(tapping foot) VERY FUNNY....


<font color=blue>Gets buzzed from Arizona Green Te
Jun 4, 2001
<font size = 30>CHRIS !!!</font>

He manipulated my Title !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see anything wrong with it at all. :rolleyes:

And I just find it so difficult to believe that Chris, our very own Chris, whould do anything like manipulate other people's titles.

and ...... if the title fits!?!?
(gasp!).... I saw that little font BOB!!!!!

Well.......if you guys weren't so corruptible...my wiley ways would never have worked!!

brb....going to slip into my jammies now.;)

What, us corruptable? NO WAY!!! Ask anybody! Ask LisaTx or MaryJo, well, no don't ask them, but ask anyone else.
Hmph!!...Mr. Innocent

....and he has the berve to consider himself a Welcomed Guest! Ha!

.....and NERVE too!!:p
Seems that she is, Chris. Something about her title that is bothering her but I can't get a clear picture of what the exact problem is.

I think that Wishy is spending more time on other boards than she is with us. What is up with that??? :confused: :confused: I took a shower! :)

Have you noticed that Mr. Bay isn't here and neither is Wishy?!?! :eek: Is this just a coincidence or ...? ;)
OHHHHHH I'm here alright Bob!

Mr. StormAlong must have a "date".:( :) :( :)
Better Change yer s/n to BervyChris then, ChrisC. :jester:
Bob ;)

and Um, Chris...what exactly does that bouncing green guy signify???:rolleyes:
Exactly what bouncing green guy are you talking about?? :bounce:
1st - Mr. Bayis out with his wife....
2nd - Bob took in a show... not took a shower...
3rd - Wishy wears "jammies" that button all the way up to her chin...
Okay...must be time for me to hit the sack. I am seeing bouncy GREEN guys that aren't even there!

psst...I woulda been happy to see some regular old bouncy guys.

I am now removing my jammies....one button at a time.

......................wallowing in my "badness".
I guess this is the problem of being on Mountain Standard Time. I think I'm the only one left here. Oh well, I'll just talk to myself for a while. Sort of used to it. I've already browsed the other boards that I frequent and there isn't much going on, at least not that I feel inclined to comment on. Maybe I need to branch out more and find some other boards to visit.


Nope, I looked them all over. I already visit about 10 different boards and 8 of them often enough to subscribe to them so that they show up in my user control panel. The only other two that might be of interest were Cast Member (which I'm not, so that is out) and Board Host (which I'm not, so that is out too). Oh well. Maybe I could hack my way in under an assumed name. Maybe something like EviL 1. That sounds pretty cool doesn't it? Nah!

So what to do. Everyone has gone home and I'm left here talking to myself. This is even more weird, I'm not even talking to myself, I'm typing to myself. Of course the nice thing is, if someone were to actually see me here typing this, they would think that I was really working on something.

Reminds me of a story, probably one of those Urban Legends. Guy hits another car and there are all kinds of people that see it. He gets out of his car and inspects the damage. Looks like it is going to cost him big time to fix the other person's car. People are watching as he pulls out some paper and a pen. He gets out his wallet and pulls out his drivers licence. He writes down everything he wants to and puts the paper under the windshield wiper of the car he has hit. By this time, all the onlookers have moved on, satisfied that the right thing is being done. The guy gets back in his car and drives away.

The person who's car was hit comes out to see their car badly damaged but a note on the windshield. The note reads; "I'm writing this note as everyone looks on. They think that I'm leaving my name, address and driver's license number. I'm not. Sorry."

Ok, I'm really bored now. Could you tell? :rolleyes:

<hr align="left" size="2" width="90%" color=#FF0000 noshade>

I must have been rambling on and on while you were posting the above reply. It wasn't there when I started this "whatever you might call it". So let me add this little edit in reply to your last post.

LOL Bob....very good writing!!!! I liked it!

Wouldn't you just LOVE to peek into the Moderator and Chat Host's Only Board??

It's a dream of mine!

Speaking of dreaming....I should go start. I'm not really tired, but it seems like the thing to do. :rolleyes:

<embed src="http://files.midifarm.com/midifiles/general_midi/b/birthday.mid"><HIDDEN = "true">


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