Tanya & Dan's VR DCL!!!Dec 4, 2009 MK & Epcot Photoshoot Pics Posted

Tanya...more beautiful shots. I was looking at someone elses TR and he uses a Panasonic ### and I think I am going to invest in that. I have a SLR, but since going to digital...something I never thought I would do....I have to admit I do like the ease of the download.

I like the B&W shot in the castle...

Here's our goofy one. I wish I had made a face b/c I would have loved it then.

Then I edited this one:

Then we moved on to Epcot. We got some amazing shots in Morocco. We started out in France. I was hoping to get some pics in front of the fountain, but between the weather (Is it really getting colder?) and the workers, we ended up inside. Amy did several close up shots of us looking through the windows in the restaurant, but I don't like them. Part of it is that we were really tired and up close shots are not flattering when you've had like an hour of sleep. :rotfl: Here are the ones I like. I think my favs are by this staircase.











more pics ... yeah! I am making mental notes to myself.... we have requested amy for MK/epcot shoot too!:goodvibes france is a def on our list since thats where we are having our DP!
Tanya...more beautiful shots. I was looking at someone elses TR and he uses a Panasonic ### and I think I am going to invest in that. I have a SLR, but since going to digital...something I never thought I would do....I have to admit I do like the ease of the download.

I like the B&W shot in the castle...


I'm a Nikon person just b/c that's what I've always learned on and all my stuff fits it. I'm tempted by the Canon that Amy used on our shoot due to the ISO on it. It basically gets good shots in the dark with little noise and grain.

I've never had any experience with a Panasonic. I hope you like it. And you are still shooting on film???? :scared1: It must cost a fortune to do that. I love being able to digitally edit pictures. You'll have so much fun.:thumbsup2
Before we went, I went through a bunch a disbride's pics and printed out the ones I wanted. I got most of them. I wanted one in the BBB that I had seen but we weren't able to get in there. Also, the same for the teacups. Amy tried really hard to get everything that I wanted. She spent like 4 hrs with us and took about 200 + pics. It was fun showing her the pics b/c she took quite a few of them and would talk to me about the other brides. (All good stuff!)

Here is one of the ones above in color.

This one took some photoshopping. LOL!

A strange funhouse mirror effect.

One of my FAVORITES!



Another favorite:


It was freakin' cold! All the marble (I think it is fake marble, but still...) and the wind whipping through these columns made us miserable. Ok, we were really happy to be there, but I wish I had a sweatshirt!




Another one on the favorite list:

And this one too:



So I started this post and then it disappeared. Man, I hate that.

Anyway, most of our pics came to us unedited. I don't know if that was because Amy knew we were photographers and figured we would want to do it ourselves or what, but I was a little disappointed when I saw that. Other brides have gotten some neat effects with their pics. So all this editing is mine. Amy did edit out workers and heaters on the plants in front of the castle and did a bang-on job of it though. Much better than I could have done.

Here's one in b&w that I like:

In Italy we got to go into a mask shop. It was really cool to be able to play with these expensive toys. I loved this b/c I collect these too. I used to have a really extensive collection, but I sold most of it with the exception of some nice ones that came from Italy (real not Epcot). Anyway, I wish I had bought the one Amy put on me. I'll have to keep an eye out for it whenever we go back.





That was it. We were done, tired, cold, and out of time. We made one last request:
We have a Pentex that I bought for our honeymoon in 1987!!! Yes, it is film. I think it is time for the upgrade.

awesome photos!
I'm a cannon girl...I can't help it...but I have learned on cannon and all my stuff fits...funny how you show your loyalty by what you are use to...Now if I just had the patience to edit...
So in my desperation to finish this pj and avoid doing homework, I have uploaded more pics into photobucket. This poor pj is so chaotic. I really need to organize it. I hope anyone who stumbles across this thing is able to keep up with it.

For example, one of the things that I still need to do is take a pic of my invitations. It's going to be one of the last things I post. LOL!

Anyway- I thought that I would give more details to our at home reception.

We were supposed to have about 50 people come and only 25 rsvp'd. Many of our family thought that this was a stupid idea and that it was a waste of money. No amount of explaining could convince them to come and enjoy the day. They just couldn't understand our reasoning behind it all. :confused3

Sooo...at this time we still don't have a van and only our little tiny car. SIL Kim says that we can use her SUV, and that it will be no problem getting all of our stuff there. My friend Kristina was using her truck to pick up chairs and tables, so we should be covered.

The night before, SIL shows up and Dan goes to get her suitcase out of her car and comes in and says, "Well, there's no way we r putting anything in there! It is packed full of crap." And he wasn't kidding. She had everything from coolers, to shoes, to firewood in that vehicle. LOL!

I had already busted my *** making the rest of the decorations, organized everything, boxed it up and put it all in our studio in our house. All we had to do was then take it out and fill up vehicles. We'll we call Joe, DH's best friend to come over with his SUV to help us get stuff. Except that he says he can't come over on Friday, but he will be there early on Sat. We planned on getting to the park about 11 am to set up, and then go to the hotel to get ready and get pics around the hotel and with the horse drawn carriage.

Well, DH goes off with his sister and Joe to go play with computer stuff, and leaves me to do all the last minute stuff. I WAS NOT HAPPY. After months of - "I'll help you, no problem. Just tell me what to do." No one was around to help. So I packed up the kids stuff and took them over to their nanna's and explained to her about all the stuff for their outfits for the next day. I showed her how to fix Kenzie's hair, etc. Then I came home and slam packed my little Neon until 2am with no help. By this point, they were home (DH and SIL) and they watched a movie and then went to sleep while I made 100 trips in and out of the house. This should have been an omen of things to come.

We have terrible luck. We really do. I just blame it all on DH. He always says that if he didn't have bad luck, he would have no luck at all. I think that I would prefer the no luck at all at the moment. We have just have had some really trying times in the last couple of years. So I suppose that even though we had some issues on the cruise, for the most part it was great, perfect, and awesome. That means that I should have known that we wouldn't have had such great luck 2x's in a row. :rotfl: I hate to even write about that day b/c it just all seems so negative. But I am going to try to plow through it.

I finally got to sleep that night and got up super early the next day. Dan went to go have our mickey balloons blown up and to get ice for all the coolers. He said he would be right back. He was gone for 2 hrs. His sister got in her car to go looking for him b/c he should have been gone for 15 mins. and he wasn't answering his cell. So she freaked out and went looking all over town for him. Finally they both turned up after we were already supposed to be at the park!!!:scared1:

The shop that he went to to get the balloons filled with helium had no helium that day. So he had gone to like 3 other places before he was able to get them filled. Still not sure why it took so long. Plus Joe still wasn't there!!:scared1:

I decided to just do hair and make up at home so I could help set up in regular clothes. I figured that I would have plenty of time to get to the hotel and change into my dress. Joe finally turns up and we get the last of the stuff packed. So finally at like 12:30 we were all on our way.

Joe's dumb butt runs out of gas on the way, and that eats up another 1/2 hr of our time taking care of that. Really? You couldn't think to get gas at any other point??? I'm starting to turn into bridezilla at this point. :mad::mad::mad:

I wanted this day to be fun, romantic, and relaxing with family and friends. It's not turning into any of these things.
More trouble.

We finally arrive 2 hrs behind schedule and when we get out of the car, I think I about blew a gasket. The gazebo has a wedding taking place inside of it with a reception set up in our pavilion!:headache: I totally lost it at this point.

Dh was mad but calm enough to go up to see what was happening without interrupting or being rude. We had all of our paperwork with us that showed we booked everything for the ENTIRE day. We stand around waiting with our thumbs up our asses for a while until it was time for the other couple to do pics. Dh finds out that they we officially booked for the day as well and had their papers to prove it. I suppose that the city officials thought that they could get away with it b/c we were at different times. Come to find out that on top of that, there was another one booked right after us too. It was listed on the board. BUT WE PAID FOR THE WHOLE DAY!!! :mad:

Seeing that I was going to completely freak out soon, everyone started rushing around trying to fix it. We asked a little kid to move her birthday party out of the next pavilion and into the smaller one down the way. I feel kind of crappy for this, but I didn't know what else to do. The were super nice about it to us though, so that was good.

This sucked, because now I am short like 3 tables. Plus we are even more behind on our decorating schedule. In addition to all of that, we were further away from the gazebo, so it was like a marathon running back and forth with stuff trying to set it up. When the other bride left, my sil, dh, Joe, and three of my good friends really busted their butts trying to set everything up as quickly as possible and still make it look nice. The sad part was that it was in the 90's already and we were all hot. It was the hottest day of the year up to that point. It had been freezing just a couple of days before.

There were entire boxes of decorations that we just ran out of time for. My memorial table ended up just holding the program fans, and all of the large paper balls and lanterns for the pavilion never even made it out of the box. The floral chains that I specifically got to cover railings and signs never made it out of the box either. Chair sashes were supposed to be alternating blue and pink, and started off this way, but somehow got off kilter and ended up being like 3 pinks in a row at the end of the set up. :confused3

The wish tree disaster has already been mentioned and I dare not speak of it again, or else I will want to strangle those around me. ;)

Considering everything that had happened, the set up still came out really well. It was windy, and the aisle runner wouldn't say in place, so they took all the balloon weights to hold it down instead of using the mickey topiaries. This proved for an interesting walk down the aisle later. I didn't even know this was going on at this point. Anyway, here is the set up:
It took us so long to set up that most of the guests were there and i wasn't even dressed. One look at my watch, and I realized that the horse drawn carriage was at the hotel waiting on us. :eek:

I ran into the girls bathroom and literally threw on my dress. I said forget the damn spanks, I was sweating too badly to even attempt to get those things on. It would have taken me another hr to fight with them in my condition. :lmao: I also said screw the heels since my feet were already killing me due to the fact that I ran all over God's green creation setting up. So the dress was thrown on and I was out.

Looking back at my pictures, I wish that I had lost weight and put on spanks. My pudgy belly is sticking out in my pics and it makes my dress wrinkle up all funny. Plus my fat arms really annoy me. Uggghh! Oh well. I can't do anything about it now.

My dh and I jump into the car and zoom over to the hotel. So much for pics, checking in, or anything. It's a 5 star hotel called The Wyvern, and I was really looking forward to getting ready in a large suite with air conditioning. So much for that too.. :sad2: We saw another bride getting into a Hummer limo while we were there. It was great to see her with the limo and us with the carriage. Someone took a pic of us, but I never got it. :confused: Oh well. She was really nice and we wished each other good luck.

We finally were able to sit down and relax for the 1st time in literally weeks. That carriage ride was soo soothing and relaxing. It was beautiful and peaceful. We LOVED it. :lovestruc It was great because we hadn't told anyone about it, so it was a surprise when we showed up.



From there, we tried to get everyone to go over to the gazebo to get the show on the road, but even that proved impossible and complicated. Whatever. We had an ipod thingy (I don't understand about these contraptions yet. Yes, I am like 10 years behind in technology) - set up at the pavilion with the food for dancing, etc. and we had a CD player with batteries since there were no outlets at the gazebo. At least we walked down the aisle to the right songs.

Walking down the aisle was a challenge because it was no where near wide enough for the two of us with the balloon weights on it. The chairs were far enough apart, but we couldn't actually walk beside each other. We split and walked on either side of the runner while my train on my dress took out each balloon weight. :rolleyes1

Trying to navigate the aisle:

By this point, I don't care. I'm just happy to be there. We have our blessing said to us.
Here is our ceremony:
Opening Remarks and Blessing

Family and friends, I welcome you to this day of celebration. We are gathered here today to join Tanya and Dan as they reaffirm their marriage vows and their love for one another. Tanya and Dan are happy that so many of you who mean so much to them are here to share and celebrate this, their vow renewal day.

Tanya and Dan have invited us here to this place to share in their declaration of lifelong commitment to each other. Your blessings, support, and encouragement are important to this union, not only now, but in the days and years to come.

Amidst the turmoil of our world, with all of life's struggles and concerns, it is with deep joy and a sense of wonder and awe that we pause to affirm the power of love. As we gather to witness the union of Tanya and Dan we also celebrate the blessings we all cherish in our intimate relationships. This ceremony calls us all to renew our vows of love and commitment to one another.
Let us Pray.
Loving God, you are at the heart of all our relationships.* You are the understanding spirit that brings us together in friendship.* You are the caring spirit that enables us to listen to each other's needs.* You are the enduring spirit which holds fast when the storms of life hit home.* You are the trusting spirit which builds our faith in one another.* Bless this time together, we pray.* Amen

Remembering Loved Ones

I would like to take this moment to mention that there are those close to Tanya and Dan who could not travel to be here today, but whose thoughts and blessings are with them; and there are loved ones who are no longer here in body, but who are here in spirit. Let us remember them now in a moment of silence.

Here is where we compromised with our family. This is why Dh says he really married me three times. LOL! I wouldn't do our private vows in front of everyone, so we chose to do a hand ceremony instead.

Hand Ceremony

Tanya, please face Dan, and hold his hands, palms up, so you may see the gift that they are to you.

These are the hands of your best friend, strong, yet tender and sincere with love, as he again promises to love you all the days of his life.
These are the hands that have worked along side yours, as together you built your home and family, as you laughed and cried, as you shared your innermost secrets and dreams.
These are the hands you placed with expectant joy against your stomach, until he too, felt his child stir within you.
These are the hands that look so large and strong, yet were so gentle as they held your babies for the first time.
These are the hands that worked long hours for you and your family.
These are the hands that have held you tight as you struggled through difficult times.
These are the hands that comforted you when you were sick, or consoled you when you were grieving.
And these are the hands that will continue to love you passionately and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.

Now, hold his left hand in yours and repeat after me:

I, Tanya, give to you, Dan,
a new promise and yet not so new;
a new wife, and yet not so new;
a new affirmation of love from the heart that has loved you for over 10 years
and will love you for as many more as God allots to it.
This is the covenant I renew with you today.

Dan please hold Tanya’s hands, palms up, where you may see the gift that they are to you.

These are the hands of your best friend, small, yet strong and sincere with love, as she again pledges her love and commitment to you all the days of her life.
These are the hands that have worked along side yours, as together you built your home and family, as you laughed and cried, as you shared your innermost secrets and dreams.
These are the hands that held you in joy, excitement and hope, each time she told you that you were to have a child, that together you had created a new life.
These are the hands that holds each child in tender love, soothing them through illness and hurt, supporting and encouraging them along the way, and knowing when it is time to let go.
These are the hands that massages tension from your neck and back in the evenings after you’ve both had a long hard day.
These are the hands that have countless times wiped the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy
These are the hands that have comforted you in illness, and held you when fear or grief wracked your mind.
And these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.

Now, hold her left hand in yours and repeat after me:

I, Dan, give to you, Tanya,
a new promise and yet not so new;
a new husband, and yet not so new;
a new affirmation of love from the heart that has loved you for over 10 years
and will love you for as many more as God allots to it.
This is the covenant I renew with you today.


God, bless these hands that you see before you this day.
May they always be held by one another.
Give them the strength to hold on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment.
Keep them tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their wondrous love.
Help these hands to continue building a relationship founded in your grace, rich in caring, and devoted in reaching for your perfection.
May Tanya and Dan see their four hands as healer, protector, shelter and guide.
We ask this in your name, Amen.

(Then hand a necklace to Tanya and one to Dan to give to the children.)
Mackenzie and Drew, please come forward. In presenting each of you with this necklace, the circle pendant represents not only the union of this marriage, but the importance of each of you within this family.
Officiant: Tanya and Dan, please repeat after me:
"With this medallion, we pledge our continuing love to you."

Sand Ceremony

Officiant: As you stand beside the ocean tide, may your love always be as constant as these never-ending waves, flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Just as the waters touch and nourish the many shores of the earth, may your love be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Your love came softly upon each others heart, just as the foam comes softly upon the sand, and just as there will never be a morning without the ocean's flow, so there will never be a day without your love for each other. You have pledged yourselves on this day. Your love will be as dependable as the tide; as these waters nourish the earth and sustain life, may your constant devotion nourish and sustain you until the end of time.

Tanya and Dan, you have just sealed your relationship by exchanging vows and jewelry. This covenant is a relationship agreement between two people who agree that they will commit themselves to one another throughout their lives. Just as we have now bound Tanya and Dan to one another, we will also celebrate the unification of their children, Drew and Mackenzie, into this covenant. The couple will first pour their sands into the vase, showing that their marriage is the foundation of this family. Their sands mix together and symbolize their bond of love and respect that can never be separated, just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers. Your marriage is a molding of two individual personalities, bonded together forming one heart, one love. The life that each of you experienced individually will hereafter be inseparably united, for the two shall become one.

As Drew and Mackenzie now add their sands, we are reminded that though we are all different people, it is our individuality which adds a unique color to the tapestry of the family. Like the sands poured before it, so these sands will also mix and be unable to be separated. This symbolizes that this family will always be together and nothing will be able to come between them and separate them.

Officiant: Your friends and family, all of us here, rejoice in your happiness and we pray that this day marks only one of many more blessings you will share in the days and years ahead. Now that you have reaffirmed your love and your marriage vows for one another, as well as committed yourself to a unified family, I am proud to say with great joy and happiness that you are once again Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Downs. You may kiss your wife.
Dove Release
The releasing of doves raises our eyes up, and fills our hearts with joy and peace.
For many centuries, the white dove has been an emblem of love, peace, and hope.
They pair for life, and at the end of each day
They return to the same home for the night.
As Tanya and Dan release these doves,
We ask you, their family and friends,
To witness this very symbolic gesture,
Which heralds the beginning of their new unified life together. We wish you love,
That, like the doves, continues to soar.
We wish you peace as you work together
To develop a home
And we join in your hope for a long and happy marriage.
Go now, hand in hand, forever in each others' hearts.
With that, I now present to you Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Downs.
Another sand ceremony shot.


It was beautiful, but lacking something that the vr on the ship had. We were so emotional and truly confessing our love for each other on the ship that it was one of those amazing special moments in life that I will never forget.

This was great, but it wasn't filled with as much emotion. We were happy to be there with each other, but it was like, we just did this and we've had a crappy day, let's get on with it.


Well, Joe was supposed to be playing music throughout the ceremony and forgot. We were going to walk back down the aisle to Mickey Mouse March. We thought that this would be funny. Except that he didn't play anything and at the last minute put on Kiss the Girl and then switched it to Some Where Over the Rainbow. Grrr... Plus no one tossed petal. :confused3 We had them handed out with signs on them and everything. I wish I could find a picture of the sign. It was super cute. Hmm...something else to look for and post.

My family - me, Dh, Drew, and Kenzie loaded up into the carriage and went for a nice long carriage ride all through the park and along the waterfront while they all went to get their food. Except that no one went to get food. I guess DH had said something to SIL about the petal toss and made some snide remark to my mom, so they lined up and waited for us to come back.



It was about this point that we realized we had our own paparazzi. :rotfl:
For real! There were many uninvited guests who we had no clue who they were. They were following us around and taking pictures of us. This one old man apparently did this through the entire ceremony too, and he chased after us in the carriage. LOL! When we finally got out of the carriage, he came over and told us that he couldn't help himself, but that he had been married for 63 years and his wife had just passed away. :sad1: He said that we reminded him of his wife and their wedding that they had had so long ago. It kind of reminded me of the movie UP! He was so nice though and it was quite nice to be able to share the day with him. He hung out with us for a while longer, and I think he even got to eat with us. LOL. I'll have to look for a pic of him. Sadly, I can't remember his name.
Here is out toss - and the old man is in the blue hat there on the end. I think have another of him too.

After the petal toss, of which I have NO good pics, we went to go EAT! One of my favorite things to do of course. Although that plan of action was halted in it's tracks by the sight of our ugly cake melting away. We decided to go ahead and cut it before it got any worse, and it was a super anti-climatic moment. I don't even think that anyone noticed we had cut it. By this point, it was sweltering, and many of the guests were pretty miserable. Someone kept turning off the ipod saying it was too loud and they couldn't talk over it. We had left a small area to dance in, but with the music being turned off every 5 mins, that plan failed.

Here are some random pics of the tables.



I have a bunch of really horrible pics of everyone eating and just sitting around, but they really are bad - so I'll spare everyone. At some point, I grab a camera and take some shots of our food and candy buffet b/c I knew that no one else had done it.
Here's one of Kenzie enjoying some of the candy treats we made:

That's when I really noticed her hair. :scared1: It looked like she fixed it herself. Dan just kept saying to let it go. It wasn't worth arguing about it. :headache:

After we ate, we went and took some posed pics around the place. Here are a few decent ones. Nothing great.




Drew would not listen to us at all at this point and had run off to go play with his nanna, so he was missing from most of this.

Here is Dan pointing out the fact that I am not wearing the heels that I spent all that money on, but wearing my flip flops. At least i was comfy. I actually quite like this picture.



All of our guests took turns taking carriage rides and loved it. Again, I won't bore everyone with all of the horrible pictures, but this is a cute one of my aunt Donna and the flower girls - they are her adopted kids.






After pics, we actually got to relax and mingle a little bit and it was finally nice and more of what I had in mind. We were supposed to change into our Hawaiian disney outfits, but somehow only the kids were packed up and we didn't have ours. Dan had a change of clothes, but I think mine were in the car at the hotel. :confused: It was really hot, and people started to leave. When my mom and her clan finally left we were so happy. :rotfl: She had done her usual of making remarks to constantly embarrass us and make everyone feel uncomfortable in general. Once she was gone, it was much more relaxing and fun. It's really quite sad.

Although, it wasn't all fun. There was another wedding coming up soon, and we had to pack up all the crap that we worked so hard to set out. This is when I really wished that we had done it at Disney or gotten a place inside that we could have taken our time. Everything was so rushed. It was just the gazebo that we had to take down the stuff from, but after that, the few guests who were left were hot and ready to go too. We worked so hard on making up crossword puzzles about us, scavenger hunts, and MUSIC for dancing, that I was really upset that they didn't care about this stuff and just wanted to leave. Everyone even chucked all the programs back onto the table from which they got them. No one took one home with them. What is that about???

We had fireworks, but apparently we weren't staying until dark to set them off. Another thing I was unhappy about. Dh said, lets just go home and set them off at Donna's house, and we can chill there and get some beers. Alcohol sounded really good at this point.
Here is us cutting our cake:

A balloon pic that is family friendly

We finally packed everything up. In all, it wasn't a bad day. Some of it was beautiful and nice and fun. But I just didn't expect so many things to go wrong. I know that nothing is perfect, but come on! Don't we get a break once in a while??? I suppose part of what upset me what that the little magical disney details that I care about and worked so hard on, were lost on my Disney hating family. They could have cared less about 1/2 or more of what we did. I truly do not understand them. :confused3

We gave the balloons away to kids running around in the park. We also had tons and tons of left over candy and treat bags, and started giving that away to anyone who would take it. Like complete strangers. That sounds bad, but I promise we weren't using it to lure children or anything. :lmao:

We took one last pic with the remaining balloons - Dan and I let them go as a tribute to our Michael. We always say we send him balloons in heaven.

With that, we were done and on our way to take the cake back to Publix. Oh yes, we did. And we got our money back for it b/c they had lost our order and it was a mess. From there we canceled our hotel reservations b/c we didn't get to use it like we wanted, and we still wanted to do our fireworks. We went to Momma D's house (aunt Donna), and set them off. We were soo tired that we didn't bother taking pics of them or anything. I think that we were a bit drunk at the time too. I have some pics of her cows and not much else. :lmao:

We came home and crashed and said never again!!! My dress is still dirty and wadded up in the garment bag. There is still unpacked stuff from the centerpieces, etc. in a box in the kitchen. I just haven't had the heart to mess with it. Some of it I gave away to the bride who's wedding I just photographed. I was like please take it away so someone else can use it and I don't have to look at it. :goodvibes

I finally just came to terms with everything and edited some of the pics so that they were decent enough to share. I love my husband for everything he's done for me, and I am really glad that the kids got to do this with us. It meant a lot to them and they still talk about it. I hope that this will help us weather any rough times ahead - and there have been quite a few this past year already. I think anyone who is willing to do this 3 x's is truly committed to me, to us, and to our family. :rotfl2:
very nice!!!!! and very funny about the carriage!! Where were you for the home ceremony? And I love the old man following you....how sweet was that! It is so nice to hear from people that have been marriage for so long comment on how long we have been married and to see that it really does work if you stick it out. And I think renewing our vows, reminding each other of what it means to be married, has a big hand in keeping it all together.

Hey Tanya! I am sorry that your at home reception was not exactly what you wanted :( but when I saw you in Disney after your MK/epcot shoot you looked great! Love those pictures, they really came out very nice.
Tanya! You're Mk and Epcot just amazing!!! Love them I think some of favorites are the ones with the mask in the Italian gift shop.
:( I'm sorry that the at home reception wasn't the best. However there are some really nice pictures. I love how the older man followed your wedding. I got a little tear when he said that he got married as well on that day. I totally thought too of UP. That was such a great movie. Also, I love the special moment and tribute for Michael. :hug:
I LOVE your MK and Epcot pics, I'll have to look for that mask in Italy or one like it, it's gorgeous!

I have no words for what happened at the at home reception. I have no idea if my soon to be inlaws will enjoy half the stuff at our wedding but I know WE will and that's the important thing, right. You guys noticed the details and enjoyed yourselves (for the most part)
Tanya- Gorgeous gorgeous pics from MK and Epcot, I love love them! I haven't been on the boards in forever and a half...so I am still get caught up, just went through the last 6 pages. So sorry about your reception. That is just horrible! I've contemplated cancelling our VR on DCL for next year, it's just so expensive, but then I see your pics, and it gets me all excited all over again. What to do... anyways... Love the pics, and sorry again about your home reception. :(


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