(tapping foot) VERY FUNNY....

Check the logs!
I was nowhere near this board last night.
I am innocent
(for once)

What happened here lastnight? :confused:

  1. Wishy claims she has a new title.
  2. Bob is talking to himself.
  3. Chris, a Tech Mod, is actually posting on the Tech Board instead of hanging out in chat.

  1. boldpurple.gif
    What green bouncy things is everyone talking about?

    :pounce: The pink ones work but the green ones do not. :pounce:

    Wishy, If the shoe fits....
<img src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/wishydoo/postbabe.gif"><img src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/wishydoo/Sab.gif">

<center><img src="http://www.wdwinfo.com/sites/wishydoo/neonface.gif"></center>
She looks really familiar. Haven't I talked with her before? :D

Oops, I was just think to myself; did I say that where others could hear it? :eek:

Please just forget that I said anything. :o


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