't have that! Turn our heads to look? Heaven forbid!

I think any excuse to dawdle a little more was what we were looking for.
No! Lucky you didn't catch it!


<"yeah, sorry Alison, we'll be an hour late as we evacuate off the train...">

I was wondering if anyone else would see that.

I'm pretty sure that's only at DL. I don't recall seeing that at MK.
I honestly don't know. But it makes me kinda want to take a look.

One of the few times when someone being late is a good thing.

For sure! I mean, it wasn't long, but NOS isn't that large either, and we didn't stray far.

:laughing: And lucky for you, I can read mirror text.

Weird that it did that!

That's cool! And... I read all the links. :)
Can you imagine firemen fighting each other instead of the fire???

I was fascinated! I had no idea this was even a thing and no, I can't!
have fun with that!

It was not fun.

At. All.
Wow! That's a nice, unique souvenir. Nicely done!

Thanks! I just love it.

Time to nerd out! That looks like a really interesting display.

I was very pleased. I wasn't specifically there for the HM's 50th, but there was quite a lot going on for it and I got to see and do many of those things. LOVED that!

Yikes! Lucky break. Did you ever hear anything about how long it was down?

No, once we got to dinner, and after that the parade, etc... it was kinda forgotten about. It could have been minutes, or could have been hours, or even days.

Love getting to see some of the more unique characters like this!

He was certainly one I never thought I'd see but also one that makes perfect sense in NOS.
"Happy Haunts Materialize – The Art of Haunted Mansion".

This was really cool.

We were perfectly content just being still. The Main Street Train Station, by the way, is the quentiscential perfect place to do just that.

Sounds very relaxing. Did you do some people watching?

I don't think I have ever seen this @ WDW. I love how original the game pieces are. Maybe they have one in Skipper Canteen.

Dr. Facilier was creeping about, all full of himself and hitting on the ladies. It was hilarious!

I would love to see this character interaction.

Great photo!

Loved this Bat Light in Le Bat en Rouge; I surmise the name of the shop is derived from this OR, they found a bat light because of its clever title- a play on words, of course.

Since I'm from Baton Rouge and reside there now I love this.

She said, “Well, there aren’t any HMs, but since this is a pirate store, we have a hidden monkey.” I set to work finding the monkey and in a couple of minutes I spied this very unique chandelier.

Always look up, which is hard to remember if you're short.

t is not a train on there; it is an early 19th century fire engine that was used around the time NOS was built to emulate of the time period in New Orleans. The story is that properties put these placards in place to communicate to firemen that they had fire insurance. If the firemen saw a placard, they would put the fire out, if not, tough luck. Apparently, they were used in Europe long before coming to America. Who knew?!

Very interesting history lesson.
Nah, I'll save that for future updates. I can surely come up with something!
I knew you would be, being your favorite attraction.
Yes, it was! I'm kinda glad it isn't. Turned out just right as is.
Then again... I'd sure love to stop and just take in a few spots.
Cemetery... Ballroom... attic... just to name a few.
This is a fun fandom page I found that you might enjoy...
"his likeness is carved on the Organist's crypt (in the queue area of the Liberty Square Mansion)"
Didn't know that. I'll have to look next time.
But I was right! 4 times (at WDW... 5 at DL) and...
"In the Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion gift-shop Memento Mori, a Raven (likely the one from the attraction) appears in portrait form. On the wall there is a portrait of Madame Leota which occasionally changes to show extra details, one of which is the Raven perched upon her shoulder along with a black cat."
I did not know this!!!!
I think any excuse to dawdle a little more was what we were looking for.
I thought as much. :)
<"yeah, sorry Alison, we'll be an hour late as we evacuate off the train...">
It was not fun.

At. All.
Oh dear.

The ideas for the rides changed drastically as artists and Imagineers were shifted around or added to the project.

I love all the backstory and details about how Imagineers created the attractions. They never get old.

We were perfectly content just being still. The Main Street Train Station, by the way, is the quentiscential perfect place to do just that.

If you're going to just sit still, Main Street is a great place to do it.

If we’d gotten on the train just minutes earlier, we’d have been quite stuck and may have very well been very late for our engagement. Blessings come in all sizes.

Thank goodness!

I love this shot. Great pose.

I’m sure we’d been mistaken for a couple already on this trip, but this was just too funny!

:rotfl2: Well, then...congratulations!

It is not a train on there; it is an early 19th century fire engine that was used around the time NOS was built to emulate of the time period in New Orleans. The story is that properties put these placards in place to communicate to firemen that they had fire insurance. If the firemen saw a placard, they would put the fire out, if not, tough luck. Apparently, they were used in Europe long before coming to America. Who knew?!

Huh. This is really neat. Another little detail that 99% of people would never notice.


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