Tasha's Post Baby Journal (Comments of course welcome!)

Love the new pictures. Hope all goes well with DH new job situation.

Stop in now and then and let us know how things are going! :sunny:
Hey, everyone! Anyone interested in the latest Kylie developments? Well, here they are!

We have discovered that it seems that Kylie all of a sudden either has separation anxiety or stranger anxiety or perhaps both. She won't let anyone hold her except me or Dh or she screams and cries and just acts plain miserable! She wouldn't let MIL or FIL hold her and made sure that dh and I never left the room! Poor thing even reached her arms out to her "dada" when his mom was holding her! Then, a friend of dh's tried to hold her earlier and she went crazy! Ey yi yi! I know that this is common in babies and that it can happen around this age but still! We are supposed to see my mother on Monday in the first time in over a month and I hope she won't be afraid to let my mom hold her! And she is supposed to get her 6 month/Christmas pictures made the end of this month so I hope this phase won't affect that!

But there have been some exciting things going on here too. She is now almost sitting up on her own. And today she raised up onto her knees several times and is trying to crawl! I couldn't believe it! Dh and I were just in awe! She's so young still so we were surprised. She isn't crawling yet though or anything but at this rate she will be by Christmas (possibly sooner)...just in time to get into all the presents and into the tree! :rolleyes: :earboy2:

Just thought I'd share! I'm off to bed now. Night!
Hey Tasha ~

Sounds as though Kylie is progressing sooooo fast.
tasha--kylie is getting so big! i cant bleieve she is getting ready to crawl!!!
hope you are doing good too!!
have a great week
Wow Tasha!

Kylie is trying to crawl already?! She is getting so big so fast! These are fun times, aren't they? :goodvibes

Hope you have a great Tuesday! :sunny:
Hope you're having a great weekend! Sounds like Kylie is really trying to be a big girl!

ENJOY her!!

Have a good week!
Sounds like you have some exciting stuff happening in your life. That is great about Scott's job. One thing I would recommend (and I know I'm late in this) is looking at how much it costs you to pay out of pocket to see the doctors for the various plans. Two might let you pick your own doctors but the rate they pay and you pay may be different. That's how I chose my insurance. I knew where I wanted to go and two different plans covered the same clinic - it was a choice between me paying $10 per visit or $80 and the rate I paid into the insurance was the same (or a bit cheaper depending on dependants). So I chose the lower one that I'd have to pay and I've never been sorry. Good luck!!!!

Very exciting on the things Kylie is able to do now - just wait, she'll be crawling in no time and then walking and then talking and then.... :) It's very fun!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey, everyone!

I'll just give a few updates and then I'll give you some pictures.

1. We decided to cancel our WDW trip. We didn't have to but we decided it would be wise to invest it in savings instead. Especially since we are planning to TTC baby #2 next November when Kylie is about 18 months old. So we probably won't be going back to WDW for a few years but I am okay with that. It was my decision after all.

2. Kylie has outgrown her infant carseat so we had to go to the next size. She now weighs 18 lbs and is 26.5 inches long.

3. She has her 2 bottom teeth coming in.

4. She will turn 6 months next Saturday (which I still can NOT believe!) and is going to have her 6 month/Christmas pictures taken then. I will post when I get those back.

Here are some recent pictures. The last 3 she is in her Halloween costume (a bunny rabbit). Scott is the one holding her in the last one. They are standing in our front yard. Another current picture is the new one I just put in my siggie! Have a great weekend everyone!





Hi, everyone! Hope you are all doing well.

Well, 1st here are the updates on Kylie.
1. She has her 2 bottom teeth now.
2. She can raise onto her hands and knees and is very close to crawling.
3. She can sit up pretty well by herself now.
4. She is really fast in her walker now. She can pretty much run in the thing. I didn't expect her to make me have to constantly chase her or wear me out until she started walking by herself or at least started crawling but she can really move in that thing so I am getting a bit of a workout anyway! :teeth:
5. We are attempting a sippy cup now but she likes to chew on it more than suck on it. I figure that will come eventually and I am not rushing her. If she wants to play with it that's fine with me. At least she will get used to it.
6. Her hair is just getting so long and it is nearly blonde now! I love to put a ponytail in her hair now. Too cute!
7. We had her pictures made on Sunday. They turned out really good and she smiled in all of them. We didn't have to redo any of them as she was very cooperative and happy. It literally took less than 10 min. to do them. We get them back 2 weeks from tomorrow and I will post them then. I put her hair in a ponytail for those too.

I am sooo blessed to have such an easygoing, happy baby! I hope my 2nd is like this, but I am afraid he/she will be the exact opposite! Is it possible to get 2 children that are this easy? Just doesn't seem likely to me. Keeping my fingers crossed, lol! ;)

Anyway,as far as Scott and me, we are doing well. Scott is excited b/c hunting season starts Saturday. He will be gone a lot to hunt this winter.

Our 6th anniversary is a week from Sunday (the 27th). We are not celebrating until that following weekend though since it is the weekend after Thanksgiving and everything will be crowded. Plus, Scott and I want my mom to babysit Kylie and the following weekend will work out better. We plan to go out to dinner and a movie. I am sooo excited! It will be the 1st weekend Scott and I have gone out together without Kylie. It will be nice to have a little time alone together!

I have gone out a couple of times by myself now (usually meeting my mom) and left Kylie with Scott for the day though. It isn't as hard on me as I thought it would be, especially since I know how good Scott is with her. He is seriously the best daddy I have ever seen and I am not just saying that. He is a natural with her and she adores him as much as he adores her. I love that (since my dad was nothing like that) and it's nice to see Kylie has a great father! It's just strange not to have to lug around a nearly 20 lb baby or a diaper bag though.

We are going to my mom's for Thanksgiving. Usually we go to Scott's grandmother's an hour away and then have to rush to my mom's an hour away in the opposite direction! It is really stressful. This year we changed things per my mom's request. It is just too much now that we have Kylie. We visited Scott's grandmother Sunday after Kylie's pictures were made and we are not going there for Thanksgiving. We are just going to my moms. Then next year we are going to Scott's grandmother's and skipping my mom's. We plan to alternate from now on. Unfortunately we have 3 get-togethers for Christmas though. One for breakfast, one for lunch, and one for dinner. We are hoping to end that next year. This year is Kylie's 1st Christmas and we know it will disappoint if we don't bring her to all 3 but next year we are changing it up. Not exactly sure how yet though.

We are putting up our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night and I can't wait to see Kylie's reaction to the lights. Of course I know I will have to try to keep her out of the tree this year too which I don't look quite as forward to! :rolleyes: I also have the added bonus of trying to keep my cats out of it again this year!

Anyway, I seriously have decided I need to get back on track and lose this extra weight. I miss my size 8 and size 10 clothing! Kylie is past the majorly clingy, always needing to be held, stage now. She likes to play on her own a little more now that she is becoming increasingly mobile so I think I can do this a little easier than before. Plus, unless the plan changes (which I reserve the right to change it any time and for any reason, lol!) we are planning to start ttc baby #2 next fall and I REALLY don't want to go into that preg. as heavy as I did with Kylie. I was so out of shape and it really took its toll on me physically. I would like to lose a little before then. I would really like to lose about 50 lbs but I will be happy just to lose 1-2 dress sizes at this point. I need to really start exercising again. I also need to limit my junk food which is going to be hard during the holidays. I have already decided that I am going to eat whatever I want on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the night we go out for our anniversary. That way I won't feel tempted to binge later on. Other than that, it's time to really do something. It's easier said than done, of course, but I am going to give it my best shot. I have true motivation this time since I want to be a positive role model for Kylie and since I want to have a healthier preg. than I did last time. Plus, being heavy did not affect my ability to conceive Kylie but who knows if it will this time? I'd rather not risk it.

I don't get on here as often as before since I find once I do I have an increasingly hard time getting off the computer! It's too addicting! Sooo, I will probably only post in my journal once a week or so. I will just give brief (and yes, I do mean brief...nothing nearly as long as this, I hope!) updates for the week and how I did. I also signed up to have a buddy to do this with. Glad I found that thread since signups end tomorrow and I just found it today! Maybe if I have someone to buddy with I will stay more on track. Here's hoping! Anyway, WISH me luck (pun intended!)! I will let you know how I did probably next weekend. Hoping to have good news to report next weekend! Have a great week! :wave2:

ETA: Oh, I don't think I mentioned this before since I don't update my journal often...my SIL found out last month that she is having another boy! You might remember me mentioning how obsessed she was with having a girl this time and that she had told her nearly 5 year old he was having a sister. I knew that would come back to bite her on the butt and that she would have a boy. Oh, well. She is starting to freak me out though b/c now that she knows she will never have a girl (this is going to be their last child) she keeps saying things about how she hopes Kylie will look just like her so she will somewhat have the girl she always wanted. It's creepy since Kylie is my child and sometimes she acts as though she wants to make her her own child! :earseek: She says a lot of weird things though and always has so this is no new thing! And Kylie will not look like his sister anyway b/c she looks exactly like my baby pictures other than her hair and eye color. I had brown eyes/dark brown (nearly black) hair. Kylie has blondish brown hair and blue eyes. Other than that you can't tell her apart from my baby pictures.
Oh my gosh about your SIL Tasha - she hopes Kylie will look like her - OH DEAR!!!!!!! You may have a handful there eventually but hopefully not for your guys' sake.

How cool that Kylie is almost at the crawling stage. I didn't have a crawler - Britt went straight to getting on her knees to walking. No crawling at all. I was looking forward to that piece and she disappointed me :rotfl: :rotfl: . She was walking at 9 months also so that was a shock too. This is now the fun time with Kylie - enjoy it!!!! It had to have been one of my favorite times of Britt growing up because you can really see the various changes in them. Have fun!!!!!

Have a good weekend and a Happy Thanksgiving if I don't see you before that.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Chris, I also skipped the crawling and went straight to walking. And I started walking at 9 months too! It looks like Kylie will be a crawler though at the rate she is going which is fine with me...I guess it just means she will do things more normally than I did. Now if she is left-handed like me at least she will have gotten one backwards trait from her mommy which will make me sooo proud! :rotfl:
Hi Tasha,

Glad to hear that all is well. Thanks for the update. Kylie is so precious!

Have a wonderful weekend
Hi Tasha!

Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear that you and your family are doing well! :goodvibes

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! :goodvibes


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