Swine flu

Very good article. I wouldn't be worried myself if it weren't for air travel, where you can be a continent away in just several hours.

The US is what I call selectively capitalist. When I moved to FL in 2004, you could flip a house in what was a very hot housing market and make $30,000 in a month. However, if you flipped a concert ticket, you were called a "scalper" and arrested. (The law changed in 2005--you can now resell an event ticket in FL at any price w/o fear of being arrested. Other states' laws may vary.) In other words, only certain people were allowed to make a profit.

Pharmaceuticals here are big business. Americans bear the huge costs of new prescription drugs because those manufacturers pay huge amounts of money to advertise those drugs on TV and in magazines. "Talk to your doctor about Vesicare," I'm urged. (Fortunatley I don't have overactive bladder!) Then there are the many drug-related toys and such--paper weights, pens, key chains, etc. that drug reps give out to doctors when they pay them a "courtesy call." We pay for this through high drug prices.

I'm not surprised that Rumsfeld had a personal interest at stake. It's how things work here. Americans profit on others' illnesses, and many of us (I exclude myself) see healthcare as a luxury, not a necessity.

I would rather err on the side of safety and take precautions now. Some of you have invested huge amounts of money in coming here, I understand that. However, we're one country away from ground zero and our borders are wide open. And just like the tone of the article, I wouldn't be surprised of they were held open in the name of making a profit with international trade.
Well the World Health Organisation says this-
"WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities"

These are the people we should be listening to!
It's unreal isn't it? I think 24 hour media with a demand to fill content has a lot to answer for.

I'm no medical expert but it appears that there have been no deaths (and pray there are no more anywhere) outside of Mexico (bar the one poor child from Mexico who died in the States). Apparently more people have died this year from flu than swine flu?!

I do hope it all gets under control a bit more soon.
The newspapers are making me really worried :confused: I know what the facts are, but I'm going to Florida in 11 days to get married, so if it were cancelled it would be devastating!
Anyone have any words of wisdom and encouragement to stop me stressing?

Try not to worry :goodvibes I know how you feel - I spent Monday - Wednesday this week in tears about how our trip was ruined, and worried about how the flights were going to be cancelled. Then I realised that in America (apart from the tragic child in Texas) the symptoms seem no worse that normal flu and are FULLY treatable, in a lot of cases without any drugs apparently. And also the WHO are plainly saying there is no point whatsoever in restricting travel.

I am looking forward to my trip in the knowledge that I have far more chance of catching a cold in the next couple of weeks than I do the swine flu, and you should as well! Have a great trip, and make sure yoy post some wedding pictures when you get back - I got married at Disney as well and it was magical.
We are off to WDW on 22nd May and we can't wait :cool1:

We to are going unless our holiday is cancelled so everyone else who is going have fun :thumbsup2
Probably been said already, but:

Peolpe in this country die every winter from 'flu.

Mexico is a Third World Country - many people do not have healthy diets, access to clean water, comfy homes with mod cons and I wouldn't think that a decent health plan is not at the top of the list for most people, hence the number of deaths in Mexico.

What I think is a "crime" in this country, is people who are purchasing the antibiotics to stock pile "just in case". Private doctors who issue prescriptions to these healthy people should be fined as it undermines the NHS.
It's unreal isn't it? I think 24 hour media with a demand to fill content has a lot to answer for.

Looking on the bright side, at least we're not getting constant news about how much our houses are worth and how unsafe our savings are any more!
The thread on the US boards has some very worried people on it!

Is it just me, or do people who go out of their way to avoid catching disease and are overly precautious always end up being the ones who get it?

Maybe ive just got a good immune system, but i think in ten years ive had 2 days off sick, and i dont really take many precautions to avoid illness.
Another thing to consider is this: The US is the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't have national healthcare. (More than 50% of bankruptcies in the US are because of the inability to pay huge medical bills.)

If you come here and get sick, and have to use medical facilities, and you haven't purchased a travel health insurance policy, you'll get a bill the likes of which you have never seen.

Is it worth to put the health of you and your family at risk?

Do you work for FOX news or something?

If Swine Flu really is that serious, why has everyone who has contracted it here the UK been released from hospital to circulate with the general public?

The fact is Swine Flu is probably no more serious than regular flu. If the government a really care about saving lives why don't they look at eradicating MRSA or ban smoking?

Anyone worried about traveling should turn of their TV's and concentrate on enjoying their holiday.

PS I've just rang the Swine Flu hotline, but all I could hear was crackling:rotfl:
it's in my neighborhood (i live in israel)...
they just hospitalized a 9 year old girl who's just back from mexico...

she was sick, but her stupid idiotic parents sent her to school anyway...
the school is only 2 blocks from my house......and right next to the local grocer, green grocer and bakery...

so the 9 year olds in the school were told (on the radio tonight) not to come to school tomorrow....since they were all exposed to her over the past few days...(including in the big city parade yesterday)....
Well I am still going if they do not ban flying when we go in 3 weeks.

I too feel that media want a change from bad financial news and are going overboard with hype. Even the medical advice is to calm down and take basic hygene measures.

Is it me or is the new ad on it just gross. Made me think twice about touching lift buttons from now on.

Hope me or the grandkids do not sneeze or cough on flight or I can see us being quarantined just for sneezing.
Well I am still going if they do not ban flying when we go in 3 weeks.

I too feel that media want a change from bad financial news and are going overboard with hype. Even the medical advice is to calm down and take basic hygene measures.

Is it me or is the new ad on it just gross. Made me think twice about touching lift buttons from now on.

Hope me or the grandkids do not sneeze or cough on flight or I can see us being quarantined just for sneezing.

my mom was on a flight 2 nights ago from amsterdam to israel...
it's one of the main connecting flights from mexico city to tel aviv..
she had a woman right behind her, flying in from mexico city...
my mom moved to the opposite side of the plane....the moment the plane door closed, she was up and to the other side, so that the women was at the window on one side, while my mom was on the window on the other...
she was still breathing the same air, but at least she wasn't directly in front of her...
I have a colleague from work who is in Disney at the moment and he says that everytime somebody coughs people look at that person. Yesterday a child was coughing and coughing - probably through teething as apparently she looked that age and everybody was moving tables and did not want to be near the child. It really is so sad.

This thread is really getting on my nerves - apologies to the people going on holiday soon that are concerned about flights cancelling (and have every right to be). But people getting so paranoid about this will only end up making themselves ill!

There is currently a meningitis epidemic spreading across Africa with over 2000 deaths and nearly 50,000 cases - do you see that being reported - its being going on since January??:sad2:

Sorry rant over!:rolleyes1
Like DP says you could catch it anywhere regardless of where you are.
It's more a matter of knowing the signs and knowing if you have this to get in contact with a DR or Hospital and get treatment.
I've stopped reading about it,I feel for the families who have lost loved one's but hopefully we are over the worst of it..and normality can resume.
Let's all realise we are listening to the Media and Media live on HYPE.
This thread is really getting on my nerves - apologies to the people going on holiday soon that are concerned about flights cancelling (and have every right to be). But people getting so paranoid about this will only end up making themselves ill!

There is currently a meningitis epidemic spreading across Africa with over 2000 deaths and nearly 50,000 cases - do you see that being reported - its being going on since January??:sad2:

Sorry rant over!:rolleyes1

:thumbsup2 Completely agree with you. All the people except the baby from Mexico have died in Mexico and all the other people from countries including the UK are all doing fine with the same flu symptoms as the general cold. Everyone needs to stop worrying and go about their lives and holidays like usual if you worried about every little thing your going to lead a boring and sheltered life this is not the Plague. Plus look at all the hoe ha about bird flu.


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