Tasha's Post Baby Journal (Comments of course welcome!)


<font color=red>BL II - Red Team<br><font color=pu
Jun 10, 2004
Hey, everyone! Well, if you were following along in my old journal then you already know quite a bit about me. But if you haven't been, then I will go ahead and tell you a little about me anyway. I am 24 years old and have been married for 5 and 1/2 years to Scott, my wonderful Dh who is 26 years old. We just had a baby girl (our first baby) 15 days ago. Her name is Kylie Noel and she is the love of our lives. I was WISHing before we decided to have a baby and was doing WWs online. I was doing pretty well with it. I was overweight before I got preg. and I gained 29 lbs during my preg. until the very last week and then I gained another 8 that was simply water weight which brought my total gain up to 37 lbs. I have already lost 27 lbs and have 10 left of the preg. weight and then I want to lose at least 50 more on top of that. I may want to lose more than that but that is my first goal. So that means I have 60 lbs to lose right now. I am not giving myself a time limit this time b/c I don't know how my body will do after having a baby. The weight may be harder to lose or the same as before...I don't really know. I plan to start walking on the treadmill again and I am currently doing WWs again (starting today). But I am not "officially" joining again due to money issues (for the time being anyway). I remember enough from doing it last time that I think I will do pretty well on my own. I may not do it to a tee but I figure I will do it pretty well anyway. Dh was told a few weeks ago that he is borderline diabetic so he is going to do it with me and exercise too to try to get that under control. Wish us both luck! Those of you with children will probably nod your heads in agreement when I say I don't have nearly as much free time as I did before DD was born so I am really going to have to manage what little free time I have during her naps, etc. Again...wish us luck! ;)
Welcome back and CONGRATS!!! Kylie is ADORABLE!!

Sleep when you can and enjoy that baby! Life will pass so FAST!!

Good Luck!
Welcome Back Tasha! :wave2:

I'd like to say congratulations to you and Scott! Kylie is absolutely beautiful! Best WISHes to you on your new weight loss journey! :cool1:
Hiya Tasha :wave2: ~ I've been wondering how you have all been.

Nice to see you back to Wishing :flower:
Thanks everyone! It's great to be back!

Well, I did really well with WWs yesterday. I can't remember how many points I was allotted last time on it but I know I didn't use all of them yesterday. I just am not as hungry right now since I had Kylie which makes sticking with it much easier. I didn't have time to exercise b/c Kylie is going through a phase (just started yesterday actually!) where she wants to be held constantly. You can hold her and she will go to sleep right away but within 10 min. of laying her in her crib or bassinet she wakes up crying. As soon as you pick her up she is fine. We were worried last night would be rough because of it but she actually went to sleep in her bassinet and only woke up once so that was a huge relief. It must be a daytime thing or something. Glad she hasn't started doing it at night yet. (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!) She has wanted to be held a lot today too, but I layed her down (for the 3rd time in an hour, might I add!) in her bassinet 30 min. ago and she is still sleeping so maybe it is going to be just a short-lived phase...hopefully!

Kylie's umbilical cord stub fell off yesterday and we gave her her first "real" bath today. She LOVES baths! She especially likes having her hair washed. According to my mother, I was the same way, so that is another plus. I know a lot of babies don't like baths at first so we are just very lucky. She is actually a pretty easy baby. She usually wakes up twice a night. We change her, feed her, rock her and she goes back to sleep really easily. Well, most nights anyway. We are fortunate so far. My grandparents came to visit today from Florida and they got to see Kylie. It was great. It is the first time in 4 years that I have seen them. It has been a nice day.

I am still doing fine with WWs today. It is really easy right now b/c I don't have much time to think about food with a newborn in the house. Most days I wouldn't remember to eat if Scott didn't bring it up. She just takes up a lot of time. I think I have found the ultimate diet. Have a baby! Of course you have to gain weight first...lol! But anyway, this morning I put on a pair of maternity jeans that haven't fit me since I was 4 months preg. that were too tight 2 days ago. Due to the c-section I haven't attempted wearing my reg. clothes yet since I was told to wear looser clothing for a few weeks. Well, I didn't expect these jeans to fit since they didn't 2 days ago. But they are actually loose on me! So I couldn't resist weighing myself. Dreaded scale always reels me in eventually! :rolleyes: But I have lost another 4.5 lbs since 2 days ago. I now only have 5.5 lbs to go till I will be at pre-pregnancy weight! Woo hoo! So today has been a great day in many ways. Oh, and Scott has also done well the past 2 days. I haven't exercised today yet since we have had company and Kylie has been clingy but hopefully tonight I will score a few min. on the treadmill. I can probably get Scott to watch her for a little while if she is still wanting to be held the whole time. Have a great day!
Hi Tasha!

Congratulations girl! Only 5.5 pounds until you are at pre-pregnancy weight? That is awesome! :Pinkbounc My youngest daughter is almost 3 years old and I'm still not at my pre-pregnancy weight yet. :earseek:

Have a great weekend! :flower:
Hiya Tasha ~ Well done on your weightloss, you are doing a fantastic job.
Thanks everyone! :goodvibes

Well, I could have walked on the treadmill last night but didn't. We finally got Kylie to lay down in her crib around 8 p.m. Dh said, "If you want to go work out, I'll listen for her and take care of her if she wakes up." I said, "Do you mind if I take a shower and just unwind instead?" He said sure so I took a nice relaxing shower (I actually really wanted to take a nice soak in the tub but am not allowed to until after my 6 week check up due to the c-section!) and read a chapter in a book and just relaxed. I couldn't believe just holding a baby all day could take so much out of me but I was exhausted! I figured oh, well, at least I am eating okay. One out of the 2 is okay for now in my book. Dh did use the treadmill for a while last night though.

As far as today I have eaten OP once again and am not thinking about food constantly either. Like I said, I have to eat when I get a chance so it isn't constantly on my mind for a good reason! I have not worked out today yet and don't know if I will tonight or not. Depends on how I feel. I am just proud to have been eating OP at this point!

Scott's family is driving me nuts on top of everything else. They won't give us a break! Doesn't help that they all live so close! We finally told them Friday night that we (all of us-me, Kylie, and Scott) need some time to ourselves to just rest! But by this morning his mom had called to see if she could come over. Scott and Kylie were both sleeping so we told her maybe later. But Kylie has been fussy most of the day and wanted to be held again and I just got her back to sleep for a nap so I doubt today will be a good day either, since his mom will be going to church in a couple of hours. Oh, well. At least Kylie sleeps pretty well at night...KNOCK ON WOOD again! That's all that's happening here so far. Have a great day!
Hi, all! Well, this will be shorter than usual but I am sure that's a relief to some of you! ;)

I have stayed OP with my WW plan so far. Still haven't worked out since Kylie is still going through her phase and I am too tired by the time I have the chance. Scott went back to work today and she has refused to give me more than 5 min. to myself so I have been holding her since she woke up. I finally layed her down around 4 p.m. and let her cry just so I could eat lunch!!! I felt so guilty though. And yes, I know I should let her cry it out but like I said I feel guilty since she isn't even 3 weeks old yet. We'll deal with that soon I am sure. Dh is here now and holding her. I am too tired to do anything more than type this and take a shower so I probably won't work out again. But Dh has managed to do it 2 nights in a row so that's good. I weighed again this morning and I think my scale must be broken. It says I am 2 lbs lighter than BEFORE I got preg. I am having trouble believing that one. Guess I need to try on my reg. clothes to see if it is true! Well, that's all here. Have a great day!
woohoo--2 lbs than your before pregnant weight!? im impressed!! awesome on eating OP and dont worry too much about the exercise--even if you are recovering well, you still did just have a Csection...so be careful!!
Have a great day!!!
Hi, everyone. Well this will be short and sweet since Kylie is sitting w/me and I have no patience for typing w/one hand. Today has been a better day than yesterday. Won't go into details but yesterday evening was rough. We just woke up from a much needed nap today. I am still OP. No exercise yet but oh well. I tried on my reg. clothes last night. Not only do they fit again, they fit better than before I got preg. They were getting tight and now they fit. So I guess the scale is right! Hooray!
Here are a few more pictures of Kylie. :)



I am SO impressed! 2 lbs lighter that pre preg. WOW!!!

You go girl!!

Take care of yourself and that PRECIOUS baby!
What a doll!!
Oh Tasha!

Kylie is beautiful! princess: Keep up the good work Tasha! :cheer2: Staying OP with food is half the battle and your scale is reflecting your awesome efforts! :teeth:

Have a great day! :teeth:
Thanks for the support everyone! It means a lot! Have I told you how much you guys rock?! :goodvibes

Well, Kylie had her 2 week check up today (even though she will actually be 3 weeks tomorrow.) She was 9 lbs 6.2 oz at her last check up a couple of weeks ago. She is now 10 lbs 5.5 oz. My little princess: likes to eat! She is doing well and everything looked good so that's always a relief. She goes for her 2 month check up on July 22 but she will actually be closer to 3 months then. That's the soonest they could get her in though.

Today has been a much easier day than the past few were. Kylie is sleeping and I mean actually sleeping in her bassinet! Usually during the day she wants to be held nonstop! But she hasn't been that way today thankfully! So maybe that phase is over?! I hope so! She actually slept through the night last night too which worried me. I could have gotten a great night's sleep but instead I kept checking on her. I finally got her up at 4 a.m. to change her diaper and feed her and she went right back to sleep. Her dr. just laughed at me and said that he understood since I am a 1st time mommy but too bad I missed out on a full night's sleep! Oh, well. I'll know better next time. I am still OP so that's a plus. I haven't decided what day I want to start doing weigh in again. I am thinking Friday just like I did before I got preg. b/c that way if I slip up during the weekend I won't kick myself on Mon. morning and can just get back on track without ever knowing if I gained over the weekend. By Friday I should be able to undo any damage from the previous weekend. Yep, Friday it is then. Well, bye for now! :wave2:
tasha--she is adorable--i expect to see lots and lots of pics in the future :)
You are doing great fitting into your pre-pregnancy clothes--woohooo!! friday is a perfect weigh in day!
have a good week!


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