The 24 Hour Event is an Insomniac's Dream - Solo Trip Report May 2015

Must... Stay... Awake...

I think I am starting to understand when people say they need that afternoon break back at their resorts. I am usually gung ho from the moment I enter the park until well after park close, no matter how much or how little sleep I get. But on this day, I think my body was finally standing up for itself. I don't blame it after the abuse I gave it all week and then to expect to stay awake for 24+ hours (at Disney World mind you), but it was putting up a pretty good fight. But for the love of Disney we must persevere! That was probably why I made one of my goals to stay awake for the full 24, because otherwise I would have had some major issues as my afternoon was chalked full of shows and attractions, putting the rides on the back burner.

Noon-1:30pm Festival of Fantasy Parade (shoot in Liberty Square)
Liberty Square Riverboat
Country Bear Jamboree
1:30-5:00pm Lunch?
Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor
Stitch's Great Escape
Carousel of Progress

As we all know, Disney offers several great nap... I... I mean... attractions and shows, so the goal was to try and stay out of the heat of the afternoon as much as possible and enjoy them! Disclaimer: I would never (intentionally) use a show as an nap opportunity as I truly can appreciate all of them (except the Circle of Life film, thanks for the blow to my self-esteemo_O). On any other day, if my body was fighting me as much as it did that day, I would have gladly given up to head back to the resort).

So clap your hands and
Stomp your feet and
Try to keep right with 'em.
One sure thing the Bear Band's got
Is real ol' country rhythm....
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Blood on the groouunnnndddd......

Honestly, that is such a great time and I really do enjoy this show, which is odd given how much I dislike country/folk music in general. But then again, I like classic symphony and jazz, so what do I know? :P I get why people might think it is lame and hokey and dated and all that, but if you "put yourself in it" and have a positive and open mentality, I think people will realize it's got some catchy tunes, memorable one liners and imo a great calamitous ending worthy of a big smile. It never ceases to amaze me seeing kids and adults going in complaining or not knowing what to expect and yet they are tapping their feet or clapping along or laughing throughout. Not everything will appeal to everyone, but making the most out of those moments is great for you and the crowd you are with. I only throw that out there because one kid had the audacity to say, "that was the stupidest thing I have ever seen." Apparently Mama don't whip Little Buford... :D Well, folks, this concludes my mini soapbox moment. So thanks for "bear"ing with me to the "bear" end.

After that though, I was starting to loose steam and the first thing to go was my camera. I stowed it away for the majority of the afternoon as it was one less thing to waste energy. As sad as that sounds, lugging around a 20 pound camera bag and having to swing it off the shoulders just to take a picture or have the camera strap pulling my head down was kind of exhausting. So I put it away as the shows don't really lend themselves to much in terms of photography anyways. You are probably asking yourself, "why didn't you rent a locker then?" It's true that I could have. I was there plenty early enough to snag one, but I thought I was going to be more ambitious with the camera than I ended up being that day. I was looking to switch out lenses for shots and set up the tripod to shoot some "park benches", but honestly the stubbornness war ragged on all day and by the afternoon I just conceded to the fact that I would need the tripod after dark and that the gear was worth lugging around all day. Tip for the future, RENT A DANG LOCKER IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO CARRY BAGS ALL DAY! :rotfl: Hindsight is 20/20 though, and honestly I wouldn't have complained or even needed one if I wasn't going on with an hour of sleep. Lessons learned people! ::yes::

After a leisurely ride on the Liberty Square Riverboat (a relaxing way to take in the park!), I hit up Mickey's PhilharMagic. I honestly cannot explain why, but that show is always a misty eyed moment for me. Donald is a riot and it's cute and "sense"sational (sorry I couldn't resist), but when 'Part of Your World' and "A Whole New World" come on, I can't help it. I guess I am a hopeless romantic... Anyone else get that way?

After that it was Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor (apparently I suffer from anxiety, because I always get so nervous that I will have to be the 'free churros' or even worse 'feels the urge to get up and dance' guy. I am normally a social being and don't mind making a fool of myself, but there is something about that show... :confused3

Then it was time to hit up my favorite non-ride at the Magic Kingdom... The Carousel of Progress. I. love. this. show. Again, I get why people dislike it (they are totally wrong on this one), but I get why. However, for me, I remember this one as a kid and I remember being so intrigued seeing progress advance through the decades and my dad singing that tune and how I now find myself whistling it from time to time when I am day dreaming. I don't know why I feel the way I do about it, but to me, it is 'classic' Disney and to me it screams "Walt's presence" (which was obviously heavy for it's creation), PLUS it is said to be his favorite ride. So can we really argue about this one? One of these days though I am actually going to photograph the thing (I had my camera out and ready to go). However, I always get the CM who says no photography (apparently that isn't always the case), but one of these days I might try being rebellious... But there's a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of everyday. OH YES! There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, just a dream away.... :thumbsup2

After that, it was a sad attempt to enjoy Stitch's Great Escape. Now I will (almost) always stand up for Stitch (because I do enjoy that movie and I love his mischievous and misunderstood character) but this time around, Disney was on bad form. One KUKA arm was down and the other was on the fritz. Some lady was terrified and so she blasted her phone's "flash" to illuminate everything, and I swear parts of the show were missing. I want to defend it's presence in the park, but with an experience like that one, I don't blame people for not liking it.

After that, it was on to The Hall of Presidents...
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I don't think I give this attraction enough credit, and I think it is because I compare it too heavily with The American Adventure over in EPCOT. It is partially justified, but in all honesty, I think this is a great show. The animatronics are fantastic and quite frankly I don't know of a better way to share the history of our presidents.

I wanted to end it on that Patriotic note, but it was either end this post or start the next one in kind of a lame fashion. But what I want to share in the next post deserves a proper start, so I will just mention that I got to eat at Tortuga Tavern for the first time ever!
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Told ya it was kind of lame :D But honestly, since I have only been during the August/September months, I miss out on certain seasonal things and this was one of them. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but when you are always looking to "experience something new" at the parks, this fits in on that basis. So I was more than happy to grab a late lunch/early dinner there.... until I saw the menu.... truthfully I found it a bit lacking/disappointing. I don't know if I really had any expectations for it, but I wasn't exactly impressed. The beef burrito that I had was pretty decent (especially in comparison to the typical 'park food'), but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat here I don't think. What about you guys? Do you have any thoughts on Tortuga Tavern?

With that, I will end it here and hopefully pick it back up in the next few days! :wave2:

My favorite update so far! Primarily because of the Country Bears! As I mentioned before, this one holds a lot of nostalgia for me!! Takes me back to being 10 years old, with my great grandparents … every.single.time! And CoP - also a favorite!! My youngest loves this one too!! We often sing the song at home… well, just because we love it.

Hope you're feeling better!!!
Just caught up on your trip! What a great start!

SIDE NOTE: I am a terrible photographer....

I'm not sure what you're talking about here. You've got some really great shots! I really like the close up shots of items and signs that people don't normally take photos of.

I didn't mention it earlier, but I was bounding as Christopher Robin

Great idea! I recognized Christopher Robin as soon as I saw the picture! :thumbsup2

I don't think I give this attraction enough credit, and I think it is because I compare it too heavily with The American Adventure over in EPCOT. It is partially justified, but in all honesty, I think this is a great show. The animatronics are fantastic and quite frankly I don't know of a better way to share the history of our presidents.

This is one of my favorites! Over here in CA we have the "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln", and it's good... but the Hall of Presidents is so much better.

Do you have any thoughts on Tortuga Tavern?

I'm starting to get ready for my ADR window and I was looking into Tortuga Tavern. You seem to have the same response most of the other reviews had. Probably will now skip it on my upcoming trip.

I'm so excited to hear about the rest of your trip. I tried to tackle Disneyland's 24hr. event and sadly couldn't make it through. I'm excited to see if you conquered it! I'm rooting for ya! :cheer2:
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First, I apologize for such a long gap in the TR. I have been battling a wicked virus/severe ear infection the past few weeks, which made it difficult to do much of anything. And unfortunately I must also leave this for another full week as I will be out of town until the end of the month. But for now, I will see if I can't try to get through more of the 24 Hour Adventure.

5:00-5:15pm Flag Retreat
Enchanted Tiki Room
5:40-6:00pm Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! (shoot in Liberty Square)
5:45-6:45pm Peter Pan's Flight FP+
5:15-8pm Mickey's PhilharMagic
Hall of Presidents
7:05-8:05pm Seven Dwarfs Mine Train FP+

Next up was something that will forever change my appreciation for Disney... the 5pm Flag Retreat.

Every other visit I have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had unfortunately missed the opportunity to witness this event. Suffice to say, I will make sure I schedule things around this event from here on out. If you have yet to be a part of this, there should be no excuses as anything else is "distinctly unpatriotic".

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Disney is known for their "touches" throughout the parks and resorts, but this one is truly special. The reverence. The respect. The dignity. The thoughtfulness. There have been very few times in my life that the national anthem has moved me as much as it did on that day.

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I certainly needed a moment after that ceremony. For one, I felt a little ashamed that I had never taken time to do that in the past, but it also made me appreciate Disney on a whole new level. I needed a moment to reflect on that, so I walked up the stairs to the train, found a bench and looked out over Main St. A huge grin on the face and tears streaking at the same time, it was definitely a profound experience for me.

With a great experience to hold on to, I gathered myself and continued on with the event and a new level of appreciation for Disney.

The first stop was to tackle the final remaining show, so I made my way back to Adventureland to sing with the birds...

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A Real Tropical Serenade

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Let's All Sing Like the Birdies Sing... Tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet

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Just like the other attractions, this is one that I think people don't give enough credit/appreciation for. Again, it's all about your mentality going into it; keep an open mind and it makes it that much more enjoyable. As for me, I always enjoy this show. I love several of the one-liners ('because of their claws?" "No! Because they're Macaws!") and of course the songs. It is also really impressive to see that many AAs functioning like that. But mostly, I like it because it reminds me of Walt Disney, and I like that feeling alot...

After this show, the original plans went out the window entirely. For one, I had missed a few rides from that morning that needed to be made up and second, I was ahead of schedule after getting through the attractions that afternoon with such efficiency.

But without the help of something like the TouringPlans app, one can only guesstimate how an entire day will pan out with minute to minute detail. Ahead of schedule, missing rides, it was just too much to handle. So I simply used their MDE app to keep check of ride wait times and started checking some of them off the list.

The first was the Voyage of the Little Mermaid. No pictures of this one as I needed to take another break from the camera. But it definitely is a fun ride, recounting the story with some great scenes and AA's. Plus that queue detail is amazing! What isn't to love about that ride?

Since I was in the area and the fact that there was only a 5 minute wait for it, I made the short walk over to...DSC08895 (2) (1024x575).jpg
And I hopped on board of the iconic...DSC08911 (2) (1024x575).jpg
When I See an Elephant Fly...DSC08944 (2) (1024x575).jpg

This is another one of those "awkward as a solo, male rider" but because this one brings me back to the horrible memory of being deprived of riding this as a kid (because the wait time back then was apparently "too long"), I always think of it as a rebellious moment, sort of a 'sticking it to the old man'. So I certainly had no problem riding it. On my last trip, I rode it 5 times in a row (mostly because it was being "occupied" by a bunch of young adults who were having waaaaay too much fun rekindling their 'inner child' and I appreciated that enthusiasm). So despite this one being for the kids, I certainly have a great time riding it when I get the chance :D

Next up was my first use of the FPs as I took a crazy ride on the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train....
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(I am the one behind the lamp post... :P)

Now I don't know how many feathers this will ruffle, but I actually do not really care for the 7DMT... Visually speaking, it is beautiful to look at and truly grounds the rest of New Fantasyland. But the ride itself is definitely lacking... leg room... length... story... swaying... If I was a 5 year old, this would be the greatest ride ever. However, it just doesn't "do it" for me as an adult. If that makes sense? I think in parts, this ride definitely hits the marks, but at the same time it misses some important ones (like leg room). For me, the story focuses on the wrong thing, the Dwarfs and their mining (although that part of the story telling is really well done throughout), but then they insert a dance scene at the end with Snow White and the Witch lurking outside the door?? To me, it feels an after-thought to throw something in there to "round out the tale of Snow White". But it doesn't really do that, does it? After all, doesn't the Witch wait until the Dwarfs leave to show up at the cottage? Personally, I think they could have solved that with a little more track (to add length) and include a few more story scenes (from the old ride perhaps) to draw out the story a little more fully. I get that space was limited (although couldn't they have pushed everything else back a little to make more room?) and they did the best they could with it, but I guess I was just wishing for a something more? What do you all think of the ride (without bashing it with an overly critical critique :laughing:)?

I have a few more rides/photos that will have to be included in the next short installment before the drama of the night time truly unfolds...

Since I haven't complain about my lack of energy in awhile... I won't start now either. Truth is, I was holding up okay despite the lack of sleep from the night before. So I carried on, taking a ride along the Speedway...

I honestly don't know why I like this ride as much as I do, but I do! hahah Seriously, it's a hot sweaty mess while waiting for it, there is really no story, no detail. Heck, the thing doesn't really even make sense in Tomorrowland (or any land for that matter). It isn't as fun as a regular go cart. The ride comfort is lacking. Most of the kids can't drive. And yet it puts such a big smile on face. I honestly cannot explain this one :confused3

It is a really fun way to take in the sights though...
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After that pleasant ride, I checked that wait times and saw that I could squeeze in one more short ride before making my way over to Wishes. Unfortunately that ride was the one I dreaded more than any other... it's a small world... :rotfl:

Okay, in truth, I don't really hate the ride. I won't go out of my way to ride it, but it deserves a chance every four trips or so... If anything, what I truly appreciate from it is the history behind it. Disney. Blair. Sherman. The song does get annoying after awhile (especially if you get stuck at certain points), but with it's "simplified" lyrics and design, it definitely emphasizes the point, which I can certainly appreciate :-)

And here is proof that I "appreciated" the ride...
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After this, I decided to make my way over to the Wishes FP+ (west) viewing area for the start of my evening portion of the 24 hour event. Don't let those lovely clouds fool you, a storm was certainly brewing...

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Great trip report!! I applaud you for going for all 24 hours straight and on so little sleep!

I found 7DMT short as well, I hadn't actually thought too much on the story though till you mention it. I was too dazzled by all the diamonds! After having ridden it in the front, middle and back, back is definitely the best, allot more fast. Found it a little ho hum in the front.

Also your pictures are spectacular! :D
Great trip report!! I applaud you for going for all 24 hours straight and on so little sleep!

I found 7DMT short as well, I hadn't actually thought too much on the story though till you mention it. I was too dazzled by all the diamonds! After having ridden it in the front, middle and back, back is definitely the best, allot more fast. Found it a little ho hum in the front.

Also your pictures are spectacular! :D

As the title suggests, being an insomniac has it's blessings and its curses. I don't think I would have survived the whole event if it wasn't for that fact. But I totally agree with ya, there are moments, like inside the mine that my mind is blown how good the ride could have been. But then the only other "story telling" is falsely laid at the end; I just don't get. Maybe we are 'missing something'? :laughing: I will certainly agree having ridden in the front/middle/back as well that the back is the only way to go though; I request it every time now if possible.

Thanks for all the nice comments and following along! :wave2:
Love the updates!!

The flag retreat - couldn't agree more!! That is one thing that I ALWAYS recommend that someone visiting MK be present for! It is such a wonderful and humbling experience! I admit, each time I see it, I'm left with tears running down my face - completely unapologetic about that!

The Enchanted Tiki Room - so many memories! I love this, as well (though my girls really don't care for it) - mostly because it takes me back to being a kid! I think it is often overlooked and I hate that because I think that it is a nice attraction!

7DMT - so many opportunities there, but like you - I feel there are some 'short comings'… not the least of which is the length of the ride. For me, while I find it to be a beautifully themed ride - the jewels… so pretty!!, it is simply too short to warrant waiting in the stand by line. It is always a FP option for me, because I do enjoy it… but, unless the standby line were exceptionally short, I'd never ride it stand by.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for the speedway, but it is honestly one of my least favorite of all the MK attractions… lol. It would be a last resort thing for me… BUT, my girls love it … so, I oblige, from time to time.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Wishes FP situation, as I have a FP for it in September (will be a first for me).

Looking forward to your next updates!!

8:00-8:20 Photograph Sunset (8:15pm)
8:20-8:30 Sleepy Hollow Waffle
Go to FP spot for Celebrate the Magic / Wishes! / DisMeet
8:35-9:30PM Celebrate the Magic / Wishes! FP+

One of my favorite views at Disney World is gazing up at the castle, especially when there are some nice big ol' puffy clouds as a backdrop. Unfortunately, in Florida though, that usually brings about a storm or two with it...

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After tackling several rides, I made my way over to the designated Wishes view area in FP+ West. As a "photographer" I am always wanting a unique way to shoot fireworks, but I wasn't really sure how to go about shooting them from the new hub. As you can tell from the above photo, 'photographers' (or maybe just me) aren't exactly thrilled with the new area (for the record, I think the hub expansion/improvements are absolutely gorgeous!). I think I would rather settle for a few kids on shoulders than all of those poles and lamp posts in the FP area. But on this night in particular, I wasn't going to tolerate people standing on my toes and standing shoulder to shoulder with the chaotic crowds on Main St., so this was the tradeoff. PLUS! I formed a mini meet and greet with people from the boards, so it was an added bonus to meet several DIS'ers too: @SwimChicSQ and @MommaBerd and others!

As I have noted before, I only really use my camera at Disney, and I take firework photos even less. Tired + inexperienced = not very good shots (I got some great ones the following night, so stay tuned!). But at least you can get an idea about what to expect from the Wishes FP areas...

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As always, this show brings tears to my eyes. It is just such a beautiful score and the fireworks are tremendous. Plus I get to look at that castle and dream and wish and... it's just so wonderful! Added to that was this very special event that any true Disney fan could appreciate and it was just too much. Apart from the first time I got to see Wishes, this was by far my favorite time seeing it :-)

So much so that to continue soaking in the moment, I did something I had never done before... I laid down in the 'grass', propped my head up on my camera bag (see I knew there was a good reason for dragging it around all day :P) and just looked up at the (cloudy) night sky (actually I was waiting for the delayed Celebrate the Magic show, but still for me, 15 minutes of laying around is an eternity when at Disney) which was very quickly becoming quite the setting for a storm. For the first time ever, I was "relaxing" on my Disney Vacation and loving it! That was until the storm started to make itself known...

But really quick, my thoughts on the Wishes FP+ view area! First, it is a great place to watch Wishes. Second, it is a terrible place to watch Wishes :D I will say that, even during one of the most crowded nights of the year, the crowds were minimal in our area, while just outside the fence was pure chaos with the crowds fighting for a decent glimpse. Seriously, we could have sat down during the show but the CMs were adamant about us standing once it started. It didn't bother me since I was taking photos, but I think none of us would have complained about sitting down to watch the fireworks. It could have been a fluke night but if you are concerned about crowds when you're there, I would take the gamble and snag a FP just in case. If it isn't what you are excepting, you can always leave and fight the crowds elsewhere for a spot. With that said, I do not really care for the "obstructed" view. I know it is nit-picking and doesn't really obstruct the view, but I just wish they weren't there. Perhaps once the new turrets are installed some of those posts will move? But I guess it really just depends what you are looking for. Simply watching the show? This is a great, relaxing way to do so. Wanting to take photos? I'd look elsewhere.

Back to the storm! Okay, so in truth, this was a bit of a let down. If it is going to 'storm' in Florida, you normally expect an hour long typhoon and then clear skies, but this was an off and on, lightning-in-the-faroff-distance, weak one that dragged on for the next several hours. It was frustrating because I think it cancelled the MSEP both times? Or perhaps I was on a ride and missed them both (someone please correct me), and the storm obviously closed several rides for the next few hours too, which dampened my chances of riding every ride. And when there are that many people in the park with limited rides, the lines got long (although they were expected to be long after Wishes anyways) and my patience was beginning to wear thin. Plenty of waiting was in store for the rest of the night and once the sun set, my eyelids felt like they were setting with it. But for the love of Disney I shall persevere!!
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I'm in! I am on page one but still excited to read this. We did the first 24 hour day on leap day ( my bday is the 28of feb) and I wanted castle pics but it was. Foggy day so wAsnt so great. But I called my mom at 830am to say hi while I ate an orange/vanilla swirl (I don't like dole whips)
I'm in! I am on page one but still excited to read this. We did the first 24 hour day on leap day ( my bday is the 28of feb) and I wanted castle pics but it was. Foggy day so wAsnt so great. But I called my mom at 830am to say hi while I ate an orange/vanilla swirl (I don't like dole whips)

What a special moment that must have been, celebrating your birthday at the event must have been AWESOME!! And as a photographer, fog would make for some killer shots, but in general I could definitely sympathize with ya!

And that is definitely one thing I love about my Disney vacations, ridiculous eating habits! Hahah I actually prefer the citrus swirl over the dole whips too. Great minds think alike!

Thanks for jumping in and welcome to the thread!:wave2:

9:30-12:45 Mad Tea Party
Prince Charming Regal Carrousel
“it's a small word”
10:00-11:00 Enchanted Tales With Belle FP+
Dumbo the Flying Elephant
The Barnstormer
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Under the Sea-Journey of The Little Mermaid
12:45-1:00 Get spot for Main Street Electrical Parade
1:00-1:30 Main Street Electrical Parade
1:30-5:30 Dinner?
Pirates of the Caribbean
Peter Pan's Flight
Haunted Mansion
Tomorrowland Transit Authority
Free Rides!!!
5:30-6:00am Main Street​

So after Celebrating the Magic, the drizzling rain had begun and so I began my next plan of attack... throw the rest of the plans out the window and start attacking the rides at complete random!! Seriously, the plan was lost shortly after the day began and it was getting to be a pain trying to get back on track. By thus point, I just wanted to make sure I got through all the rides, and I would compromise a long wait time by walking well clear across the park for a shorter wait time. Thankfully though, I had a FP right after the chaos of Wishes and so I fought my way to the back of New Fantasyland for an Enchanted Tale with Belle before loosing all control...

I have seen this show a few times now, and it is just as cute as always. This time there was an extremely timid and shy girl who was chosen to be the Beast, and she was absolutely adorable!

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Tale as Old as Time...

By this time it was still spitting off and on, and so I ran to the closest ride I had yet to do... Winnie the... 40 minutes?!?! No thank you! Mad Tea Party with a 10 minute wait? Yes please...

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The reason I like this shot so much was because this was the epitome of the rest of my evening. Seriously I was so sleep deprived, so exhausted by this point that things started to blur together (literally and figuratively). Photography went down hill pretty quickly (again, see the above photo), actually it sort of just fell of a cliff. My patience with people (myself included) was so thin, I felt ashamed to call myself an adult given what I muttered under my breath and the tissy fits I was throwing when anyone got in my way. And at times it felt more of a chore then enjoyment to keep going with my night. This was my dreaded 'WALL'....

Some people share experiences of hitting the wall when running marathons, or cramming for exams. For me? This was the biggest 'wall' I have ever encountered. By this point, I was walking back and forth around the park. Not sure what line I wanted to wait in, or what ride would give me the best pick-me-up, I remember stopping somewhere over near the Liberty Boat and began waging war inside my head. This was some serious good versus evil stuff.
  • Just give up!
  • You are so close!
  • You're obviously tired, go back and get some sleep...
  • This is a special bucket list moment, you can't give up now!
  • You hate everyone (including yourself) and everything. Stop being miserable and leave!
  • Okay that last point is pretty true, but turn it around with a positive attitude!
  • The rain won't stop, you won't finish the rest of the rides...
  • Don't give up now, maybe the weather will let up here in a bit
  • Nobody will know you didn't finish, just say your batteries died on your camera
  • Think of how great of an accomplishment this will be once your finish! Hang in there!
On and on it went. But as we all know, according to Disney, good will always triumph!!! I decided to finally grab dinner (which seemed to boost morale) and fight on. I did decide by this point though that the camera was to either be used sparingly or it was going to have to be put away so that I could save enough energy to get through the remainder of the night/morning...

After a nice break from the rain inside at Cosmic Ray's, and a burger and a cherry slush to hit the spot, I pushed on to tackle more rides.

First up was the Haunted Mansion, which is definitely one of my favorite nighttime rides...

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After visiting some happy haunts, I went to visit some happy characters in the 100 Acre Woods... Okay there were no photos from this one, but it was really cool to stand in line with some fellow St. Louisans! :thumbsup2 I will say that I saw a tremendous amount of people wearing St. Louis Cardinals attire during this entire trip. I wasn't exactly looking for it, but it was certainly the most noticeable of sports team attire (LSU had a fairly big showing as well). But it was really great talking with people from St. Louis (actually they had moved to Florida a couple of years previous) and sharing stories and favorites; I wasn't exactly missing home, but it is great that you can travel and still bump into people from your hometown.

The hours were dwindling and I was somehow managing to survive. I will say that after that ride with Pooh, I vowed to put the negativity behind me and enjoy the last few hours of the event with a smile on my face...
I am really enjoying your trip report. I can only imagine how exhausted you were. Do I remember your itinerary correctly? Are you planning on doing Star Wars weekend right after this???
Did you come across any other people attempting the full 24hrs like yourself while waiting in line? Looking forward to reading more. family and I have missed so much so I may just have to add the Tiki Room and Country Bear Jamboree for starters when we go in September.

Okay, by this point in the night, I lost complete track of time. If you are looking for "late-night time management tips for the 24 hour event", you will have to look elsewhere. My phone easily lasted the whole day (I only used it for checking wait times sporadically), but I definitely packed it once the rain started and basically just walked by rides in order to check wait times. But with only a few remaining rides needing to be checked off the list, waiting in long lines or walking long distances didn't put me off, perhaps I was too slap-happy to care by this point, but I was confident to get through the remaining rides and still enjoy the final hours.

First up was a trip to infinity and beyond, to defend it from the evil emperor, Zurg! One of these days I will learn to master this one, but this time around I just wanted to grab some pics as I had never attempted to shoot this ride before (for the record, I snagged a whopping 00000 points this time around!)
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I will say that in the one domed-room with the stars and spaceships flying by, I pulled the joystick to the side and started doing 360s (anyone else do that that?), which was putting a big smile on my face, but the people behind me had apparently never witnessed anything so crazy before because I saw them pointing at me and then started laughing hysterically all the way off the ride. That certainly gave me the energy needed to make it through the remainder of the night :D

I checked off the final few with a nostalgic ride on the Carousel....
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And then to finally hit up a few that were closed earlier due to the weather, the Astro Orbiter and Goofy's Barnstormer. Neither one really merited taking photos, but then I finally came to my last (and favorite) ride.... THE PEOPLE MOVER!!!

It was a joyous occasion, sitting back and relishing in the moment of my triumph. I had done the impossible and completed my goals. I had stayed awake, rode every ride in the park, and kept a positive mentality (okay I was a little loose there at the end with a definition of 'positive' but at least I didn't show it to anyone). It was such a great feeling, accomplishing the feat, given all of the circumstances that played out leading up to the trip up until the moment I kicked off the event. But it was such a happy moment, I couldn't have had a bigger grin on my face as I looked out from the TTA over Tomorrowland.

The only thing left to do was to enjoy the final hour or two in the park. I started off with finally grabbing that illusive Nutella Waffle from Sleepy Hollow. It was in the plans to get one on my way to Wishes, but since I was cutting it close at that point, I decided to hold off until I needed my breakfast fix. This was my first ever waffle from there, and I am glad to say that I will be making many return visits! That thing was soooooo delicious; I couldn't believe I had deprived myself of this tasty treat for so long.

It was a pleasant moment, eating that waffle, looking up at the castle in the same spot that I earlier had watched the sunrise over. The moment came full circle and I was, in that moment, truly happy, perhaps the most happy I had been that day. All my doubts and worries, stresses over the plan, reaching goals, none of it mattered. I remember sitting there and realizing where I was and what the event was all about for me: getting to spend 24 hours in the place that made me the most happy. I couldn't have asked for anything else (okay sleep was looking like a viable option), I was getting misty eyed and I was glad I was. I am sure I looked a little weird crying over my half-eaten waffle, but that moment was just as special as some of the others. There was no magical moment, just a realization of how far I had come, not only that day, but in my journey as a (relatively) new Disney fan. Kind of weird and pathetic, I know, but I will forever be reminded of that little spot in the MK as a moment of progress and of my love for Disney :-)

I rode a few repeat rides (none of it matter at this point) and I made my way back to Main St. for the remaining half hour or so. I strolled around with my hands in my pockets, watching people take in the final minutes in their own unique ways (sleeping, taking pics in front of the clock, dancing in the middle of the street). Everything was making my smile bigger and bigger. It was such a cool feeling, knowing what all of us had just shared in, 24 straight hours of wonderful Disney bliss. I knew there was a closing show at the train station, so I found some curb outside of Tony's and laid down once more on my camera bag, looking up at the sky. I wasn't feeling tired, I just enjoyed the peacefulness in that moment, even though there was quite the party atmosphere going on all around me. As the minutes counted down, it was time to join in the celebrations...
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I don't remember too much from it, other than how happy everyone one was. More singing and more dancing, cameras flashing and music going. Mickey and the gang had come out to thank us for sharing in the wonderful moment (love the pj's Mickey!). We sang (a weird version of) 'When You Wish Upon a Star' and finally we closed with the fitting lines...

Now it's time to say goodbye
To all our company
M I C, see you real soon
K E Y, why? Because we like you

Thanks for following along with this segment of the trip report! I hope you enjoyed it! I will be gone for the next week, but look for some thoughts on Star Wars Weekends, Sanaa, the Boardwalk and more in upcoming posts! :wave2:
I am really enjoying your trip report. I can only imagine how exhausted you were. Do I remember your itinerary correctly? Are you planning on doing Star Wars weekend right after this???
Did you come across any other people attempting the full 24hrs like yourself while waiting in line? Looking forward to reading more. family and I have missed so much so I may just have to add the Tiki Room and Country Bear Jamboree for starters when we go in September.

I have done crazy all nighters in the past, but adding the "Disney World tired" on top of it, and it was easily the most exhausting day of my life. But I wouldn't have given it up for anything, the good, the bad, the ugly, it was worth it! :thumbsup2 I came across many people who were there for the full 24. Usually I keep to myself when standing in lines and whatnot (except during MNSSHP), but given the party atmosphere all day, there were plenty of talking points with guests. It was funny because it ranged from people having no clue that there was an event going on that day to die hards like me who were totally dressed up and loving every moment of it. It was a unique blend of people that day for sure!

As for 'correct' itinerary, I posted snippets of the actual, proposed itinerary in the sections that correspond with how it actually played out. Either tonight or when I get back, I will post the full itinerary and my closing thoughts for the event.

And yes, yes, YES check them all out (especially after or meal or when people in the group need to 'cool off' for 5 minutes)! hahah Like I mention in the posts, I know people may not appreciate certain rides or shows, but having an open mentality and giving them a shot is always worth while. Maybe the Country Bears will be a new family favorite? :-)

But thanks for following along! :wave2: I will have "shorter" posts for the following days (I wanted to really focus on the 24 hour event though), including Star Wars Weekend. It'll have to wait until I get back next week though. Stay tuned!
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So it's been a crazy few weeks (hence lack of anything get done on here or elsewhere in my life), but I wanted to try to keep things going before I run out of steam like I did at the event. But a couple of people were asking here and elsewhere about strategies and tips and thoughts, so I thought I would try to put together my take on things.

Is the event worth it? Yes, but maybe only one time.

Hahah great! Moving on... :D Okay okay. I know through the report, I was mostly smiles and giddy grins, and if you are any sort of Disney fan, this event will definitely put a smile on your face. But the question is for how long? Knowing your limitations, especially your 'Disney touring' ones, BEFORE you even book that room or plane ticket is pretty important. We all love to plan (to various degrees) but planning how your body will cope with not only staying awake for 24 hours (okay it was more like 27) but touring the park as well is essential for if you should, or how you should, go about the event.

I am a bit of an insomniac and can go days without sleeping, I sleep at really weird hours (it is 3am and I once again cannot work on the post because the site goes into maintenance aka "database error" for the next few hours), and usually struggle with the act of falling asleep altogether. Therefore, I am likely a good candidate for 24 hours of abuse.... I mean amazing fun and bliss! :P But even if you suffer from narcolepsy, you can still have a great time! But know your body's limit before hand (and those in your party if you are going with others).

Unfortunately for me, I didn't totally account for the events leading up to it. I knew it'd be crazy taking the last flight on the eve of the event after a crazy long work week. I thought I'd get a few more hours of sleep then I did. And the month of working out (yes I work out solely for Disney tripso_O), while helpful to a degree, can't truly cope with spurts of soreness, frustration, and just flat out being exhausted. Sadly, this is not just Disney were are talking about here, but psychological and physical warfare! :rotfl: So again, know your body (and psyche) when planning, you're body will thank you for the consideration... ::yes::
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(if you don't listen to your body, you might end up riding 'it's a small world' 50 times in a row... you wouldn't want that would you?)
The second thing to keep in mind is knowing what you are looking to get out of the event. For me, it was simple, spend 24 hours in my happy place. I fell in love with the MK (Main Street at night specifically) on my first trip, so I honestly didn't need or really want to get anything else out of the event other than simply being there. So unless you are a hopeless romantic, or truly just want to take advantage of 24 hour access to rides, chances are you will want to get more out of the event. Truth be told, I took zero interest in any of the special events planned during this event (things in years past looked more appealing though). Random Anna/Elsa inserts in the Welcome Show and the parades? No thanks. Disney Channel Characters? Ummm who? Dance parties? I don't dance. Generic cupcakes? I'll pass.

Okay Mr. Fun Sucker, what was it that you got out of it then? Again, I am a bit of an anomaly and really truly value the more simple things; I couldn't have asked for more than just being there that day. The fact that Disney kept the gates open 24 hours was more than I could ask for, so any kind of "red carpet treatment" was above and beyond what they needed to do. But what made the event worth it, and this was something I didn't factor in really, was how much I got out of sharing the event with those around me. 24 hours in the park was great, but being able to share Disney love and passion and enthusiasm with people standing next to you in line, or chatting up with long-timers while waiting for the parade or getting shout outs back and forth about our costumes, it was a feeling worth experiencing for sure! I didn't need the other random events thrown in there to enhance my experience, because the people that day totally made the event what it was. :thumbsup2

Now I will say that, for a guy not really looking or expecting much, even I was a bit disappointed at Disney's lack of detail/offerings for the event. I am 100% not kidding when I say that the highlight of the extras was getting a generic "Inside Out" pin for being one of the first people there that day... okay the closing show on Main Street was pretty fun... But dance parties are nothing special at Disney. Throwing Anna and Elsa and Frozen merchandise in there was about as poorly done as their initial inserts at the other parks when they were first introduced (although that Frozen insert in the MSEP might have been cool; did that even happen? I missed the times because I preferred drying off in ride lines). The Disney Channel characters might have been the best highlight if you are a fan of them (unfortunately I am not). Although a highlight of the day was bumping into one of them outside the Haunted Mansion, and the guy was swarmed by screaming girls. I got "pushed" right up to him as I was passing by and told him to "hang in there" and he gave a sarcastic kind of smile :laughing: Perhaps I am a fun sucker? Perhaps I was simply in the wrong places at the wrong times? But I didn't see or get much out of what Disney was offering for the event. Again, with little to no expectations, I would say Disney met them perfectly :P But this is a chance to really go all out, above and beyond, to take advantage of the fact that thousands of your die hard fans are making trips just to be there for that one day. I wish there was more offered, but again, I am simply thankful they let us stay for the 24.
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(Warning: The event may cause you to look like "zombie Ariel")

With all that being said, if you are Disney and you are pushing a Frozen-themed event, would it have been difficult to borrow the parade floats from DHS for a day or pull some of the them from MVMCP? Blow "snow" on Main St? Perhaps have a few special Frozen character photo ops? I don't know, but it seemed liked Disney dropped the ball. I kind of don't blame them, since it is obvious their attention is all on Disneyland right now with all the 60th anniv. stuff, but it seemed like the WDW event was barely even an after thought.

I would say that if you are looking to go next year to keep your expectations to a bare minimum. I usually don't set the bar so low when it comes to Disney, but it might help with your experience next time around. Simply be thankful for the 24 hour access and view everything else as an added bonus. After all, every extra that day was free of charge. Since it didn't cost me anything extra, I can't really complain about what was offered. But keep that perspective in mind for next year's event.

Along with knowing your body, your mental state, your ideas for what you want to get out of the event and your expectations, I would say that it is important to practice your patience before, during and after the event is over. Having a right mind going into it, getting proper sleep, etc before hand will give you an extra boost to outlast most everyone else who didn't. I mention this because, while I am generally a patient person, I (sadly) found myself cursing under my breath, grumbling about this or that (pointless stuff), and feeling frustrated at moments when I generally wouldn't. But sleep deprivation, the weather (oh lordy I forgot to mention that it was hovering near 100 by midday with rain drizzling most of the night), the soreness, etc. can corrupt even the most purest of minds. So despite your efforts, try packing some extra patience for this event; it was hot and crowded and extra patience would certainly go a loooong way for you and for the other guests in the park. Eventually, I would realize my childish behavior and remedy it with big smiles, going out of my way to compliment CMs (a HUGE tip all guests should practice) and strike up friendly convos with other guests. But also be aware that patience can come and go, even after you wake up the next day (stay tuned for a decent rant about my mental breakdown the following day at Star Wars Weekend in a later post...). Patience goes a long way for the 24 hour event! Learn it. Practice it. Live it.

Finally, as mentioned in the report, have some goals for the day. Have a reason for being there and set some goals to help keep you motivated in those moments you feel you might want to cave in and go back to the resort. No joke, the goal of being there (and being awake) for the full 24 hours was needed for me personally, otherwise I probably would have given up around 2 or 3am (or gone back in the afternoon for a nap). I also wanted to ride every ride. This actually became a bit of a challenge when the rain started closing "outdoor" rides and then I added catching as many shows/parades/attractions on top of it... it certainly kept me busy, plus I now have bragging rights about accomplishing so much at the MK, all in one day. The final goal was to simply enjoy every moment and stay positive. Apparently Disney World and events like this are meant to be fun? :confused3 But even the best of us can lose that mentality from time to time, so make sure you keep reminding yourself that you are at Disney! Have fun out there!
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Some people asked, "is the event worth it?". In short, yes... and no! I feel that every Disney fanatic should add this event to their bucket list. However, I could certainly understand this being a one and done kind of thing. I personally do not care for the weather at the end of May, nor the early summer crowds that show up for this and Star Wars Weekend. It was great checking both off my own list, but I don't know that I would come back for the event due to those factors. The "extras" might be the incentive needed to consider going in future years, but again, Disney is not obligated to do so. If it is an opportune time to make a trip (this was the case for me this year), then 24 hour access is simply a bonus. But I don't forsee myself going out of the norm to make the trip next year, unless the theme/offerings are well worth the compromise of dealing with the heat and crowds... although it might be cool to take on the WDW46 (

Ten Tips for the 24 Hour Event:
  1. Know yourself (and your group, if there is one) - understand your body's physical and mental capabilities
  2. Plan - Most of us love to plan and this event is no exception. Make up an itinerary/plan of attack to keep you motivated (see mine below) in those moments you feel like giving up. Also plan for the extremes with weather. It got to be crazy hot during the day (95ish) and a poncho/umbrella was needed for a majority of the night.
  3. Set goals - Setting goals will give you something to work towards and to keep you from getting bored, but also to get that much more out of the event.
  4. Prep - Whether working out and getting in shape before hand or getting a good amount of sleep the night before or packing some extra Tylenol, prepping is important for the long day ahead
  5. Patience! - Pack patience and stay positive. 24 hours in the park is a loooong time. While crowds were generally lower in the morning, things got pretty crazy around by evening. Long lines, huge crowds, slow movement. They are going to happen.
  6. Be nice - Okay that is a typical everyday piece of advice, but when you are sleep deprived, sore, hungry, etc. sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this. Plus it will not only enhance your experience but also that of other guests and even CMs! Give a compliment. Strike up conversation. Support the CM who has been there for a 12+ hour long shift.
  7. Stay hydrated and properly nourished - I forgot to pack my water bottle, but drinking fountains and cups of water (not just soda!) were important as becoming dehydrated will mess you up even on a normal day. But also, it is important to eat something! At times I would actually lose track of time or when the last time I ate something was. Make a mental note and dabble in Disney's many food offerings!
  8. Try something new! I can't understand how some of us have made multiple trips and have yet to visit Tom Sawyer Island or ride Stitch's Great Escape. Food is one thing, but rides are another. You have 24 hours to fill, surely you can find something you have never done/tried at the Mk.
  9. Get into it! - Whether it's dancing at the parade, getting into a show or character meet up, riding Goofy's Barnstormer for the 10th time, whatever... don't become static, immerse yourself in whatever it is you are doing at that moment.
  10. Try dressing up or Disney bounding - Throughout the day, I had moments where I felt like I was at MNSSHP (minus those awesome decorations). While certainly not as common as that party, there were plenty of people out either in full on costumes (mad props to you since it was soooo hot out there) or simply bounding (like me). We gave compliments back and forth. We got weird looks (whoever went as Olaf with a "cloud" over their head was simply awesome). But I like to think we had a little more fun than the others because of it.
  11. Have fun!
NOTE: I didn't much follow this one... at all...

4:15-4:30 Get up and get ready for the best day ever!!
4:35 Be at the bus stop

6-6:20 Space Mountain
6:20-6:45 Photograph Sunrise (6:31am)
6:45-7:30 Astro Orbiter
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin
Tomorrowland Speedway
7:30-7:40 Check in for ADR
7:40-8:40 Breakfast at Crystal Palace
8:40-9:40 Jungle Cruise
Magic Carpets of Aladdin
Swiss Family Treehouse
9:40-12:00 Splash Mountain
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Walt Disney World Railroad (Frontierland-Frontierland)
11:50-Noon Find spot for Festival of Fantasy Parade
Noon-1:30pm Festival of Fantasy Parade (shoot in Liberty Square)
Liberty Square Riverboat
Country Bear Jamboree
1:30-5:00pm Lunch?
Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor
Stitch's Great Escape
Carousel of Progress
5:00-5:15pm Flag Retreat
Enchanted Tiki Room
5:40-6:00pm Move It! Shake It! Celebrate It! (shoot in Liberty Square)
Peter Pan's Flight FP+
5:15-8pm Mickey's PhilharMagic
Hall of Presidents
7:05-8:05pm Seven Dwarfs Mine Train FP+
8:00-8:20 Photograph Sunset (8:15pm)
8:20-8:30 Sleepy Hollow Waffle
Go to FP spot for Celebrate the Magic / Wishes!
8:35-9:30PM Celebrate the Magic / Wishes! FP+
9:30-12:45 Mad Tea Party
Prince Charming Regal Carrousel
“it's a small word”
10:00-11:00 Enchanted Tales With Belle FP+
Dumbo the Flying Elephant
The Barnstormer
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Under the Sea-Journey of The Little Mermaid
12:45-1:00 Get spot for Main Street Electrical Parade
1:00-1:30 Main Street Electrical Parade
1:30-5:30 Dinner?
Pirates of the Caribbean
Peter Pan's Flight
Haunted Mansion
Tomorrowland Transit Authority
Free Rides!!!
5:30-6:00am Main Street

* You may want to rent a locker to store your tripod
* Snacks to try: Special 24 hour treats, popcorn, Mickey bar, Dole Whip Float, Turkey Leg, waffle, strawberry lemonade, french fries from the Outpost, try Tortuga Tavern and the Diamond Horseshoe
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Stay tuned for more updates on the remaining days of the trip!! :wave2:
Finally all caught up...and wow. So this is definitely on my bucket list now. And I really think I am going to try to do it next year. I'm not getting any younger (haha) and I just got an I want to make this happen! I can see it being a one and done thing. I think I would have the same exact mindset as you going into it...I wouldn't have huge expectations of the event itself or care about the extras, I would just want to have the experience of being in the park for 24 straight. That would be more than enough for me.

Back to an earlier post where you mentioned the flag retreat ceremony. I experienced this for the first time on my recent trip and it was amazing. I'm not sure why I had never made watching this a priority before, but I forever will now. One of those incredible moments where you are just so proud to be an American and so moved.

Great trip report! Almost feel like I experienced it with you! Looking forward to hearing about SWW!
Finally all caught up...and wow. So this is definitely on my bucket list now. And I really think I am going to try to do it next year. I'm not getting any younger (haha) and I just got an I want to make this happen! I can see it being a one and done thing. I think I would have the same exact mindset as you going into it...I wouldn't have huge expectations of the event itself or care about the extras, I would just want to have the experience of being in the park for 24 straight. That would be more than enough for me.

Back to an earlier post where you mentioned the flag retreat ceremony. I experienced this for the first time on my recent trip and it was amazing. I'm not sure why I had never made watching this a priority before, but I forever will now. One of those incredible moments where you are just so proud to be an American and so moved.

Great trip report! Almost feel like I experienced it with you! Looking forward to hearing about SWW!

Glad to hear it's on the bucket list! I really do think every true Disney fan owes it to themselves to experience it at least once. Staying the whole time or a majority or coming for the first or even last few hours, it's a fun time for sure! Go make it happen :thumbsup2

And isn't that ceremony awesome? I totally agree that it deserves a few moments on my trips from here on out; I can't believe I have put this off. So good! ::yes::

Thanks for the nice comments! I know I keep saying the next chapter is happening soon, but life keeps getting in the way. Sooooo annoying! I am editing the few photos I have from SWW and the next few days, so hopefully I can piece together something tonight. Stay tuned!

"A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice." - Yoda
"Don't give in to hate, that leads to the Dark Side" - Obi Wan

.... I should have continued my training....

I got back to from the 24 hour event, oddly with a little energy left in the tank (darn you insomnia!). I uploaded photos from the camera, turned on the tv, soaked my feet in the tub for a few minutes, took some Tylenol. However, after a couple of heavy yawns, I finally crashed with the intention of waking up early but in reality was some time in the afternoon. For me, that "some time" was ~2:30pm, with an arrival at DHS at ~3:30pm.

I had never been to a Star Wars Weekend before, mostly because I have pretty much zero desire to deal with the heat and crowds that come with late May and into summer. I am not even that big of a Star Wars fan. I absolutely love the originals (Ep. 4, 5, and 6) and put them in my top 20 movies all time and can even quote them extensively. But beyond this, the fandom tapers off. Therefore when planning this trip, I came to the conclusion that I would "pop in" for a few hours, get a feel for the event, and call it a day. That would fit perfectly with a half-day of rest from the 24 Hour event and allow me to go on with the rest of my vacation with relative peace and relaxation.

Before the trip, I had actually planned to put my body through total annihilation as I wickedly thought that I could go straight from the 24 Hour event to recharge batteries/upload photos and then get back on a bus to DHS to get in line for the beginning festivities of Star Wars Weekend. I honestly believe that I could have done it too if I had gotten a decent night's sleep before the 24 hour event. However, seeing as how I barely survived the 24, even I wasn't crazy enough to go through with it... or was I?.... Truly, I had set my alarm for 8am to see if I could manage getting up to see the SW Motorcade, but by falling back asleep immediately after turning it off meant there was an obvious 'no' and 'you're an idiot' to that terrible decision. All in all though, it wasn't all that bad, as there were only a couple of things I was really looking to get out of the day:
  1. Catch the Legends of the Force Motorcade
  2. See Warwick Davis - I am a fan of his films
  3. Watch Symphony in the Stars
  4. Get a good feeling about the atmosphere - seeing what makes the event event so special
There were a few things that I still wanted to do, but didn't really jump out to me:
  • Stars of the Saga
  • Obi-Wan and Beyond
  • ride Star Tours
  • visiting Darth Mall
Obviously, I missed the parade that morning, but everything else was still a possibility.... I didn't care for autographs, or mechandise, or specialty cupcakes/drinks or even meeting characters (again, not really a fan of the meet n' greets). When you aren't the biggest fan of Star Wars, I think your agenda and itinerary get scaled back some. Truth be told, I actually did not plan much for that event, which, truth be told, was a really dumb way to go about things. I was so unprepared for how things went, what to expect, what all I could really get out of the event. My thought was to take it all in as if I had never even known about the event in the first place. I didn't want to over-plan for it; I wanted to experience it in the moment. Because of this, I will admit, I think I will have to go back and give it a full day's visit to truly appreciate what the event has to offer (oh darn!).

For what it's worth, for the several hours I was there, I enjoyed the event a great amount! And at the same time, I hated the event a great amount! :laughing: don't you just love the dichotomy in my mind?? Seriously though, the event itself is a tremendous amount of fun. However, factors uncontrolled by Disney had an unfortunate affect on my appreciation for it that day. The most obvious being my lack of sleep/energy, as well as a killer headache that I couldn't seem to shake that day. I dragged on around DHS like a zombie, having a hard time trying not to run into trash cans or people, let alone to actually enjoy myself. Another factor was the heat. Will I ever come to terms with the fact that Orlando is both hot and humid most of the year and that I am not impervious to it? (the answer is apparently: never :P) The final factor was my lack of preparation for the event. I figured that with the basic time schedule as a guide, I can handle anything. But I greatly under-estimated the crowds, which in turn, affect lines/wait times, which in turn affect my overall enjoyment for things.

I walked through the turnstiles just after 3:30pm. This meant that I would miss Stars of the Saga. So far, I was off to a pretty bad start; I needed a cheer-me-up or pick-me-up or something. One thing I do always enjoy? A trip to my favorite hotel on property... the Hollywood Tower Hotel! Since I had missed both my Star Tours and TSMM FP scheduled for earlier in the day (see, I told you I was trying to be ambitious!), I was able to sneak in on this one just before the times expired. Given the crowds that day, there wasn't much "fast" about that wait, but I was already too tired to really care about a decent wait time for the ride; I really needed a "wake up call" (sorry, couldn't resist :D).

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(actually taken closer to sunset, but I wanted to throw them in here)
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(foreboding on so many levels...)

After the wake up call, my next stop was to get something to eat; seeing as how the last thing I ate was the Nutella waffle way earlier that day, I was pretty hungry. So I went to one of the only decent (in my opinion) CS spots in the park, Studio Catering CO. and had the Chipotle Chicken sandwich. This would have been a great pick-me-up, but for the first time I was perplexed by the fact that there was not a single seat/table available anywhere near the place! Seriously, that was a first as a solo traveler! :confused3 Then, of course with my luck, the first thing to open up was a trash-filled, soda-sticky table (seriously people where are your manners?!?!) out on the walkway, completely out in the hot afternoon sunshine.... I should have finished my sandwich and gone back to the resort for a swim or something, because that was how my luck was going to go that day...

By the time I finished lunch... or dinner... whatever meal I was eating, it was ~4:15. At this point, I was feeling a little more energetic, but just as grumpy as before. The only two things I had really had on my agenda were to see An Ewok Tale and the fireworks, everything else I viewed as superfluous at this point. I had missed my morning FP for Toy Story Midway and Star Tours (I gladly traded those for more sleep), I missed several other SWW offerings, and all I had to show for it was a ride on Tower of Terror and a chicken sandwich (something I could had done on any other day). But I tried to remain positive as the one thing I was looking forward to the most was seeing Warwick Davis. I had a little bit of time, so I made a quick loop of the park just to get a better feel for the atmosphere. I don't know what the protocol is for taking pictures of guests in their costumes (probably politely asking them; I just wasn't feeling very friendly that day...) or the (Disney) Star Wars characters at their spots (this one is usually frowned upon, I know), so I didn't snap pics of the guests, but there were some really awesome people in costumes that day! Seriously, everywhere I looked, people had on some great outfits, even those who were bounding or just dressed to the theme. It was cool seeing the amount of (Disney) Star Wars fans there were that day! On my loop, I made my way to the main stage and had a good laugh with these guys...
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(these guys were pretty darn funny; they definitely brought a smile to my face)
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(insert their joke about "photo bombing")

Then I bumped into this guy...

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(I couldn't get the camera ready in time to get a decent shot. Still cool seeing Chewbacca)

Finally, I came to the conclusion to stop by the one thing that will 100% guaranteed put a smile on my face, and that is visiting the Muppets and their 3D show (love. Love. LOVE The Muppets!) ... and I took this prize winning picture...

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(For some reason this brought a huge smile to my face, I must have looked a bit like the Mad Hatter staring at this picture and laughing... to each their own! Besides, "what do they know? They're tourists!":rotfl: For real though, get there in plenty of time and admire all of the puns and word plays displayed from the entrance all the way to the prop room (even the merch store across the way has some great stuff). There are some pretty funny things found there, sure to put a smile on anyone's face!)

After the show, I decided to make my way over to see Warwick's Ewok Tale. Again, not doing research can really hurt you when it comes to Star Wars Weekends. There is plenty of standing around and waiting (something I truly loath doing at the parks, let alone when it's blazing hot outside and I am sleep deprived). Being in a slightly happier mood due to the Storm Troopers and "cheap 3D tricks", I made my way in the direction of the Theater of the Stars. But before stopping by that show, there was another one that I just had to stop by and see...

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Measuring the Gap
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Rico said something offensive to the Boss
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What? What did I say?

It is quite the coincidence that as much as a I love these guys (and all the Citizens of America, for that matter), I never schedule actual time to see them. I just happen to always bump into them around the park. But when I see them, I always stop to watch. These guys are hilarious!

Needless to say, this show brought a big ol' grin back on my face. Despite my exhausted, aching body and the lack of things accomplished that day, I was starting to turn things around and have a good time.


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