Tag Book Progress Thread - UPDATE POST 56

I have everything layed out and ordered. I have a 12 day Spring Break about 2 weeks before this is due, so this is my project for the break
I have progress. My Donald tags are cut and I've started embellishing. I will be starting Stitch after I finish Donald.
Hope to start this weekend if I can get my kids to cooperate and stop being sick... now back to disinfecting my house... boy I'm doing a lot of complaining about sick kids...but really this is the first time in 3 years we have really had the flu bug around....
Hope the kids are better quickly Nancy. I never get sick so this thing had thrown me for a loop. I'm finally feeling better thanks to the antibotics
I just need to put ribbons on Christmas and then I can get started on Travel.
Hope the kids are better quickly Nancy. I never get sick so this thing had thrown me for a loop. I'm finally feeling better thanks to the antibotics

Thanks... We normally don't get sick either...but this flu bug that is going around is wicked.. Pediatrician said yesterday it's averaging 6-8 days before the kids are starting to recover.. we are on day #6... so hopefully we are going to start feeling better soon... He is out cold right now.. I'm cleaning and the smell isn't even waking him up... Lysol will wake me up out of a sound sleep...
Glad to hear that you are feeling better, Faerie!

A 6 to 8 day flu for a little one has to feel like eternity! Poor baby was probably so tired from his little bit of time at school today that he'll sleep for hours and be wide awake when everyone else is going to bed. Good luck disinfecting. You'll need it to keep everyone else healthy!
here! I have all my paper. I need to finish my angel spots for Kat first then I'll start cutting tags.

I think it's time to get out both machines and have a free for all Cricut day!

ETA: I added the link to the calendar.
i have all my ideas i just need to do the everyday swap stuff 1st! then i'm on to this one.

i'm having "glue issues" tonight! UGH.....
Just wanted to wish you ladies a good weekend! My sister and I are going to a crop this weekend! :cool1: Can't wait!!
I'm going to a crop tonight and hopefully can get all the paper and cut the tags! We've passed around the fever, congestion, headache for 3 weeks now. It's DS18 turn, but he'll have to make it without me tonight. It's funny how grown up he wants to be.......until he's sick. Have a great weekend!
Us, we got congestion, headache, and the nose that won't stop running. Glad there is no fever.
Don't worry, all my stuff will be sprayed down before shipping out.
I hope you all start feeling better soon.. I've been lysoling the house 3 x a day for the past 2 days... and DS is starting to move a bit more...and actually got up and ate some ice cream... VERY VERY small amount.. not even a full scoop...but at least he didn't whine about eating this time...
I am so glad we only have the annoying kind of cold this time.
Hope your DS gets to being himself soon. pixiedust: that no one else gets it.


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